Opinion | Pierre Poilievre is building bridges he was expected to burn

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

.SusanDelacourt: Pierre Poilievre is building bridges he was expected to burn via torontostar

Pierre Poilievre did not win the Conservative leadership by using the subtle arts of diplomacy.

Who would have predicted, for instance, that Poilievre would be extending an offer of “solidarity” with Justin Trudeau’s government this week? “At the beginning of this day, that was the sentiment I heard,” Holland said. “Right now, we all need to be pulling in the same direction.” But there are other signs behind the scenes that Poilievre is playing a longer, possibly wider game than anticipated when he was lashing out at all opponents in the Conservative leadership race.

So while it may be true that Poilievre will preside over the public face of the party with the same, take-no-prisoners approach that has endeared him to the hard-right base of the Conservatives, he’s also putting people in place behind the scenes who know a bit about talking beyond that base.out this week shows that Poilievre is getting a bit of a honeymoon in the polls — although he still elicits more negative views than either Andrew Scheer or Erin O’Toole did when they won the top job.


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SusanDelacourt TorontoStar one for sure to the ppc.

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar LOL PierrePoilievreIsAFascist WeDeserveBetterMedia

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Bridges too far right for Canada. Look what’s happened to the PPC! He has succeeded in drawing most of the right wing nuts into his tent. These are not the fair minded who have shepherded our country through the pandemic, helped the Ukrainians while maintaining a reasonable grip

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar He is less popular than Scheer or O’Toole and no one can change that!

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Bridges of shit..

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Churnalism. He is a legitimate danger. Where would people be without CERB or CPP or environmental protections or any federal protection for Medicare? Why are some so ill informed that they would vote for a party that would hurt them financially?

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Garbage. Susan.

aholyghost1 SusanDelacourt TorontoStar This is so full of garbage I can not finish it.

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar You can count on Canada's journalists to practice short term memory when it comes to CPC leaders. Seven months Poilevre was supporting a movement that wanted to strip elected leaders of their position and install unelected instead. Now he's a bridge builder.

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Bridge of hate?

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Oh please. 🙄

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar Clickbait headline .

SusanDelacourt TorontoStar That’s great. We needed another conservative news paper. We only had The Post, The Globe and The Sun.

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