Bishop says priests 'not allowed' to break confession, despite new law

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

The head of a Queensland Catholic Diocese says his priests are bound to keep the seal of confession, even if child sexual abuse is discussed.

A Queensland bishop says priests in his diocese will not break the "seal of confession" anddespite State Parliament passing legislation this week that requires them to do so.

The new legislation means religious institutions and their members will be compelled to break the seal of confession to report child sexual abuse or face three years in jail. “Not one of them was able to say they heard anything in confession in regards to child sex abuse by a perpetrator or someone who has been abused."We have reviewed and overhauled all of our reporting structures to ensure that our children are the safest in our churches.

Source: Law Daily Report (


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All going to hell anyway

Let's reality check. The overwhelming evidence is there have been practically no reporting of clergy 'confessing' their acts so this has always been a pointless argument. These creeps would have to first accept they are 'sinning' when abusing.

Well, it's up to religious people to make the changes to their religious organised bubble, that's abusing their children, protecting criminals and unjust individuals.

The Catholic Church, the forgiveness of sin, that allows a thug, bully, murderer, drug importer, dealer, theif to do there work from Monday to Saturday on Sunday go to Mass, admit the sins, then Back to work Monday. That includes the clergy of the past

Henry had it right. Who will rid us of these damned priests?

They never could practice what they preach, doesn't stop them fucking our kids though religiousliberty .....

ZedSeselja remember the Hillsong plague inquiry into the ruby Princess? It said the biggest problem was those in charge not doing their job. I note that you arent bothering to do your job again. Te catholic church no longer qualifies as a charitable organisation.

Bishops in Australia who tell Priests to break Australian laws should be charged, prosecuted, and jailed for contempt!

Does it matter anyway as the gates were left open and the horse has bolted.


Church & State Separation of Powers

This 'god' bloke sounds like a middle eastern criminal. If god's laws beat laws of men.

In any other frame, if you know about it and do not act, you are complicit. Muse on the ethics you support.

LyndsayFarlow Lock them up!

This Bishop should be charged for urging his followers, or subordinates, to violate the law.

.....and if a 'sinner' confessed to a priest, he sexually abused his own daughter, what then

The church is not above the law

Wonder what he has to hide?

He'll probably want the victims names so he can 'minister 'to them. Bitchy I know but the church deserves it

Inciting to break the law....

Well they are indeed proficient at perverting the course of justice so why stop now?

Some perverted little fucker is going straight to hell

This suggests Bishops and Priests still offending and if not part of sexual abuse towards children or have knowledge.

It is written protect the children priest should be lockup for not protecting the children

Then arrest them

Confession is a conversation between one person and another person,not with God. Priests are not god😡

And there is the problem in a nutshell. Remove their tax free status until they modify their stance on the sanctity of the confessional taking precedence over the reporting of any crime.

Then throw them in prison. simple.

Well I hope you like cold toast tea/coffee for breakfast everyday.

Yet we still allow them a Blue Card (Working with Children) AnnastaciaMP BraveheartsInc

Bishop says Sharia Law is above Australian Law... how does this go down with Roman Catholics?

That's the end of the Catholic Church

The nuns always told us that no absolution would be given in the Confessional unless the criminal reported his/her crime to police & seriously repented of it. But given that few-to-no paedos would bother about Confession, surely, the issue is moot IMO.

Time to start looking in that man's closets.

Any priest who does not report child abuse should have to serve the same punishment that the offender does.

Wow,is there ANY hope for victims? If Priests will continue protecting perps then there NEEDS to be a review. This is NOT a view I see as positive going forward. It HAS to change

cool cool, they can go to jail then too.

Catholics are emboldened by the Royal Commission being over and having a Liberal National govt to protect them. Back to Catholic business as usual with children.

Hear that parents of Catholic children? The vampires fed on Catholic children for years. Finally shown up for their money focus & protection of their order rather than children,ethics & morals Think 2x about choirs, Catholic schools & churches. And your $tax free charity status?

Tax all religions.

A fictional book about a make believe character holds preference over child protection. All religions the same - ego centric self righteous beliefs and the abuse of power held of those vulnerable to them.

