Children slept over an hour more with mindfulness training, study finds

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Philippines Headlines News

Philippines Latest News,Philippines Headlines

Elementary school children who took mindfulness training two times a week for two years slept an average of 74 extra minutes a night, a new study found.

That boost in total sleep time included an additional 24 minutes of rapid eye movement , the dream stage of sleep when memories are consolidated and stored.

"Children who reported using the techniques more often outside of class, at home, had larger gains in sleep over the time period we studied," O'Hara said. "Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, poor mental health, and injuries," according to the CDC."They are also more likely to have attention and behavior problems, which can contribute to poor academic performance in school."

Sleep can be especially problematic for children living in poverty due to crowded, unstable housing, food insecurity and possible higher levels of crime, according to the study. The other school district implemented during PE a mindfulness curriculum from Pure Edge, a non-profit organization which provides free programs to schools and non-profits to build skills in stress management.

Techniques for mindful breathing were taught in an age-appropriate way. For example, Chick said, children in grades three through five were taught"starfish breath," in which they"imagine their hand is a starfish and they trace each finger up with the inhale and out with the exhale."


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