'Man of the hole' dies, last known survivor of Amazon tribe

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Singapore Headlines News

Singapore Latest News,Singapore Headlines

In the last known footage of him alive was shot in 2011 😲⬇️

Now this man whose very name was unknown is dead, and his passing has made headlines around the world.

The man was covered in the bright feathers of a bird called the guacamaya, a kind of macaw, local news reports said. The Tanaru land"is like an oasis of green in the sea of destruction," said NGO director Fiona Watson.The"man of the hole" was first spotted in 1996 by a documentary team traveling with officials of the National Indian Foundation, a government agency that was probing a massacre committed against his tribe.

But he made clear he did not want to engage anyone. Feeling threatened, one time he shot an arrow that left a visiting team member seriously wounded."One can only imagine what this man was thinking, going through, living on his own, not able to speak to anybody and I think very frightened because any outsider for him represented a threat, given his terrible experience," Watson said.

Besides bows and arrows that showed he hunted, there were gardens where he grew fruit and vegetables, such as papaya and manioc.


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