Who is in charge here? Are the courts going to allow the church to run the state? I know who I put my faith in, not the church. Too many decades of hidden sexual abuse. CatholicChurch

All a child rapist priest needs to do is admit his crimes during confession and that locks the Catholic Church into protecting him, at all costs...

Yes, dangerous cults are very hard to deal with aren't they. Confessionals should be banned, they serve no purpose to anyone, confessing sins is a cop-out. Sex with children, murder, violence, stealing, to confess doesn't make you less guilty of a crime. 'Not allowed', humbug !!

It's always a sign of a decaying society when sectors think they're above the law.

Start taxing religious organisations!

So what's new? Catholics always teach that they are above the law, so why the hell do we fund their schools?

If the church wants to operate outside the law, it can also operate outside the benefit of tax free status. Fit in to society, or piss off.

Utter bullshit. This is no longer acceptable and it makes the priest complicit in the crime.

A gang living outside societal law in it’s long, blatant practice of hypocrisy. Not a god. A business, serving themselves.

Then start paying taxes


How much longer are we to allow these paedophile rings these religious groups that don’t pay taxes and think they can abuse children as they choose

Ship them back to the Vatican if they can’t abide the law in this country. Make sure to put Pell in the crate before you nail it shut. auspol

I’m sure there a few bent coppers willing to bum a few Priest X’s to get the low down. Might even catch a few kids who were mean to their sisters.

Who fucking cares what he says?

Just a disgraceful organisation that doesn’t have a thread of credibility

Who is this character, inciting criminal acts?

Isn’t this call by this bishop a conspiracy to commit a crime? Or perverting the course of justice by hiding evidence of a serious offence?

Inciting criminal behaviour

Outlaw the Church. State laws override Church folklore

Bishop should be arrested for inciting non-compliance with the law? Obstruction of law? Harbouring perpetrators?

And that is what has ruined so many lives before.Obfuscation, denial, protection of criminals! Get into the 21st Century or you will be dragged into it kicking and screaming! Jail time beckons for aiders and abettors of criminals!

Jail the Bishop. Sick of bigots in 'the church'.

Throw the old c_nt in gaol then.

The stupid thing is ppl against the church still think pedo and sex offenders are lining up for confession. ..its more like old Betty confessing she thought ill of her husband or drank one too many shandys.

Thank God I’m an atheist. Who could trust this grubby industry ever again.

It's a bit of a no brainer. Do you actually think people are going to confess anything to a priest that is going to be handed over to police?

Pedo enablers


Australian states have no'state religion' if he is proposing members of his club break the law of the land, maybe he should relocate to Rome. Most of us are no longer interested to bending a knee to a foreign power with such strange rules

Oh what a surprise, another law the church is not going to follow. If they are not going to follow the law, a law to protect children, then it’s time for them to lose their charity status. Enough is enough!🤬

Weak as piss !!

Seriously people, do you really think that if our justice system was not corrupt that these priests and other factions who interfere with minors would get away with their crimes?

Ok, this religion thing has gone far enough,

TabularasaMMXIX You'd think that this would be something that the Church should ENCOURAGE to break. Unless someone in the Church, can prove where it's okay to protect those who harm the truly innocent. They can jump.

So after all the commissions, investigations and prosecutions the church will continue to aid peadophiles.

Then he’s part of the problem and needs to go or get charged.

If they take this position, I guess pedophiles must be pretty generous when the plate comes around.

Then close their schools and tax the bastards, just for a start!🎀

Another reason not to live in QLD. With all religion it is totally irrelevant in 21st century , except for those that need psychological help with life. But even then Catholics are the biggest hypocrites & when it comes to child protection - the worst offenders.

Burn the church to the ground.

Why does this issue keep reappearing? The Law of the Church is that the seal of the Confessional is sacred. No priest can break that silence.

Australia is a secular nation where laws past by Parliaments are absolutely binding on ALL. If the Roman Catholic Church is unable to abide by Parliament Laws then it should not receive any recognition nor any money from Australia & it should stop functioning in this country.

Enjoy your time in gaol.

Simple no forgiveness or absolution unless they tell the police of their crime

So we suddenly live in a land where religion is above the law now? 🤔

In other words: paedophile protection racket preferred over children’s innocence. George Pell, Gerard Henderson and Tony Abbott would be happy to hear this.


