Thanksgiving, fewer restrictions contributing to Canada's surge in COVID-19 cases, experts say

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Experts say there are a variety of factors contributing to Canada's recent surge in COVID-19 cases including Thanksgiving celebrations, fewer restrictions and increased testing capacity.

However, Oughton warned that the Thanksgiving holiday is not the only reason why cases are increasing across the country.

In addition, Oughton said provinces may be seeing higher case numbers now than during the first wave because testing capacity has increased in many areas. For example, Quebec's goal was to conduct 14,000 tests per day during the first wave. Now, the province is recording around 25,000 tests each day.

"We have a problem in terms of the public health measures that we can use to try to contain this virus. They depend on people's behaviour, individually and collectively… and I think people are getting very tired and as a result, I think there are some lapses in following the precautions recommended by authorities," he explained.

Dr. Andrew Morris, a professor in the department of medicine at the University of Toronto who studies infectious diseases, says the rising tide of cases across much of Canada appears unlikely to recede if stricter measures are not imposed.


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I get it why the media is not talking about mortality anymore, as we all agreed on in the beginning to use as a valid marker. Cases are trendy again. As COVID19 deaths rapidly rise throughout Western Europe, Sweden's daily deaths are moving in the opposite direction. COVID__19

I do not think Thankgiving is the problem. You see a lot of people at big box stores with several family members

Couldn't be terrible testing methods by misusing the PCR, masks causing ppl to breathe in their own concentrated expelled viral particles, the fact that we are reaching low humidity season, could it? No. It's our fault. For living our lives. Guilt trip society in to compliance.

Anyone else find it ironic that the tree hugging liberals are the ones fighing to control nature?

Open borders incompetent liberal government


CTV is a joke. I hope people look back on the way they have reported during this pandemic and let them know by not giving them a second of their time.

Yea looks like youcidiots should impose more restrictions on your selves lmao

What experts

Oh shut up already. You are very much trying to keep families from seeing each other and that’s such a terrible thing to do.

Think Xi’s One Belt, One Road economic punishment program

No amount of restrictions will bring us back down to numbers seen in July & August. These experts are kidding themselves so is Ford, Legault & others. This virus is here to stay & will infect most of us, if this hasn’t happened yet. We need to learn how to live with the virus.

These experts are only guessing, they could be guessing right. I think is that cases won’t drop, altho they may stagnate at a higher rate than wave 1, due to increased testing, Covid fatigue and the fact that this virus has or will infect most of us, notwithstanding restrictions

It amazes me that people need more 'restrictions' We've been told repeatedly by medical specialists- wash hands a lot, wear a mask, stay 2 meters apart, keep social groups small. Now it's our turn to do that. Its our responsibility & if s go up=our fault. Not rocket science

I thought It was restaurants and gyms? 🙄

Meanwhile in China...

'Collapsology' is not science. So your 'experts' are not scientists

And who made the call to reduce restrictions, knowing the second wave was either already started or about to start? Maybe we need to take more care and not be like Trump.

Viruses spread geometrically until they are virtually everywhere. The 'surge' is perfectly normal and really isn't impacting anyone. The lockdowns on the other hand are destroying lives.

Who is the Expert for that statement?

Hundreds of flights flying into person everyday but ya it’s fewer restrictions and the thanxxxgivi g holiday

... Really?

Are these the same experts we’ve been told to listen too for months? No thank you, I’m good

Mimi_088 I am thinking my family will do a normal Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. My family seems to need for personal reasons and we can even do outdoors with heaters and we are all great with wearing mask.

I believe it.

Experts say. CTV you may as well self proclaim yourself experts, Experts of fear mongering.

Seems the more people wear masks, the more cases rise. I know the sheep will disagree, but sure seems that masks aren’t doing shit all!!🤷‍♂️

Too many bozos live in ontario tok

Fear mongering clowns

Herd immunity is alive and well. Soon there'll be no need for a vaccine. There haven't been any deaths in Waterloo Region for months now.

You expect people to use a mask correctly, omg people can’t even use a turn signal !

The setup for banning anything Christmas

Experts . Word I never Wonna hear for 200 Alex

Let's blame Thanksgiving for this surge, in two weeks we will see how much the lockdown has worked!

What do you expect. People here and read the message and than due the opposite. People are creatures of habit, and habits dye hard.

Shocker! People just can’t be trusted to just “do the right thing.” It’s plain and clear. mbpoli Covid19MB COVID19 Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

This will end after President Trump is re elected.

What are the actual flu numbers this year? Are they even being counted and considered? Or has covid killed the standard flu, too? 😂

In Ontario, we had to wait for Doug to consult his wife Karla about the size and content of bubbles for Thanksgiving. Leadership by lurch!

Or maybe the cold weather?

More like covid fatigue / the germ factories (schools) being open during this wave but ok

Bye bye family Christmas

Experts say so it must be CTV

Fake news ! Wait til Christmas then 🙄

Complacency !

Why am I not surprised. COVIDIOTS will never learn and might even screw it up for Christmas and New Years.

No it didn’t. Why can’t your site hold yourselves accountable and report facts and not this garbage. There is 0 evidence to support this. So why are you reporting this. Why won’t you report and ask why the govt won’t disclose the amount of tests they do now? Or false positives?

This might be your last thanksgiving dinner.

This isn't going to end well. People are sick and tired of politicians using the pandemic to flaunt their powers.


CTVToronto Unbelievable! They say it’s so dangers but you don’t know that you have it until you get tested..TWILIGHT ZONE ‼️‼️

CTVToronto Ya well, tell me why numbers didn’t go up in the summer when beaches were packed , backyard parties and such 🤔

CTVToronto First it was bars/restos. Then retail. Don't wear masks. Then schools. Maybe travellers. Then family visits. Wear masks. Stay indoors. No please get outdoors. No it's bars for sure. Also gyms. Schools are good. Schools are dripping with covid. Thanksgiving bad. Halloween is evil.


CTVToronto Retweeting your own tweets now? F lame.


the amount of contradictory information is mind boggling. KIDS are in school what do you expect, everyones wearing masks indoors, which obviously don’t work, all restaurants have been shut down for almost a month again, Nothing that is reported even makes sense anymore.

Wrong. First they blamed the gyms, now they blame thanksgiving. Truth is this is the time of year when virus get worse.. stop trying to blame people

Sure, probably nothing to do with the 200k plus flagged people that were allowed into the country by the trudeau liberals and our so called health expert Tomb Stone Tam.

Tell your fake experts that between Sept 28th to Oct 22nd Alberta did almost 700,000 testings. This means 40% of ALL testings done in AB since March were done in the last 24 days. This is WHY cases have risen but despite that there's only 14 ICU patients out of 4.4 million people

Until there is a safe vaccine we will not be having Christmas get togethers this year either. We are trying to do our part and it’s okay because I never want to worry so may have given this virus to someone who may not make it through.

Most ppl I know didn’t get together in large groups outside the few in their bubble. My 73 yr old Mom was more worried about not having everyone of us for supper however we all understand the dangers so we abstained from a get together over thanksgiving and will going forward.

Not a major threat. Look at the stats

Totally disagree with this, lets see them present facts to back this up.

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