Recipe: How to make a Breizh Café galette

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France Actualités Nouvelles

France Dernières Nouvelles,France Actualités

Lunch the French way!

Prepare the mashed potatoes: peel the potatoes and cut them into large chunks . Place them in a pot of boiling salted water and leave to cook for 20 minutes. Drain them and place in a bowl. Mash the potatoes with a fork, making sure to leave some pieces. Pour in the melted butter and olive oil. Mix well. Let cool, then add the seaweed tartar.

Heat a crepe pan to 250 °C . Pour and spread 12.5 cl of batter evenly. Brush the galette with melted butter. Place 150 g of mashed potatoes in the center of the galette. Leave to cook, the edges will start to rise. Then use the spatula to fold the galette into an open triangle. Using a brush, brush the folded edges of the galette with melted butter. Add 1 tsp of seaweed tartar. Remove the galette from the crêpe pan and place it on a serving plate. Repeat for the other 3 galettes.

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