Rex Murphy: What right does the government have to judge Rebel News?

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Outside of news organizations and reporters, I’d guess that most people do not know that the Canadian government has established what it likes to call an…

Before getting into what being designated a QCJO means, for news outlets and subscribers to them, I’d like to pause on the phrase itself, and the power to apply or deny it.

So the first thing to ask is obvious: is it not strange that in a democratic political system, authority has been granted to a government department to define what it will treat as journalism?Article content I am waiting for them to take a concerted stand in support of their journalistic colleagues at Rebel News, under the long understood principle that an attack on any member of the press is an attack on all. In particular, I await the unanimous support of the Ottawa press gallery, the most prestigious guardian of press independence.

We have seen from the earliest days of journalism, almost from the birth of the printing press, attempts at censorship, curbs on publishing and determined efforts to bridle or silence news and comment.


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Rebel News...The red headed step child!

Should the CRA give everyone with a blog the same tax credits as an actual news outlet? They're giving you money, that's what gives them the right to decide the criteria that funding is based on.

OzraeliAvi In a democracy, the people decide what they watch and believe. In a Dictatorship the Dictator decides. Canada is in the middle of a Slippage of democracy led by Trudeau himself.

Does 'This Hour has 22 minutes' have a journalism license?

It is the consumer that decides whether their content is worthy of being called newsworthy. I've seen no shortage of mainstream media pieces that are short on original content. Let the consumer decide and be careful of this slide into state-sponsored censorship.

It’s insanely telling that he wrote that many words without actually saying why they ruled that way: Rebel objectively does not produce original news content, as in stories based on fact-based and responsibly sourced reporting.

How else will they silence the truth?

The standard should be facts & news... If you lie, you should lose percentages of government operating grants. Opinions rooted in falsehoods should also be a reason to lose access to tax money. Stop the lies, spin and walk-backs; tell the truth or lose your 'news' credentials...

So is the national inquirer a legitimate media organization?

BS. Any time I click on Rebel it is a dumpster fire of editorials. I have TRIED to find news and there is little to be found there. I can’t write a blog and just pepper in a few current events and call myself a reporter.

In 2003, CBC, CTV, CNN..'Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction' Independent journalists reported; 'Iraq was invaded for Oil' Mis/Disinformation? Or was it what any illiterate from the majority of the world knows - Government & Money Run Main Stream Media. THINK use Multiple sources.

Rex Murphy decided to innovate this week: for his weekly thesaurus-filled diatribe

Did CBCPitchbot wrote this?

Beauty, sanity, and morality are relevant to the established assumptive state you find yourself in at the moment. If you take issue with the government, and live in a democracy . . stow the partisan rant, and exercise your franchise . . . VOTE !

Perhaps because Rebel News caters to anarchists!

It should be spelled “Ruble News” - pretty sure they are part of the Kremlin propaganda machine aiming at sowing govt mistrust and public division in the west…

Dimentia Rex?

Just as bad as Trudeau TV

There should be stricter requirements around using the word news, like there is for 'post office' or 'hospital'. I understand why people like Rex Murphy and the US funded 'National' Post would be against that though.

Why can’t they call liars, “liars”. When your pants are on fire. Don’t be surprised when you’re called a liar. Rex. Sit down and shut up until you’ve thought things through.

We need to legislate sources of disinformation. It is disrupting smooth governance and threatening public health.

Well, when a “news organization” lies often, and espouses white nationalism…. Sometimes people say something about it. And sometimes those people work in the government. They’re not banning it, so wtf are you whining about?

LMAO. Because they spread misinformation, and are racists and conspiracy theorists Their own founder said in court they are not news but 'entertainment' I guess NP and The Rebel are now one in the same

It's because it's non biased factual news and the government can't pay you guys off to spin their ridiculous narrative. I trust rebel news over everyone.

What do you think RosieBarton

I think everyone who thinks the conservatives have any principles should remember this video: They haven;t even taken it down.

I used to think Rex Murphy was an intelligent guy, even when I disagreed with him. Now he seems to be just another old man yelling at the sky. Time to retire, Rex.

rebel is news? lols 🤣

They have the right to judge whether Rebel meets the criteria for a tax credit…

What right does Rex Murphy qualify to be a journalist?

Well. They aren’t news.

