The commotion in South Tangerang and the SARA issue in the media that worries residents

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Indonesia Berita Terbaru,Indonesia Berita utama

The commotion in Setu, South Tangerang, was not triggered by SARA issues. Residents are worried about false narratives in a number of media.

Please note that this article was automatically translated using Microsoft Azure AI, Open AI, and Google Translation AI. We cannot ensure that the entire content is translated accurately. If you spot any errors or inconsistencies, contact us atThe chairman of RW 002 Marat , along with the police, communicated with residents of boarding houses in RT 007 RW 002, Poncol Village, Babakan Sub-district, Setu, South Tangerang City, on Monday afternoon.

The local residents' conflict with a group of young people turned out to be recorded by someone and was uploaded to social media. The video quickly spread and became a heated topic because it was deemed to have violated freedom of religion, intolerance, and even led to issues of SARA. "Why do you journalists spread bad and false news? Why do the media report dangerous issues? The news in the media is not true," said one resident who did not want to be named.

The head of RW 002 Marat stated that residents do not have a problem with religious activities. However, in some activities, students often gather in groups of at least 10-20 people. "We just want a safe environment. There are many boarding houses here, so it's certainly crowded. But we still take care of each other, we are harmonious, and we don't conflict. No one prohibits activities, let alone praying. It's just necessary to pay attention to the environment. It's pitiful for residents, many of whom are children. If there is a disturbance, especially if it's related to sensitive issues, it will certainly be very disturbing.

"We also do not want this incident to happen. If we pray, we do it regularly. We do not want any disturbance to happen as it will make things uncomfortable," he said. "Some cases in Indonesia are actually only social issues, but instead they touch upon ethnicity and then religion. Tensions are highly likely to arise due to the high diversity in the city. Issues that are initially trivial can spread to ethnicity and religion. This means that big cities with their diversity are paradoxical. If not managed well, it becomes counterproductive and leads to disintegration," said Rakhmat.

Indonesia's digital citizens are considered inexperienced in providing information on social media. Overseas, netizens who want to provide information have to go through stages such as verification and interviews.


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