Preserving Ramadan Traditions

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Indonesia Berita utama Berita

Indonesia Berita Terbaru,Indonesia Berita utama

Some people feel the need for traditions during Ramadan to be preserved and passed on to the next generation.

Residents wait for breaking their fast at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, on Tuesday . Hundreds of Muslims break their fast together on the first day of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah/2024 at the Istiqlal Mosque. The manager of the Istiqlal Mosque provides 4,000-6,000 boxed rice meals every day for the community to break their fast during Ramadan. The availability of boxed rice meals increases from the previous year, which was 3,000-4,000 boxed rice meals per day.

Even though it has only recently become a popular topic of conversation on social media, hunting for takjil in the month of Ramadan has been going on for a long time. This activity remains a routine that is never missed before breaking the fast. The results of theon March 18-20 2024 revealed that the activity of seeking takjil before breaking the fast and otherOf the various Ramadan traditions mentioned by respondents, there are at least six activities that are most often carried out to date.

In addition, the activities of"ngabuburit" and"sahur keliling" also remain part of the community's habits during the month of Ramadan. Two out of ten respondents mentioned that both activities are still popular in the areas where they live. In fact, in some regions, these two activities still involve unique attractions and traditional activities that are typical of the respective regions.

Interestingly, various traditional Ramadan activities also invite enthusiasm from people from various age groups and different religious backgrounds. The results of thePoll stated that the Ramadan tradition is still often carried out by people from various circles. This shows that the fasting month is also a relatively important moment for other people. Everyone is happy to welcome Ramadhan and enjoy the various characteristics of the fasting month.


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Indonesia Berita Terbaru, Indonesia Berita utama

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