Barcelona opera house reopens with performance to 2,292 plants

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It's not uncommon for performances at Barcelona's Gran Teatre del Liceu opera house to be sold out, but musicians played to an unusual audience on Monday to mark Spain's lifting of lockdown -- as thousands of plants filled its seats.

It's not uncommon for performances at Barcelona's Gran Teatre del Liceu opera house to be sold out, but musicians played to an unusual audience on Monday to markThe event was the work of conceptual artist Eugenio Ampudia and included a performance from the UceLi Quartet string quartet.

Although humans were not present in the audience, spectators could watch the"Concierto para el bioceno" via livestream.


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Was this a not-so-subtle comment on the intelligence of their regular audience?

this shit makes no sense just like cnn

Wundervoll..,eine Hommage an das Leben...Alle Planzen wurden danach verschenkt. Barcelona ist eine Stadt mit hoher jeder Hinsicht. Angefangen mit der Architektur..♥️

I’m sure the plants had a good time. Nice of the opera house to put on a good show for them.

aka Trump supporters

that was amazing

Be safe, 6ft & mask.

Second wave coming


Ha! This can evolve the air! Photosynthesis must be strong!

This audience is perfect for the shy and anxious

Black people that shout black power aren't racist. White people that shout white power ARE racist and should be destroyed. CNN

Silly. Plants are not sentient the same way animals and people are.

think they played 'let it grow'

Why not?

The President of the United States is a racist!

Can you stop petaling this story!


Nobody leaves for the restroom during the show

Once when air in opera house was really fresh. xD

It was probably a very flowering experience ! !

Just in Trump supporters are really plants....

Wonder what the plants were thinking about the humans playing to them instruments!


Best of luck..

Y’all been smokin somethin.

Plants dont fall asleep.

That’s ruined the comfy seats as they are now all wet and soiled.

So them dems had a nice night out. Good for them.

I'm sure this was pre-scheduled but COME ON! whoever is in charge of this account, THERE HAS BEEN A SHOOTING AND it was well over an hour ago!!!

Have to feed the audience with manure.

The BEST AUDIENCE ever👍🌱🌲🌳🌴🌳🌲

I for one welcome our Tree overlords.

On point and relevant news by CNN. Might as well start doing comics instead.

Funny thing is plants actually do have hearing apparently

plantParty!!! 🌱🌱🌱🌿🌿🌿

Beautiful gesture

That’s retarded

“Why don’t you make like a tree and get the he’ll outta here?” Biff Tannen.

They better have miniature masks on their stoma...

They know there are lots of plants outside right !?!

Ok, good for the plants, I guess.

This kind of things cannot even be heard in Africa!!! Performing to Plants!!!

My wife loves operas. I take her to operas. I’m buying her a plant and 2 tickets tmrw


Watch they all get sticky cell

literally no one cares

wrong account guys TheOnion

por estas jaladas el cereal trae instructivo

katemcbrearty a video of you performing to your ever growing number of houseplants over lockdown

After it was over, did the plants leave?

The Triffids rooting for Spanish music...


Literally thought this was The Onion.


Catalonia is not Spain Barcelona is a Catalan city. Catalonia will be a new State. We Catalan people need it. Our MHP are QuimTorraiPla in & KRLS out, in Waterloo. Sánchez is only a Spanish PM. We act as normal as we can. We don’t want those Kings. Aren’t u sure? We ARE.

Beautiful! Those plants will be a luscious green.

La estupidez llegó a los teatros de música académica.

I want to breathe that air.

My God, not unlike Trump performing in front of 6,200 potted plants in Tulsa! They really appeared to be the type appreciative of opera too! What a coincidence!

Creative idea..


The Sanseveria at the front row right disturbed the performance with its persistent coughing.

ebruenig that seems super labor-intensive. for the dramatic photos, or for the acoustics?

The plants love that

Oh that silly left !!!

plants kpop stans + tiktokers

bkyeyune 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mujooga

Okay but plants prefer death metal to classical music, this isn’t my opinion it’s science.

Racist opera house.


I wonder how plants vs. humans affects the acoustics in the performance hall.

How much they pay?


Only in Barcelona


It’s “Bardselona” CNN, c’mon!

🤨El mar hace que la gente actúe costeño... no importa la parte del mundo (?)

What about the one that didn't make it.😟 All plants matter 😁

Like CNN anchors with their viewers ☕

Let me guess, everyone leaves🤦‍♀️

Please sign and share my petition to help me loved one get a re trial for a crime with insufficient evidence. He has maintained his innocence for 15 years while being on death row

Please sign and share my petition to help me loved one get a re trial for a crime with insufficient evidence. He has maintained his innocence for 15 years while being on death row

Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo.

How much do the plants pay for admission?

This looks like an Onion article.

Just when I thought shit couldn’t get any sillier, liberals reach back in their bag of tricks and outdo themselves once again. Got my 🍿, can’t wait for what’s next😂😂


They aren’t wearing masks

Buena musica!

The increased oxygen levels probably helped the musicians play better.

Plants 🌱? I don’t get 🤔



Strange times

Dala mo plant mo here chicomendoza13

Aw that's awesome

You can't do this if it's Hamilton.

You are a sleazy bunch who take no pride in this country! All you can do is run down POTUS and conservatives and never have anything positive to say

For years the Veggie Tales performed for us, and like a son caring for his elderly mother, we now return the favor.


Don't forget to thank China for WuhanVirus which made all this possible

Some White people shit🙄

Well it’s a more intelligent audience than a Trump rally


I don't get it... To achieve what 😐❓

Not far removed from Trump's audience.

George W. Bush in the hall?

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