No drop so far in Liberal support after bombshell revelations: Nanos

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

In the days that followed a major bombshell on the campaign trail, we have yet to see a big change in the national ballot tracking numbers from Nanos Research released Friday morning.

TORONTO – In the days that followed a major bombshell on the campaign trail, we have yet to see a big change in the national ballot tracking numbers from“If you’re asking whether we’ve seen a drop in Liberal support, the response would be no,” said pollster Nik Nanos on the Trend Line podcast.

But, as Nanos explained Friday morning, there’s still one more night of polling needed to have a complete reflection of the impact of the racist images and video of Justin Trudeau in the three-day rolling average.has the Conservatives ahead with 37.4 per cent ballot support, the Liberals trailing at 34.2 and the NDP up slightly at 12.8.

The Green Party also made slight gains to increase their support to 9.3 per cent. The Bloc Quebecois and the Peoples Party of Canada were both down slightly in the national numbers with 3.5 per cent and 2.4 per cent respectively. While there hasn’t been much of a change in the national numbers, Nanos points out that there is interesting movement on a regional level. The race between the two leading parties is tightening in Atlantic Canada and Conservative support in Quebec is higher “than we’ve seen in a very long time,” Nanos said.

For more on the regional numbers and the fallout from the racist images and video of Justin Trudeau, listen to the Trend Line podcast. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts.


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those numbers are Conservatives will NEVER agree to a change in how MPs are elected. 63% of Canadians are left

we’ll see election results “shock” election night..

Well now that has said it must be true $600 million reasons why I have doubts Should not have sold your integrity for a tax payers dollar

do you want another Bob Ray if you do then vote NDP and watch your life change for the worst

Disgusting with Bigot Scheer that foolish people want Cons in power. We will have our own version of Trump if we go Cons. But guess his Proud Boy ties, Gay hating ways and views on woman's rights mean nothing. They are not a Christian Party they are for the rich only.

of course not 600 million buys a lot of of silence to play with polls...

I didn't expect any drop. I believe it rather did give the liberals more support in the race. Prime minister Trudeau is a very sincere leader. He takes responsibility when required. Liberals all the way to victory.

Liberal minority

Nanos polls as trustworthy as a Liberal.

Who believes these polls🤥

Of course not hypocrites

Nanos can be ignored.

It won’t be funny to see folks wearing blackface at the polling stations just to remind folks what they are now supporting.

Yeah , the blackface thing is really working for rap artist Trunope .


I never thought that I have to say this but I don't think we can trust the Canadian media anymore: CBC; CTV; Global; The Glob and Snail; National Post, etc. The only person that I think is trying 2 be 'fair' is CBCKatie...Katie Simpson and I'm afraid that she might get 'fired'.


The economy is great lots of jobs

lol because poll's are rigged and go to the highest bidder that being the liberal party

I have little faith in polls. realDonaldTrump got in, am I wrong?

Fixed polls

Nick “Nanos” is an avid, biased Liberal Supporter. His poles have always swayed in Favour of the Liberals. If by chance the Liberals do win the election, Western Separation is Inevitable. We’ll have nothing to lose, and a lot more to gain by not being under control of Quebec.

The Canadian Liberals are sure to win !

Lead bigger than this

Give a few more days

fakenews TrudeauMustResign TrudeauMustGo TrudeauWorstPM

What bombshell? Oh ya..costume. Foolishness

Campaign Research got it right. These rolling polls are garbage.

Fake news

Blows my mind. Canadians are not as intelligent as I thought. This guy is financially ruining our Country and people are blinded by his deception.

People didn't take the bait!

How many people did you poll 100. Or 36 million to get a true read. Stop 🛑 lying to the Canadian people. Not a true poll.

As important an issue as racism is, its obvious from current actions that Trudeau may be an idiot but he's not a racist. Scheer on the other hand IS both idiot AND racist... and hypocrite.

Don’t believe anything you publish. You’ve been bought and paid for by Trudeau.

What bombshell revelations?

Yeah right.

These have gotta be FakePolls! How can the Liberals be almost tied to the Conservatives, after all their failings in the past 4 years? Too much weed I suppose?

Polls should be taken with a grain of salt, especially those of Nanos.

Polls don't cut it... Voters do... Millions not a handful polled.

Guess this shows that racism and racists live in the Liberal Party and they are supporting their racist leader. That is how this brown face swing voter reads it! There needs to be zero tolerance against racism and racists, no matter if they were raised with privilege or not!!

If you believe this I have some land to sell you. TrudeauMustResign

Because it's not a bombshell

Aren't the numbers an average from multiple days? If so, the numbers won't change until next week.

Hey and CBCCanada I would start sucking up to the cpc

Bet liberal_party will get even more votes after Trudeau’s apology & Scheer’s no apology.

Well we all know who is voting PC. They’re easy to spot.

laurby These polls are inaccurate and clearly false... Let the election decide. Polls should be banned as they're a misrepresentation and voter persuasion

... and why would there be ... most Canadians are smart enough to see it for what it was ... I’m more offended by the reactions of the other leaders ...

