Opinion: The MMIWG report was searing and important, marred only by its inaccurate genocide charge

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The MMIWG report was searing and important, marred only by its inaccurate genocide charge GlobeDebate

inspired the House of Commons motion to apologize to survivors of Canadian residential schoolsfinal report

In doing so I have learned the importance of factual precision regarding criminal accusations, and in this respect, I believe the commissioners’ otherwise excellent report was marred by the gratuitous charge that Canada has committed, and continues to commit, genocide against its Indigenous populations.

We forget, at our peril, that genocide is a legal term, not a societal term. It is the worst crime in the lexicon of international law, the apex of “crimes against humanity,” the most powerful criminal designation ever codified.

But words do matter. They matter because they have commonly agreed-to referents and because once they are stripped of these through misuse, we are in Humpty-Dumpty land.


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GlobeDebate Well, the legal definition would seem to apply to many aspects of Canada's history, even if the public's imagined definition is a little different. As the report observes:

GlobeDebate Utter BS.. you can never put that genie back in the bottle.. It has been named.. we shd be ashamed & reconciliation must start now.

GlobeDebate There are dozens of things you could have said about the MMIWG report, such as Indigenous women being more likely to be MURDERED, and this is what you went with

GlobeDebate Settler journalists are the real victims here.

GlobeDebate Thank you for your racist point of view on Genocide in Canada. Of course, nothing you wrote that couldn't be heard at any KKK rally. cdnpoli

GlobeDebate This is wrong and you know it.

GlobeDebate Opinions focused on softening the report with semantics is avoidance and denial.

GlobeDebate Where did all the Indigenous peoples go then?

GlobeDebate Erna Paris sustains centuries of denial Genocide across entire Western Hemisphere Church & State should be separate. When blurred, the result is atrocity, supposedly justified by the divine, & given a majestic name such as “Manifest Destiny”

GlobeDebate So then what is the proper term for the intentional, political and systemic violence, murders, imprisonments, sexual violence, etc. that has been enacted on Indigenous communities for several hundred years now?

GlobeDebate Wrong! It was and still is a genocide being carried out by the nation of Canada

GlobeDebate Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it 'inaccurate'

GlobeDebate Inaccurate? Wot da fuq

GlobeDebate Thanks I guess for proving that what the Reports suggests has merit. Or I can say thanks for proving the Report right. Rather than considering the Generations of People affected, dissecting a word further to avoid the issue is a part of the problem. Wake the sleeping giant.

GlobeDebate The word genocide is appropriate. The perpetrators may not be a unified group w/mission statement, but they act as a single-minded unit who denies others their humanity. Shame on the perpetrators whatever their agendas. May their families know them as monsters

GlobeDebate This is Roland Paris' mother. Roland Paris is a former advisor of Justin Trudeau and a close friend and booster of Chrystia Freeland. Hard not to see the same hand of the Liberal Party at work that was revealed in Jody Wilson-Raybould's testimony about getting op-eds published.

GlobeDebate Bullet 6

GlobeDebate Yeah, the experts called it. You can do it, just sound it out - gen-o-cide...

GlobeDebate C’mon, enough. Get out of the disrespect gutter.

GlobeDebate Thanks for the old white lady opinion! I'll file this under 'Useless outdated out of touch garbage'

GlobeDebate Why is the Globe participating in genocide denial? You have an obligation to maintain journalistic integrity by balancing this story. I'd love to hear from NoLore ...

GlobeDebate [extended fart noise]

GlobeDebate Data for the 1997-2000 and 2014-2017 period show: (1) Aboriginal homicide accusation rates are higher than victimization rates e.g.. 9-11 vs. 7-9; and (2) Aboriginal females have higher rates of homicide accusations than non-Aboriginals e.g. 3-4 vs. 1. CC jonkay TerryGlavin

GlobeDebate This is offensive. It is genocide.

GlobeDebate During The Oka Crisis (which my Mohawk friends called The Canadian Crisis) we were told about Cultural Genocide. The mainstream media's response and regrettably even the Arts & Letters community's response? 'Cultural Genocide isn't Real Genocide.' Time to wise up. MMIWG

GlobeDebate Sometimes these things just write themselves


GlobeDebate No wonder your industry is circling the shitter

GlobeDebate I read the report and my takeaway was that we really need to get to work protecting old white people's feelings about the atrocities this country needs to answer for.

GlobeDebate This is journalistic garbage. How can she purport to have researched these issues and yet cannot see that MMIWG2S is the result of the deliberate and systemic destruction of Indigenous women throughout Canada's history and present? It is shameful that this made it to print.

GlobeDebate what kind of neoliberal colonial revisionism is this?

GlobeDebate Isn't it troublesome that the opinion columnist's book is characterized as being 'the inspiration' for the residential school apology? Negating the work by others done on the actual file.

GlobeDebate The only thing marring the report is the take of more old white people who don’t get it. We are a genocidal country. No that’s not comfortable to sit with. So what are we gonna do about it?