No one is stopping them from printing & selling - they're not getting a tax break from what I'm understanding here. Or should grocery store tabloids also be eligible? Freedom of speech in the public square is not unfettered - it never was & we are still debating if it should be

From Fox News - Durham says CIA found data alleging Trump-Russia connection not 'technically plausible,' was 'user created' Durham says CIA found data alleging Trump-Russia connection not 'technically plausible,' was 'user created'

What qualifies rebel news to judge the government? Moreover, should rebel news (or you for that matter) be able to hide behind freedom of speech to blatantly lie and mislead people.

Is Rebel news the organization that was giving the Russian propaganda machine a platform when sanctions have been imposed?

They have no right to judge Rebel News. But they will because all of the other bought and paid for mainstream news outlets will not stand up for freedom of journalists. They are quite happy to keep lying to Canadians and getting paid to do it with our own tax dollars.

wannabe foxnews defending wannabe infowars . sad

Rex Murphy: I think that foreign nurse is stealing my peas! What time is Matlock on?!

Remember when Obama was busy prosecuting journalists for espionage? Remember how the MSM was silent about it? That's when this began.

Your paper is

Hey Tex. And yes, I mean Tex cuz it’s more of a GOP type name. They aren’t judging it, they’re just not licensing it as a news outlet.

Like every other news organization even though Rebel Media is not a news organization and it shouldn’t be treated like one

Seriously, Ezra shitposts photoshopped news photos. Tell us how that fits your view of journalism.

Rex, referring to Rebel as the News is akin to calling the National Enquirer the paper, they make FOX look balanced and are so slanted in everything they share that they add no value to any constructive dialog

Cut from thee same cloth, eh

Right to judge or control for their own totalitarian agenda.

Really!? Who tf gives a 💩what old man Murphy says about anything Rebel News us a rag..

Looks like Nationalist Post and Rebel are just one publication now. I'm sure the four serious people who work at Postmedia are very proud of this fact.

Nobody cares what Rex has to say, he is so not relevant just trying to stir the pot to some relevance. Looks like are trying to make help him

Oh man, disappear already.

Rex Murphy: What right does the government have to judge Racist News?

Because the government ponies up the cash? (In this case tax breaks). Your esteemed publication is doing the same, no? CdnMediaFailed

Rebel News doesnt parrot the governments talking points

What right does the government have to judge Rebel 'News'? Good Taste. cdnmedia cdnpoli

That's the $100K question! But at the end of the day Trudeau's dystopian leadership can pay the legal fees!

I shall call myself “THE NEWS” please give me a tax credit.

Nervous? Let’s hope they come for you & Postmedia next

By what right does the self admitted activitist and 'we are not a news organization' claim its a news org?

The government is US. And a majority of US do not like or appreciate and are offended by Rebel News. It's that simple, Rex, and you know it! And quite frankly, a large number of us are offended by your words, too.

Rex Murphy slips further and further into irrelevance.

Independent Regulatory Body Follows Guidelines… boring but accurate headline.

Or criminals, even

Don’t you hate it when people educate themselves CPC_HQ 🤣

That’s communism baby. The sheep will only comply to what Justin Castro wants them to think…

It will start with Rebel News and then migrate to other news sources slowly until.....believe it or not...there will only be ONE trusted news source for the Government....and that source will spew ONLY what the Government wants you to’s started now.

Rebel made point of attending Charlottesville

Uh, every fucking right. Have you seen the disinformation they publish? Like they don't even do a cursory fact check, they just publish things that are flat out not true. That's why they always have a hard time getting press credentials

Likely more right than you judging the government.

If you apply for a tax credit you are judged by the appropriate authority whether or not you qualify for that tax credit. If Rebel doesn’t want to be judged then they shouldn’t apply.

Rex Murphy wants to be Gavin McInnes when he grows up. And The National Post wants to be The Daily Caller.

Toronto Sun should lose their license as well. They are NOT a 'news' media. More like an entertainment rag.


For Pete sake Rex, give it a break. Now you're going to champion Rebel News.

Everybody seems to be caught up of where the future is headed because they forget the good times of the past. Sticks & Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Imagine what that taught would do to the sensitivities of the gov't today?

