Why Justin Trudeau is No. 1 on the 2021 Maclean's Power List

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Canada Headlines News

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Dismiss the Prime Minister if you like, but the fact is that in the past year he had (and used) power on a scale nobody in the country could match. Paul Wells on why Trudeau is No. 1 on the 2021 Maclean's Power List:

Who had more power in Canada in 2020, and was less inhibited about wielding it, than Justin Trudeau? Nobody. Nobody else comes close. Dismiss the Prime Minister if you like, knock his brains, his choices, his often demonstrably shaky adherence to principle. But in 2020, the central fact of Justin Trudeau’s place in the nation’s life was that he had and used power on a scale nobody in the country could match.

An activist government in Ottawa usually awakens powerful resistance in one provincial capital or another. But the likeliest suspects—the conservative premiers of Quebec, Ontario and Alberta—kind of had their hands full. Stephen Harper used to avoid meeting the premiers as a group. Trudeau wasn’t a huge fan of having them over either, at first. But this year he hosted calls with them most weeks.

The last minority Liberal prime minister, Paul Martin, spent a year and a half trying to avoid an election. This one uses the threat of an election to chase the other parties away. That tells you all you need to know about the pecking order in Parliament.


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What do you get when you elect a PM that was a part time drama teacher of low intelligence, fortunate enough to have a famous last name? An idiotic hypocritical fraud who is always embroiled in some sort of scandal. But l guess l am experiencing things differently!

yes he loves attention and power and lies to obtain

'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” He definitely controls the media in the country like a bunch of lap dogs 🐩.

Agreed! He's been a great leader.

what a load of crap

Maclean’s lol , they receive so much money from the federal government that they are basically government employees.

Oh how about scandal after scandal and a mountain of debt ? But here is a new carbon tax during a pandemic with vaccines that we just can not seem to get out too whom needs them !!!

I think he is great.

Oh please,, you really don’t think any other PM would do the same? Of course. It’s his job!! He is being paid to to do it.

How much is Maclean's receiving every month from Trudeau's Media Slush Fund ?

Was under the impression that unmatchable power in a country is typically held by the leader of that country’s gov,t?

Yes how unfortunate for us.

Well you helped keep him there!

Used power like an untrained drama teacher. Does Maclean’s just pump for the liberals now.

And used that power to help Canadians get through a crisis. He shows strong leadership.

With great power came too little accountability.

Justinian, whose ultramontain dad admired Mussolini... who used concentration camps in Libya.

Because you are fukin igits.

The ultimate result of socialism ... why you doubt ?

Worst PM in history

35 +/- in Viet Nam died of Covid 19 all last year with a population of almost 100 Million. 25 in NZ/ 5M pop. 18K are dead in Canada with a population of 38 Million. Deflect to provinces all you want. Trudeau has much more powers to use to protect us but he won't.

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