Corona crisis: The largest assistance package in Germany’s history saves lives, jobs, companies now invests in the future too

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Italia Notizie Notizia

Italia Ultime Notizie,Italia Notizie

The German government has put in place an assistance package of historic proportions. Here the interview with Werner Gatzer, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany

Public investment can provide a key impetus for enhancing the future viability of Germany's economy. And a stable German economy also benefits our European and international partners.Our rescue package is comprised of extensive stabilisation and investment measures to protect businesses and workers during the immediate crisis while simultaneously making Germany fit for the future.

KfW Covid loans have been granted special State guarantees on the top of the existing standard State guarantees: what is the overall amount of State guarantees on KfW loans and which is the size of the Covid-related KfW loans? KfW-Schnellkredit was announced in the second 2020 package.

The new Stabilization fund was created for the Covid-crisis: has it been used in 2020? Where and how? Will it be used in 2021? What are the financial resources of this fund? The investment drive of your Covid-19 emergency measures is of great interest in Italy and Europe. In the past, in the pre-Covid era, Germany was criticized for not investing enough in structural productive State expenditure to enhance growth. Now in response to the coronavirus crisis, Germany moved from €37 bn investments in 2017 to €71.3 bn in 2020, €55.2 bn in 2021 and €48bn on an yearly basis in 2022-2024.

The German government has responded decisively to the current crisis in order to mitigate the immediate effects of the pandemic, to protect prosperity and jobs, and to reinforce the foundations for sustainable, strong economic growth in Germany. This decisive response is reflected in the big increase in investment spending that you mentioned – federal government investment will rise to about €71.3 billion this year and €55.2 billion in 2021, up from about €38 billion in 2019.

Germany entered the coronavirus crisis with one of the best health systems in Europe. How much are you investing in 2020 and 2021 to make your health system more resilient in this pandemic crisis? We have also launched a “public health services pact” that will run until 2026. The pact's objective is to build up structures – staffing, technical and digital – in the area of infectious disease control, both quickly and in a way that is capable of managing future challenges. The pact will have a total of €4 billion in federal funding at its disposal.

Our draft federal budget for 2021 is also strongly affected by the pandemic. Next year's budget will have to finance many of the measures contained in our future-oriented investment package, and it will also have to take other crisis-related adverse effects into account – especially shortfalls in tax revenue.


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