Unifor president says ‘F*** You’ to Premier Ford in televised speech

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Unifor president says 'F*** you' to Premier Doug Ford in televised speech


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Union is losing their members therefore their dues. That’s why they’re mad. I’ll be pissed if government hands over more of my money while GM keeps running the business at a loss. Sad for the staff but move on and get alternative employment as others do.

Some will say yeah but you wouldn’t have gotten there without the staff... true but they wouldn’t have had this job without my investment and risk. GM is going down cause their cars suck. Union is part to blame for never having enough of the pie.

Why do Unions & libtards think employees always deserve more of the profit pie. If I start a business, I work hard and long hours, I take all the risk while employing staff I should make most of the profit right? It’s my profit right? Not the employees.

He should be saying that Trudeau

I just don’t get it, maple leaf is closing few location and opening one in London, but more ppl loosing job then being hired at the new location. No one complains. Life goes on. Ppl be creative and accept the fact and move on.

Right back at you JerBear for blasting through $13.7B of tax payers dollars in less than 9 years. GM went through $1.52B per year and couldn't turn around. Bad management. Poor ppl who will lose everything due to idiotism

Jerry demands that his union members make 35 dollars an hour for unskilled work that a chimp can do with an air tool,and produce a product that nobody wants,yeah ok

Well UniforTheUnion should be all ashamed of the disgusting little runt they have as a president, and have him removed. He has no respect for the premier, the taxpayers or apparently the people he represents that voted PC and will vote CPC in 2019. He's a pathetic little thug

Typical union ahold

Real classy. Not!

Such great leadership

Canada has no car companies if this guy doesn’t wake up it will have no car manufacturers at all. They have provided jobs for generations and their industry is in rapid global change. They don’t owe anyone anything apart from their shareholders. Union dinosaur.

Unirof and Jerry Know they messed up. They are staring to feel the fire up their ass.

Typical union employee.. Classy

You’re a “public figure” but you react like that to an accusation. What grade are you going into next year?

Jerry the Junkyard dog

He is a moron. Just what the hell can Ford do about it? GM has made their decision.

Is everyone done having a sanctimonious fit because someone said a naughty word on TV?

DaFacts = the plant manufactures cars NO ONE buys, while the market shifted to JAPANESE & EUROPEAN models which are extremely popular = workers have been overpaid & entitled for too long = they need to face reality = the North American Market is DEAD to DOMESTIC cars. reality

If they for 22.00 to 25.00 they may have a job

If the Union really wanted to help workers, they would stop making them pay their union dues so they can save & use that money to prepare for their future. The union is fighting for their own jobs, not the workers.

Time for the union to realize they don't run the company. Businesses will make decisions based on what the trends are and what is good for business. All this bluster about fighting for the jobs is just ludicrous.

Go n find another job


Right back at you Di-ass. No wonder Dias hates PC's. Harper made secret voting for union members possible. When justintrudeau got elected he stopped this & made open voting mandatory, so union hoods could strongarm anyone who voted against them.

Only 5 months in and a lot.people hate Ford. He's gotta go or Ontario won't survive

Hey Jerry JerryPDias your number is listed online. It was there so Nooooooooobody gave it out. GM gmoshawa GmClosing Unifor

What a jerk. He knows this has nothing to do with the present government. When a plant loses money, it closes. Period.

Why should Jerry's spokesperson apologize for something that is TRUE!

Classy guy.

Question for Unifor...Will you still be collecting union dues from the GM workers till the last day the plant closes? Will that help your brothers and sister's ? Employees should show GM they want to stay and vote the union out.

Why would any business want to work with any union? When this is their mentality. No evolution what so ever.

GM probably wants another handout from the taxpayer to keep the plant going!

Unifor should be going after Trudeau, Mr. 'I stand with Mexico and support their third world wages that are incompatible with ours in a trade agreement' Trudeau. He should be ashamed of himself for throwing our country under the bus yet Unifor is turning this into a ford bashfest


it has nothing to do with Ford grow up

Jerry Dias owes money to families of deceased members! He definitely is grandstanding and using members funds to go Washington etc! He doesn't pay widow or children of deceased members their full entitlement!! I think he is a snake oil salesman!!

Fine by me.



Stop showing 4 ads before the actual video.

Another piece of work that has no idea of the real reality of life...…………………………………...sad.

Unfortunately, this class of humans quality is in power today everywhere, it is their turn “we caught up with them”

Jerry Dias, you sir are a Bumbling Bufoon, as a former Local President and current disgruntled UNIFOR member you embarrass us all. Step down before you do more damage to the Union movement. UniforTheUnion JerryPDias


The little dictator!!

Douche bag gonna douche.


strong words... i really hope they have a plan of action 4 those workers

Union just negotiated another 3 Years contract. $400 signing bonus, not a cent raise for the coming 3 years. (1st 3 year contract without a raise too.) Close to minimum wage pay. In return, we pay Union dues of about $800 a year!! Colour me Happy to be a Union member!! NOT!

