Sea Eye 4 disembarks 144 rescued migrants in Reggio Calabria

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Italia Notizie Notizia

Italia Ultime Notizie,Italia Notizie

The NGO rescue ship Sea Eye 4 arrived in Reggio Calabria on Sunday and disembarked the 144 migrants and refugees on board. The group includes 20 unaccompanied minors, 2 newborn babies and several family groups. (ANSA)

The NGO rescue ship Sea Eye 4 arrived in Reggio Calabria on Sunday and disembarked the 144 migrants and refugees on board. They had been rescued by the German NGO off the coast of Libya in two separate operations on Thursday morning and Friday afternoon, respectively involving a group of 84 people from Gambia, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Senegal and Ghana and a group of 60 people from Syria, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sudan and Burkina Faso.

Last week another, migrant rescue ship, the Humanity 1, was placed under administrative detention for 20 days in the Calabrian port of Crotone in relation to the rescue of 77 migrants and refugees from three small boats in distress on grounds the crew allegedly failed to act under the coordination of the Libyan authorities, which Italy claims were responsible for the operation.

"Numerous people threw themselves into the water in panic and the coast guard fired a shot into the water," said the NGO in a statement.


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