By contrast, 74 percent of Trump voters are more for the president, versus 20 percent who are more against Biden.
Thirty-nine percent of voters have a positive impression of Harris, while 35 percent have a negative view of her. As for views of both Trump and Biden, a combined 41 percent of voters say they are either “optimistic and confident” or “satisfied and hopeful” about the job Trump would do as president if he wins in November, while 59 percent are “uncertain and wondering” or “pessimistic and worried.”
Not surprisingly, there’s a stark partisan divide on these numbers, with 84 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of independents saying the response has been unsuccessful, versus 59 percent of Republicans who believe it has been successful. By contrast, a whopping 77 percent say the economy is either “only fair” or “poor,” which is up from 68 percent two months ago.
You really don’t have a good track record after your last election polling.
The sad part is we'll never know. The numbers are skewed way higher because it's a money maker and the nonsense of keeping businesses shutdown while the vast majority of workers go to work everyday.
You know we don’t believe anything u say right?
Trump seems mighty depressed lately. I wonder if he can handle all this bad news.
Suppression Polls
CNN has it at 50% for Biden and 46 for Trump...well within the margin of error. So what are we to believe?
Ultimately whites without college degrees have MUCH more to gain with dems but their communication seems once again lousy!
You notice they aren’t giving poll numbers....just what they can make sound the worse.....
Didn't you guys say the same thing about Hillary's poll numbers on election night plus time ?
Bullshit. Trump has done perfectly fine. The CDC numbers are so fraudulently inflated, it's pathetic.
Trump Pence 2020.
But the lead is now down to about is narrowing....if you support Biden you need to vote, don't assume he will win!!
Joe Biden is Nazi China spy
You can always trust the democrat controlled media. 🤣🤣🤣
CorporatePiggie Amazing. 36% of people think his Coronavirus response has been successful. What are you guys smoking down there?
Nope, the silent majority are just waiting! Trump2020
Fastest recovery in US history. Poll people that actually pay attention and not 'peaceful protesters'
LadyTitania46 A TruePatriot would look at the PandemicResponse and the TrumpDepression and say ‘I’m sorry I apparently can NOT do this job ...Vote for JoeandKamala to SaveAmerica ‘ but a nefarious narcissist apparently can not tell the Truth AmericaDeservesBetter
Sure he does. Lying again fake news
So did hillary. LOL! Keep reporting FakeNews, it only helps grow Trumps legend.
Sorry, but this poll is off. I haven't seen one Biden sign yet.
Don't be fooled by the inflated stock market. Trump has the Fed buying corporate bonds, meaning their debt at the peoples expense. This is the first time in their 107 yrs. of their existence. When the fed stops buying their debt the market will crash.
Keep trusting those fake biased polls
Odd. Trump has been following the advice of Fauci and Birx to the letter. Fauci says Trump's action have saved lives.
Hiden' Bidens campaign is like the movie 'Weekend at Bernies!'
Because he is a TOTAL FAILURE !!! As a man, a father, a president and most of all..... he's failed at being a human being.....
That’s because they are ignorant of the facts .
Fake news from Clinton news network CNN and communist news network CNN dishing out propaganda and fake news because of hatred for anything Donald Trump. Unbelievers and abortion mongers shall never prevail. Those in love with terrorist and fake Americans shall never be in charge
NBCNews WSJ Fake polls
[Drug cortelles] International activities of the Latin America states in combating drug trafficking:
Wake up people biden will put this country right into the shithole he is a fool wake up America
Trump is evil and has caused the unemployment and under employment of tens of millions of Americans. A vote for Trump is a vote for poverty and lack of adequate healthcare.
Things I've never seen: A Joe Biden bumper sticker A Biden boat parade But muh polls.... JoeBiden doesn't stand a chance but keep pushing these fake polls. WalkAway
who in their right mind thinks massive unemployment and a 30% drop in the GDP is an 'economy on good footing'?
Biden, a man who's plan includes a promise to raise all taxes and force the Green New Deal down your throats which again would raise taxes on everyone and give the Gov complete control over everything. A gov who has spent the last 5 months deciding what business is essential.
What % would it be if you could ask all the dead people?
This election is not about Trump anymore. We know who he is by what he’s shown us. He’s shown himself to being a lying corrupt petty unstable loser, who is an incompetent lazy bum. The question is why do the majority of white males want him as president of a country they love?
