Rex Murphy: Adamson Barbecue and the epidemic of snobbery

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Everyone faces the health risks of this moment, but not everyone risks losing their business

Cheri DiNovo, a one-time celebrated politico and veteran activist, has released her insights via everyone’s favourite publisher, Twitter, on Adam Skelly. He’s the young guy with the reversed ball cap on his head, the great-looking youngster in his arm, who’s at the centre of this brewing storm.

Could I speak with him, I would perhaps ask some questions. Skelly, what is wrong with you that you sought out a “third-rate place” in some used-car style venue to open a business? Did you not speak to any retired and pensioned politicians on the question of stylish establishments in the better parts of town?

As can be seen in another Twitter observation cited as the “line of the week” by one journalist quoting another: “We don’t want a barbecue guy with a backwards ball cap making health policy.”Why would anyone want a guy from the barbecue class — so déclassé — making Toronto’s or Ontario’s or for that matter Canada’s health policies? Especially one with unfashionable headgear. If only he’d ditched the cap and gone for more vivid sock wear instead. That would have been the ticket.

Everyone bears the health risk of the current moment. Not everyone faces losing their employment or their business. The latter deserve better thoughts, maybe more understanding, than have been shown by the better off and more comfortably situated.

Source: News Formal (


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Rex Murphy complaining about the smugness of snobs in their ivory towers is a delicious irony. This from the guy who wrote an article about Kraft dinner earlier this year. What a tool.

Hey Rex, is it also your principle that it's ok for 0.1 percent of Canadians to die so that Adamson BBQ can stay opened?

Some people never knows when to retire with grace. Others lost their chance when the time was right and from there on becomes irrelevant, a laughing matter and that is just sad. The perception of dementia ultimately is the end result.

My heart is not bleeding for this guy... he apparently has issues following all laws and does not stand for all the other small businesses that are suffering and DO follow the laws( like having a business license). Way to draw attention to yourself! Atta boy!

There were consistent lines for takeout. He had a format that thrived in lockdown. I was there weekly. Adam Skelly wasn't fighting for small businesses, he was running a misguided publicity stunt for his facebook-conspiracy ideology. Now I can't eat there because he is shuttered.

Criticizing someone who wants to open their business helps the “no financial worries crowd” justify to themselves their sacrifice of nothing while so many lose everything. If you don’t believe the majority of small biz owners are rooting for Adam, then you don’t know any.

The insistence in the comments is over 9000.

Rex passes the vibe check. Progressives wanna throw all the shade they can at this dude cuz they got triggered.

My eyes hurt reading your oversaturated prose. Not to mention you are flat out wrong, conservatively speaking.

Exercising his rights as more should

Rex Murphy: I'm a senile old turd.

Bet many of these self righteous people condemning this guy are in the public sector with guaranteed jobs, receiving full pay, benefits and pensions while sitting at home doing nothing, other than pontificating . Stop paying all public sector workers, level the playing field.

Thank you Rex! You put it very well.

I’d love to see T-Rex put his money where is mouth is and go and do as Adamson did instead of cheering from the sidelines like a fanatic at a gladiator match. Go away T-Rex, retire already.

Skelly is a threat to public health. He does deserve some credit for getting a ton of free advertising for the cost of temporary incarceration & a fine though. I wonder if his patrons would be so supportive knowing about his prior food safety violations? Would Murphy eat there?

except that Adam Skelly is from a wealthy family and his Dad set up his business

this is interesting:

Rex Murphy needs to relinquish his OHIP card!

Snobbery? More like stupidity

This is a low point for Rex. I thought there was no bottom, but complaining that public health guidelines are 'snobbery' is particularly idiotic.

Please sign + retweet and/or repost. Thanks GreatBarringtonDeclaration Barrington GreatBarrington Scamdemic LockdownsKill ThePandemicIsOver Casedemic Covid19 Vaccines

A stupid story from an elite sellout in Rex Murphy. Sad. His writings used to mean something.

Third rate junkyard surroundings might certainly question whether this is a fine eating establishment. Where does Rex dine? And for what price?

Snobbery is believing the rules don't apply to you and when you break them other people should pay your way.

What happened was a total disgrace. As Costco flourishes next door, Black Lives Matter marches with impunity in the streets and other derelicts seize Nathan Phillips Square for weeks. It is clear the rule of law is ABSENT in Canada.

