Rex Murphy: The CBC is boring and preachy and that is why there is 'CBC bashing'

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CEO Catherine Tait shamelessly attacks Pierre Poilievre for \u0027stoking\u0027 criticism of the broadcaster

It has to be the top unabbreviable qualification of the president of the nation’s largest, publicly funded communications instrument — CBC — that she has some understanding of … communications.The NP Comment newsletter from columnist Colby Cosh and NP Comment editors tackles the important topics with boldness, verve and wit. Get NP Platformed delivered to your inbox weekdays by 4 p.m. ET.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.

There are many, many reasons why CBC is devastatingly low in ratings, why its audiences have drifted off, why its prime newscasts do not outscore some pitiful private blogs or podcasts — and among those many, many reasons I suggest Pierre Poilievre, leader of the opposition, and whatever he has said, swims at the very, very bottom of the pool.This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

But it is not the CBC’s business to instruct the population on its “goals and values.

CBC has become a parody of what falls under the generous umbrella of social justice activism, and sees itself, not as a ruthlessly objective, wide-ranging, fearless gatherer of the happenings of this country; but as a desperately moralistic hectoring monolith out to better the millions and millions of Canadians who happen to be interested in every latest bulletin on every downtown faddish cause and protest from the woke agenda.

The third, perhaps I’m wrong here, maybe it is the real first reason. CBC has forgotten, doesn’t know, or care about most of its own audience, and almost always, addresses its non-audience in the most patronizing, condescending tones. The vast reaches of urban Canada could lie in outer Siberia for all the connection CBC has with them.Article content

As far as your tour goes, university panels, and interviews conducted by your own employees, with somnolent panels — none of which, none of which, as far as I have seen have taken place on farms, in small towns, in the north or out east in the villages and outports.Article content


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The CBC is far less boring now that Rex is gone.

Rex Murphy is past his sell-by date. Ignore & move on.

The CBC is just a $h!te and past-its-sell-by-date, has-been institution that needs to be led behind the barn & made to eat a live round to put Canada out of our misery at having to pay out that $1.4 billion/year to pay the salaries of the likes of Tait & her snotty crowd.

I never watch CBC.

It's far far less boring w/o Rex Murphy preaching and blathering away on there.

CoryBMorgan Not to mention a bottomless money pit.

kgnors79 Especially now since nobody believes them or listens to them


Not to forget, watching them live and then reading what they report... clearly they know they are bought and paid for by our great leader, and they enjoy towing the line.

I really feel there is a huge void in unbiased news sources here and in the world. People don’t have a source of news delivery they can trust so they turn to partisan sources they identify closest to. If a news outlet was created and proved to be fair there would be a stampede.

I heard Canadian childhoods were so boring because of cbc and to a lesser extent ctv...monopoly gov't propaganda machines...economics

How many years did you work there?

Catherine Tait would be wise to read the 1100+ comments that followed Rex's article. She will discover that the person swinging a wrecking ball at the CBC is the CEO.

They paid you handsomely for many a year….when you needed it most!

Boy, now there's the pot calling the kettle black.

No, the CBC just doesn't run drivel like Rex Murphy.


CBC television broadcasts more British programs during the day than Canadian content! Canadian content consists of endless reruns! Canadian films are totally absent! pablorodriguez CRTCeng CRTCHearings CBCNews OttawaCitizen

Rest of World:-Media holds government to account. Canada:-Media holds government's opposition to account.

Right on Rex, couldn't agree more! CBC needs to start focusing on the Iceberg that's coming that could flatten it's current posture or it could be out of business. BBC reformed (although it's not perfect) having had similar issues years ago

Translation: they won't hire me to do commentary anymore.

You bash something because it's boring?


Rex is right

The CBC is a propaganda machine.

Rex Murphy you need to retire and speak only when spoken to

CBC became an implementation example of the CRTC's red tape manufacturing, that appears to be its main purpose, to regulate broadcasting using examples enforced on the crown corporation's mission statement/mandate. We know the CRTC only works for the Trudeau government.

Rex is a national treasure - the CBC lost its relevancy two decades ago. It’s very sad.

No, it's because it's a bought and paid for left wing propaganda machine.

Rex Murphy is boring and preachy.

aaakk Nothing but liberal slanted opinionist

Cbc news a mouthpiece for Trudeau at our expense

Typical cbc behaviour is to blame someone else for the situation they caused themselves. Don’t be dishonest with the public cbc.

Nice that Tait is staying in Canada long enough to make her tour, instead of ZOOM calls from NYC

Rex is brilliant. Need more like him.

The internet has outgrown the CBC usefulness. We could put that money to better use. You know how many additional doctors $1.2B would fund? healthcare

When cbc called Canada racist, that's when my hate for the cbc began.

