Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications could face fines of up to €100,000 under new legislation introduced by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party. Fabio Rampelli, a member of the lower chamber of deputies, introduced the legislation, which is supported by the prime minister.
The first article of the legislation guarantees that even in offices that deal with non Italian-speaking foreigners, Italian must be the primary language used. Article 2 would make Italian “mandatory for the promotion and use of public goods and services in the national territory.” Not doing so could garner fines between €5,000 and €100,000 .
A bit too harsh but, if I’m not mistaken, France has in place similar laws to protect the French language yet nobody complains about it. Like it or not the Italian language is dying and this would prevent the lose of its cultural identity and uniqueness.
Nationalism is out of control these days.
Way to go, Italy preserve your mother tongue 🇮🇹
Italian is not even the official language. It is not written in the consitution. It's the almost most used and the recommended by the state.
Absolutely magnificent, we need this low to S O M A L I A 🇸🇴
I agree. I am an Italian translator and I've found myself desiring to protect my language. I grew up knowing Italian terms that now are being replaced by English terms. There is no need for that. To me to say 'pantaloni skinny' instead of 'pantaloni attillati' is just a nonsense.
Italia is back baby !
Still April fool.
That would limit the country’s ability to deal with the global world… doesn’t seem a good idea.
Abbiamo anche dei difetti
Figura de merda
They don't want to loose their rich language/culture
Boycott Pizza and spaghetti now
April fool?
I’d think Italy has bigger problems to worry about
So are we to be penalized for writing in English on Twitter😆 Maloni gone Balluoni
It is called Democracy. They get to choose how they want governed.
Damn they took that article of pizza being more American than Italian to heart
Strong anti-globalisation drive across the words
The mask is starting to slip on Meloni. Let the new fascism begin…
Mamma mia
this is something out of horror show
Is there an Italian phrase for things like coup d'etat?
English is the best and the easiest language to learn.
America is headed in that direction from Democrats
Sounds like that's start of another potential nazi party.
Imagined being forced to speak the language of the country you live in, instead of the entitlement of making others learn yours..
These types of edicts are always a sign of fragility. By now, the whole world should be speaking essentially the same language - a mixture - but based on English. English speaking communities borrow from everyone and never get fucked up when you call a cottage a bungalow.
Mama Mia!
no italian no party .
Good for them. Learn and use the language.
Wow, this is amazing.
It’s official she telling foreigners to Vaffanculo
USA 🇺🇸 should ban english since it belongs to England 🇬🇧
Nothing wrong with them trying to protect their language!
Na wa
We ain't that bad are we ?
Other countries must implement this, lesson for others
It’s a kind of a stupid news. People who do not understand or know italian politics, with this stupid clickbait, may think this is already “on” in Italy. I think, like in many other countries, you can submit your new rule/law idea, even it is stupid. That doesn’t mean at all it…
Th fascists are back!
Yeah, they say 'we're not fascists' but for 'unintentional coincidence' they just want to do the same things fascists did
How does she define official communication? Does it include 911 calls? If it does, then I as a non-Italiain speaker would not visit Italy for this lifetime.
America should ban pizza as a retaliation. Italians don't know who they are dealing with.
I don't agree with a fine but yeah have you heard Italian officials use English words? It's so wrong on so many levels.
sounds good, same thing in french canada
Irrelevant country with an irrelevant language, who cares?
You can't protect your language like this, rhose are just populist policies that will eventually fail. Produce in Italian, be an inspiration, then tou would succeed.
残したい人だけが残せばいいと思う。 それが淘汰というもので逆らっても利はない。
Racist 🤬🤬🇺🇸
So, from now on they cannot say any longer Google. 🤣🤡
Finally. It’s impossible to listen to anyone in Italy that doesn’t not mix English and Italian just to be cool. If you are Italian you understand this, otherwise it could even seem xenophobic. Any stupid words during a statement has been substituted with English.
Surely Italian tax payers would prefer that Italian public sector workers are able to speak Italian in Italy.
'Whadtta doo she thinka she's dooing'. Mi Italiano a little rusty. Italy can't tax the productivity to pay down the debt & pay for services. Soon they will tax you for standing on the cracks in the pavement. Why not bring back the lira that was a succsess. Let's pray it's Sunday.
Supreme God Kabir Saheb ji is the creator of universe. He is Almighty God. He never take birth nor die. Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal ji Maharaj.