Nice, Rex: “It is not a matter of him being right or wrong. It is the smugness of his detractors and their distance from his experience, which makes their smug snobbery so disqualifying as a legitimate response.”

Lol some racists calling this a white supremacy act honestly this world is gone to criminals racists and nut jobs .

...and he’s still alive. Okay, back to not caring.

Was indoor dining with 25% capacity & six people maximum to a table even tried in Toronto & Peel before Ford shut down indoor dining?

Oh Look, Rex Murphy, an out of touch, Ultra-Extreme Conservative, is claiming Liberals are out of touch because they disagree with a BBQ place, which has multiple citations for cleanliness issues, being open AGAINST lockdown rules. Rex, please just crawl back under that rock.

It’s elitist snobbery to wash your hands!

This is hard to believe. Rex Murphy is ALIVE? SMH. The old fossil is still kicking. Do RWNJ's still read his columns? Wow. Sure takes me back. 🤪

Poor rich kid who got land and money given to him to start his businesses.

well written article by Rex Murphy! Champagne Liberals need not be taken seriously! Their entire existence revolves around corporatism and Welfare. The bear jumps out the window!

PLUS Rex Effin' Murphy calling someone ELSE a snob?!!! Youse gotta be kiddin' me by.

Epidemic of snobbery? This place isn't exactly located in Regent Park. This guy's first location was in Leaside. He charges $30/lb for CHICKEN!!! Damn, snobs and the elite are the only ones who can afford to eat there. Snobs are this guy's bread and butter.

Lol. I unblocked the NP to see what kind of dumbassery they are up to. I see this. Back to blocked. Don't need to see their epidemic of stupid.

? Rex Murphy? Hahahaha!!! Hahahahahah!!! Feckin' eegits.🙄

That dude to the left in the white shirt really should calm down. Wonder if he was nipped

If public health orders and your neighbour’s health are snobbery...get fucked.

BBQ with no business license with multiple health violations on record illegally reopens over and over. So much for the 'law and order' types. You folks are always so eager to feel close to Jesus; not by being caring or good, but just by climbing on the cross and nailing yourself


how much snobbery is involved in thinking the BBQ guy is blue collar, he didn't work for the land or the business, it was gifted to him by family. please let this Rex die off with the rest of the classist right wing dinosaurs.

Wow. Rex has no clue.

Law and Order rex, bbq guy doesn't even have a business license to closed-- or does rex believe 'rules for thee, but not for me'?!

Rex really should have looked into this story beyond that one tweet before writing an article...

$100 says that senior citizen Rex Murphy wouldn't go near this den of dumbassery. As always, he's looking for nothing more but the latest opportunity to yell at clouds.

Rex is 'Yesterday's Man'. That's the tweet.

Millionaire Rhodes Scholar says what?

Rex spouts off at the keyboard again WITHOUT getting or caring about the facts ... POSTMEDIA FOR YOU FOLKS ....

I think so many miss the point. His was an act of protest, in service of the average small business. Whether or not he survives, the point is to point out how arbitrary and unfair these lockdowns are. That is my take. I wear masks. But I have compassion for all sides.

'Indeed, lest I belabour my unnecessary-yet-obligatory peregrinations, I submit that such ostentatious hillbilly pomp is the opus of the most hideous, pernicious little vermin that ever suffered to crawl upon the face of the earth.' - Fred, Rex Murphy's even-more-verbose brother

Why did he not close and serve take out like many others did and he would not be in the situation he is in today. It has nothing to do with class.

You've never met an issue you can't be on the wrong side of, huh National Post?

It is extremely amusing how any mention of Rex Murphy sets off the twitter alarms of so many who, collectively, couldn’t write a worthwhile piece of journalism if they spent a thousand years trying. If you reflexively dislike him, read something else. Nobody is stopping you.

I know right. It is snobbery to open a business without a licence and putting peoples lves in danger during a pandemics second wave.

Rex Murphy is the Conrad Black of Ezra Levants

How does Rex Murphy find himself on the wrong side of literally everything? What a shoddy moral GPS.

