“I want it to be an art orgy”: Rick Owens on his ephemeral Pompidou Centre installation

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France Actualités Nouvelles

France Dernières Nouvelles,France Actualités

Set to be everything glunge - the marriage of glamour and grunge.

Tell us about your You x Art x Centre Pompidou project — what can visitors expect?“I started with the thought: ‘What is the most radical thing I can do in a space filled with incredible works of art?’ And I concluded it was to bring in my own works of art. So there will be living works of art , standing on works of art , responding to works of art . I want it to be an art orgy in a controlled environment . The whole thing is really collaborative.

3PRONG BENCH, LA PASSION SELON CAROL RAMA EXHIBITION INSTALLATION, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, PARIS, 2015Why is it important for your creative oeuvre to transcend fashion into art, interior design, publishing and so on? “I think a lot about environment when I’m designing clothes. I love the idea of everything connecting and being authentic; that you wear an outfit that relates to who you are and where you live and how you live — everything complete and resolved. There’s a morality to it which has always interested me.”Did the ideas explored in your SS20 collection inform YACP in any way?

“Not literally, but like I say, it’s important to me that there is a consistent aesthetic thread through everything that I do in my entire life. My latest collection took inspiration from my Mexican heritage on my mother’s side of the family, which I haven’t explored that much before. I recently went to see an exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice about Josef and Anni Albers’ travels through Mexico and the country’s influence on their work.

“There’s an installation by [Italian artist] Giuseppe Penone in which all the walls are lined with laurel leaves behind wire mesh. Close to that is a Joseph Beuys installation [called Plight] and the walls are covered with grey wool felt, and, in another room, a floor by Carl Andre [144 Tin Square]. I’ve always thought of that as my fantasy home — a Penone room, a Beuys room, all the floors covered in metal tiles.”“Museums are so compelling to me — they all have a loaded history.


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