Omg, shocking. Italians have to use Italian to communicate with other Italians in Italy 🤔
Ciao Mario!
'Made in Italy'
Spaghetti empire, says what?
Madre De Dio!
Ah, it's decolonization 🤔
Well, at least the “bru-shetta” disgrace must somehow be fixed.
Everyone values their origins, their culture and their language, which expresses their identity. English, French and Spanish are also widespread thanks to colonialism Like gender fluid personally perceive their sex, we all have to perceive ourselves through our mother tongue..
grammar Nazis… literally!!! 🫤
Now you're giving Republicans ideas They'll pass a law so we can't say 'Kevin McCarthy has no cojones'
What a croc.
Time for victorosimhen9 to force a move away from that Xenophobic country & sscnapoli owner.. Welcome to the English Premier league.
This is odd
Italians have the opera, espresso capucino, pasta, chiabatta, mozzarella, dolce vita… wasn’t that enough for living proudly italian?
That's a little mean.
That’s a good move, there are elderly people also who come to offices as a customers who don’t know English.
Ireland is still part of the EU and they speak English...
everyone should just learn english
Non posso nemmeno ordinare una pizza. Georgia, per favore, abbi pietà.
People really don't understand the word 'official' FFS.
Use sign language if can't understand each other.
Elect fascists, expect fascism
Considering they have banned ChatGpt, this is no surprise.
Does Italy have April Fools?
Is this an April fool's joke?
I bet usage of the words money and fees won’t be penalised .
masadluffy Nothing fascinating to see here. No, nothing at all. O_O”
Plain Mussolini's style As early as 1930 (in Italy), foreign-language scenes in films had been suppressed . To crown a series of sanctions that had been going on since 1923, in 1940 a law banned the use of foreign terms in company headers, in professional activities, in adv...
Hahaha give up your guns and trust the government they say. It's always about more control to governments. Stay woke
Assuming it's not an April fool's joke, here in Quebec, Canada, English is disallowed in government docs. The zealous language police is alive & well unfortunately. CNN you may want to report on it, especially the parts allowing government to enter your business and confiscate.
This interesting, I can understand a homogeneous culture, I just feel controlling speech is bad. Do what Quebec is doing😌
Makes sense, legal and government papers should be in the country's official language.
They should bring back latin.
'That's my family, Kay. That's not me.'
I bet they have a fascist right-wing government.
This from a woman that uses English words in all her speeches?😂
There Countries there laws. Seriously Stop pulling controversy of Something that been for Decades. Is best to ban Tiktok 'Divisity' language and Keep the language of every country the Way it is already.
This is what happens when you let mussolini’s back in office
Punks not dead .
Good for the Italians! We can always translate! Preservation of language is important! Slow news day CNN?
They should also complain that Latin developed from them by language, culture and tribes and it is incorrect that it has been made an identity, title and corrupted into Latino to another people on another continent in the past few decades.
The U.S should do the same with Spanish
So ashamed to be Italian nowadays.
Ridiculous far-right government
The funniest thing abt this is that her government also created a ministry of, and I quote, 'made in Italy'
Mama mia!!!!😉😋🤪
Good! Time to do the same thing here with Spanish. If illegals can speak English and want to help this country they stay. If they have committed a felony or involved in gangs, drugs, etc... they gotta go back to whatever 'shithole' they crawled out of.
Xenophobic nationalists.
They should be more concerned over the hordes of foreigners, illegals and non Christians flooding into their country in the past few decades changing Italian culture, identity, heritage and character that developed for over 2000 yrs. Italy is not a land of immigrants.
What's the Italian word for internet?
I am seeing Taliban govt in italia
Sounds fascist.
What about talking with hands?
Good news! French people should do the same thing too. English people don't care about other people's languages; they don't show any desire to learn foreign languages. English people would ignore you or consider you unintelligent just because you don't speak their language or…
So what? Is CNN offended by the fact that Italy does not want to use our language?
Protecting language is good. Protecting sovereignty is more important. She is as Atlantis as they come, even more, even more than Draghi
The French tried almost the same thing a few years ago. It didn't work 😕
Now that is truly draconian. It's reminiscent of the types of laws the Nazi's instituted against various segments of society like the press and foreign businesses. What is the purpose of such a law in this day and a age when interpreting languages is done with the push of a key.
