Father treated children like 'the scum on his shoes', neighbours say after two teens found locked in Brisbane home

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Father treated children like 'the scum on his shoes', neighbours say after two boys found locked in Brisbane home

These are the photos that must be shown.Excrement is smeared on the walls.They were taken two years ago by a concerned neighbour, who along with others in the suburban Brisbane street, reported their concerns to the Department of Child Safety and police.

"I knew I couldn't just say they were living like that — with poo and urine, I knew it needed to be filmed."Another neighbour, who did not want to be identified, said she called the Department of Child Safety in February of this year but was told there was nothing they could do.She reported concerns about the boys being locked outside with no protection in the harsh summer heat.

"I rang [the department] because to me, I couldn't believe how hot it was, that you would leave a child outside. The only shade they had was this small landing, which was probably a metre by a metre. The neighbour said she was shocked to learn the boys were teenagers because she had always believed they were primary school age from their size.


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Poor darlings where is Docs this is a disgrace for Australia

This is the Second case in one week of Children with Disabilities being abused in Brisbane Australia the horrifying story of beautiful Willowdunn Still haunts terribly.


So glad they were found when they were! Sooo sad! Hopefully they will get lots of intervention and love, to repair at least some of the damage!

Don’t you (Australia) ever complain to me about China and it’s human rights record - this is the ultimate failure of a government to act to protect its vulnerable citizens- you disgust me to my core - People in glass houses should never throw stones🤬🥵😡

This is a disgrace. What is wrong with that department? What would it take for them to act to protect vulnerable children? Heads should roll.

The department couldn’t take these kids to another family? They do it to black Aboriginal families all the time for much less. Different privileges depending on your skin tone, Is that part of the department’s process?

I am relieved for those poor boys that their father has died, being treated like the scum on his shoes is all to familiar for Aussie kids in DV/neglect/abuse, if he hadn't of died he should have spent life in prison Jordonsteele

So much violence against people with disability and yet the DRC_AU refuses to act! IndigoDaya TinaMinkowitz bmcsherr MelissaSweetDr

It is unfortunate but in this day and age of seems you must use graphic images for changes to be made. It forces action. This is utterly abhorrent and is no doubt not the only circumstance happening right now. These poor kids, let's hope children services treat them well.

So distressing, but this is the reality that some kids here in Australia face. This is their life and most of us sit back and do nothing to help. YOU want to make a difference put yourself up as foster parents.

This is a horrible story.

The amount of 'humans' on here crying over a blurred video instead of using their platform to decry & demand SOME FU*KING ACTION on the fact these 2 HUMAN BEINGS were treated like animals is utterly fu*king despicable on your behalves. Raging over a blurry pic but not the act..🤨

What the fu*k is wrong with the human race.......

Did anyone ask these teens if they consent to share the images? Did you seek expert advice about whether publication could compound the abuse? Surely can create positive change without disrespecting kids with disability gavmorris

If the department had of done something about it in 2018 the neighbour would have felt no need to take photos as proof. The system has failed... again

There's no right to breed. Look what happens when human dross reproduces.

The dept of child protection was notified with video and photos then claim there was nothing they could do? Useless. Immediate inquiry needs to be had with this. Both with the treatment of the teenagers AND the so called dept of child protection. Absolute disgrace! 👎

In Peckham, the police would have been around there and the neighbours would have taken the children out of there within weeks. Neighbours knew and left Two Autisc boys to live like that for two years. MUMS in that city are complete ARSEHOLES. They are NOT European mothers.

Heartbreaking. No words.

Your article starts with “these are the photos that must be shown”. Please explain why these photos must be shown. Why do we have to exploit child abuse for clicks ABC? I thought you had the class to give human beings the dignity they deserve

Interesting to read fellow Australians’ comments and how “shocked” some of them are. Perhaps it is their inner most conscience, feeling some level of guilt and simply a way to ignore society’s moral decline, which they themselves have contributed towards?


If you are upset about the photo's being posted and not the situation, you are a huge part of the problem. Out of sight, out of mind, is what led to this. They dont care about the kids, they care about their comfort bubble. These photos need to be seen.

So if people knew why was it let to continue?

Watch as the whistleblower gets taken to the cleaners. Further protections needed for whistleblowers.

The ones that r complaining about how disrespectful it is to put them up, their faces r blocked out and above all that, people don't want 2 believe this stuff happens & anyone like CPS do not care while yr children have a warm bed & food!!!!!


