Develop a plan until THR's 'Hilal' arrives

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Indonesia Berita utama Berita

Indonesia Berita Terbaru,Indonesia Berita utama

Welcoming Eid al-Fitr, THR disbursement is the most eagerly awaited thing. Some residents have already made plans.

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found inIllustration. A citizen of Jakarta received their holiday allowance on Thursday . The THR was welcomed by the community and seen as a help when the prices of basic necessities rose, providing an opportunity for them to be able to reunite with their families.

Vina has been finding ways to manage the costs of purchasing basic necessities without burdening herself. She does so by participating in a savings scheme called"arisan." Vina and her relatives have been holding an arisan for 10 months prior to Eid al-Fitr, where each person contributes around Rp 150,000 per month.

"The company where I work does provide two holiday bonuses each year, during Idul Fitri and Christmas," said a resident of Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. "Let's not allow ourselves to borrow money from online loan application services to fulfill our needs in the following month after Eid al-Fitr just because our expenses have increased. If this happens, it will undoubtedly worsen the economy," said the second child among four siblings.Visitors shop at one of the shopping centers in Jakarta on Tuesday .

Amidst the euphoria of receiving THR , the challenge of price increase seems to be ready to confront. The price of basic necessities soared, such as the price of rice which gradually increased in the past two months. Market operations have not been able to suppress the price of rice in the market. David, an egg vendor in Pancoran, South Jakarta, said that the price of eggs has never gone down since the beginning of fasting season."The price of eggs is already expensive at the farmer level," said David.KOMPAS/RHAMA PURNA JATI

Civil servants and retirees will receive their full THR, just like private employees who must be given THR equal to at least one month's salary and cannot be paid in installments. The distribution of THR is expected to boost the purchasing power of the public amidst the skyrocketing prices of basic necessities.

However, he urges the public to spend their Eid al-Fitr bonus wisely. Even though the amount of bonus this year is higher, it is not wrong to save 10 to 20 percent of it.


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