O socialista François Miterrand tentou isso na França na década de 80 em seu primeiro mandato. Nada conseguiu é desistiu. Agora a ultra-direita quer fazer o mesmo na Itália. Não vai conseguir.
Questo mi piace! Make Italia great again!
She's known to be a Fascist, it's in her bloodline.
Lol ok
Next they going to make Chicago and New York style pizza illegal
OK. Ciao.
White nationalist shouldn’t mean uneducated. 🙄
That’s fair no
Their country, their rules. I love Italian.
Mussolinian crazy hobbit
Italy prosecuted scientists for failing to predict an earthquake. Any expectation of reason was lost long ago.
Menyedihkan. Gimana itu orang2 yang kerja di FAO? HQnya di Roma isi orang Italia semua emangnya?
Joe would be ok here in the US, he doesn’t speak English much either.
Poor Italian people
I lose track. Is 'Olive Garden' English or Italian?
looks like a job for Nigel_Farage
Fair enough
Im returning my spaghetti and pizza
Modi effect
Why Forbid? In France The Language English When Its The New World England Language.Which Was Universal Language In The World When It Comes To Trade Business.Canada,USA,Australia Was Super Powers Nations...
Statistics never lies the market will definitely go Bullish but first let’s keep benefiting with the dips am grateful to sir Varauntrader his signals is super amazing Link in his bio on how to benefit from the dips
🖕🏻is this one safe?
Oh, come on.
What is this because of?
Only in Official communication. May be it makes sense. EU regulations permit freedom of movement and to use one's language in private & public. UK being out of EU, English language would be the prime loser. One benefit of BREXIT? Perhaps
Well, that’s a spicy a-meatball, huh?
What about English names? Georgia, for example?
April fool ?
That is why Italy needs Elly Schlein for Prime Minister. ellyesse
Sure, this is one of the biggest and most urgent problems in Italy. 🙄
Here, let me fix it for you: 'Italian Prime Minister is not bilingual'
Imagining a $25 fee typo violation overdrafting you when you're trying to gtfo Italy
Very much an overreach of government but at the same time, why would you not use your country’s official language on official documents?
Italian language bigotry
I've seen this before...
lol that wired as fuck are you sure that's true ?
Would be internal communications
Whoa that's offensive
Reminds me of something ....
'Pizza please.' - That's $15 for the food and $5 fine for using Italian.
English is something we were suppose to teach to our siblings. It has begun it’s third round of evolution.
Suits them well!
Who gets the money
Just smoke and mirrors or a clickbait for media that are not following what is going on
cowards, they should really be mandating latin instead of the broken form of latin called 'italian'
we need this shit in Morocco 🇲🇦
Came from CNN.. Gotta be Bullshit
Is Italy going to France themselves?
Chill Bella
Italian teacher for 14y here: if you count the terms, the Italian language simply has ½ of the English ones. All modern words from the 80s onwards don't and can't have a Latin-Italian root, having been born in the English-speaking world. I'm curious to see 'router' in Italian...
This is great!
Good move! It's about time countries protect their language and culture from being diluted with foreign influence. If you want to communicate in English, go live in an English-speaking country.
Uh isn’t their official language Italian. So what’s the big deal
Maybe it is a good idea to have a unified language in one country.
I'm not even surprised... A fascist remain a fascist...
Languages are always evolving and adopting words from other languages. Good luck ha ha!
You mean by using a world basic universal language? Italy is fast going down hill.
Hey nayibbukele …esto lo pueden hacer alla tambien…no?
Xenophobia much?
As they should, hope other nations will take the same measures,,things have became ridiculous in the last ten years
English don't care, English lures other languages into dark alleys and mugs them for their words.
Loi intéressante car pour les places ou le français est la langue première c est vrai que l anglais est rendu omniprésent et inclu ds la langue peut-être une bonne façon de protéger l italien à son état actuel
That's the difference between English and those darn foreign languages. English doesn't care where words come from, the spicier the better.
Mama Mia!
what?!! this is insane. government overreach and looking for more ways to make money off citizens that work.
Is Mussolini back
Makes sense. It's politics and policy in their nation. Should be their native tongue. Just like how all our street signs are in English.
Did she speak to francoislegault ?
Every country should do this
Mussolini is back ,but now is blonde and a woman 😂😂😂
Fascism is back
We really are pariah's across Europe!!
