Air transmission of coronavirus

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Nigeria Headlines News

Nigeria Latest News,Nigeria Headlines

As the number of new cases of COVID-19 — and deaths continue to increase in Nigeria, and elsewhere in the world, it’s time to review how this disease is transmitted. Even among those that seem to o...

As the number of new cases of COVID-19 — and deaths continue to increase in Nigeria, and elsewhere in the world, it’s time to review how this disease is transmitted. Even among those that seem to observe the safety protocols, there have been infections.But as scientists began to beam more light on the virus, they found compelling evidence that the spread of the virus could not be explained by droplets infection alone.

When we cough, sneeze, talk, breathe or sing, we normally release droplets, which are tiny particles of fluid, as well as aerosols, which are tinnier particles of fluid in the air. From physics, a five-micron droplet usually takes about 30 minutes to drop to the ground from the mouth of an adult who is of average height. During that time, the droplet can move many metres on an air current. Droplets released when we cough or sneeze also go much farther than a metre.

Droplets could not have explained the transmission based on the distance they could travel, at least not for those at the other tables, because it’s expected that droplets would have reached the ground. Those who attended the choir event observed the safety protocols, including avoiding handshakes, avoiding hugs and used hand sanitisers which reduced the risk of transmission through direct contact. It was noted that the room had poor ventilation and the rehearsal lasted up to 2.5 hours which is considered long for a pandemic period.

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control cannot continue to play catch up, or “follow follow”, as we call it here. Nigeria, and indeed Africa should lead the world when it comes to infectious disease. Even the world agrees we have the experience.


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