He may ring bells, but can he bell the cat?

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Nigeria Headlines News

Nigeria Latest News,Nigeria Headlines

The story is about a large food store being terrorised by a mischief of mice. The store belonged to a well-respected merchant in a quaint

little town where he kept grains, bread, fruits and other edible goods he sold to his townsfolk. Business seemed to flourish, but he had a problem.

One squeak after another, the mice met their untimely death. Within weeks, every mouse had lost a friend or relative to the sharp jaws and swift paws of the cat. Those who narrowly escaped spoke of her stealthy attacks. “You’ll never hear or see her coming,” they told their kinsmen in terror. The others were dead scared of venturing outside! But the hunger would not go away.

Fast forward to recent events. President Bola Tinubu and the First Lady found themselves in the news for ringing bells of their own. Meanwhile, the First Lady rang the bell of peace not too far away, causing Nigerians to wonder if the first couple was vying to out-ring each other. The reactions were as diverse as the 200+ million people they represent.Another wrote, “Big win for Nigeria! This is a great honour!”

While they applauded the recognition given to the power couple, the question remains: can they bell the cat of unemployment, economic hardship, insecurity, injustice and the creaking infrastructure back home? Will our schools be safe from bandit abductions? Can the millions of out-of-school children find renewed hope in Tinubu’s agenda? The ensuing months and years will tell.


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