The Time Is Now

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Italia Notizie Notizia

Italia Ultime Notizie,Italia Notizie

Galerie Number 8 e Paper Journal hanno collaborato a The Time Is Now: un’iniziativa di raccolta fondi a favore delle BlackLives (dal 13 luglio al 10 agosto). Scoprite di più qui ⬇️

: A fundraising initiative in aid of black lives. The fundraiser will run from 13 July-10 August 2020.

Galerie Number 8 and Paper Journal stand in support and solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement today and into the future, with communities that have been vilified and oppressed institutionally by the status quo. In working together on this fundraiser, they aim to give back by donating to charities globally that will help uplift and support their communities locally in the ongoing fight against systemic and ingrained racism.

Each poster will be printed on 200gsm Hahnemühle Matt Fibre Duo paper, at an average of 50x75cm in an edition of 15 or 30.Raffle items include one-off t-shirts with images by Kyle Weeks and Campbell Addy produced exclusively for this fundraiser; t-shirts from the DoBeDo archive; limited edition artist prints and photobooks from publishers including MACK, Loose Joints and Kodoji Press.

100% of proceeds will be split equally amongst the following charities and NFP Organisations, in support of the incredible work they do for their local black and indigenous communities: Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust , Pay The Rent , La vérité pour Adama and the Marsha P. Johnson Institute .All posters will be shipped weekly and raffle winners will be announced at the end of the fundraiser. All posters, prints, merchandise and photobook copyright remain with the artist.


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