And CBC lost that lawsuit as I recall. And their lawyers managed to include Rosie Barton as a plaintiff without her permission to sue on her behalf. Quite a screw up!

I happened to tune into the kids programming just two mornings ago and a small puppet was explaining racism to kids.

The loss of viewers at the CBC mirrors the losses at MSNBC, CBS etc. The inability to evolve and compete isn’t just a problem unique to the CBC.


CBC is the liberal mouth piece. With eastern view points. Why is it relevant to any one else in Canada.

didn't cbc just let you go last year?

Looks like the deterioration in Rex's writing skills is starting to impair his use of tense. What he means to say here is that the CBC *was* boring and preachy--specifically during Rex's decades-long tenure with the network. It's been a lot better since he left, or was fired.

Why do you sound so bitter & preachy? Time to find a new hobby Rex, how about some toy trains?

1.4 billion dollars worth of government funded propaganda. That is taxes we all paid for. Imagine what you could do with 1.4B$ a year! DefundTheCBC

Rex Murphy is boring and preachy. Take a look in the mirror buddy.

The CBC Documentary Channel is the best Canadian content channel by far

While out in the sticks of northern Ontario last summer I tuned into CBC radio. I couldn't stand most of their programming.

If they were just boring and preachy, nobody would care.

Go back and STAY in are not REALLY a Canadian...anymore

And Rex is....not boring and not preachy?....

Who actually watches the CBC? This broadcaster is an anachronism in English Canada, it’s once proud status as Canadians source for news is long forgotten, the CBC is a cesspool of Neo Marxist ideologues schilling for the Liberals, I will not shed a tear when they are defunded.

The CBC is at the beck and call of the globalists and their agenda. The CBC perpetuates the lies and false narrative of the Liberals and Big Pharma !

I don't pay attention it and haven't for years

And they lie. Constantly. Only tell things one sided. Are biased. And toot Trudope and the zcummy Liberals. Lol. And . And .And.

Pot, kettle.

I thought Rex Murphy worked for the CBC? When did he leave? Did he get fired? Is he more pissed than usual? If I recall properly he was always mad about something even if I couldn’t understand wtf he was babbling about?!! Did I miss something?

Agree 100% with his last lines: 'CBC's 'diversity' is one-dimensional and superficial and most of all annoyingly preachy. And news is news. It is not a subtle form of extended anti-bias lecture to be paid for with a 1.4 billion dollar subsidy.'

From the guy who only trends with Don Cherry 😂

Talk about the pot calling the kettle … 🙄

Much like your newspaper.

The only time I have my TV turned to CBC is when the Flames game is being broadcast.

CBC Radio is non-stop instruction by the eastern urban liberal elite, to the great unwashed, as to right thinking about all matters social; LGBTQ, disability, minorities, and, especially, indigenous. All of this is fine, in moderation. But CBC brass don't grasp 'moderation'.

This is not by any means the CBC of Knowlton Nash and Peter Gzowski. News stories delivered straight up.

CBC is junk propaganda for willing cattle. Dismantle it all.

You realize you used to be on CBC, you were preachy and thus boring. I wondered why they even had you on long before ranting and social were a thing. Now here you are again on an outlet that shrinks with each passing year as it lays off journos.

Rex Murphy is not only boring and preachy, but also a disgruntled ex-employee....

I have not watched the CBC for over a year now. No more fear mongering, it is great!

What's worse is it has been among the worst content on television for years, and we are being forced to pay for it in our taxes. It's channel after channel of never gonna watch it.

Has Rex ever written a better article? He nails every single reason no one cares about the CBC anymore.

Defund the CBC

Um, Rex? Pot/Kettle? Stones and glass houses? Any of that ringing a bell or is your self awareness that far gone.

No, the CBC is corrupt, lying, propagandist arm for the liberal government

Rex is boring and preachy. Let the Rex bashing begin!

This woman is digging CBC grave faster, she is doing more harm than good.

Those are words I would apply to you.

Rex Murphy ... they are being preachy ... well if there is anyone who is an expert of being preachy ... it would be Rex Murphy ...

Actually I found the CBC to be much improved once Rex left.

northernqueen4 True.

No, its because the (government) press literally hates you and wants you dead

Love ya, Rex!!!

Rex Murphy is a self absorbed twit, paid for by the elites & fossil fuel polluters. Hardly a balanced opinion, but hey the NP would think so. Pathetic!

Imagine deciding that billions of dollars have to go to state-controlled “journalism” instead of schools, hospitals, teachers, nurses, or even hardcore necessities like defense.

'We know they are lying. They know they are lying.' But do they know, we know they are lying?

The is awful and fascist, and that is why there is National post bashing. Also, WTF do you call what Rex does?

Why, oh why, does Rex Murphy get a platform anywhere?

