[SBS Star] JENNIE's Cute Reason for Asking Production Team to Blur Her Phone Discloses

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대한민국 헤드 라인 뉴스

대한민국 최근 뉴스,대한민국 헤드 라인

JENNIE's Cutest Reason for Asking Production Team to Blur Her Phone Discloses SBS뉴스

Recently, VOGUE JAPAN filmed JENNIE introducing some of her favorite items to carry about in her two bags―one small and one big one―when traveling.

She laughingly said,"Can you guys blur my phone? It's kind of embarrassing to show it, because it's dirty." 이미지 확대하기 이미지 확대하기 When JENNIE moved on to the giant bag, she stated,"I'm like a mom when it comes to bags. To me, moms always have everything for emergency in their bags when they go out with their children. I'm like a mom to myself."


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대한민국 최근 뉴스, 대한민국 헤드 라인

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