Councils forced to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day | Sky News Australia

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

The new code will be enforced from 2020 and aims to stop rogue councils holding ceremonies on January 25 or 27.


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Stop opportunistic politics rogue councils

In other words all crap. Morrison will be unemployed and unemployable in a couple of months, he cannot enforce squat

Morriscum and his very unintelligent LNPband of bandits will be long gone before then lol

These guys are now so desperate to continue to occupy the Treasury Benches that they'll grasp at any issue ............. any THING that they think will be a Vote winner. They'd even consider grasping an Electric Cow Prod to garner support !

Won't happen. Needs legislation to enact, and this putrid government will be out on its sorry arse by then. So enough of the dead cat distraction, what about the fish kill environmental disaster?

i wonder how much of an ideological froth that morrison and co will masturbate themselves into before being forced to backpedal on this one

It will have to be approved by Parliamebt. Are we now a dictatorship? And why aren't you free speech warriors questioning it? Oh yeah, scared of Rupert.

No one tells when when I can celebrate or what to wear whilst I'm doing so. Scummo just tipped the balance. I have stopped fence sitting and I am now in the changethedate mob. Bring on our election and stop torturing us with your xenophobic racist jingoistic blather

Rogue eh?


Force schmorce

dazza_double_u 2020? 🤣🤣🤣 Morrison will be long gone by then

So councils are expected to work Sat/Sun when the 26th falls on those days?

Thank god for that. No issue could be more important for our government to address right now. I can sleep easy again tonight.

By 2020 you'll all be just a terrible memory. Can't wait. Elections please.

So it will NEVER happen because we won't be having a coalition govt.... 🤔🤔🤔 So this is just another political stunt and more dog whistling 🤨🤨🤨

I didn't think Citizenship Ceromonies were only held annually

So when Labor gets in and restores penalty rates then it will cost ratepayers more to have these ceremonies (staff who have to attend)? Will the Fed Gov compensate ratepayers for the extra costs?

incredingo Great move .

rOgUe CoUnCiLs

Sky being the LNP mouthpiece has spoken

Great work....keep it up..!!

Why not just rename AustraliaDay to LNP Day and be done with it?

So these out of touch losers see anyone elected by the people as rogue, how stupid do they think we are. This is a 'Dead Cat', a distraction

BellaFlokarti The headline should read, 'As an obvious and shameful attempt at distracting from the corrupt and incompetent murder of an entire river system, the Temporary Muppet today announced...'

Tackling the big issues

'rogue councils' - what are they? are these the govt's words or are you opinionating?

Is this a sign that our government has similar traits to those other famous dictatorships. Please call an election ScottMorrisonMP

2020? Council’s should just chuck it in the bin.

No amount of Morrison 'Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi' jingoism should distract from disaster that has unfolded in the Murray-Darling basin. This is an environmental catastrophe. Fed & NSW govts should be held to account for mismanagement & likely corruption. auspol Menindee

DeadCat DeadFish Played theboltreport 3AWNeilMitchell theheraldsun 7NewsMelbourne Peter_Mitchell7 telester 2GB873 AlanJones smh 9NewsAUS auspol

Rogue? Local councils have more integrity than this federal government. SHendersonMP LiberalVictoria LiberalAus SenatorFifield auspol

Will new citizens be forced to wear dirty white sneakers?

It's not his business

Is that Rogue media organisations that pay no tax? Asking for a friend. auspol

We’ve got a rogue government. Thought that would be more newsworthy

How’s that federalism white paper coming ScottMorrisonMP ?

New Code - what is that like the Da Vinci Code?

ThE aDUlTs ArE iN cHaRgE

Ausshot3Dave Morrison has no mandate to do anything. When he gets elected as PM, maybe then he can transition these changes in consultation with the third tier of Government otherwise he just being a clownish muppet.

How’s he going to pass these laws when he’s dodging parliament and an election coming up.

