Fatigued: The long road to recovery from Covid-19

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Ireland Headlines News

Ireland Latest News,Ireland Headlines

Mark Burke, who contracted coronavirus in March, says unless you experience it first hand, you don't realise how dangerous and severe it can be

48-year-old Mark Burke was given 24 hours to live after experiencing complications after contracting Covid-19, but he managed to survive.

The consultant phoned his wife to say that things had taken a turn for the worse and it didn't look good. But he was dubbed a "medical miracle" when he managed to pull through. At the moment, he said he is still very tired and suffers from a lack of energy. He said an hour or two of anything and he could literally lie down and go to sleep.Mark said that it is a long road to return to normality. He said it is almost six months now, and he would not be able for a full day's work.

Even those who may have initially experienced a relatively mild illness have reported that they continue to experience a range of symptoms. While there is no formal definition of "long haul Covid" or "long Covid", it is now being investigated in people across the globe.More than half of patients in a study conducted here reported suffering from persistent fatigue months after they first contracted the disease.

He said that for those who were back at work, they found it very difficult to do anything beyond the day's work. According to the World Health Organization, most people with Covid-19 experience mild symptoms or moderate illness. Approximately 10-15% of cases progress to severe disease, and about 5% become critically ill.


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VSWIFTPF 24 hours to live but still did somehow.

Because he has other serious illness, not because Covid 19 is inside him....bulshit. it's just a flu

Was he not out having few beers last week.

When he was discharged from hospital

I see a fair few replies are from, presumably, highly qualified scientists* with, no doubt, labs in their kitchens, claiming they've got the answer to ongoing complications. (*tedious arseholes).

'Generally fit' yeah you could generally fit through door. You're no way nor have you ever been generally fit. Relax on the fresh cod and chips 5 times a week

Man said he generally generally fit 🙉🙈the lies mate come on

The dark reality of this virus


research on Vit D .. Donegal levels so low they thought machine wasn't working. might be worth taking a supplement

I was hit with some viral lung infection after overseas travel. Spent 6 weeks in hospital of 2 wks in ICU. Doctors said it maybe be some kind of pneumonia but couldn't clinically identify it. I was 38, fit and healthy in 2008. If happened today i would be a Covid patient.

Bring it on bitches

Pump the propaganda out!

The comments on here are disgusting and disgusting and uneducated FOOLS

And 99% recover with no symptoms...

I am genuinely delighted Mark has pulled through, nobody likes to read about sickness at anytime so its heartening to see positives. Perhaps for journalistic balance why don't you interview someone who had COVID but had no issues and allow them to share their experience?

This is really important information. Please RTE tell us the figures for people who have bad follow-on effects from Covid. We really need to know. Thanks.

These LongCovid stories are alarming, so much we don't know about the after effects of this virus.

These propaganda techniques are useless. It will weaken the credibility of the government. Like the CCP

risk factors= overweight, age survived.


Can you show us maybe the x10 other patients of the same demographic who where symptomless or where hospitalised but with no complications? You know, just for context?

No offence but that chap doesn’t look like he was fit or active and that is how he looks after been run down by a deadly virus

And the state media keeps rolling em out to keep the hysteria real

Watch all the rude experts below ridicule this mans fight.

Say this lad was suffering from fatigue beforehand too. If they want young people to take note then at least put someone who is young and healthy who contracted covid in front of the camera.

Think I’ve had covid for the last 12 years then

Post viral fatigue is a thing alright. Not a new phenomenon either.

Do us all a favour fk off wit ur fake news fatigue 6 months later con

RTE need to learn how to do more scientific reporting & less scaremongering. Anecdotal reports like this need balancing with reference to the average.

You mean tiredness?

I suffer from fatigue every morning!

How much was he paid or had they something on him. People are on to rte still scaremongering. Just boring now!

Same symptoms as pneumonia

haran_a 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂that's all I've got to say

You never see an article about the thousands who had it and didn’t even realise though

Shocked at some of these comments. None of us like the restrictions but they are what they are. Numbers are increasing and at least the death toll hasn’t been as shocking. I can’t believe that anyone believes this is a conspiracy

Loads of people have experienced it without even knowing it.

Some amount of headless clueless imbecilces on this thread. One would expect 1 or 2 but really didn't think there were this many. All the big lads alright thinking they're immune and invisible from it Muppets

Hope one day you can recover completely mark no matter what you say some morons and idiots will think covid is not serious or a scam wait until they get it an see how wrong there were. People are so dam stupid it thinking this is fake

Remember ..... Anecdotes are not evidence!

Mark was nearly one of the 100 in total who died from Covid without comorbidities -and yet far worse influenzas have existed and no Lockdowns. H1N1 influenza bout had 48 + people in Ireland suffering NARCOLEPSY but that was after receiving the vaccine.

Maybe the nay-sayers and anti-maskers should take heed. RTE only supply the news they get as do Virgin Media, etc. I'm sure those great patriots who promote fake news conspiracies would change their tune if it was them on the ICU bed.

So it wasn’t DEADLY...

I am removing myself from your page because of your biased views on covid.

The state media rolling out the 1% for some headlines I’m sure cancer survivors would have a lot more devastating stories but they don’t their illness used to create hysteria

It is true that some people are severely fatigued after Covid and some are left with irregular heartbeats, etc., but why is reporting this now becoming the norm? It is called Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and is NORMAL for many people after a viral infection, its nothing new

I can say the same thing about the flu. Different people react differently.

I love all the comments saying 'but he's alive so we're all fine'. Life is not black and white. This illness is not black or white. It's not 'you're 100% fine' or 'you're dead'. Long term effects of severe disease are getting well documented. Stay safe everyone!

Great to see you up and getting well Mark 👍

Fraudcaster RTE churning out the fake news day after day.


Likewise with many different viruses some recover faster than others, unfortunately it takes others a lot longer to recover,

Have you told that to Boris Johnson?

More scaremongering from rte. Im surprised you haven't got a picture of coffins in a graveyard to go with it

There are many illness that have a long road to recovery. Some you never recover from. Covid can't be prioritised over other fatal or life changing illnesses.

Seems happy enough. I'm fatigued from listening to all your covid bs!!

God bless the man but he is not dead so what is all this fear 😱 about people catch different things every day its not working fake news

You can spot the bots a mile off at this stage, greetings comrades, the bear eats from from his left paw amirite?

RTÉs project fear continues I see.

He's still alive though! So not that dangerous!! DefundRTE

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