This is the third case of abandonment of vulnerable people, with death in 2 weeks. How has this become a norm in a society which thinks its better than this? Why are these people falling through the cracks?


😥😤😭😢😢😢😢🤬🤬🤬I’m crying for them. At least now they are in a safe place.

What is your reasoning to post these photos. Hey ItaButtrose please intervene.

Willow and now this? Where is the ndis? Where are the protections for children and young people with a disability!!

ABC why have you published this photo of the children? Having this picture in public domain shows a lack of respect for the privacy and dignity of these poor children and may add to their suffering. Please remove it.

These images are needed, they need to show the severity of the situation and if you can't take that then get a reality check, be prepared to see these types of images, because maybe being serious will bring attention and awareness to these horrible situations.

Ah 2020, when there is more outrage over photos that reveal child abuse than the act of incompetence by the system to do something about it..

This is an absolute outrage, absolutely disgusting and sheer incompetence by the government to not even investigate this once. Disgusting.

Again, Dept Child Safety hiding behind legislation in their failures. AnnastaciaMP 9NewsQueensland childsafetyaust childsafety

Sadly this is not the first time Child safety has let vulnerable children down.

Gut wrenching!

I hope those poor babies get all the professional help & lifelong love & support they deserve and will need in order to function in this world. 🙏 May their sperm donor be placed in gaol for the rest of his life in isolation, no parole.

Remove the pictures please

And yet the authority’s were told about the neglect of the children many times-Once again the Authorities only act “once” the person becomes a BODY 😔

A picture tells a thousand words. People that don't have first hand knowledge of the budget cuts and utter bureaucracy of Child Protection Services need a shake up. And at this age, the government may not even have jurisdiction anymore. Change is desperately needed in healthcare

If the Qld Premier and medical chief were less focused on being petty dictators and more focused on the well being of citizens, perhaps this would not have happened

How Despicable can people be. How VERY Sad!

Really didn’t need to see this a warning or click to view would have been more appropriate

Terrible, how could they do it.

This is quite distressing. WTF why would a father do such a thing!

This is the ABC new way of reporting by getting down in the gutter trash with rival networks by being graphic.... Not my ABC....you should be ashamed of displaying these kids as like it’s a fucking freak show.....

And Still No One did anything! Far too many PWD abused and neglected by Carers or Support Agencies.

Goddamn queenslanders.

If it turns out that a Govt Department was told about this a couple of years ago and left those boys there, the whole Department should be closed, and rebuilt from scratch. This should not happen in 2020 Australia, it just should not.

I as a parent of disabled young adults am tired of seeing case after case of abuse of our most vulnerable. I believe there should be welfare checks of all disabled to make sure they are indeed getting cared for, receiving the services that ndis is paying for and adequate!

What a disgrace! How can this happen?

The treatment of these children is unacceptable. unacceptable

Why are people so incensed about the images and not what’s actually happened here? Wtf the public need to see how useless government departments are. Sack anyone who received a call from the neighbours and did nothing

Please remove these pics.

Useless government department. They don’t mind taking a weekly pay check but do nothing to protect neglected kids.

Come on ABC, we expect so much more from you. Why would you publish these photos of these poor kids, it’s shameful!!

The father was apparently terminally ill. The boys apparently have very high needs. How could this happen? Where was the monitoring and support? Just tragic.

I’m remaining neutral on jumping on the bandwagon to blame child services for this because I honestly just cannot believe that they would ignore a situation such as this. Just doesn’t make sense.

Thank god boys are now out of this house

These pictures are *not* necessary to tell the story. The descriptions are enough.

What the hell is going on in Brisbane!?!?

If showing the images makes the Govt Department act then it’s worth it. Absolutely shameful

Remove these photos NOW !!!!

Take these photos down. Have some respect for these children who have faced shardship and challenging traumatic situation. Have some respect and don’t plaster pictures of them on social media as fodder for sticky beaks.

Maybe we need to see these images to understand the horror they lived under. When it’s censored it’s easier to hide it. Heads should roll at social services or wherever *if* they visited, saw this and let it slide.

People seem more upset about ABC using these blurry images than what the images depict. Child abuse is shocking. These kids couldn't escape. All we are being asked to do is witness. Let's all check our sensitivity a bit and turn it into anger to create change.

The Minister should be sacked

A big 👎🏼 to the neighbours who “tried”. You all failed these kids. Trying would be breaking in and taking them to a public hospital and going to the media to ensure broken social services can’t just return them home on the quiet.

Take the f’ing post down and no retweets yeah.