In 2008 Canadians fear government grew most Canadian's will follow government just to be allowed to continue, Its come to the point now that if you defy Trudeau's Liberal, Ndp, Green governments you may not be tolerated, In 1965 Pierre Trudeau entered politics, Canada's hopes 2nd

Rex Murphy and his dictionairia have run their course. Go home Rex.

Slippery slope to allowing foreign and local tabloids access to news designation. This also entitles more tax write offs their donors. Rebates and subsidies = more funding.

I figure they just shouldn't be giving money to any media companies. It compromises the credibility of whoever takes the subsidy.

Mr. Levant and his choice of employees have worked hard to earn that scrutiny. For that matter, so has Postmedia.

'The always judicious sunlorrie...'?! Oh, come on. How can we ever take you seriously Rex if you keep saying stupid sh*t like that?

'Journalistic colleagues at Rebel News'?! Ha! The people at RebelNews_CA are many things, but journalist ain't one of them. Rebel 'News'? Journalists?!

What right does an old washed up conservative media dinosaur have to judge a modern Canadian federal government?

Murphy: 'Is it not strange that in a democratic political system, authority has been granted to a government department to define what it will treat as journalism?' No, it's not. Journalism is reporting the facts, something RebelNews_CA actively avoids. 🤷

Every right. Its not a legitimate news source. It's an alt right propaganda machine. There are enough legitimate news outlets for free speech. They can continue to operate just not as a news source.

Intellectual integrity demands it.

We have literally had family members die as a result of disinformation dressed up to look like news. As a journalist, Murphy knows the dangers posed by charlatans. This article is inflammatory click bait meant to inflame his base, regardless of cost.

Standards. It has standards. Which I guess is a slight less then the double standards rebel and most of the right wing corporate news has.

Ah Rex - the same right you have to criticize / judge the government. Simple isn’t it …

It is amazing to me that so many supposedly educated people think it is ok for ANY government to tell us who we should get our information from.

Sit down Rex before you have a seizure over it.

I’m surprised that you can’t tell the difference between journalism and propaganda. No wonder your paper, in my opinion, does not meet the core of journalism. Check the photo. I know you don’t like it but that’s a fact. It’s time to clean up yourself!

For the countless lives lost based on there epic lies and propaganda. Trust me if these idiots could spin flying unicorns shooting covid out of there butts they would try.

Because calling yourself 'news' requires a certain standard of actual news before you can expect a digital news subscription tax credit from government (which is what this is all about anyway - no one is shutting them down)

For me they lost all credibility when they tried a gotcha question on someone but did a sloppy job of editing out the person’s response. The editing was so poorly done it was clear that they cut it out. I’ve never watched anything from them since.

Revenue Canada says that they can’t use tax receipts. Due to their own admission, they aren’t a newspaper. It’s a relevant choice. What is the fricking deal here? We need to stir up more crap, we don’t have enough?

Whatever happened to free speech. Sanctioning unacceptable views by a petulant PM, not what the charter of rights and freedoms is all about. Canadians you have a dictator running or should I say ruining the country. Wake up!

Rex Murphy is a dinosaur and is a rag so…there’s that.

Why is ole Rex still given a platform for his insane ramblings? Enough

Is he still alive or is it just a robot?

Because the people demand accountability to propagandists and organizations spreading disinfo in the name of 'news.'

Rex has fallen so far

Terrible. But if so many news organizations receive financial support from Trudeau's Libs, how can journalists bite the hand that feeds them?

Not much hope of Rex aging gracefully, he’s long past his best before date!

Rex Murphy knows damm well the government got nothing to do with it.

I agree, Rebel is way better than the National Post and you are recognized.

🤣 Old man Rex uses the word 'news' to describe a hate for profit org Next Rex will be upset we are so hard on Russia

Maybe you should also give back that evil tax credit. You know the one where you said it was the government buying off the media? The one you use to keep turning out garbage like this.

Rex Murphy decided to innovate this week: for his weekly thesaurus-filled diatribe, he decided to make it into a job application for his next employer, on top of his classic audience pandering populist anger.

Rex has gone the way of Giuliani. Once respected, both completely off the rails now. No one takes anything they say seriously, especially in regards to freedoms.

If it’s rooted in disinformation or all out lies with the goal of dividing Canadians then yes, the feds need to look into it. Russians are very good at doing this. Remember Trump?

