Britain will not 'walk away' from Hong Kong, says Boris Johnson

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson says Britain will not abandon Hong Kong should proposed Chinese legislation be enacted, before China hits back over how Britain ruled the former Crown colony.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says Britain will not walk away from the people of Hong Kong if China enacts a national security law that would interfere with the city's promised autonomy.

"Many people in Hong Kong fear that their way of life — which China pledged to uphold — is under threat. As a result mainland security and intelligence agents may, for the first time, be stationed in the city. Mr Johnson also repeated Britain's pledge to give British National Overseas passport-holders in Hong Kong a path to British citizenship, allowing them to settle in the UK.


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Such a good news. Thank you UK for supporting HKers! I would like to point out that the vast majority of those active protesters in HK were born after 1997. They have no BNO passports. This offer can't help these youngsters. Please save them and help them to settle in the UK?

You are more than welcome to have all those terrorists to be your citizens.

CCP is aggressive to expand its power, amid a trade war with US. Does it sound similar to Germany after WWI, with the rise of Nazi? Boycott and sanction CCP, otherwise the international community is completing another monster to destroy civilisation. StandWithHongKong

Glad to hear that. Hope UK can act to save HongKongers from the CCP. StandWithHongKong OneCountryTwoSystemsIsDead

realcorefake I hope this is not just a slogan, but a real help to Hong Kong. CCP_is_terrorist SOSHK OneCountryTwoSystemsIsDead

Not walk away but walk pass

That’s a good news. We really hope that UK and other countries will help to stop China in violating hk’s freedom. Please help our young generation who do not have BNO in HK. We shall never surrender until we reconstruct a Free Hong Kong!

Thank you for StandWithHK

Translation: Boris wants all the rich, powerful and well connected HK business people to move to the UK and spread some serious money around.

Tangible actions are the answers to the threats from China on HongKong’s autonomy. We trust UK, after the multiple bullies by China, can take concrete actions to uphold the Joint Declaration. StandwithHK

Since June last year we have been suffering from escalating police violence in Hong Kong simply because we fight against tyranny. Facing NationalSecurityLaw, we are still striving for freedom and democracy. Any emergency exits are good news for us if we unluckily lose this war.

What' it got to do with Boris?

You really don't know they're criminals? Destroy public property, bully people etc.

Lease ran out twenty years ago Boris.......what are you on about?

Get the opium trade going again Boris!

Just a pep talk - no stamps taken. Afraid do anything at all ( not like Trump ).

Broadcast President Obama today. I want to see it.

Please take these hkers, tha nk you

Cover President Obama’s speech today! It’s your duty!

Just like what is happening in America now, what can we do? We know Trump is killing the American people with the military but what can we do? The same is true of China what can we do? Nothing ! If China and U.S really have a war, it's the WW III ! Is this the world we want?

Very looking forward to these high quality migrants with intelligence and or wealthy from Hong Kong to the United kingdom.!!!

Here we go!! Boris picking a fight with China !!

Rule Britannia...!Yeah let’s bring millions HK Chinese to Britain.All those who voted for Brexshit to curb immigration won’t be happy.Dear Boris HK is not our problem.Why do we always interfere.

Cummings will be happy to drive away from it, though with maybe a few scenic stops along the way.

They already walked away 20 odd years ago...

Of course not! UK will just use china's 5G service, called Huawei freely and allow China to dominate the rubbish AI technology.

they will run

So where is the whipping from the UK on Trump? Too scared to make it public? The free world has little credit when free world leaders ignore the mad child Trump. BorisJohnson ScottMorrisonMP nzlabour JustinTrudeau EmmanuelMacron

FFS. It's even farther away than Europe

Unlike TheirABC who have already cowtowed to their Chinese masters in the Communist Party.

Hit the commies hard and right up to their propagandist A**hole

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