Nearly half of US states reported an increase in COVID-19 cases this week. Here's what experts say can help stop another surge

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At least 21 states have recorded at least a 10% rise in daily average positive cases of COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data Thursday, demonstrating that the fight against the pandemic is far from over.

In Michigan, hospitals are increasingly overwhelmed and reaching full capacities in part due to the influx of new coronavirus cases. State and local officials across the country are attempting to avoid a similar situation and are pushing to increase vaccination levels among adults, which shows continuing signs of improvement.

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington warns that declining vaccine confidence combined with eased restrictions could give the virus the opportunity to surge again. Under a worst-case scenario, 679,000 people will have died by August 1 if more people stop wearing masks and start moving around and gathering more, they say.In order to prevent a new surge as well as Covid-19 variants that may be more infectious, health experts continue to recommend mask-wearing, social distancing, and above all else, vaccination.

While more than 78% of those ages 75 and up have received at least one dose of vaccine, the percentage of those vaccinated ages 18-29 is at roughly 25%, CDC data shows. And young and relatively healthy people who have had Covid-19 before should still get a vaccine to prevent reinfection, according to research published Thursday in the journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

"This is a big win for Rhode Island's vaccination efforts," said Governor Dan McKee."I hope that no-cost trips will enable everyone who wants to get to a vaccine clinic to get there easily." "The lifting of the mandate does not diminish the importance of wearing a face mask," Sununu said, noting that numbers remain high across the state."We ask that people continue to take steps to protect their own health, the health of their family and friends, and the health of their community."As vaccine distribution continues, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine remains paused.


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