Church tax in many EU countries

Time to rethink tax exemptions

LyndaFrench19 Seeing as this was made up by them, maybe it is time for the pope to decree exceptions.

How evil

So the Bishops are urging priests to break the law?

So is there any crime that will allow priests to break confession?

A belief in a fairytale qualifies that you not be truthful or do the right thing. If you do, you will be defying the laws set by the group that leads the belief in the fairytale and you shall therefore not go to fairytale land when you expire from your current existence. Love it!

It’s pretty simple. If you belong to this frock and badge club and you hear about a crime and don’t report it, then you are COMPLICIT in the criminal act. End of.

HowardWalter1 Lock them up then. Sick of their bullshit.

Does the Queensland government think it’s the first institution in the last 2000 years to try to break this ? Previous empires and kingdoms were ruthless with their Punishment

The Catholic Church has stepped into the shadows

These criminal organisations should be broken up.

Priests who abuse children should be put in prison. Priests who cover up the abuse of children should be put in prison. And their Church shut down - like any other criminal enterprise.

correct so they shouldn't

Then they are criminals.

St George Pell patron Saint of pedophiles ...

These dirty bastards rape our children then hide behind their 'seal of confession'.

Excellent - we can start charging them with illegally withholding information. Make a change having priests in prison for something other than paedophilia.

So God let’s child abuse continue, but a vaccine is too much for God to handle. Maybe time God did a spill and fill. His team are really not performing well at all.

Might be time for them to dump the bizarre confessional business. It only exists to salve the conscience of people that behave badly.

Well they should rat on paedophiles. Can't use God as an excuse. It's unchristian to cause harm and the people who do, need treatment, not sheltering from responsibilities. We all have Rights and Responsibilities

To add yet more context to self-entitled drivel from this bishop I would encourage you to read: 'The case of the Pope' by Geoffrey Robertson QC ISBN: 9780241953846. I warn you though, I was only able to get to 75% mark & had to stop due to unshakable dangerous levels of anger.

Pretty sure priests are required to abide by the law.

Well I’m sure we can all trust the clergy to do the right thing’s always worked in the past? 🤯

Charge him now. And if he isn’t committing an offence against a Commonwealth Law, find a State one and protect our kids against the bastard.

If the church wants to be shown respect and gain credibility it should sack this Bishop. He is an enabler of the most despicable people on the planet.

Still utterly fascinates me that Society accepts this to occur in global multi-billion-dollar mega-corporation. If FB or Microsoft or GE or Mitsubishi or BHP or BASF or Walmart etc openly said 'Our internal processes & business rules allow child abuse to remain unreported...' 🤷‍♂️

It really is past time to wind up this awful protection racket for paedophiles.

Well they can rot in jail!

Just as a corollary, what's the legal comparison of religious confession with whatever's discussed between a lawyer and client especially when 'clever' lawyers are able to 'defend' those who are clearly wrong doers?

This is the opportunity to revoke tax exemption for the catholic Church. If they refuse to hold up the children's rights, and instead choose to protect abusers, the government must not encourage this by way of financial benefit. The tax can go directly to the abused.

Out of touch and self interested as per usual.

Same with imams .

They are determined, come hell or high water, to stay in the dark ages.

They're 'not allowed' to rape children either

Catholic Church will die in burning flames for all the basic crimes against humans - it will counter balance all the good they think they have done

Off to jail for the offenders then!

Awesome chuck all the charlatans in jails

Time to ban religion that won’t obey the law, Catholicism, Jahova’s witness, the lot. They are disgusting

Then those priests can languish in jail. Religion cannot be elevated above the law.. auspol

Choosing to defend tradition from a made up storybook rather than the vulnerable shows that perhaps the atheists and agnostics have greater moral fibre. Who would have thought...

Religion is no longer viable in a modern world

Not allowed? Maybe not by their church, but I'm confident that God would be fine with it.

Yeah, nah. Yes, this delusion with canon law overriding all else...

That was entirely predictable. The new law will simply fan anti-Catholic bigotry, particularly along the ignorant. The loudest bigots will be themselves paedophiles trying to put smoke about.