Oh no Pepperoni
It makes sense if they have Italian words for the words they are saying in other languages
ashtonpittman Italy voted in a fascist to run the country recent.
And people in US get upset that we want English as a national language.
She seems nice. 😳
That's what you get when you elect the far right hopping they'll just fight immigration and nationality, the truth is they'll end up reducing your freedom and will do it with the power you gave them. Take that for data.
let's go april fools
I haven’t been this embarrassed about my nationality since Berlusconi was the pm 🫠
Some parts of Canada do this too but with French.
This is doing too much. I understand why they feel as they do but this isn’t the way. Be the Sun never be the Wind
Wow. Just wow.
We’re a funny country, sadly…
Like grandfather like granddaughter
Makes sense to me
Lei e stupida
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore. I thought I could speak Italian when I was 10.
Look at her face what do you expect
Now do America
Igpay Atinlay or ustbay!
Hey, what's the matter with these paisans in Italy? They wanna fine Italians for usin' English and foreign words? Fuggedaboutit! Language is always evolving, and we gotta embrace the changes instead of tryin' to fight against 'em. 🤌🏻
Euro is an Italian word?
Hm yes
People panic when their beloved language is dying.
Accidenti quella barca
They’re trying to outdo America! Wow! It‘s like when right-wingers tell non-Americans, “Why aren’t you speaking American!?!”
How dare Italians enforce the Italian language in their own sovereign Italian nation.
Momma mia! Incredible!
the article seems to focus on elected officials but fining people for saying bru- shetta is questionable.
That's excessive unless it's government only and it's a wage fine
That's good.. Italy should speak Italian,America should speak American,England should speak English
Maybe they should look at how the Quebecois have destroyed Montreal before they introduce this shit.
Well they are in Italy. What’s the problem?
Smart move
That will bugger up tourism.
Nationalist twaddle. All languages borrow words from other languages. English has several Italian words: fiasco, finale, solo, scenario...
Is her name Marjorie?
there goes the tourism industry
Teu tiasa bhs itali,sunda oge kadang kasar
I support this level of petty ✌️
What a bad April fools joke
France forbids using non-French words in French media since 1994, Toubon Law. Why is it now a theme when Itali wants to do the same?
Such a way to control people a little bit more. And who are these people that wanna dictate what a person wants to learn or which language they wanna use really talk about control for power and greed and plain evil. Nothing good will come out of this.
They want to protect their language. Good for them.
Why? Just why 🤦🏻
Just like francoislegault in Quebec
Mama mia
Fascism 101
Man I love her.
It’s Italy, not America. Freedom of Speech here.
Nihil novi. Protection of the local language by law is already place in many EU countries. When in Rome speak as Romans do.
should all tourists visiting Italy have A+ in Italian and present the proof upon arrival?
Merloni is Numero Uno
How do you say 'April Fools' Day' in italian
We in the U.S. find that Joe Biden can’t use English either.
leader_ashore Elect a fascist and expect reasonable governance? This is just the beginning.
I've always found bruschetta a bit cringe, but Italy is going full tilt Volksgemeinschaft. Goebbels would be proud. Q. Will Italy abandon Arabic numerals and what word will they use for computer?
que? (to be on the save side)
Quebec does a version of this.
Must avoid the scenario where Italian becomes a replica of the lingua franca.
This is awesome! The Italian language should be preserved as this is their identity. I salute such a decision by the Prime Minister.
I like Italienglish 😘 you bloody pizza face.
I think Italy has bigger problems than this🤔🙄
And fascism with its most ignorant, horrible and ridiculous form, is back to Italy since SecondWorldWar. The Meloni Government is giving its worst to make Italy a sad, small, hostile place to live for its citizens and most for all the foreigners, tourists and honest people.
Italy gone rogue
The numbers and much of the math the use in their math books are Arabic and comes from the Middle East
Policed speech
I get strong encouragement and even federal government requirements! But I think the fines are a bit much!
I question the source of this idea/news… highly doubt it…
But tomatoes came from the Americas, not originally Italian.
Italy next time, learn English.
That’s right, punish people into keeping your culture; very effective.
good, will US accept Italian in their official communication?
But how to communicate without using English?
If Italians use a word when speaking Italian, then that word is Italian. It’s called borrowing words, and it is a major source of vocabulary. Ask the ancient Romans where all those Greek-sounding words came from. language linguistics italia
This is L'Academie Francaise all over again, in Italy.
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