I remember hearing Hilary had 99 percent chance of winning.
Every year whites are killed by blacks,Why didn't you kneel for the white man? The lives of criminals are more important than goodmen police, Democrats are crazy
Some questions to ask and consider when analyzing political polls.
Just one reason why this poll is a lie.
Polls 🤣🤡
Nobody in their right mind believes these polls.
Nationally? Lmao... you mean NY and CA?
GOOD! That orange MFer needs to get out!
Are the other 40% just arriving from the Centaurus A galaxy
that's not good
FreeMillieWeaver MillieWeaver
60% is a pretty good number, given how terrible this has gone.
Fake news
NBCNews WSJ Nope. Trump landslide. Fascist CNBC.
NBCNews WSJ In your dreams.
NBCNews WSJ Harris having a higher net personal rating than Trump or Biden, really puts questions on the validity of the poll! She had 15 candidates ahead of her in the Dem presidential race & had to dropout! Ask Hillary about what she thinks of polls.....
NBCNews WSJ Anyone see a biden parade or even a lawn sign? No matter, I'm sure biden has this election in the bag
NBCNews WSJ Sure... paid propaganda
NBCNews WSJ GO VOTE AMERICA!! Win back the WH and Senate!! Biden-Harris 2020!!!
NBCNews WSJ Never been polled.
NBCNews WSJ Trump can't sweep his mess under the rug and people are not going to forget between now and Nov.
NBCNews WSJ Ooppsssiiii 🤣🤣🤣
NBCNews WSJ Good news, for how much longer? This feels like deja vu all over.
NBCNews WSJ will slow joe keep this trend till election day?
NBCNews WSJ Biden “remains ahead” instead of Trump closes 14 pt gap down to 4 👏👏👏👏
NBCNews WSJ He's stomping that ass
NBCNews WSJ Please ask Navarro about Kodak? WHAT HAPPENED!!
Americans must remain virulent regarding Trump’s sneaky ways and actions to cheat his way to reelection. His cost reduction on medicines is not what it seems. He probably made a deal with big Phama to subsidize their loses with American tax money. Trump only cares about himself.
Who are you polling? Lol
Couldn’t agree more. Trump is deluded and blind sided with what’s going on in the real world.
So 40% think it's successful.
Libs want mail in ballots sent in as soon as possible so people vote early ... before they see Biden get his m0nk13 a55 wh00ped by Trump in the debates
If you believe this really if it was true why all the hate.why not wait,why not do vote at the ballot with Id. Yet put nice to cheat.fake news for a reason.silent majority is qreal
Anyone believing this.look at the rallies,look at trump support. At least expect a presidential debate.
Any poll done by the Democratic controlled media is fake . The number should be checked . The media gets a list from the DNC , they call them get bias results. Don’t trust any poll done by NBC specifically.
The reason Trump doesn't want mail voting and wants to take out all of the Post Office boxes in the US is because he knows people don't want him as president anymore. Little Peter Pan is trying to put off the inevitable. It won't work.
Fake news
The polls will not get closer
Nice spin, and Pelosi just decided to take the focus off of the convention, and AOCs speech, Dems will be under water before she’s done speaking
Sadly Biden is senile and Harris thinks he's a sexual predator and racist yet hypocriticaly agrees to be his running-mate. Both are avid supporters of preborn baby murder. Great ticket.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 whos Poll
Regarding the new crown pneumonia, Trump did not make any effective measures, resulting in so many deaths.However, it is also because many people are unwilling to wear masks
But realDonaldTrump will find a way to cheat, just has he has done his whole life. nomorals novalues allaboutmoney Narcissist asshole
30 million unemployed-thats about half of americas workforce About the same nuber facing evictions. A plague kills 170k. What effin idiot eould think the economy is solid? Rump Vote and dump rump
I think realDonaldTrump is attempting to create just enough doubt so when the results show he lost in November, he can file suit, which will go all the way to the Supreme Court, where he believes his stacked bench will rule in his favor It's a long game And it just might work!
I love that poll. I am a socialist when I mark my choices, always vote Republican down the ballot.