26th January has absolutely no significance to WA QLD Vic ACT SA NT it's a NSW thingy and citizenship Day is 17th September. Not 26th January. Sort your ill informed message ScottMorrisonMP billshortenmp

Where in the constitution exactly does the Federal Govt have licence to even make this proclamation. This is another Fiji terorist dog whistle. auspol feralgovt

Citzenship Day is 17th September so what's your point again.auspol

ScottMorrisonMP Our national celebrations to now be like this!

They wont be in government in 2020. Simply Flag Waving to the Nationalists!


That’s handy. We won’t have a LNP Govt in 2020 anyway. Things could change.

Star Wars episode X: The Rogue Council. AustraliaDay

By whom? Hahaha


We give residency and citizenship away like confetti! What difference does it make where it is given away?

Got some news for ScottMorrisonMP . He ain't going to be around in 2020. The decision will not be his.

“Rogue Councils”

This is so embarrassing - is this the best the LNP can do? Is this their idea of governing? 🤦‍♂️

Sky News - why do I never bother watching?

We have 41/2 months tops of ScottMorrisonMP as accidental Prime Minister. He won’t be around in 2020. woefulPM outoftouch notuptothejob

We should celebrate Australia Day on 1st September: currently wattle day, why not celebrate Australia with all Australians? What could be more Australian than the green and gold?

Fuck the government

Councils are elected democratically. I’m not surprised that the LNP describe that as rogue

Rogue ? Since when is acting on your secretary's wishes been a rogue action. Particularly when it seems the majority don't agree with Scumbag !

Of course that is a lie. Only government can regulate and Morrison will be unemployed and unemployable


Will never happen ... just another divisive announcement

In 2020 January 26 falls on a Sunday and the Australia Day holiday falls on the 27th. Wouldn’t it make more sense to hold the ceremonies on the day when most of the festivities are happening?

My citizenship ceremony back in the 80s wasn’t held on 26th of January. Citizenship ceremonies are going to be packed if they all have to be on 26th January

The right wing, better known as fascists, really do hate democracy! I will not celebrate australia day on 26th January. Is the government going to stop 'rogue' citizens? lnpAreFascists fascism


A very small minority wants to change the date of Australia Day it is only the lefty loonies greens who want to do this the majority are quite happy about the date

Rogue councils? How about duly elected governments exercising their independence from a failing Federal govt

The best thing for me about Morrison is that he is so stupid that my 21 year old son has noticed and is taking an interest in politics for the first time.

How unAustralian can you get? ‘Forcing’ people to celebrate anything against their will is NOT the Australia that I love!

So terrified of any other thinking. As if Jan 26 was mandated by their god or something. But sure, it’s the Left who suppress free thought.

“Rogue councils” - What the hell does that mean? What a bizarre thing to say to community councils in a democracy!

Good to see your reinforcing the party line Wonderful how both are aligned. ScottMorrisonMP That’s up with one of realDonaldTrump regularly monotonous complete and utter fabrications NFI UnAustralian auspol remember we vote soon divisivepoliticians

Rouge councils what about the rouge government

Reality check; local body council politicians have absolutely no jurisdiction over citizenship ceremonies. Council's are merely granted license to perform ceremonies, doing so on behalf of the Federal Minister, in accordance with germane Australian Commonwealth law & regulation.

They're not 'rogue' they're progressive you ignoramuses.

U won't stop the people, it will soon B known as a day of civil disobedience, because of political Belligerence. We will take back that day, because I don't want 2 celebrate a day that commemorates lies and genocides. ChangeTheDate AustraliaDay

By 2020 the Libs will have lost the election and splintered into far-right and moderate conservative parties that even collectively will never hold majority ever again 🙏 But sure, shout into the void about true blue Aussies suppressing public debate and celebrating Invasion Day

Local govts are all illegal. Australia voted NO in the referendum on 3 LEVELS of GOVT. So why do we have them?

BoganOz There was talk a few years ago of changing law so local councils around Australia could have more autonomy on how they run their electorate. This is the biggest case against that so far.