Here’s the main event,, did a great job in the NAFTA deal,, Chevy is leaving Canada,, ,, he threatens the Conservatives,, cut a deal with Trudeau ( UN) re media,,,screwing up the postal workers,,, busy guy,,,

Why doesn't he go to GM and demand they not close. Lets see how far he gets.

Conservatives will do anything to keep the status quo. They are not about improving society, they are all about improving their pockets at all cost. We should ship them to an isolated territory and allow them to live their ideology; everyone for themselves no matter the ability!

GM has been planning this for years. They told everyone a long time ago. Where has Dias been? Ohhh wait collecting the union dues thinking it would never happen.

For the benefit of those who did not read the article. Youre Welcome! - “You know Doug, F*** you,”Unifor President Jerry Dias said after dismissing Ford’s complaint that he shared the premier’s personal cell number to his members...

from the guy who was shocked and didn't know it was planned eight years ago


I loved it. sorrynotsorry

GM announced that plant closure back in 2014-2015. Jerry Diaz is a liar to all union ppl & a rich one at that. He doesn’t care about ur jobs only that u’re paying for his!

I’m guessing jerrydias was probably dumped too many times from being a controlling maniac & refused to let his girlfriend or boyfriend move on. He’s a stocker all day long. A nose picker & doesn’t wash his hands after he takes a dump. LMAO 😂 😂😂

Great way to carry yourself You are the president of unifor Really

GM restructuring globally has nothing to do with Ford

Another liberal mad he is not getting his political payout. Go suck on Justin's nuts but he is too worried about NON Canadians to care

And we all echo that sentiment!!

what an *ss!!! He’s directing his so called anger/act towards the wrong person. Blame GM! Unifor wants the tax payers to give another $4 billion to GM

The owners manual of my new GM car is in Spanish.

Stay classy, JerryPDias !!

They need a new president

I second that!!

Unions are not perfect, but they're needed more now than ever.

Unifor can say and do anything and everything other than secure jobs.

Increase union dues... that’ll fix things.

It has ZERO to do with politics, it's BUSINESS!

What an embarrassment to be represented by that guy. I’m feeling even more sorry for the GM workers because of the Unifor clown. They’re roped in by Unifor, pretty much brainwashed & be jobless. Sad..

Unions smh

General Motors like any business has the right to cease operations. Strategic decisions are made daily in every business. It’s Unifor who are paying the price for a history of trying to bully GM. Unifor ands it’s members still don’t get it & are incapable of getting it..

Unions make ppl lazy

Dias, your a thing of the past. Your thinking and actions are obsolete.

Unifor needs a new uniform. To much.

How immature. Do you think you will get what you want now?!


Imagine if Ford said that, the fakenews scum would be up in arms.

He was too busy getting a share of the 600 millions for his union news workers and was not doing his job for the GM workers. GM did not make that decision overnight months in the making why did Unifor president not see this coming?

What a charming leader for the workforce!

You heard it fordnation

my hero

boosted6six Class act there Jerry! Typical UniforTheUnion behaviour!! When behaviour like this goes unchecked...it spreads like a virus and becomes a much broader issue in the long run! He should be gone!!

What a class A loser this Jerry guy is. Go Doug Go

Unions are a relic from the past

How about the plants current capicity? Down over 500 000 for the facility plant size. If it were your business, what would you do?

Came here looking for a satisfying sound bite, ended up watching 17min of one of the most impassioned speeches I've ever seen? Well spoken Jerry Dias 👏

This just shows what a real man child liberal union peoplekind are. Child leader, child followers. Thats the union cry babies.

For what? He did nothing wrong!!!!! Seriously...maybe research what is happening to the industry and what they cannot handle any longer!!! Overhead is crushing all!!! Stop now. Embarrassing behaviour . Go home.

Classy. He must have a winning argument

Someone finally said!!!!

these people are nuts

Goes to show what class he is. Sure he most likely said what most were thinking but what about the other members who weren't thinking that?. Closing the plant is going to affect many not just the plant workers. sucks

Imagine being even more of a douchebag than Ford. This guy actually acheived it!! Says it all really.

I think he should turn his hatred towards General Motors who made the decision to cease operations.

How Unifor really looks like...

Very professional!!

I love how unions use brothers and sisters . Union needs to deflect the blame from themselves somehow. What would Kathleen_Wynne Wynne do? JerryPDias . You should ask the Liberal government. They were in power for the last 15 years. I’m sure this was not an overnight decision.

Yeah its Ford's fault what a tool you killed the goose that Layed the Golden egg

Back at him.


What a class act!!! Uugghh. Unions have always bothered me. Now they make us a province that foreign business is wary of.

BoooooUWhore MOOD.

Excellent 👍🏻

Families buying SUV’s, young adults can’t afford vehicles AND condos, days of high wage auto mfg jobs gone. Dias losing union dues - that’s what he cares about. Giving false hope to GM workers. Pathetic. Postal workers still picketing? Dias - think that helps?