If it is considered extreme right-wing and usually violent, no problem!

I suppose as a propagandist for the oil industry, Rex sees much common cause with Rebel Media, and is willing to overlook their lies, their blatant racism, support to fascism and conspiracy theory. Levant plays only at being a journalist when it suits him... so does Rex.

Because it is bullshit propaganda. What an idiotic question

The same right anyone has to judge a liar.

Why the obsession with this company? What about other similar companies? Is this attention actually having an unintended positive impact on Rebel Media?

MaximeBernier The government can’t be allowed to regulate press. And sure you can say something has to be done about misinformation, but the solution does not lie in the hands of government. They will only curtail any critical press in the name of fixing misinformation.

Rex is ignoring the fact that the cra took away rebel news tax credit not the government. CdnMediaFailed RebelNews

Because you are 'Media' doesn't give you any rights for disinformation without consequences. You CAN be awful/lazy at your job and spread misinformation but know the difference. Aim for at least HS effort and find multiple sources and confirm those for accuracy before publishng

The same right we have to judge Post Media.

When is the last time a legit news org set up a fundraising page for a defence fund for people being arrested after 3+weeks of an illegal occupation

This is garbage journalism, kinda like Rebel’News’.

RT mantalicious Rex Murphy is upset that the Rebel Media, whose own founder testified in court that he’s not a journalist, has been deemed not a news organization because it doesn’t produce news

Your paper has become complete fucking garbage.

I know. Leave entertainment programs to entertainment critics.

The same people complaining about Rebel News being called news will still watch the CBC or CTV's news hour without a hint of self awareness due to a firm belief that 'it's different when we do it'.

Did you figure out how to make Kraft Dinner yet, Rex?

What right do the Corporate News Media/Unions that include RebelMedia CBCNews PostMedia GlobalNews/UNIFOR, CTVNews & Canadian Press, from keeping, me, a Canadian citizen from reporting the news on democratically elected MLAs from inside Alberta Legislature? FreePress

Here’s why, never let Rebel News de-link itself

Rex has a point and while I have zero respect for Ezra, the gov't shouldn't decide what journalism is and isn't.

What right does Rebel news have to judge the government. They're just a want to be FOX, a tabloid rag pretending to be journalists.

Sounds like Rex is nervous😂 Rebel has been weighed measured and found wanting? postmedianet is next.

Cue the Useful Idiot's, Plank 6

The usual riff raff agree w 😜this respectable pundit’s take: truckers, trolls, bots, Islamophobes, assorted bigots - the absolute worst in our Canada, imo

It must be time for Rex to go into a retirement home where someone will look after him.dementia

Government has the right AND the responsibility to regulate hate speech.

CRTC licensed broadcast outlets have to cover all news beats. They are not the same thing as a political activist organization. But Rebel behaves like a political PAC and does not deserve to hold CRTC accreditation. It's how they fund themselves.

Rex Murphy: “I’ve got drunk uncle things to say!”

Oh I don’t know, what right does the government have to govern? Another moronic post.

Fake news misinformation lies hate mongering platform to spread hate platform to spread islamophobia homophobia should be banned. Yes this is becoming the norm and it should be stopped. The CPC_HQ is trying to make these main stream again.

No editorial staff on hand over Easter weekend?

Well Rex, they lie all the time, making shit up isn’t news. You know this, you old fascist.

News organizations do not promote against health protections - and they do not take donations for such sickening initiatives. They do not sell activist shit. But Rebel does.

We know Rex thinks misinformation and lies are a good thing. How surprising 🙄🤯🙄

Everyone has the right to judge Rebel News. Why would the government be excluded?

The government has the right because you exercise your right in the same way. Get over it.

Rebel has no right to govt funding.

It’s sad to see that people will trample over a basic principle to appear virtuous.

If it weren't for Rebel News, the National Post would be virtually alone in Canada presenting objective reality.

Rebel 'News' is cancer and so are you. Go stand in your yard and yell at clouds and spare us your inane rants.

Defending Rebel News, Rex, really?

Um because it’s NOT news!

Name another news organization that promotes dangerous health initiatives and who has promoted fake ID? I'll wait.

Jayzus, will someone please take Rex by the hand and lead him away from the spotlight. He can keep the thesaurus, just go away.

