Welcoming the Regional Election, PKS Strengthens the Coalition, How Will the Coalition's Fate Change?

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While maintaining good relations with the Change Coalition, PKS stated that it was ready to forge new collaborations.

Welcoming the Regional Election, PKS Strengthens the Coalition, How Will the Coalition's Fate Change?Please note that this article was automatically translated using Microsoft Azure AI, Open AI, and Google Translation AI. We cannot ensure that the entire content is translated accurately.

After the appointment of Prabowo and Gibran as the elected president and vice president, the PKS stated that they would consolidate internally to welcome the regional elections. The PKS is also open to the possibility of forming a new coalition with the elected government. He explained that there is no word of farewell in the Coalition for Change. The Coalition for Change is expected to last until the upcoming local elections."We never say goodbye to our nation. We will continue to build, build, and build until our last breath," he said.While maintaining good relations with the Coalition for Change, Aboe Bakar stated his readiness to establish new cooperation with the newly elected president and vice president.

"With the end of the presidential election, as confirmed by the KPU , the task of the national campaign team will also end. Following the direction of Mr. Prabowo, we hope that our togetherness will continue as a community called the National Solidarity Movement," said Rosan.


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