Remember polls can lead to complacency, which leads to voter suppression and disenfranchisement. The only poll that matters is election day, so vote as if your candidate (no matter who it is) is in a dead tie! YourVoteMatters
I still do not know, Mr. Trump, why are you bad with the Iranian people and the Iranian refugees? What is your real problem? We believed in you. You razed us to the ground with new laws. We were not your enemy, we were the enemy of the clergy and the Islamic government.
He's behind me. You know what he has to look at 😷😂😂
Fake News
Trump will cheat his way through everything.. we need to stop trump from cheating. Trump is a habitual CHEATER and a Habitual LiAR. realDonaldTrump
Ya think?
Fake news
👀Trump/USPS actions.👀August 2020 budget freezes/no overtime (20% hours reduction),gutting of Exec Leadership levels (23+ positions), 671 Sorting Machines removed, Bulk Ballot Mail rates Apply. I’m sure MAGA would have supported Obama if he had taken these actions in 2016. RVAT
How does anyone convince themselves that the economy is stable? That’s not even a political argument. We are in a recession. It’s okay to waiver from your blind followerism to admit when things are wrong. That’s what being American is.
The country is against 4 more yrs of Trump's chaos, anger, incompetence, division, corruption, failed economy, cowardness, lack of leadership, policy of revenge punishment, botched response to a pandemic, failing to raise to the occasion during racial unrest, using it as a wedge.
Fake news
Regarding the COVID-19, Trump did not make any effective measures, resulting in so many deaths.
Is that 60% of your followers 🤔 😳 😏
The poll was conducted by NBC, right ?How do you,NBC, expect it to be objective? You're Anti-Trump ! The world knows this,NBC !
I am more worried of the 40% who think the response was up to standard. Do they live in a parallel universe?
Yep and Hillary had a lock on the election. Take your bogus poll and shove it.
While I love to hear poll results like this, I choose to forget the results as soon as I savor them. Complacency was part of what happened in 2016, when the ONLY qualified candidate won the popular vote by over 3M votes, but lost the election (in many states by less than 5%).
Joe Biden is a leader, Trump Is not.
Dear All society this is message to you. And This question to all politicians the world and to prime minister Scott Morrison Australian And queen Elizabeth.👇Share with your friends this is farmers wants a wife a videos
They never seem to give trump a chance thing he pulls the rabbit out of the red MAGA hat
YOU PEOPLE ARE TRIPPING ON KETCHUP or THE NATION IS FULL OF REAL N*GGERS of ALL COLORS! You’re ALL OWNED by Globalists... 😂 Slaves! 😂 🚫🦠💉👾🌎👁🚫 🚫👁📽🗣📺👀🐑🐑🐑🐑🚫
do not vote biden unless you want higher taxes, more homeless people like in california.
That is the strategy of Democrat governors. Ruin the economy and then blame Trump.
And the economy? Pre-COVID, the Greatest in history. Rising real wages for all demographics, record low unemployment. I trust the GOP, and Trump, to get things back in the right direction.
New Zealand just delayed an election because of a re-emergence of COVID. South Korea thought it was done. We are fighting this thing as well as anyone.
Amen. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Trump wasted months fighting to protect his re-election chances instead of fighting COVID19 to protect American lives. Donald Trump left our country unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime — and now we're paying the price.
Dr Fauci has made a statement that in person voting is safe if following Personal protections advise?
The truth on Nov 4th, will scorch the, 'Stupid American Voter'. Hillary R. Clinton x-presidential candidate, and full time, Jezebel. We The 'Basketfuls of Deplorables', know the truth! We cannot be fooled, or deterred! DemocratsDarwinsMissingLink MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople
Keep up the fake news. After the election there will be a miraculous cure.
Trump supporters think 170,000 deaths is a success story? Trump didn't wear a mask until July. He downplayed it for months. He told people who had the virus to go to work. He said the seriousness of it was a dem hoax. That's a successful response to you stupid motherfuckers?
NO one believes your BS FakeNews
Hey, remember this? TBT 2016 'Daily Kos Elections final presidential forecast: Clinton 323 electoral votes, Trump 215'
That's what I'm talking about. Is righteous still a thing because that's righteous. righteous
You guys need to be investigating the USPS situation more. Doesn't matter what the majority thinks if they can't vote...