The NP opinion pieces are nothing but innuendo and salicious gossip sprinkled with a heavy dose of complete BS. Conspiracy theories abound, sources are and thin on facts. Levant has no qualms admitting RM is garbage just keep those donations coming.

The Sun Media employment are oldest self serving conservative based propaganda outlet that left the 905 and 416 area codes a tale of 2 cities. Former Minister of Education Snobelen Toronto Sun staffer Thursday 05 February 1999.

They don’t meet the standard!

Misinformation is a real threat to democracy.

Time for Rex to join the other long gone dinosaurs.

What a shocking take by Rex Murphy. Go work there, Rex.

You annoy me.

Go home, Rex. The free-dumb convoy is over. You can't overthrow a government and the 'Queen of Canada' doesn't exist.

When engineering lies and whipping people into a frenzy, starts to threaten national security, it is the government’s business. But you already know this. The real question is, when was the exact moment you lost your integrity?

Now we are stifling free press. For a PM who started out selling 🌞 and 🌈 he sure has a propensity for dumping ⛽️ on 🔥

Ezra has defined himself as an 'infotainer' in court actions against him in the past! Rebel news is not journalism!

Sweet Jebus. 🙄🙄🙄

I judge the and especially Rex for their horrible, biased, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, hetrosexist, transphobic, history-denying reporting

The illiberal government decided to control the press by offering a tax rebate to Canadians with digital news subscriptions. Which provided Revenue Canada with the opportunity to define journalism. Trudeau is a clever tyrant. Don't let the socks fools you. TrudeauTyranny

Rex has zero credibility when he calls Rebel 'news'. Everyone knows its complete disinformation and in court, Rebel was clear that they arent journalists. Rex is a hack.

Time to go to pasture Rex.

Every right! Protecting Canadians from misinformation is what I expect from them. Rebel twists truths like pretzels. I’ve seen 1st hand how they behave. Disgusting and shameful! Rebel promotes chaos and hate!

Rex, ... you truly are a marvel: a marvelous dope.

The have every right to judge Proud Boy News.

Not just another pretty face I see.

Hopefully, NP will be next.

When its right wing Russian propaganda that affect Canadian security with disinformation. JustinTrudeau has EVERY right to shut you down!

I thought Rex died.

Ezra told a judge he is not news he is entertainment in another case he is being sued in. Now he is. WTH rebelnews


Rex Murphy sinking to a new low. Who thought that was possible.


Same answer they got from the Alberta Legislative Press Gallery. They are not a news organization, meeting journalistic standards. They’re opinion writers masquerading as news. Oh. I can see why you’re upset.

When news becomes misleading, lying and creating conspiracies, governments should step in! Just like governments stepped in to shut out Russian media! Just like you would scold your child for lying to you! Let’s face it, Rebel News has been caught red handed, more than once!

On the bottom side of flat earth we tend to be Rex Rebels too!!

They don't, but they also should not be violating any Charter Rights. Liberals are immoral,violating Rights is their goal.

When I read Rex it brings back memories of my great uncle Larry blowing out his 90th birthday candles and his teeth ending up on top... he so crazy


Trudeau does not have the right to censor anything. In fact Trudeau should be the one who is censored.

RebelNewsOnline This is all you need to read in this tripe. Thanks for making the case against Rebel BLOG, Rex. retireRex

What right to you have to exist?

You know your readership.

Well said, Rex. … But wasn’t John Milton less keen on free speech for Catholics?

The fact that they're not news and switch to saying they're entertainment as soon as the temperature starts rising

It’s called standards of journalism. Valid sources. Accurate statements. You know: REAL journalism versus propaganda

I don’t need the government to tell me Rebel News isn’t journalism. I was able to figure that out easily on my own

Everyone has the right to judge 'Rebel News'. We pay government to enforce standing guidelines and create new ones. If we don't like the guidelines, we can change them. Hmmmm, sounds suspiciously like something I call 'democracy'. I see why Rex and other Cons might not like that.

News outlets should be about factual news. Opinions on facts should be teased out and reported from all angles. Quite a few ‘rag magazines’ have kernels of truth within their stories but far from the complete truth. Do the work for unfettered news articles.