What on earth is a “rogue council”? One that knifes a sitting PM or oversees the destruction of a national river? reichwingnews auspol

That’s why I love Liberals, it’s all about small government and local control. No “big government” over-reach here ... I mean otherwise it would be a cynical appeal to the far-right. Next, increasing prison sentences! Prayer in schools! A hard look at abortion! trumpism

Let’s make 26 January, Election Day. EarlyElection BringItOn LibsOut

Australia currently has a PM 🧢 who has never respected democracy nor democratically electing anyone. Him and his party are authoritarians. Scum bag SloMo has to go. auspol 🖕🏽

We're not a dictatorship, nationalists like Morrison do not get to thump the table and have their way.

Good, it’s an important day and it unites Australians from all backgrounds 👍

why waste money on ceremonies anyway?

The Federal government is the rogue government, circumventing democracy and enforcing nationalism, just like German in the 1930s. Councils represent their shires, doing what their local people want....which is how democracy is SUPPOSED to work, you propagandist shills. auspol

530 councils already have these ceremonies on Jan26th, Stop deflecting ScottMorrison from topics that actually matter

This is the type of nonsense LNP and Murdoch sewer media concentrates on How about trying to govern for the good of all Australians for a change Than again to do that one needs brIns in short supply amongst LNP

Shorten will have given the keys for Australia to the UN by then.

Good. United we stand, divided we fall.

How about the rest of the year?

Because this is SUCH a big issue. I mean it’s bigger than addressing climate change, developing an effective energy policy, the Murray-Darling debacle, addressing corporate greed, the failure of NBN, getting people off of Manus/Nauru.

Isn't that a great way to run a democracy?

In 2020 ScottMorrisonMP will not be PM.

Then the date of Australia day would need to change, since at present it conflicts with invasion day.

From the 1988 Constitutional Referendum their was a vote where we the people voted against third tier Government (Councils) so Constitutionally they have no Authority or power, nothing! They are acting illegally on all issues!

Will it be compulsory for all citizens to attend the ceremony?

ClimateHiJinx Great news... return to soveriety not tinpot quackery

When is the interview with Barnaby about his mishandling of the water portfolio. What compensation are the farmers getting to help them buy water for their stock. What happens to the river and all the native animals and vegetation. Silence from ScottMorrisonMP

Good stuff. Councillors who defy this should be unable to hold elected office again.

auscountryparty CountryPartyNSW country_71 DLPAustralia PaulineHansonOz corybernardi Local Councils in Australia are not Democratically Elected as they are not recognised in the Constitution. They have no legal right to issue fines or impose tax.

2020 tell him he’s dreaming

Makes sense to have a singular homogeneous culture towards uniting all people & for those newbies that wants to join, instead of ghetto like mentality whereby a single nation sees division via varied identities.

ScottMorrisonMP unable to talk about the impact and causes of 1Million dead fish. Happy to stir up nationalistic fervour. seriously priorities Auspol

Rogue councils 😂 oh sorry I thought it was a meme turns out it is the propaganda of the Supreme Leader

GOOD! Councils shouldn't virtue-signal for a very small minority of people!

The socialist/communist gang are out in force on this, even the homosexual gang have joined in. If this country isn’t to your liking you know where the airport is, because we don’t want you. Socialism is the cancer of mankind, see Nth Korea, Etc.


“Rogue councils”? Democratically elected local governments? That have voted to change their arrangements? Democratically? These are called rogue? While saboteurs destroy our NBN, rivers, reefs, educational institutions from preschools to universities, VET, TAFE, multiculturalism?

Bollocks personified

A CRISIS in our water system. NO WORD from ScottMorrisonMP Chance to divide Australians.... LNP never miss an opportunity. In 2019 lets kick this mob out auspol

What a joke by Scummo

What a terrific outcome.

The headline is misleading ('January 26 citizen ceremonies to be made compulsory') but it's only a matter of time. Anzac Day Dawn Service compulsory next?

The councils where the detention centres are located, should hold their compulsory citizenship ceremony at MITA and give compulsory citzenship to the detainees.