GlobeDebate Once again, a swing and a miss. The Globe needs to retire some editors: a lot of editors. Is the management simply waiting for the fed money to come rolling in?

GlobeDebate I’m as white as they come and it definitely is genocide.

GlobeDebate The MMIW findings of genocide are supported by a 49 page addendum citing international law from the 1940's to present. Your article does not address any of that to focus on one aspect of 1949 law concerning intent. You are wrong in this as well as the quote below shows.

GlobeDebate Hate speech from the globe ?

GlobeDebate Wrong, idiot.

GlobeDebate Atrocious. Can Cdn media step up to plate, please? Go to bat for once?

GlobeDebate It was foolish and debases the entire report and recommendations as was our idiotic Crime Minister Trudeau to endorse it...

GlobeDebate this article made me so sad but happy to see that so many of the comments are pointing to the white fragility and guilt of that oozes from this piece. shameful.

GlobeDebate So you're choosing to make this about semantics, rather than the scathing content and need for accountability. Your choice to do so threatens the impact of the report moving forward, and you're doing it willfully. You are part of the genocide it describes. Congratulations.

GlobeDebate Stop. Stop diffusing the real message with the triviality of being hung-up on ONE word. Indigenous women and girls were murdered. Thousands. Of. Them. Focus on how we Canadians can help the indigenous community heal and move forward

GlobeDebate extremely shameful position for the globe and mail to take.

GlobeDebate why read and engage with the actual report when you can read, uhh, Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” instead? come on, people

GlobeDebate You guys should get a subscription to Google

GlobeDebate The CanadianIdyll privilege these dotards with scarves display makes me more and more sure, every day, the LAST thing I ever want to be known as is a 'Canadian' 😂😂🤢🤮 This fake country needs to DIE, this opinion column and the dotard behind it makes the case better than most

GlobeDebate The Globe was kicked out to make way for condos and you now share office space with Air Miles. Reach for the top.

GlobeDebate Too much past, present, future angst and blame..insufficient mutual reset and new strategies.


GlobeDebate Re: Article 2, UN Convention on Genocide: Indigenous people of the Americas experienced genocide, with acts that meet the legal definition continuing through Canada's early years and into modern times with residential schools:

GlobeDebate this is why i wouldn’t wipe my ass with your paper

GlobeDebate This article, the author and the G&M by extension are all garbage for adopting such a stance.

GlobeDebate think I’d rather listen to the folks who did all the work compiling the report than the snowflakes melting over how it’s findings affect their white fragility

GlobeDebate Whenever some official brags about 'rewriting' history, it's another brick in the road to totalitarianism.

GlobeDebate Great opinion. Thank you. Thanks to Trump & social media words don’t matter to people anymore;improper,inaccurate often meaningless word usage,name calling/over the top attention grabbing behaviour is what matters. If it’s use was to gain attention, it worked. But at what cost?

GlobeDebate Oh who cares. The bigger problem with a 1000 page report is 1) the general public wont read it; 2) politicians only will read the summary; and 3) as with all reports, it will fade away with time and be forgotten. In other words, it wont accomplish a single thing.

GlobeDebate With respect, this analysis represents a complete mischaracterization of the Inquiry’s legal analysis of genocide as applied to the Canadian context. Commentators are invited to read it and agree or disagree based on a proper understanding of what it says:

GlobeDebate I am afraid that the whole 'Indian/Native/Aboriginal/Indigenous File' has been plagued with 'flash' and little substance. The term 'genocide' has and will continue to off-put those most needed to effect change. Labels - demos - then fade to black. We're just repeating history.

GlobeDebate This was and is a highly politicized process. The use of the term genocide so frivolously speaks to that very clearly.

GlobeDebate At least people are paying attention! That may have been the point?

GlobeDebate 🤯🤯🤯 You revisionists. The genocide started the day a European set foot on this continent and tens of millions of indigenous people died from disease, war and murder. The political structure that started this is still active. It’s not over. Am apartheid system exists. WTF.

GlobeDebate It was marred by spending $94 million and ignoring the fact that most violence against aboriginal women is performed by an aboriginal man. Three years wasted on another study which will end up on the shelf. Broken promises and shattered expectations. That's a tragedy.

GlobeDebate I'm fully willing to accept that Trudeau is genocidal.

GlobeDebate I have to AGREE as an F.N. Two Spirited B.G.S., B.F.A., L.S.C,. Not cool BROOOOOOOO. The s.j.w. And snowflakes are destroying our comprehension ability’s to use words correctly and grammatical correct. Sad day for Canada. Socialist propaganda wins again🤷🏾‍♂️👨🏽‍🎓💆🏽‍♂️🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈

GlobeDebate Paris is a whore for colonialism


GlobeDebate I'm afraid I disagree, ma'am. When one takes into account all the history Canada has with indigenous people, as well as the research of the man who coined the term, genocide is the only accurate term for what has been afflicted upon Indigenous Canadians.

GlobeDebate The centring of the white settler’s opinion shows me that you need to re-read the TRC’s calls to action. Do better.

GlobeDebate They found what they were tacitly told to find - colonial genocide.

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