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France Actualités Nouvelles

France Dernières Nouvelles,France Actualités

Brooke Shields in Monaco in June 1983 ❤️ 🎾 -- © Getty Images

, the first black player to win Wimbledon and the French and US Open, dominate both the court and the typically waspy uniform that remains one of the most rigidly conservative kits in modern sport., which were due to start this month, have maintained consistently strict regulations surrounding players’ dress codes since the tournament’s inception in 1877, its most famous wardrobe decree being those obligatory tennis whites.

Not cream, not off-white, but white — right down to the player’s underwear and shoes — a rule originally born out of the Victorians’ extreme social phobia of being seen to perspire. Yes, perspire. Theeven go as far as stipulating that ‘A single trim of colour around the neckline and around the cuff of the sleeves is acceptable but must be no wider than one centimetre .’ I mean, I don’t know when the last time you measured your neckline was, but… sure.


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We are not interested in media, acting/actors or entertainment just as we are not interested in working or socialize like that. Thank you.

So it is medium size actor and old women actor theme today. Remarkable. And France want diplomacy regarding me and my man. I just don’t see how it can happen when subtle harassment’s and labeling is occurring on a regular basis.

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France Dernières Nouvelles, France Actualités

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