Then they get three basic meals a day and accomodation without a view

Bunch of paedophile apologists.

Do these people think they are above the law of the land....well, start the prosecutions and see what happens. Anyone working with children are mandated to report abuse

Bishop degree's priest to continue breaking the law covering up for known child abusers

The Queensland law trumps any religion

Then they shouldn't have a tax free status anymore.

He said what, about child abuse reporting And what is thing called a 'bishop' 🤔 Hmm let's go over Jesus's life, story......nah drew a blank there.......

They are the cause of a deep seeded state, happy to pay no taxes but unwilling to obey the law of the land. My question to our great bishop is this what God would want? Children been abused and you hide behind a cloth and a man made religion?

Pedos, should all be jailed and dismantled

Um, no. Only showing your institution to be more out of touch with reality, the rule of law and, worst of all, utterly callous.

Who cares your churches are full of creepy sexual child abuses who in their right mind would have any thing too do with your revolting churches or your priests guessing only the creepy abuses as you protect them my opinion only

Then they can all go to prison.

I wonder if a law could be introduced that forces family members to report suspected abuse being committed by other family members?

Fixed your headline. Bishop Michael McCarthy choses to protect child rapists.

They are also not allowed to molest children!

that's fine chuck them in jail for a few years to think and contemplate

It's very simple then. The church is complicit in hiding crimes and criminals, so must be prosecuted by the full force of the law. The law of our society, not some imaginary supernatural entity.

Enjoy prison, then.

So where is this 'exemption' explicitly written by God? or Jesus under delegated authority? Answer: It's not. It's like many other things that the Catholic church made up in order to exercise control over people.

So where is this 'exemption' explicitly written by God or Jesus under delegated authority. Answer: It's not. It's like many other things that the Catholic church made up in order to exercise control over people.

I believe there's some cops in Victoria who are experts in the laws around incitement, if Anna wanted someone to pay this paedophile-protecting shit-for-brains a visit.

Where is the outrage from the crew that crys about sharia law?

The ABC will be happy, Labor governments are now criminalising Christianity👏👏

As a human being, how can anyone carry the weight of that information? We are all supposed to be equal in God's eyes. Is the pain and suffering of a child, less equal than the confession of a sinner or the absolution of a priest?... another parallel universe...

Then he should be arrested for incitement. incitement noun the action of provoking unlawful behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully.

Time to outlaw the catholic paedophile cult before it causes any more harm.

objection to charitable status lodged. If you want to do the same -

It’s like asking a Muslim to eat pork

Who gives a stuff.........just starting paying the victims.

If you won't comply to the law of the land, you won't complain if we revoke the church tax exemption, demand the church pay priests and other workers (including current volunteer workers) fair market rates, with superannuation loading, and pay property taxes?

These clowns think canon law is actual law. It's not. It's just the rules for their club. They need to change their rules.

...and parents STILL send their children to Roman Catholic Schools?!!!


The law of man versus the law of God. I know who should win, but that’s really up to the faith of the individual.

neric16 The Bishop knows what he can do

All I can hope is that what he says he believes in is true, in which case the foul perpetrators and those who defend and enable them, will burn in hell forever. Regrettably, there is no God to answer to and the guilty will most likely walk free, unpunished.

stop the charity status if they wont obey the law.

Confession is not just 'not part of the Bible' it's actually against what the Bible says. Those faiths that have 'confession' are religions but not Christian at all

The da Vinci code

Charge and jail him too

Its really simple. If the priest's won't report sexual abuse when told about ut, then they need to face criminal charges as assisting the crime to take place and their church should lose tax exemption status

They prefer to root boys and not report it.

Priests should also NOT fuck little boys but hey that rule never stopped them before.

'He said it was not common for sexual abuse to come up in a confession anyway' McArdle 'confessed his crimes 1,500 times to 30 different priests over a 25 year period' 🤔

What is a delusion?


Common law over canon law? 👀

one of the reasons why the church and state were separated all those years ago

The new law is not retrospective? All just optics. These creeps are above the law.

For a person making a living from a fantasy, it’s a fail.

Law before religious corruption

I'd love to see them trying that on in front of a judge.

'Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.' Romans 13:1

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