Good old ScottMorrisonMP tackling the big issues. The Murray Darling can always wait.

funny how there are no NT councils who call for the date to be changed, only inner city far left chardonnay sipping Green voters who have a chip on their shoulder

Call the Election 🗳

Scott Morrison’s propaganda machine should think about removing “news” from their title

ScottMorrisonMP doesn't care about Aboriginal people. Rogue caretaker PM out of his depth. Election NOW.


The solution to all of this is simple. Abolish councils altogether. Australia is over-governed as is. Let state governments hold citizenship ceremonies instead. The only reasons councils do it is for the government money they receive to host it.

Ah the democracy

The fact local government isn't even mentioned in the Australian Constitution doesn't bother Scotty in the least

All the LNP have left is virtue signalling through the culture wars.


Wonderful. Finally a beginning to shutting down left-tard councils.

Don’t you love the priorities and focus of the muppets down there in that cloistered bubble Canberra. Yet another WOFTM. When a leader dismisses spending $37,000 in a day on air travel, this legislative hallmark comes as little surprise. Auspol

Good work.

Hilarious. There's one way to completely drive a wedge among Australians and thats by authoritian decree on a matter that deeply divides the community. See ya Slomo

Great. How dare local councils try to over right what the vast majority of Australians want and that is to leave the 26th as it is. Australia day.

If so important why is the public holiday on the Monday this year?

Long live the culture wars!


26 January is Invasion Day...

Yes. Yes, what a wonderfully creative way to utterly waste taxpayer dollars, and ensure your rightful casting into electoral abyss. I would have thought that by 2019, they would be done with the humiliating missteps of the last five years, but apparently I'm wrong. auspol

Yeah I was wondering when the Australia Day debate would start this year in the msm eyeroll

lmao we can't have the slightest bit of regional or local autonomy here, everything has to be controlled by the Muppets in Canberra

A lot of community groups such as Rotary dedicated to raising money and organising events in local Coucil Parks for these ceremonies. And these deadshit councils just want to change it. Good on ScottMorrisonMP you got something right for once.

Tackling the big issues

That's what police states would do. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. Scomo should take this to the next election. Just like his so called 'Religious Freedoms.'

'rogue councils' you say 🤨 this so called government gets more fascist by the day.

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Australia Latest News, Australia Headlines

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Coalition MPs push to legislate the date of Australia Day | Sky News AustraliaConservative Coalition MPs are pushing to legislate January 26 as Australia Day. \n\nBarnaby Joyce, Michelle Landry and Craig Kelly have all given early backing to the idea, with Liberal Senator Dean Smith saying he will draft a private members bill to protect the date. \n\nLiberal Federal Member for Hughes Craig Kelly has told Sky News Australia that the date needs to be protected from a future left-wing government. \n\nWith the date protected in legislation, Mr Kelly says Australia Day will only be moved with the support of both Houses of Parliament. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n billshortenmp One of the few sensible things Little Bill has said billshortenmp Shorten finally realises that this particular bit of lefty virtue-signalling isn't going to fly with voters. billshortenmp Can we just have the elections!!
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Double demerits in effect over Australia Day long weekend | Sky News AustraliaDouble demerit points have come into effect for the Australia Day long weekend for motorists in New South Wales, Western Australia and the ACT.\n\nDrivers will be hit with harsher penalties between now and midnight on January 28.\n\nDriving without a seatbelt in NSW will result in a loss of six points, with an additional six points taken for every passenger not wearing theirs.\n\nIn Western Australia, six points will be docked for illegal phone use and fines of more than $2,000 to be issued for those caught speeding near Canberra.\n\n\n\n\n\n Wow, double demerit points, drivers all over Australia must be cowering in fear. Surely the basket state too. AnnastaciaMP and Tradjic the Financial Vacuum need every ounce of revenue available. Mmmmm, double tax collecting, nothing more
Source: SkyNewsAust - 🏆 7. / 78 Read more »