He's not wrong about the classist rhetoric in the critiques, but...I think people are mostly hating on him for being a belligerent, not for his ballcap. Besides isn't picking on 'Toronto elites' also classism?

No mention of the people dying I see.

Thanks to Webster's thesaurus for ghost writing for Rex all these years.

There is no one more guilty of snobbery than Rex Murphy with his pretentious accent and vocabulary. Give me an F***ING break. He is totally disconnected from the experiences of average Canadians.

Is it a rule with rwnj's that you all must promote the same grifters? This guy is a huge fucking tool.

Is Skelly 'too snobby' to offer take out? Is he friends with the white supremacists who support him? Is Rex Murphy aware of Skelly's entitled upbringing? These are questions I have.

Murphy’s missed take is laughable, BBQ guy is no working class hero,his other location is in a semi industrial area in Leaside. He knows his target and he knows “there’s no bad publicity”

The best summary of Rex Murphy I have ever heard = “A moron with a thesaurus”

Who? ( on both counts) This sounds like a scorched meat analysis.

RetireRexMurphy already. postmedianet

Why does National Post keep a lunatic like Rex on the payroll.

Straw-man arguments from a writer know for his own self-righteous smugness.

National Geographic: The radical left wing woke liberal socialist is largely found in urban/suburban areas. Virtue signalling, social Marxism, vegan goodies, craft beer/wine, protesting, selfies & ratting on neighbours - just a few of its past times. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Self-righteousness, also called sanctimoniousness, sententiousness and holier-than-thou attitudes is a feeling or display of (usually smug) moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.

I think it would be fair for those imposing shut downs to set the example and stop collecting a pay cheque.

Sexy Rexy, Canada's most venerable gargoyle in with another hot take colder than a cockstiff frozen cod

'Let them eat barbeque' - Cheri Di Novo

Fox News Canada is at it again! Another negative headline that essentially encourages people to do the opposite thing that we all need to do to get through this pandemic! At a time when we need unity this paper want to divide! Disgusting.

This jerk has 2 other restaurants he could have gone to...he has only focused on the one in the REDZONE for attention.

Rex Murphy Are you jealous CheriDiNovo because she got more likes than you?

RexMurphy47 THE typical snob response was from Huff Post (a 'ho for the PMO), which declared the defiance was white privilege in action.

Review: This article is so tone deaf it's disgusting and reeks of personal bias. Rating: Two thumbs down not worth the read.

This is a new low for you Rex. The simplest investigation reveals he is not who he pretends to be.

Who is Rex Murphy?

Rex Murphy is out of touch!

He knows that the business didn't have a license to operate as a business, right? At least pick a legal business, if you're going to make a case about entitlement.

Tell Rex that the epidemic of people who think rules shouldn’t apply to them is more of an issue

I didn't realize the National Post had turned into a tabloid-esque, Trump-supporting type rag. What's your next article, Rex? Donald Trump is the greatest human being ever who got screwed by a rigged election?

It's not snobbery to want to lower virus rates in the GTA by closing indoor dining. It's also not snobbery to expect that people running a business have a license to do so. This is a bad take.

This guy is a fucking millionaire from a wealthy family who bragged about how much money he was making during the pandemic while so many people struggled. Don't let this fucking guy dupe you into thinking he's a struggling average Joe.

classic Rex, way off the mark again

the people who read this trash and believe it are crazy. dud had rich papa pay for business. no health inspections or business l license. No pandemic regulations. Did'nt even try to stay open with dine out and ordering. Pitiful business attempts to be pitied not idolized idiots

I had no idea take-out, pickup and delivery were only for the elites.

American have Tucker we have Murphy. He puts it all in perspective. Good read on elitists.

The fact that he hasnt bathed in days doesn't mean he isn't wealthy . ' You can't buy class'

Rex Murphy: dying on a hill of cherry picked facts.

What a strange article. Comments such as those quoted are certainly not the majority, and people can have sympathy for business owners while also acknowledging that irresponsible practices contributing to outbreaks = more restrictions = not helping businesses or anyone else.

Have another drink Rex.

Fekkin snobs wanting to breathe freely without respirators & all. Who do they think they are? (Rare daylight shot of Rex Murphy included)

You mean white privilege. Cause if this was a business owner the belonged to a ethnic minority the narrative would be very different. I’m done giving this anymore of my attention.