“General Motors filed for a government-assisted Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on June 1, 2009” ..... so had they’d gone under, and put everyone out of work, then nobody would be blaming Doug Ford today? because everything happening now with GM is all his fault? lol

Hey Jerry Dias....Doug Ford said you ate poo sandwiches. I stood up for you. I told him you don't eat bread.

eflorian10 GOOD!

big talk for the guy who fell asleep on the job.... how does the head of the automotive workers union not know that GM was closing and only finds out due to media inquiry for comment the day the news is released?

Lol you stay classy Unifor.. don’t worry you’ll be gone soon enough

I feel that.

Liberals all got upset when Trump talked about rapists and Mexico ... then there’s this guy, who then also says it 😆


DougFord. Globe & Mail

Good for you Jerry Dias. Totally agree! I’ve been complaining about DougFraud since before the election. DougFord is a liar & a criminal, he is MOST DEFINITELY not a Premier for the people. His agenda is self serving, supporting his corporate interests. He has to go!

Real mature for a grade 2 drop out

Good for him. Ford lies repeatedly. It's time someone called him out for it. He brags about giving out his cell phone number. One of our members got it from Ford when he met him at a rally.

coylejim20 agreed

Unions are scum😂😂

The unifor president is one of the reasons they are in this predicament in the first place. Driving for uncompetitive wages and benefits in a flab always economy is playing out right now the hard way.

uniform brought this onto their members. They supported liberals for 14 years and the Federal government in the last election. They now see the rewards. I hope they are waving all their members dues that are affected. I think not.

Right back at you, a-hole

If unions weren't so demanding you probably wouldn't be in this position. Blame yourself not anyone else.


Totally disgusted with his guy, I couldn’t believe my ears. The guys a gangster 👍

WOW! LOL FordD150

rexglacer Diass hole needs to step down

Fuck unions

Good thing Unifor is the same union representing 12,000 journalists. He can help keep them objective and producing quality 'news'. Yes. 'News'.

Dias doesn't really expect a Conservative government to care about workers, does he?

And they voted this arsehole in? What a dream catcher, he musta grew up with money

'Nice'...what's next a baseball bat ? Disgusting but this is what the crowds lobe to hear nowadays...

Our next prime minister!

Dias’ new replacement

Doug Ford has had that coming to him for a long time. Ford thinks he's God. He sits in his chair at Queens Park spinning around looking at his members with a big dumb smile on his face saying worship me. I'm premier and I don't care about anyone else but me.

All the pols saying they will fight the closure are full of it. You can’t force a business to operate. It is creating false hope and grandstanding. The liars always lie I guess.

This guys a real gem lmao. Move on

Dough wasn’t for ppl from day ONE. As an union president wht role did you play to stop the job losses JerryPDias.

What else do you expect from a thug and a bully!

Not cool Fonzi....

Dough wasn’t for ppl from day ONE. As an union president wht role did you play to stop the job losses.

That’s entirely demonstrated how evil UNIFOR is .

How is it Doug ford fault. Please explain

Just shows he has no class or professionalism.Hey JustinTrudeau is this some of that masculine toxicity you have been telling us about?

Taking the exposing of the union’s uselessness and failure out on others much?

Well for a union leader he should learn how to speak.

Direct speech

Stay classy JerryPDias

Unions = Legalised Mafia. Scum

I say the same

My guess this Union boss would happily take dues from those Block Buster folks as well. You build unwanted goods/services, expect the business to react. The idea of this union and Doug and Fed gov blaming each other is mindless.

Isn’t he a good buddy of JustinTrudeau 🤡 ?

I’m a unifor member and this guy is embarrassing

Class act. Here's an idea... why doesn't UNIFOR buy the plant themselves. Then they can build anything they want and, of course, the workers would be treated fairly.

rexglacer Class act!!!! How is the tariffs on Mexico going?

Someone needs a happy meal! This guy n andrea horwath r promising hallow promises. Talking bullshit on these unfortunate employees giving hope n only looking out for themselves. Don't listen to these two. Gm will close, make your plans n start now preparing for inevitable.

Real class these union leaders have....

I would pay money to see him punch Ford in the nose.

GM is also shutting down US plants, is that Ford’s fault too?

Let’s be honest... 80% of the province has said the same thing at some point.

Maybe tell that to GM. nomorebailouts

This must have offended all 10 people who still watch cable TV

Ford keeps claiming he speaks for people, and they, in this case Ontario workers, clearly believe he doesn't speak for them.

Ignorant low life. Belongs with Andrea and her foul mouth.

I’m sure Ford cares , you should be saying that to GM . Dickweed .

The unifor president just is a hooligan, so disgrace!

Thank you.When are you going to run for premier. You got what it takes

Unions are a joke. They had their time and place but they need to be abolished

Dias is a POS



Abolish Unions

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