Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commits $25M for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

OTTAWA -- Canada will provide $25 million to Palestinian civilians affected by the recent conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians in Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Prime Minister Justin Trud

eau said Friday.

"The recent violence in the region is alarming -- we have all seen the disturbing images of displaced civilians, loss of life, and pain inflicted on families," Trudeau said. Trudeau said Canada will also dedicate up to $5 million for peace-building initiatives that advance the goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Last week, Canada welcomed a ceasefire ending the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas that left hundreds of people dead.


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That's my money going to muslim terrorist.

Canada sells weapons and gives political cover to Israel for these crimes against humanity. We are obligated to assist with the damage and death we're supporting. Stop the support.

Great work Trudeau! How many rockets can the terrorists by with that? Stop wasting our money when we are in debt up to our eyeballs thanks to your pandering and vote buying. Resign before we go bankrupt. Maybe go teach a dance class, no credentials to do anything else.

Honest question. How do we know the $25M will be spent helping people and not building tunnels or buying weapons? I think the PM should be looking in his own backyard and getting First Nations clean drinking water and proper housing.

As we should it’s a humanitarian crisis.

Another money tree picked bare.

Sooo you donate 25 million and they buy some more rockets to shoot at Israeli?

He's worried about people killed in Gaza. He wasn't worried about Canadians being killed he let airplane after airplane after airplane land in Canada filled with covid-19 stupid f***😡

Why am I paying taxes to send to terrorist

Justin continues to not care about Canadians? Tell me something I don't know.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

Why the hell am i paying taxes to send my money over seas?

Holy fuck enough!!! Faaaacck!!! I cant fuckin afford those monkeys too!!!!

My tax dollars funding Islamist terrorists

Seriously? Meanwhile, our local hospitals are running low on budget for paying people overtime to replace exhausted staff.

Will there be audit reports of this funding? I am not surprised there are no audits because JustinTrudeau has cut spending to his own Auditor-General as Trudeau does not want to be accountable for his spending.

$1.6T in debt and we’re sending money to Hamas which I’m sure will go towards buying more weapons... I’m sure Canadian taxpayers and Israel are real impressed Sarcasm TrudeauMustGo

Every year we hear world leaders pledge millions to this cause or that cause and what changes? Please give me $25M and you will see some significant change, I will buy a boat.. and probably a motorcycle.. then give away the rest to actual people in need here in

Take care of your own country first

Still trying to get a seat on the UN.

How do we have the money for this?

“Stock market at all time high.” I remember when it was cool for world leaders and their supporters to tweet that.

more proof Trudeau does not care about Canadians

inky_mark Rewarding bad behaviour is never a good idea.

Virtue signalling with taxpayer dollars


Trudolt loves spending our money.

Why doesn’t he help Canadians first! The people who pay taxes their whole lives get shit and he gives everything away. He definitely needs to get out! Give everything to other countries and people that don’t work or pay taxes. Get out

Only 25 million? Trudeau’s not paying for it surprising he didn’t hand out more! He’s very popular with everyone but “Real” Canadians! If you’re from anywhere else you’re loving it watching a spoiled brat destroy a country while strengthening yours.People come here and use us.

Does anybody realize what $25 million buys in a city/country? That will cover the design of blueprints for 1 building. What a hero.

Do we still have cheques in the cheque book?

But we have NO MONEY for our military veterans, NO MONEY for our seniors, NO MONEY for our indigenous people with NO CLEAN DRINKING WATER. Okay, got it.

That should not be a surprise of a Socialist dictator of a once great country

Great now Sanction Israel. stop funding this illegal apartheid. Quit bowing to the Zionist extremists. Save Israel from Netanyahu corruption.

What about clean drinking water for First Nations ?

And most of us Canadians are losing our jobs and this clown hands out money to foreign countries like nothing.

And 35 million in weapons to Israel. And claims to want peace in the region. Hmmmm

I guess this is just more proof he would do well if he had a seat at the UN.

So, we provide funding for people who launched rocket attacks on their neighbors. WTF. Where is his brain?

So, as usual, more money for Hamas to buy rockets. Palestine never existed, it's a fictitious place ffs. The land Israel sits on has been Jewish land historically for thousands of years. This whole conflict is now and always has been Muslim hatred for Jews.

Evil evil man!

How about supporting the dismantling of the oppressive conditions the Palestinians live under. FreePalestine

Will be very curious to see which groups get the funds. Hopefully it goes to groups intent on actually helping the people in need there, and not those that siphon it off for Hamas

JustinTrudeau loves terrorists worst pm in Canadian history

No, Canadian do its not PM's nor is it liberal party money. We taxpayers are paying for it

I am so tired of the Lib government giving our money away. We have homeless and destitute people here and is he helping them no. And isn’t that why people donate to the Red Cross to help in those situations or is he just trying to buy the votes of those who live here.

I undersdand that we as Canadians want to help global initiatives, but seems our priority must be towards Canadians? no..? I'm sure that this amount of dollars could help so many Canadians instead of world initiatives..... We can support them on so many levels strategically....

Trudeau needs to go .

I have been reading comments, mostly angry about not helping people at home first. They all sound as if our PM was hiding all that money from us and discreetly give it to Palestine.

On one side, Canada officially supported Israel in their military action. On the other hand, financially assisting Palestine? Is the Canadian govt not sure which side to take?

W T F ?

That should be a down payment for another 1600 missiles they can launch into the iron curtain

CBCNews globalnews JustinTrudeau theJagmeetSingh AnnamiePaul what about supporting war crimes investigation to prevent this happening in future?

None of that money gets to the people . He is going to be very wealthy Trudeau

Hey Justin..... apologize first!!!!

Again TrudeauMustGo is really picking the wrong side in this one. Support China. Support Hamas. Will be defending Iran pretty soon at this point. TrudeauDictatorship

Guaranteed 20 million goes to new terror tunnels and rockets from Iran. That’s how Hamas rolls.

And it all should be rebuilt just in time for Israel to knock it all down again. We need a lasting peace here, not another ceasefire

Keep spending you liberal fucks

Don’t worry, progressives will still give him shit.

so they can buy more weapons

So Canada funds israel, lets them terrorize Palestinians, causes billions worth of damage and innocent lives lost, then gives Palestinians 25 million? How about this. Stop supporting israel, pass a law to classify zionism as terrorism, as speak up against apartheid in Palestine

Would love if he tweeted: “Stock market at all time high.”


It's a start. For all those below thinking Canada is wasting money, if you spoke out about Israel breaking international law this money wouldn't have to be spent. Why aren't Palestinians protected by the same international laws that were formed from WW2....


Money is easy to give to give i guess but who will recover all the life’s got lost. Wars should end we are in year 2021. Give people their rights and freedom that’s what they mostly need.

Thanks JT Alberta is doing just fine. Canada doesn’t need $25 million wereallinthistogether

On who's money? If he's paying from his pocket I'm okay with that. Why from taxpayers money when our own people are in debts.😐☹️🥺

would he be handing it over to Hamas?


It’s always nice to see Canada helping those in need.

Why don't you save the middle man and just give them bombs and rockets JT

Are you fucking kidding me 😡😡😡

CanadianPM you cant End Apartheid by Buying off Netanyahu's Victims. You end it by Refusing to further Fund The Apartheid State of Israel with Dollars and Weapons. FreePalestine by ENDING Apartheid Acts being committed by Apartheid Israel. PERIOD.

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