‘Be a goddamn bloody adult’: Lambie takes on One Nation over vaccine mandates

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

'Being held accountable for your own actions isn’t called discrimination': JacquiLambie takes on One Nation over vaccine mandates | nickbonyhady

“One Nation is not a fighter against discrimination,” she said. “One Nation seeks to profit from it. It’s just a fundraising exercise for them.”

“Being held accountable for your own actions isn’t called discrimination, it’s called being, you wouldn’t believe it, a goddamn bloody adult,” Senator Lambie said, her voice rising. “That’s right, being an adult. It’s putting others before yourself. And that’s what this country is supposed to be about.”She said she understood people scared of vaccines but said no one wanted lockdowns, and vaccination allowed the vast majority of people to resume normal lives.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson looms over the Senate as independent Jacqui Lambie lashes her vaccine bill.Senator Hanson has dialled into Parliament remotely for recent sitting weeks but was not expected to be fighting for her bill from afar. The Senator had told a crowd in the Queensland town of Yeppoon earlier this month she would travel to Canberra.

It meant bumping another bill from Nationals senator Sam McMahon that would have allowed the Northern Territory to legalise assisted dying.“I am extremely disappointed this has occurred to all Territorians,” Senator McMahon said in a statement.


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JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Let me be clear, all three groups usually make the choice to live a certain way, while claiming to be the victims, proclaiming everyone else targeting them. Yeah. With the truth. 🤣 Never seen them point fingers at themselves. Time to start. Don't eat, get jab, don't smoke.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady I think Jackie over cooked the bake potatoes

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Nobody should be forced to put anything in their bodies, specially new drugs with no science behind it, that's why we have laws against new drugs and mandates to take them. Thank you One Nation for reminding that to ALL SENATORS...

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Good on you Jacqui. These nutters think they have more rights than others to not help protect the community. If this was war they would be traiters

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Hysterical woman didn’t achieve much. jacquilambie auspol

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Whatever your thoughts about her personally, you’ve got to admit she’s a poli who sticks by her convictions!

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Good on here! Great to see the idiot Hansen lose. She in no way represents the 80% plus Aussies.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady No matter the outcomes in Canberra, the shambles means vaccinations will remain choice for better or worse and lot more unnecessary deaths irrespective of the so called rules😎

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Not a deep thinker is she? The state imposing medical treatment on citizens is draconian. I’m fully vaxxed, along with all my family, but what others choose is up to them. Happy to work, dine & play with the unvaxxed.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady FAT people have no right dictating to healthy pure bloods

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady If your vacc is so bloody good, take it then, youre safe: THESE are 'your own actions you should be accountable for'. If I need to take a vacc that doesnt stop catching/spreading the virus to save you & youve had it, thats you making me accountable for YOUR INSECURITIES!

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady She’s been smoking her sons meth. It’s about freedom to choose what’s put in your body not what’s forced into it.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Personally I think mandates are wrong - the gov shouldn’t be allowed to force/coerce you to make decisions with your body. The individual needs to weigh up the pros/cons of having the vaccination themselves.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Can’t believe she is getting paid to promote hate speech toward the unvaccinated! Very undemocratic

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady God I love Jacqui when she gets fired up. Go get em.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Hmmmm…..start talking to real ppl!!!!

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady She sounds like an officer in the SS...

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady is there any law against this.......

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Wow, so suddenly the media loves Jacqui?

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady On this, I back her 100%. She is bang on.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady She has sold out to Big Phama ,like your rag has also !!!

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Who could ever have foreseen how much Senator Lambie would grow since she was elected as a mouthpiece for Palmer in 2014.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady 'Liberal backbencher Concetta Fierravanti-Wells' - isn't she the fruit loop pushing for the Fantasists' Freedom Bill (aka. the 'Religious Freedom' Bill)?

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady I would be happy to co-exist with the unvaccinated with the vax rates being very high now.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Except vaccination doesn’t prevent infection or transmission, so it’s nothing but discrimination.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Instead of lecturing from a pulpit of fallacious associations Lambie should be talking about what's happening in Israel: PRESS SECRETARY FOR ISRAELI PM: VACCINATED PEOPLE NOW DYING, AND GOING TO HOSPITAL VERY SICK

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Yes!!! Let’s hold everyone accountable for their own actions, no work for obese people or smokers as well.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Why can't ScottMorrisonMP show leadership like that?

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady Superb by Lambie credit where credits due.

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady 👏👏👏

JacquiLambie nickbonyhady

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