DC Episcopal bishop: 'I am outraged' by Trump church visit

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington sharply criticized President Trump for staging a visit to the fire-damaged St. John's Church across from the White House. The visit came after authorities had cleared the area of peaceful protesters.

President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House Monday, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Part of the church was set on fire during protests on Sunday night.

The Rev. Mariann Budde, whose diocese St. John’s belongs to, said in a statement that she was “outraged” by Trump’s visit and noted that he didn’t pray while stopping by the church, a landmark known for its regular visits from sitting presidents since the early 19th century. Budde said the church was “just completely caught off-guard” by the visit, with “no sense that this was a sacred space to be used for sacred purposes.” In order to facilitate Trump’s statement there, she said, she believed tear gas was used in the area between the White House and the church.

“We can rebuild the church. We can replace the furnishings of a nursery,” she said, referring to the damaged area. “We can’t bring a man’s life back.”


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Man, you wonder what trumps gonna do or say next. Walking and talking as if he owns the country on a daily basis, but not getting anything done. Seriously, invoking the Insurrection Act, passed back in 1807 during the beginning of this country shows where he's taking us.

... This moron has either taken to much or not enough medication...

Church fire cause identified : Ted dropped his crack pipe

Just as his ancestors... came with the bible and never read a word of it. The wisdom of the blacks lead them to actually read it...and now persecuted because they're better for it...

faziarizvi Who holds a book, let alone a bible, like that? It’s like he has never held one before.

kfdmnews Joke of the day

Anyone could visit a church at anytime. This bitchop represents the DEVIL. THE HOUSE OF GOD is for everyone at any time.

How is trump not fired yet

The membership declines in the Episcopal Church is largely to do with the lack of quality of much of the leadership.

Yet she wasn’t outraged by violent rioters burning, destroying churches? Americans need to see leader of country represent what US was founded on including God. Stop trying to politicize it, aren’t you supposed to show kindness and faith to all? Don’t all lives matter. Mebudde

He was sending a message to his white supremacist followers.

The President has clearly stated and demonstrated that he supports peaceful protestors. He does not support the organized looting and destruction that is occurring with the support of the Left. I don’t believe Jesus would support the rioters actions.

Lol such hatred from a “bishop”!?! Why because trump is against pedo 🤔. This bishop has for be mad for another reason FYI wake up America! When I get mad at a us president but your whole church well ya know

The Church of Jesus Christ belongs to Jesus Christ, not Peter nor Paul.

President Trump held a moment of silence on arriving. Of course you may not have been paying attention.

Yes blame 400 years of white and black hatred on Trump - Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, Obama did nothing for blacks - except take their votes

Go_Lackawanna Wait, so now the press likes the catholic church?

People at times don't appreciate religion is premised on balanced thinking, that church is not personal property&wonder if this Bishop is level headed. What right has he to question US leader even if he does not belong to his party. I think he might choose whose tithes are accept

The Bishop is a moron and keeps viciously attacking the President for visiting a Washington church that rioters burned the night before. Lame

Trump orders black hawk military helicopters to disperse protestors in Washington

'When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.' - Sinclair Lewis

And on the seventh day...the Lord said...oh no you won't use my name in vain

Any acting President has the exclusive right to view, survey and visit the church of his chosing who posses the right to condem that fools? and one more thing idiots, Floyds brother chastised you all making your efforts fruitless and vile.

Someone got some skeletons, me thinks...

JohnBlecka Why is that weirdo holding the Bible like that?

He didn’t stage a visit. He visited. It was very much real. He stood up for churches and monuments and stores and all property destroyed by rioters. Not protestors. Stop manipulating facts to fit your narrative. Hold our bibles up!! A symbol of faith. Flag symbol of country! 🇺🇸📖

Bishop should stick to cleaning up the church instead of worrying about politics. Plenty to keep her busy there. Today’s youth has a lack of basic morals.

So the president cannot go to a church that almost burned down. Wow. I thought every church was open to all.

That bishop is a paid CNN commentator. The actual pastor of the church was happy to have him there.

The Separation of Church and State - it’s important to state wrong doings but equally important to be cautious of the lines and precedents set

So the man can’t walk to a nearby church? He’s potus. He can walk wherever he wants to. 🤷‍♀️

POLİTİK/ACILAR .Reaction from the priest to Trump, posing at the door of the church with the Bible in his hand! Father Mariann Budde: 'The fact that Trump had a photo taken using the church defiled symbols that were sacred to the people of this country' How much do they look like

Piss off!

Should be happy anyone wanted to go to his church. Supposed to welcome everyone Hypocrisy

The visit came after authorities had *used tear gas to* clear the area of peaceful protesters

President Snow (Trump) cares about preception and his own agenda, he does not care to unite the world and support the causes that unify our country. fakeperson GeorgeFloyd DCProtests protests2020 presidentsnow

I dont thiink that was appropriate. I am a christian and certainly she had the right to feel it was inappropraite but to make it a news presentation...doesn't sit well w/me.

But the bishop isn’t outraged by the burning of the church?

Only Trump can get in trouble by going to church

PaulGerke Trump doesn’t believe in anyone/anything but himself.

Get a grip Bishop! Get a grip!!

Yes, what every God loving, non biased Bishop would say.....pulease!

The only reason to turn a blind eye to this behavior is because you are more scared than smart. Either we all live out the principals in the Constitution, or we all don’t . Elitist privilege must cease

The good protesters are being use like a Trojan Horse. The instigators hide in the masses. If the peaceful protesters would just stay home, The criminals would be left out in the open.

_Politics Trump uses religion as a prop. He does not believe in anything. His actions make that abundantly clear. He simply panders to those blind enough to follow him. He also does not respect his followers. He is amused by their loyalty. That is evident as well. It is sick.