Coalition MPs push to legislate the date of Australia Day | Sky News AustraliaA handful of conservative politicians are pushing to introduce new laws aimed at protecting January 26 as the date of Australia Day.\n\nBarnaby Joyce, Michelle Landry and Craig Kelly have all given early backing to the idea, with Liberal Senator Dean Smith saying he will draft a private members bill to protect the date. \n\nLiberal Federal Member for Hughes Craig Kelly has told Sky News Australia that the date needs to be protected from a future left-wing government. \n\nOpposition Leader Bill Shorten has dismissed the push, saying he found the government's obsession with these 'straw man' issues 'odd'.\n\n\n\n RichardDiNatale Nominate a day then. Give us an actual policy to consider, stop the piss & wind routine. RichardDiNatale First people never Had Days! Or even Time for that matter RichardDiNatale Don't change the date, change the meaning! or Perhaps have an 'australian unity day' on the last monday of january, where everyone unites!
Source: SkyNewsAust - 🏆 7. / 78 Read more »

Mayor slams board short ban at Australia Day citizenship ceremonies | Sky News AustraliaThe Mayor of Geraldton Shane Van Styn has slammed the Prime Minister’s ban on board shorts and thongs at Australian citizenship ceremonies. \n\nTaking to Twitter, the Mayor says he will not stop people becoming a citizen based on what they wear. \n\nMayor Van Styn told the federal government to ‘bugger off and just stick to signing the certificates’. \n\n\n shanevanstyn I agree everyone should wear nothing but a loin cloth and carry spears together with a slab on Australia day shanevanstyn FJama5 , come and translate this for us hehehe shanevanstyn Mayor van Styn, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you
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Shorten treats Australia Day debate as 'big joke': Di Natale | Sky News AustraliaGreens Leader Richard Di Natale says Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is joining with Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a 'culture war' over the date of Australia Day.\n\nSenator Di Natale told Sky News that Mr Shorten is treating the issue as a 'big joke' and not showing the leadership Australians expect in order to make peace with and acknowledge the nation's past. \n\nThe PM has warned local councils they will be stripped of their citizenship ceremonies if they do not hold them on Australia Day. \n\nMany reject the current date, which they argue represents the 'invasion' of Australia with the arrival of the First Fleet.\n\n\n\n\n\n Why is it a culture war when we want to keep our traditions in tact... yet when Dickhead Di Natale wants to rip up the very fabric this country was built on its totally ok? The bloke is a dead set wanker. More people support leaving Australia Day on Jan 26th (75%) than there was supporters of same sex marriage (61%). The left claimed a landslide victory with that 61%. Tell us again who's stirring shit, Richard? When they’re done with Australia Day, they’ll come for ANZAC Day. There’s no pleasing them.
Source: SkyNewsAust - 🏆 7. / 78 Read more »

Poll shows majority of the nation wants Australia Day unchanged | Sky News AustraliaA new national poll has found the overwhelming majority of Australians want to keep Australia Day on January 26, with 71 per cent opposed to a date change.\n\nThe poll, commissioned by conservative lobby group Advance Australia, follows Prime Minister Scott Morrison's announcement that local councils will be stripped of their citizenship ceremonies if they do not hold them on Australia Day. \n\nMany reject the current date, which they argue represents the 'invasion' of Australia by the First Fleet. \n\n\n\n GerardBenedet 'Political Correctness' is a term the right use because they'd look stupid if they attacked manners, respecting others and being kind. GerardBenedet Its history actually. We weren't Australia before Jan 1, 1901 so Oz Day should accurately reflect that. Jan 26 is important in our history but does not signify the date we became a nation. If such a change also eases some Aboriginal grievances, all the better. GerardBenedet It’s a Rupert Murdoch effort to divide the nation and create sales for himself. Just like his war on Christmas! Remember we are talking a bloke who hacks dead kids phones and taunts her grieving parents with text messages, just so sick Rupert could roll in more cash. auspol
Source: SkyNewsAust - 🏆 7. / 78 Read more »