Every right. In order to qualify for tax relief, a publication must meet certain criteria. If they do not, then they are not eligible. Or, should the government give one to everyone who asks for a tax break?

lol Rex....

Rex as officially lapsed into dotard status with this column.

They don’t. This “government” is just child fXXXing nazi racist deserters who are “taking up space”, some people would say “crush them”, so we can finally get back to respecting our NON “basic dictatorship” and fixing their daily destruction of the country before it’s too late.

Hot tip Rex ... you're not a journalist either ... just a weathered soggy bag of hot air that occasionally throws up some words on paper

They have no right whatsoever!

What right does media have to just make shiza up? Why do we accept misinformation, lies , & propaganda from media (cough Postmedia) Worse; why is the official opposition party allowed to spread easily disprovable misinformation? How dangerous is this discourse?

absolute shit lol

What right did the Allies have to judge the Nazis?

Doesn’t the government have every right to weigh us against limits they’ve set?

The national post is proving again it is fast becoming just another faux entertainment north embarrassment to all CANADIANS!

An non news organization weighing in on a non new organization… sounds about right

Not judging just saying they don't fall in their rules to get a certain category listing

Since the government is giving out (or not) tax benefits, no it's not strange that the govt has given itself power to determine who does and does not meet that criterion. This column is more awful than the usual Rex 'reasoning'.

Trudeau does not like it critics. Freeland is no better. At a conference for international press freedom she attempted to block Rebel News access to the event. In a moment of professional clarity, a CBC employee protested and the Liberals were shamed into reversing course. Scary.

They have the right to judge them the minute you defend them.

TheBeaverton news is reported more accurate than RebelNewsOnline. Rebel is such a fucking joke. If you call yourself news, it should be in the realm of accuracy.

Funny that a “news” organization has no one on the ground in Ukraine. 🤔

We tire of Rex!

It's the equivalent to Fox News. How ignorant and dangerous National Posta and Rex Murphy are is crystal clear, also the equivalent to Fox News.

hack rag calling rebel news, news, is just so 2020.

Rebel News inspired a real world terrorist attack. Stochastic terrorism is a real thing and it is not protected speech.

They have a right to journalism as well, even if one disagrees with them to prove that Canada respects the difference of opinions and thoughts

This is dictatorship 101. The liberals are taking down the wrong path in democracy finance and heritage

What right do they have? It’s right here, section 2.27. “based on facts and multiple perspectives actively pursued, researched, analyzed, and explained by a journalist for the organization; and produced with journalistic processes and principles”

Rebel is not news. It's right wing extremism and misinformation.

Misinformation. Multiple libel judgements against them. Hateful content. Participation in the January 6 insurrection. Participation in the Charlottesville White nationalist neo-Nazi rally. They aren’t media, they are far right propagandists who wanted a tax credit. More lies.

😂 Rebel entertainment. Using the word news doesn’t make you journalism.

Does Rex ever look in the mirror?

Same one they should use with you murphy 😼

I don't care how crazy this sounds, I still won't read anything by Rex or Lord B. Not even tempted.

Why, did you have a financial stake in it bc they do sound like you, perhaps NP should be next considering you only report one sided “news” anyways.

What happened to Canada and when. People now will only accept government approved information from government approved sources? Not a very promising future.

His silliest piece yet. Not worthy of a response—or of Rex’s legacy.

The Rebel is just trying to keep Canada’s elderly living in a state of constant terror, leave them alone!

Rex Murphy needs to go away.

Many people think that the Post goes out of the way to defend US-style, lie-filled, bigoted media because PostMedia is now wholly owned by extreme right wing Americans.

Rex is one of 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.

Rex Murphy is as relevant as a VHS tape.

Who gives a shit what Rex Murphy says

There is no need for government or anyone else to judge Rebel News. Intelligent people will always see thru the bulls**t, and stupid people will never see thru it, no matter how clearly it's articulated. And there's lots of bullshit on both right and left.

It's a tabloid?

It is literally one of their jobs. They rate news for Canadian content for various reasons. 'Why are you fanatically obsessed with this ridiculous story, Rex?' is the real question. I smell conflict of interest. imho.

There must be a watch dog for the press to ensure what the public read and hear are actual fact and confirmed before it gets to the public. As for Rebel News I don't pay attention to it.

The trudeau regime cant allow anyone to challenge the ideologies of the dictatorship.