This lady must go. We want CBC back for Canadians, not politicians.

Exactly. I stopped listening years ago: the CBC became a far-left megaphone for victim culture and one sided politics.

Rex Murphy doesn't have an unbiased bone in his body. He leans so far right that he's been going in circles for years now.

Fr33DomFghter Only thing CBC that still has something decent & worth while is on CBC radio.

Rex Murphy, a fossil trying to stay relevant?

Can somebody please explain irony to him?

CBC = Trudeaus lap dogs

And they are politically corrupt to the core. STOP subsidizing them and open up other more balanced TV broadcasters.

Or at least that is what the Postmedia corporate masters told you to say.

Well said Rex

listening to the CBC this afternoon, a talk show about the drive by the Canadian government to increase production of strategic minerals, and I wanted to shout at the interviewer as she prompted the guests to help them work through their anti-development talking points.

CBC is Last Century. Time to go or downsize to a small broadcast without tax dollars to fund them.

Just Google and go to their website, page after page of same think repeated ad nauseam.

Well done Rex.

They also lie and spread misinformation

You are boring and preachy Mr Murphy

Oh FFS! DefundRexMurphy

In the name of diversity, a Catholic school in Renfrew suspended a student and had him arrested for saying there are only two genders.

'If you travel vast swathes of this country, and I have, a large number of the people you will meet will utter this same sentence — 'I never watch it now' (now is a key word here) — or, 'It’s been ages since I looked at CBC News.' ' Out of 38 million, that's a lot of people.

CBC news is as real as that red hair.

'As Above, So Below'

Oh Rex, did CBC make you retire because your a dinosaur that needed to be put out to paster for your own good. Clearly CBC did the right thing, you truly need to go to the old cows pasters. You old🤡

Rex, is over the target again.

This coming from the GOAT of boring and preachy

CBC programming is fine. CBC news is definitely a propaganda machine for the liberals

'A government-funded news organization and one of its brand faces Rosie Barton, sued the opposing political party during a federal election. That surely did wonders for its neutralist, objective reputation.'

'Does Catherine Tait not recall or does she even know that the CBC and its erstwhile national anchor sued the Conservative party during a federal election? During. A federal election.'

CBC is also extremely bloated with upper management making huge salaries. Excessively so. If they wish to stream their content, do so, please. I give them 6 months (probably less) without gov't money, and they disappear with all their highly over-priced help in tow. (ie: Barton)

And very polarized………very……..VERY!

There's CBC bashing because 'newspapers' like the National Post, 'journalists' like Rex Murphy, and every member of the CPC_HQ attack it constantly.

And propaganda -y lol

Isn't that what you do? Bash and Trash the Liberals on every article you write... hmmm

Also they work for dictator Trudeau. Oh and they get billions of our tax dollars.

I think Rex is describing himself, but he forgot OLD.

I really wouldn’t care, except they use tax dollars and are subpar.

The CBC is an over priced government lap dog .

You’re a CBC guy, Rex.

CBC gave Rex a job when nobody else would. One of their biggest mistakes.

Rex Murphy is boring and preachy


No journalism today only propaganda at cbc

Totally agree with him thank you Rex

I'm sorry what, lol? Who in the world is more boring and preachy than T-Rex Murphy? Good lordt, this is just too funny😆😆 IfHypocrisyWasATalent

The only thing more boring and preachy than the CBC is Murphy

No that's you Rex.

$1.2 billion in 2021 could buy/build a fair number of tanks, or rehab clinics, maybe a decent LTC home, water filtration for some FN reserves etc etc..

And unabashedly biased and costly and entitled and they add absolutely zero value to the consumer market for entertainment. All they do is create a small pond for small fish to look big in, versus competing in a global market. The low expectations of Government TV

Cbc will be defunded at the next election saving Canadians billions of dollars in a time like this with us being stretched thin. If you can’t float your own business make changes and cuts. Public doesn’t bail out any other businesses

It has hardly any program other than news and sports that people watch. Totally irrelevant to under 25 generation. If it can’t survive on its own let it go way of dodo bird. No value for dollars spent.

Rex doing CBC's Cross Country Checkup was indeed boring and preachy. I always turned the dial when his show came on. Ian Hanomansing is far better host.

Probably not enough White Male stuff going on there.

So are you .

The CBC bashing is from the absolutely pathetic level of journalism and reporting they pretend to do while burning through billions every year. Why is a tax payer funded entity publishing hacked donor lists so that the government can target citizens to seize their bank accounts?

Ezra Levant was attacking the CBC with delicious abandon long before anyone heard of Pierre Poilievre. There’s that.

Nazi supporting state media! Bye bye see you later!

But the national post isn’t boring or preachy at all

CBC is the mouthpiece of the Liberals. It promotes one ideology and suppresses the others in Canada.

