5 must-read Philip Roth novels

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France Actualités Nouvelles

France Dernières Nouvelles,France Actualités

In honor of the celebrated American author Philip Roth, who passed away on this day

© Getty Images, was published in 1997 and won him the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1998. The novel follows the life of Seymour Levov, the grandson of a Jewish immigrant, who marries an ex-Miss New Jersey and seems happy at face value. However, his daughter Merry becomes an anti-conformist and terrorist, ruining her father’s apparently perfect All-American lifestyle. The novel deftly explores and indeed questions the nostalgia of the American dream.

recounts the story of Coleman Silk, a classics professor who, on the eve of his retirement, is accused of racism by two students, and decides to resign rather than be fired. The narrator, Nathan Zuckerman, helps him write his own story. We discover the tumultuous path of Silk’s life, like his relationship with Faunia, a 34-year-old janitor. A powerful yet ambivalent and brutal tale.


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France Dernières Nouvelles, France Actualités

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