Black Lives Matter protests spread to streets of Australia | Sky News Australia

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Thousands of protesters have flouted social distancing restrictions by marching through the Sydney CBD in solidarity with demonstrators in the US over the death of George Floyd.

The 'Black Lives Matter' rally started in Hyde Park before making its way to State Parliament.

Authorities said the protest remained entirely peaceful and no arrests were made. A second, larger rally is scheduled for the weekend.


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These people are selfish.

It's a shame that the Democratic West couldn't have targeted this rage at China when they were kicking black people onto the street, beating them up in the street and preventing them access to restaurants. Instead, you are strengthening the CCP by attacking your democracy.

Meanwhile my daughter can only have limited guests at her wedding, but people are allowed to flout laws and go and protest. Maybe we should hold the wedding marching down George Street with placards .It's either one law for everyone or end all restrictions.

This is all too coordinated. Am I wrong in thinking it's China sponsored? They have no human rights but are using human rights to destabilize countries in the wake of corona

Bulldust they couldn’t give a shit about Floyd

Sheep following the sheep. At least come up with something original.

No need to have restructions on wedding / funeral numbers then?

So it's okay to go get smashed at the pub and play the pokies but totally outrageous to peacefully protest... ok, got it. Didn't realise alcohol is more important.

What about the police brutality here?

BeverleyMaxwe15 Can’t be much to do in good old Steak & Kidney these days 😔 Either boredom or far to much time on the bleeding hearts 💕 hands !


Spot the adult

So can we go back to the pub as per normal now?

Watch out Covid numbers in two weeks time. If they’ve not jumped up we might be out of the woods.

Where were the protests when Justine was shot by Minneapolis police. ?

Arrest them all

People forget very easily once sickness has passed. Terrible disaster if there was another outbreak after this.

Virtue signalling at it's finest!

Black Lives(if applicable) Matter. David Dorn murdered by ‘protesters’ a few hours ago, doubt you will see his name anywhere as his killing doesn’t fit the narrative...

My Corona

That’s why AnnastaciaMP locks GladysB’s lot out of Queensland They continually flout the rules Hey PaulineHansonOz?

Weak government not policing their own Covid laws . What a joke ! Selective free speech enforcement.

high court challenge dead in the water NSW morons alert, reason 1 to keep borders closed NSWmorons

Funny how protests are allowed again, with not a covid worry in the world. Time for the lockdown to end!

markbjardine How utterly ridiculous. Quick, where's the glue !

After assessing the risk of death by Covid, thousands of community members chose weNotMe to tell their elected representatives the risk of a person of colour dying in Australian Police custody is too high. auspol nswpol 10NewsFirst 9NewsAUS MasterChef abcnews

All businesses should reopen as a show of solidarity.

Fine the organisers

“Do you have white teenage sons? Listen up.’ How white supremacists are recruiting boys online.

Social media creates mass hysteria

Could you also run a piece on the thousands of shoppers at westfield flouting social distancing restrictions? Or is this simply a slighted attempt to discredit a protest ideologically opposed to you?

Andrew Denney Channel 7 reported hundreds. Not thousands. Which was it?

Hopefully the pied piper marches them straight off a cliff.

They just wanted a reason to get out of the house. Non of them really care about black or white lives. What have they ever done to help black lives? Do they even care about the black lives in Australia. The facts speak for themselves. But why let a good riot go to waste.

Black Lives Matter... YES All lives matter... YES But to vindicate and put on a pedestal, or, to use as an excuse for protest, a known, hardened and violent criminal. This is deeply disturbing..!

Shopping malls are regularly packed with shoppers flouting social distancing restrictions ... but Rupert Murdoch wants his cock-holster propaganda minions to target protestors.

So Premier - Prime Minister - are we opening the pubs now that we are not policing the covid rules at all?

I saw Richard Di-Natale on twitter sending his sympathies and trying to organise a protest over here. The whole thing has been a set up from the start

I suppose they all had the governments covid app on their phone - that'll be alright then.

Are you just allowed to do anything you like if you are not me.

Hows about protesting all the deaths in custody here in Australia. None of it is ok. NO life should be taken.

Alt right conservative WhiteSupremacist loving leaders really need to stop their divisive rhetoric.

Any person or business in these states that has been fined for social distancing and not adhering to Chinese Virus should use this photo as a reason of defence. Why are we not allowed at restaurants weddings football this is political bull sh.t

What a virtue signalling shit-show of meetoo instafame seeking idiots.

Proves that covid is a hoax!

No crowds at sporting events or any public area.....but then you see this on TV. C’mon, sort it out GladysB.

The quicker Australians realize the Main Stream Media are bullshit crap like this won’t happen

Obviously Corona Deaths are no longer important!

So much for the COVID19 threat.

Of course the communists exploit legitimate issues to push their own agenda.

But we couldn’t gather on Anzac Day.

Soros paid and planned disgusting

There's no show without punch.

Pubs and clubs and restaurants and gyms have to jump through a heap of rules about social distancing but Communist sympathises get a free reign

Will they all be fined $1000 like the man eating a kebab on his own was? Were they given move on orders & then had their children ripped from their arms while being arrested? Can Church goers now gather together to show solidarity against Jesus' execution by the Romans?

Last night the Fake Media asked Australian first people to go to war against White people. How is this legal.

They are handing itching to copy their american brethren, fuelled by media, it is only a matter of time.

I keep saying, COVID19 has thankfully left the building. AFL anyone?

They been listening to Shannon Noll, feeling left out of all the attention in the USA? WHAT ABOUT MEEEE!

Why do so many Blacks kill Blacks?. That is the issue.

If they stay peaceful like that, then I don't see a problem. Covid is not the monster it was made out to be. Just a scare campaign. So far it has similar numbers of death to the normal flu. People die of virus related illnesses every year without all the propaganda.

Guess we can start having crowds at sports events again too....

Beginning to think many Australians are simply stupid & their common sense has been brainwashed away. ScottMorrisonMP abcnews RealMarkLatham australian Morrison,fix the ABC it's broken.

Did sky just reupload this tweet with the added sensation about the flouting of social distancing laws 40 minutes after it was initially uploaded?

To hell with social distancing, Australians can see Covid 19, is having virtually zero effect on mainstream Australia


Corvid who?

Will sky readers think is about US protestors and not aboriginal deaths in custody despite the obvious signs?

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Australia Latest News, Australia Headlines

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