The CBC is the Pravda of Canada.

ole sexless rex is harping on about himself, as usual

Honestly, for me any news org that take money from gov are bias...national post you're taking money i think

The CBC is considered irrelevant by most Canadians nowadays. It may have had a purpose at one time, however that purpose is in the distant past. There are many other companies in the private sector doing the same thing without substantial aid from the federal government.

Boring ? Yes. And that’s good. They report. You decide how you feel about it. Preachy? Nope. It’s sort of the opposite of you. And that’s not meant as a slag. It’s the difference between news and opinion.

Spot on DefundTheCBC HoCChamber FireTait cdnpoli

Yes, it’s become annoying. Haven’t watched MSM media for about a year. The main reason, I can’t stand listening to the Liberals with their condescending attitude any longer.

Don't forget 'biased and woke'.

Rex Murphy apart from himself being preachy is an irrelevant has-been, whose opinions are not worth consideration.

Lordy. Give Rex his pudding. If he wants gladiator entertainment, Fox is hiring.

I miss Rex, the old Rex when he wasn’t just a mouthpiece for the right. Trudeau bad, climate change overhyped and the CBC defunded. Where is the guy who saw both sides?

I tune in for Coronation St, (not exactly Can Con) and that's it.

Excellent take from Rex as always. The healthy parts of diversity are the minds and opinions of individuals. It is not healthy to focus on the superficial, which may support rascism.

wait a minute... Rex Murphy is calling out the CBC for being 'boring and preachy'? lol

Wow Rex you are verbose and preachy so in 10 words or less explain yourself!!!?


CBC is garbage news. Amateur reporting and journalism. cbcnews DefundCBC PierrePoilievre

Ha, ha. Rex OWES his media career, including his NatPo column, to his decades as a CBC employee/contractor. CBC established him as a public figure. CBC gets accused of being a left-wing bastion, but CBC CREATED Rex Murphy, & Kevin O'Leary & made them both controversial stars.

Is CBC the brother of BBC that failed intro to chemistry?

No one in Canada would know who Rex is without the CBC lol

Defund cbc

You should know.

I agree Rex. I stopped listening and watching any CBC content LONG time ago. They suck. Like…SUCK.

You realize publicly funded broadcasters are 'boring' because we place certain rules on them to ensure: Canadian receive information (over entertainment), since the core mandate of the CBC is to keep Canadians informed...

They don’t really do journalism anymore. That was not always the case however. Shortly after 911 for example, 5th Estate did a brilliant episode on the Bush/ Bin Laden connection, now memory holed. CBC’s mission is now woke, liberal evangelism. Time to DefundCBC

Don’t mean to ‘class things up’ around here, but the NP has a secret chubby for the CBC.😉

Because the NP is not at all preachy? How about Rebel news or True North? No...they don't express opinions at all. You can bash the CBC if you like, but calling for it to be disbanded or defunded is not the same as disagreeing with what opinions they express

They lie that's why. They are Trudeau's media propaganda machine. Like the German propaganda during Hitler's reign of terror

I suppose ever since you left to join Connie that the CBC has gone downhill.

Rex is still mad that the CBC fired him 😂

rexglacer And in turdeau's back pocket.

CBC reporters are hired for their bias. A sad day when the network gushes over everything the PM says while the Leader of the Opposition is labeled as evil for simply presenting the facts, CBC is the Liberal mouthpiece.

Bang on again Rex. You nailed it. Haven't watched CBC news in years now. That also goes for CTV & Global too though. Lost all faith in legacy media during COVID coverage. It was truly sickening to watch.

Gee. Rex talking about preachy and whiny

They push climate change, multi-culturalism the breeding habits of the northern Nigerian dung beetles, kind of like a soap opera from the seventies you‘ve never missed anything and been gone for fifty years.

Are you just a bitter dusty old corpse because the Post is the only place who will give your grouchy ass a job?

Don’t forget bought and bias! Just like ALL main stream media.

..they are bought and paid for!

The CBC is corrupt, they are basically CNN North.

It is also incredibly biased in covering social issues, indigenous issues and political issues. It is the liberal government’s mouthpiece, and does not speak to the majority of Canadians. For that reason alone, it should be defunded.

CoryBMorgan Our legacy media has been the megaphone of government and UN WHO policy without questioning ANY of it. It is an insult to Canadians for Trudeau to subsidize this propaganda and the CBC being fully funded with our own money has the gall to do the same. DefundTheCBVC

Boring, preachy, and government funded propaganda.

It hides behind arts & culture while trying to copy things that “work” and missing the mark. There’s nothing original coming out of the CBC.

That’s not why. It’s because they turn the truth 180 degrees to suppress Canadians

Murdoch Mystery is not boring.😂

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