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OH YEAH! WE AMERICANS DON'T THINK MUCH OF YOUR LITTLE POLLS! 'Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points Nationally in New Poll' October 26, 2016
The last days of Trump on government.
It doesn’t matter. I’m voting 🗳 November 3rd. PERIOD
Latest poll Biden 300 million votes trump 1 postal vote His own
Cause he’s a loser
Good to hear, but don't let up Joe !! Act like you're behind by 10 & work like you've never worked before !!
GOING, GOING, GOING, ...GONE! That's my description of Trump's poll position in weeks to come.
The virus is here but eventually will go but democrats' policies will bring america down, will stay & ruin this country if Biden wins !
Yeah sure
That funny....just saw a report that said Trump is screw all the media!! Who knows who the hell is telling the truth!!
Biden’s lead is too narrow to become complacent. The racists, white supremacists, home grown conspiracy theorists and terrorists, anti maskers, pandemic is a hoax believers and cult members who drank the Kool Aid will be out in force.
Fact: I have never been polled nor do I know ANYONE in real life who has...
Keep dreaming
Trump wins. No matter what you do or say. Count on it.
Polls....are meaningless and have built in bias....who answers polls?
Strange cnn has it 49 percent to 48 percent whose poll is right
l dont believe it, no one is voting for Biden, every one is afraid to admit we support Trump, the few people who support the left and Biden, want to attack Trump supporters.. crazy people who are willing to kill..disgrace to Americans who want Trump, we want our freedom
rajcheerfull I just want to know the name of Designated Survivor. Period.
Monsters in love
Monsters everywhere
Mor3 bu11$h1t from marxist network
Leftist media propaganda. This is the biden campaign.
Vote Blue
60%. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
NEW!: After Trump raided the military budget to pay for his border wall, Mark Esper seeks to fund advanced weapons systems on the backs of service members' health.$2.2 billion in military healthcare cuts proposed by Trump’s Defense Secretary during pandemic TrumpHasNoPlan
Latinos para Trump 2020, guaranteed!
What’s the problem Sarcasm Only up $7trillion since inauguration with Stock market close to all time high!
From the Nazi Broadcasting Corporation
Of course he does, because the MSM is an extension of the DNC, so whenever you do a poll it's allways from MSM, do a independent poll or a 3rd party poll an you'll find the President is actually ahead of your puppet Biden
Total BS
shouldn't we ask the FBI about this? isn't he admitting to pedophilia?
No, hes not.
That is what you think NBC! Its called the silent majority!
How did that work out for the pedophiles wife
Democraps wrote this...
Reelection president realDonaldTrump 2020 Mike_Pence IvankaTrump SpeakerPelosi marcorubio RepEspaillat JoeBiden ewarren BernieSanders ChuckGrassley SenSchumer LindseyGrahamSC LeaderHoyer CoryBooker RepAnthonyBrown despiertamerica UniNoticias CNN cnni CNNEE
Again, tell me if my math is correct. If he had a zero percent chance of beating Hillary and won, and now he is slightly behind, that means he should get 100% of the popular vote, yes?
It comes down to a handful of states like usual. Look at their polls and the margin of error.
SERIOUSLY --------------------
Same way he trailed KillaryClinton 🤔
You should connect with CNN, their poll shows Biden lead significantly narrowed on eve of convention
Fake news!
No need for democrats to show up and vote
Funny since Pelosi and Biden both called him a xenophobe and fought him when he was taking Adrian earlier in Jan/Feb. whwre in the world would we be if we had listened to them?
+ 10 economy + 4 strong leader
Biden is 77 yrs old. He will be 78 if he were to become President. That would be the oldest President of all 45 before him, by a long shot. He already has signs of Dementia/Alzheimers. Chances of him completing his tenure are slim. Kamala Harris is what you're getting, Democrats.
I m totally really surprised as hell none of these postal workers have gone full-out postal on any Elected GOPs ,, How bout you?