Is it snobbery if I want to eat at an establishment that HAS passed its health inspection? Or at a minimum tries to keep its patrons safe during a pandemic? I guess I'm a snob then, and proud of it

Uh oh, is Rex saying things that are true again? Cue the tears!! LOL

Murphy knows all about snobs I reckon

Describes Rex pretty well

Terrific take on this story, thanks Rex Murphy

Lol....fossil wrote another whiteright puff peice Shocking no 1 Lol mediadump 💩💩💩

This BBQ rest. owner is elitist and far from so called 'ordinary' Rex Murphy with his typical spin.

This entire article is like grade 8 English homework, 'write a news article responding to these 2 tweets'.

Typical cons. All about law and order, unless law applies to them

The elite element is business owners big/small putting workers in the path of a preventable virus and crying foul when asked to follow health protocols. Any word on the staff put out of work through sheer spite? His other restaurant is fine FrontlineWorkers matter too snob!

You know what’s amazing? This was all a big show. He was *allowed* to be open for take out. He chose to put on a big show.

This was about greed not snobbery .Adamson was about to be shut down as he had no licenses, no inspections on renovations inspections, no pest control and failed multiple health inspections. He was about to be shut down and used this and people to make a quick buck before that.

BREAKING NEWS: Rex Murphy falls for alt-right conman, again. cdnpoli

BS. Has nothing to do with snobbery & all to do with an arrogant opportunist & anti-masker actually GETTING PAID for his sleazeball marketing scheme. His biz wasn't shut down. If his bbq was that good, he'd do fine on takeout. Pity the real victims, not this guy.

It is never a good thing in Canada when Rex Murphy is trending.

He could have served take out RexMurphy47 if you want to talk about class and politics in relation to the pandemic, can you write about PSWs and childcare workers? Thanks!

Nah. BBQ dude is a member of the elite. His dad even paid for his first location. Maybe do some research next time before publishing click bait

can't wait until a POC is arrested for breaking the law and we call it snobbery ⏳

Shockingly, Rex picks the wrong side yet again.

I am a small business owner who has had to shut down a store because of covid and I do it because it's my duty to society. This zealot can still be open for take out, but that wasn't enough. I was closed, actually closed, not like this asshat.

Adamson had such good food. Shame that the owners are complete idiots...

It took some real courage for RexMurphy to write about a man he didn't research, a situation he doesn't understand, with the pretentious arrogance that he attacks in his own article. You are a pathetic farce and you don't speak for a single Canadian.

The businesses around Adamson BBQ are hurting because of his actions and they are getting no help from the 'bbq fanatics'. Adam's stunt had everything to do with him and other being Covidiots, not with an 'epidemic of snobbery'.

Absolute garbage. This particular little spoilt brat has been pushing COVID conspiracy theories from the beginning, attacking people on social media who question his views, dragging adjoining businesses into the fray and behaving very badly. He needs to be sent to his room.

This owner was rightly chastised for using some VERY offensive language regarding the pandemic in March. So much so, that colleagues and associates immediately distanced themselves from Adam. ALSO - HE WAS ALWAYS ABLE TO SELL BBQ FOR TAKE OUT AND DELIVERY. (He’s NOT a victim)

Loll right win newspaper putting out sad shit... you guys are a joke

So, are we going to ignore the fact that Skelly didn’t have a business license, which likely meant no insurance, and no health inspection (limited to food safety, as opposed to one impacted by Covid19 protocols?) 🤔 rexmurphy AdamsonBBQ

RexMurphy47 the irony of reading the debutante work of cute self aggrandizing journalism. Rex is obsolete. Vision impaired writing with such 'smug, snobberish, snobbery' laden gravity. Mmmmm those ribs taste good whilst you attack another journalist. The Journalist's New Clothes

So Rex there is a problem with single moms carpenters and low income people? Wow if we could all only be as a perfect as you are or at least as perfect as you think you are!

Cheri Dinovo is the ultimate hypocrite. She dresses like a person of God but everything she says is hateful and divisive.

Sadly no shortage of resentment towards the working class in Canada.

Well done Rex. Unfortunately true that we are divided by brands, education, and other side of the tracks - indeed, an epidemic of snobbery. A working class hero is something to be. - John Lennon

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