There should be an inquiry into this ASAP

Delete these images ASAP! Disgusting. Have some respect for these boys. You are turning into tabloid journalism.

I don't think these are 'the photos that must be shown'. I think we can grasp the gravity of the situation without putting these images on the internet.

Is this how you report? Have some decency.

Haven't these children endured enough! This is a disgraceful abuse of their privacy and their human rights!

Remove the images and footage that you have online. It is in contravention of human rights and completely disregards their right to privacy. Shame on you ! ABCmediawatch

This is DISGRACEFUL!!!! Sincerely? “They have shade””!!!!! What the actual f*ck

ABCmediawatch beyond the bounds of public interest with the posting of this

How has there not been any intervention for these poor kids? Disgraceful!

This is an important story but this reporting is exploitative. These are not “the photos that must be shown.” The photos needed to be taken, and used as evidence, but is exploiting abused children by using these photos.

People seem to be more enraged by the published photo's than the actual reason behind the photo's 🤔 The way these kids have been treated is disgusting. Don't look at the photo's and be offended. Look at the photo's and think how can we stop this from happening.

So Child Services just negligent. I don’t care if they don’t have the funding or whatever the excuse is. They had 18 MONTHS!!! You serious. 18 months and sorry can’t do shit for you there. I’ll use my list of rules here and nope if there’s 10cm of shade that’s ok plus a nappy.

Death Penalty

Please remove images. Any person whom has mental health issues, does not need to view horrifying images like this. I believed I was just going to read. Should be ashamed of yourselves! As for nothing been done for year's, these poor boy's deserve justice.

So, if we understand correctly, this was raised with the Queensland government in 2018, possibly earlier, and it allowed this situation to continue indefinitely. People must lose jobs over this. People must be made examples of over this. Nothing less will be enough.

With their faces blurred,I agree these photos need to be seen, sorry if some people’s sensibilities are offended. We need to know what is happening in our community and what scum exists that they treat children like this. And it seems to happen time and time again in QLD.

This was reported to authorities in 2018 and nothing was done? Unbelievable.

'...its paramount principle the protection of children' and yet they did nothing to protect these poor boys, didn't even investigate! How can our society think this is ok?

Wow... the DOCS need to be hung out to dry on this one. The 'system' is letting or children down!

appalling =( .

Why are you showing pictures of these teenagers?

What's happening to ppl! This is heartbreaking, and ABC morality please and take these pic down, you could've shamed the father not innocent children

There must have been enough people who knew this man was treating these children badly that should have raised the alarm to FACS or Police. Why didn't anyone?

would the police have been able to intervene if called?

This is Australia ain’t it ?

Why are you publicly humiliating these children by posting photos? It's not a freak show it's a tragedy and they deserve privacy & respect.

Why show this photo? Delete this tweet 😢 you’re invading their privacy and that’s inexcusable. Shameful

Where were Child Services/Health Dept/Police Disgusting and criminal neglect and abuse. - You need to take down the photos if these poor boys have any hope of a better life. They’ve been tortured in a horror-filled freak show long enough.

Those boys are going to need real and constant support. The psychological and emotional damage will be life-long. Article doesn't say how long they were subjected to that abuse or how their abuser died.

Please take these photos down. Give them dignity and respect.

Come on, gavmorris, this is really shabby - and not what your audience expects from its ABC.

Youth and Community Services should be held to account over this tragedy. They are teenagers and they weren’t missed? Something is seriously wrong.

Absolutely no reason to show those images. And the 'graphic warning' warning is AFTER the images.

WTF these photo’s should never been put out on social media, so disrespectful.

Photos should be removed.

This is too much. It makes me sick. I’m so enraged by the lack of action. Why!!!!

The images are horrific. And like Ann Marie Smith- completely preventable- again I suspect the 'It's not my problem' 'not much I can do about it' attitudes that led to this. Unlike the case of Ms Smith these neighbours reported those problems & nothing was done

What the hell is going on in Queensland? 😡


It’s despicable to post photos of these poor children. Please reconsider this decision and delete this post and other traces of the images.

Why the photos . What value does it at contribute at the cost of these kids privacy. Pick up your game.

WTAF. I cannot understand why the Police were not called. Some people really should be sterilised, those poor kids.

This story highlights the need for a massive overhaul of Child Services & OOHC. Underfunded and under staffed. Archaic approaches to dealing with situations, rules, regulations and red tape.

Why on earth would you publish photographs?

Someone’s behind is going to be in a sling over this!

17 and 19?! What the hell

There is absolutely no need to show photographs of these children.

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