After seeing this disgusting charade do all Christians finally realize they’ve been played?

God obviously ordained her with ability to know a mans heart and judge!!

FakeNewsMedia that bishop is a hypocrite, totally.

How utterly disrespectful and ungrateful of the Bishop!

If the protesters are peaceful, why is it burning?

What happens when an Episcopalian to do a Catholic’s job.

The real news is that they fired live rounds, used explosives, and charged peaceful demonstrators on horseback, and beat journalists. Trump is just the instigator. Cover the real news.

Where is congress?

I really hope most of these responses are bots, because there's no way everyone is really this brainwashed. This dude is playing off religious values for his own gain. Please. See this for what it really is.

Another fact states that ; “About 20% of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood“. Just in case you don’t know... 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Never satisfied

amp don’t use the photos from that gross, illegal publicity stunt that the sh!t hole president pulled. Americans were injured to create the image you chose to use. Peaceful protestors gassed and shot with rubber bullets. ShameOnYou

He should be glad he’s never opened that book because he’d quickly realize where he was going if he did actually read it.

Disgusting worm of a man is a disgrace to his flock!

...The visit came after authorities had cleared the area of peaceful protesters defying the ordered curfew.

Is this a joke? Not worried about animals that burned it down just worried about trump going there to bring hope and god to America. What bishop would be outraged about this?


You should be outraged at all the violence and looting

This is bias journalism at its finest, we will be teaching our children not to trust the news from sources but use your philosophical wisdom instead. We need god in moments of self destruction. Aggresive protesting is not what MLK would want

You had to shoot people with rubber bullets so you could have a photo op you pos..

It’s his tv personality coming out .. look into the camera and look pious now..

Oh. Poor whiny bishop.

As St Louis is burning. And the Bishop is outraged. God help us.

Obviously bishop corrupt also.

She better be glad Trump is putting an end to the carnage. MayorBowser sure wasn't going to lift a finger.

I thought he looked familiar

He actually thinks this made him look tough. He actually thinks outward appearance is what makes a man not his actions.

*with tear gas and rubber bullets

They will know you are a Christian by the way you treat others whether you like them or not. Bishop Budde could have said she welcoms everyone but preferred the President pay a visit at a less stressful time. I saw no evidence of Christ in her response.

This is so fake News, 'peaceful ' protestors burned the church? That's not peaceful....and the bishop is a hater by the way

He does not care about anyone or anything but himself. Period.

Anyone else feel like Gilead is amassing their army?

Im thankful that I got to see the church. I pray this pic goes in the history books. Haters gonna hate.

I’m truly inspired by the photos and video’s of him and flotus at church every Sunday. What a con man.

Does he know they lit the church on fire last night?

The realDonaldTrump presidency: 100,000+ Americans dead, highest unemployment in 90 years, largest national debt in US history, citizens rioting in the street, Trump planning to order US troops to attack them. Pretty much what everyone expected. TrumpDeathToll100K TrumpCrimes

Don’t sound like much of a Bishop to me!

The bishop should be outraged! How dare he! But then again, the slug can go no lower.

mikiebarb The Russian bots are all pissed up answering this post

Oh for fk sake, now the bishop can see into someone’s heart. Look at your own house Bishop. Cast the first stone.

goldietaylor WTF! Is this some fire and brimstone bullshit. I would find it extremely funny if Trump spineless ass got struck by lightening. I wouldn't stand nowhere near him ..

Trump said he wanted peaceful protests, but using police & violence to disperse those peaceful protests in order to get this photo. Maybe Trump should read a bit from the book he is holding. VoteTrumpOut2020

Wouldn’t you?

They cleared the streets of the scum that was loitering in the guise of protest

Peaceful protesters? Throwing projectiles at the officers? Told to back up and disperse an hour before. Told repeatedly.. 10 minute warning what was coming to those that did not back up and disperse. Consequences. Try telling the TRUTH!

goldietaylor 'cleared the area' with gas.

Did GOD ? Let me know if God condemns Donald Trump !!

I'm outraged the bishop fucks little boys.

Please let the ppl who covered up child abuse and sex abuse lecture us

GOP has destroyed America and her values. Shameful. GOPCorruptionOverCountry GOP GOPChairwoman GOPLeader SenateGOP HouseGOP

So? We’ve learned church leaders can be politicized, too.

Maybe he should pray for President Trump then.

Good I am not Espiscopalian then.

I was raised Episcopalian and I am outraged by Trump's ungodly photo op in front of that church!!!!

No one give two shits about what Bishop has to say. He is an activist using church for his political ambitions.

I sharply criticize for being overtly political on literally everything

This is America

What kind of Kindness is that Bishop! People need to see the leader (Pres.) of the USA holding on to what this country was founded on: Hope, Love and God! realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse

Women's march: peaceful, huge, NO REAL CHANGE Gun safety march: peaceful, huge, NO REAL CHANGE Black Lives matter march(es): peaceful, huge, NO REAL CHANGE White men in power since 1776: NO REAL CHANGE Where is our equal representation? Anyone else sick of this?

pandering at it's finest. the last time he touched a bible was to spank a hooker in a hotel room

I guess she really doesn’t love others.

He does not care he has crazy religious nut Barr at his side

You are pure evil.


Under his eye

Trump used the military on peaceful citizens exercising their 1A rights simply for a photo op

He did it because he saw Joe do his church thing earlier in the day and LOST IT. Lol

Trump’s “America' Served on a bed of toxic 1’s & 0’s. Facebook TheWorldIsWatching

Trump probably never opened a bible in his life

He holds shit weird

meh, Episcopals...

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