Every Right in the World! But of course the CRTC is the only one judging it! Not that you didn't know that already.

Because fuck their propaganda, lies, and other such misinformation. There are too many ppl out there who are too stupid to know the difference.

Freedom of the Press , is a Canadian Constitutional right , this is going to the courts or should be .

The National Post prints op-eds by Conrad Black praising Trump who in turn praises Putin. Full disclosure - Trump pardoned Black, so his opinion is worthless. NP prints Sunday Times (Murdoch is a Putin pal) editor who trashes Biden with lies. Propaganda Rules!

Hate speech, antisemitism, slander, libel ….

I see NP doubled up on the reader repellent.

News owns the moral obligation to report FACTS. Sprinkling op-eds can be seen as catering to one’s own ego. “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” ― Søren Kierkegaard Who knew ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

What Right does the Gov have in Justice and keeping the Law NP? What the fck are you doing NP ?

' it not strange that in a democratic political system, authority has been granted to a government department to define what it will treat as journalism?' yes, yes it is strange, and insane, and diabolical.

why does NP hate us so much?

Because they are a part of the 'Anger Industrial Complex'. Cons who make money from people's anger, fueled by lies. You're peddling this stuff too, Rex. You used to be pragmatic. Now you drink the Kool-aid and spit it in our faces.

Dear Rex, misinformation is wrong and you know it. Wait, you spread it yourself so perhaps your true fear is being shut down yourself. Don’t worry, is your stick to truth and integrity in your reporting you’ll be fine.

100% Every right. There needs to be consequences for misinformation and fear mongering.

Lol....Rex Murphy has offically jumped the shark!

Rebel News is the only true news that do not just want to comply to Trudeau government! All the other so called news outlets are just Trudeau’s mouthpiece!

This one is funny

Says the guy who judges EVERYONE who disagrees with him.

Government does not want the truth out. The stupid people like to be lied to

Meanwhile I'm still waiting why Liberal Gov doesn't ban CCTV, which is a China state own propaganda of CCP regime spreading hate and fake news.

Rebel News is no more a legitimate example of ethical journalism than The National Enquirer is but iI do agree that it is not an appropriate role of government to make that call regardless of how “independent” the arm of government making the judgement may claim to be.

Poor Rex seems to be one sandwich short of picnic these days.

It's a business, and the CRA taxes different types of businesses at different rates. Wow, who knew This was a publicity stunt and you took the bait. From 2019:

Because Rebel News sucks and thus naturally attracts apt negative assessments? Or do you think the government should just lie about it?

I didn’t learn anything here. What are yhe guidelines that need to be met? How didn’t RN meet them? Are you being light on specifics cuz you know the ruling is correct?

It has all the right!

Oh fuck Rex Murphy

They are lying sacks of shit?

As we’ve seen in the US with the AON network, anyone can claim to be part of the media by simply inserting “news” in their name, and then embarking on a mission of trolling, misinformation and slander. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Rebel “News”.

joe_warmington They don't have to judge the National Enquirer because tabloids are known to be fiction. Rebel news uses the word 'news' in its title.

Why am I not at all surprised to learn that Rex is a Rebel “news” fan?

it’s not news.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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Appointment of unilingual N.B. lieutenant-governor violated charter, judge rules | CBC NewsPrime Minister Justin Trudeau's 2019 appointment of a unilingual lieutenant-governor in New Brunswick violated language guarantees in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a Court of Queen's Bench judge has ruled. Trudeau and Charter of Rights and Freedoms don’t belong in the same sentence. And the decision has been deemed by constitutional lawyers as bats**t crazy. Pretty confident that's getting overturned. One part of the constitution can't overrule another part.
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Civil servants charged more than $600K in personal spending on N.L. government credit cards | CBC NewsPublic employees in the Newfoundland and Labrador government have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on personal purchases and cash withdrawals using taxpayer-funded credit cards since 2015. That's obviously theft and each should be charged accordingly and made to repay and those that obviously overlooked this serious issue charged with aiding it. This isn’t the first time this has happened, you think this would of stopped by now but nooooo when it’s our hardworking taxpayers money! Most likely don’t consider it theft, b/c a prevailing attitude in all NL is “govt owes me” 🤦‍♀️
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