40% of people are just dumb
Yawn trash MSNBC
Only in your demented minds and dreams FakePoll FakeNewsMedia Trump2020 KAG Landslide MakeDemsPayInNovember
We now CANNOT count on the PO. Instead of mailing your ballot, fill it out and BRING it to a polling place where you can drop it off. It WILL BE DELIVERED directly to the Town, City, County or State Election office. YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT! Eliminate Treasonous Traitor tRUMP FRAUD.
trump is a failure as a president just like he was a failure as a businessman. We deserve so much more then trump. VOTE BLUE!!!! VOTE JOE/KAMALA
MSDNC pushing their POLLS again to make their lunatic base feel better
You ain't kidding anyone but yourselves. The energy on the ground is that Democrats have a UK style blowout coming their way...just like what happened to labor party.
Wrong when you remove the democrats padding from the polling numbers realDonaldTrump leads by double digits and by even larger number in all swing states. Factually speaking Nov 2020 will be Democrats biggest elections losses in U.S. History including down ticket candidates.
Hi Mr reporters! Why you tried to talk bad to our president all the time . You don’t see how people have been tried to make the Virus badly around the world We stay here . America feed Us . We must do something good to the country and RESPECT OUR PRESIDENT . God watches.
adamboultonSKY Progress! Accepting the truth is a good thing.
Some questions to ask and consider when analyzing political polls.
NBC.. You're SUCH a freaking HACK!
Also need to say the number polled out of how many voters.
Haha funny! Tell me how many people you polled please. I see your %’s butnot number polled. If you are going to present polls you need to present number polled. Otherwise, polls distorted and misleading.
Everyone can see the democrats response is what is hurting Americans. It’s the democratic states and cities where small business and economic recovery is a disaster because of their refusal to open business and schools for political purpose. What a shame. Trump2020
😂😂😂. Not true at all Not sure who you’re polling. Must be the same group you were polling in 2016.
Anyone who believes this probably drives alone in car wearing a mask. If you wanna post poles , where's the one showing how the credibility has been declining for the media. But you have a blue check mark, everything you post is honest and true
When you know your losing, you schedule a meeting with your Russian handler, Putin. Watch this space!
Americans are so funny , can’t you see the main cause of the COVID-19 spreading is because you don’t put your damn masks on ! 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️ no matter witch president is elected , if you don’t put your damn masks on , it’s still gonna spread !
He continues to trail in your rigged polls from your fake news. I see Trump/Pence signs every where but haven’t seen a single Biden sign.
Vote Biden. CCP preferred President Candidate
Fake news, fake polls
We've had enough of Trump
We need an injunction against removal of mail sorters and mail boxes.ImpoundUSPSSorters
Ha nope
NBC u r so fake. Don't worry Nov is coming. Trump will win again and u will have something to complain about 24/7 for 4 more years.
Fake news
JoeBiden has all the great answers to the situations going on in America to save lives,to save democracy,give us great healthcare,and put people back to work! one problem. WE NEED TO ELECT HIM FIRST! TRUMP'S ALL ABOUT NUMBERS MAKE THE HIGHEST TURNOUT NO MATTER HOW FAR BIDEN IS!
If 2016 taught us anything it was that polls mean nothing. When you poll your only asking a very very small part of the population. There are 400 million people in the US. Poll half of them then I will believe the polls. I look at rallies to tell who is the favorite.
adamboultonSKY Don’t worry, Biden’s ‘day in the sun’ won’t last!
Remember 2016: the phone polls weren't on track. The true polls are social media following, rally size, and small dollar donations. Trump leads in all those categories. He can win this, as long as we don't get complacent.
What planet are you on reporting these lies.
If the news favors realDonaldTrump then it’s 100% accurate and he and his cult members are praising the news outlet. If the news doesn’t favor realDonaldTrump it’s “fake news” and he and his cult members are acting like children and name calling 🤣🤣🤣
Love how Trump supporters can’t believe that the majority of people dislike someone who’s clearly an awful person. But again they’re oblivious to the brainwashing they’ve suffered and will always dispute it, unless polls show in their favour of course. How odd…
What does he have over him
Please vote in November. NoPolls
We’ve heard this before. panic
More we need more BidenHarrisLandslide2020 BidenHarrisLandslide2020 BidenHarrisLandslide2020
Stay focused on November regardless of polls. We must VoteTrumpOUT2020 BidenHarrisLandslide2020 BlueTsunami2020
Fake news.
Would love to know who you use as a sample for your polls
Underestimating him is how he won the 1st time. Vote like your life depends on it.
And trump still leads biden by 10 on the economy
Some questions to ask and consider when analyzing political polls.
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