Who are these fearful, spineless Canadians that continue to support a man like Trudeau This is not the Canada I know. Once we accept this kind of immoral government, that is what we become. Truly sad and disappointing.


Of course they are and pay zero attention to and 1/10 people for green PQ ahead of PPC 😂 don't waiver or they win fakenews PPC2019

what a joke, try being impartial. Trudeau will lose

Sounds like you want their to be a drop.



It went up in Quebec

Don't believe this survey - sorry anything the Globe & Mail publishes is so bias it's no longer a national non-partisan newspaper. Won't purchase it ever again.

I’m pretty sure the Liberal government is in its last days. What a colossal failure. And I’m not going to take the info you post as reliable data when you’ve been payed millions by JT to make himself look good.

Yes. Why not elect the party that abhors the niqab and wants to create a hotline to stop barbaric non-xtian practices.

Maybe this is an indication the voters want substance in the arguments, not assassination of character. I know I am interested in what the parties will do to address climate change, not what one wore two decades ago to a party

Bombshell? Puhlease.

Voting Scheer is a no no. It is scary. Hope Trudeau gets re-elected

Oh it’s coming

bettyhenderson7 Dont believe you. Oh and your link doesn't work.

No shit! Leiberals bought off Nano's and CTV. Traitors

Give it up, most people accept the apology. Move on.

ctvqp What gives ?!

sydthesquider GOD BLESS my Canadian Family. Please do not Elect Scheer, for all our sake. I vote for MY Country, Born here die here , welcome to all those suffering, that need rescue, Love for our First Nations People, Decency, forgiveness, Climate Change, our kids, Human rights for ALL.

Scheer manages to LOSE support during a Liberal crisis. ScheerDisaster

ctvqp FAKE NEWS based on fake stats!! The media in their effort to boost JT interviewed 90% more dark skinned immigrants from countries that still practice & accept racism & see nothing wrong with blackface when looking for opinions.

That still doesn't inspire much confidence if you're a Liberal, especially given this is a Liberal-friendly Nanos poll result.

What? But, it’s been all over the news. Hmmm, what next?

But an increase in conservative support. Come on ctv say it!!!!!

We Canadians are stupid lot!

This before or after JustinTrudeau scapegoated 2.2 million licensed firearms owners?

JustinTrudeau ya you go mr ethics! Time to step down! I grew up with racist comments from my father in the 70’s I refused to listen to that crap. I am not a racist no matter my upbringing and you should step down! No excuse!

so basically people didn't give a shite about some of the trudeau hating media topoli cdnpoli onpoli

ctvqp It's no longer a reflection of Trudeau. This is on Canadians. Be better.

Trudeau Caught with his pants down again

I saw Nick Nanos on CTV yesterday and he said the liberals were losing ground and CPC was gaining,,, So who do we believe,,,


It’s a Nanos Poll, about as reliable as Trudeau speaking the truth.

ctvqp Strange....CTV put out this poll 5 hours before your poll....with no new poll expected before tomorrow . Why the discrepancy?

People will make sound judgements not like USA and let the other parties control their thinking. Trudeau is only the average family man in the running .

Keep spinning it . Defend your racist leader.

Bullshit !

ctvqp because Quebec wants it (see Bill 21) ... and Toronto has no idea about anything outside of their go-train earbuds bubble

Green ✅

ctvqp I’m still note voting for the liberal_party JustinTrudeau

How can anyone believe anything the media reports after being bought off by Trudeau?

Because the alternative is Scheer....

ctvqp So what you are saying is Liberals are racist ...

Sad to see party tribalism here in Canada. I dropped my lukewarm support of Doug Ford when he crossed a red line. Why do JustinTrudeau supporters not at least question their support for this privileged racist?

CTV poll. Lol.

The polls are on track to suffer a major defeat after the election. Schemer wins.

Only the stupids will continue to support the political show boy and hypocritically privileged, useless PM who, at 29 & 30 years old, an adult education teacher and supposed mentor of young people, did not know any better. BS!

Bahahahaha ok. Sure.

The revelations won’t sway ardent Liberal supporters, it will however, cause those who were on the fence/undecided to give a sober second thought. That scenario probably hasn’t been caught by the polls (and may not be until the real vote happens on October 21). elxn43

It's a matter of policies that Canadians want to see move forward. I judge Justin Trudeau on what he has stood for as an MP and PM , which is supporting ethnic minorities & cultural diversity, Indigenous reconciliation, LGBT rights, climate change action, gender equality.

How can CTV say 'no drop' with a straight face? It's been quite a while since any poll has had AndrewScheer ahead by 3.2%. What does that tell us about CTV?

Polls are bullshit. Ask yourself if you or anyone you know has actually taken one.

ctvqp Canadians according to the poll, still support JT...have any of his supporters taken in to consideration of how he will be welcomed on the world stage after his latest bombshell? BrownFaceTrudeau BlackfaceTrudeau Do they really believe he’ll be taken seriously as a world leader

The poll was over the course of 3 days. And this BrownFaceTrudeau all broke the last day. If nothing changes on next Wednesday that will be news. The above is just click bait. Maybe then some liberal_party candidates will speak out against JustinTrudeau and the Hypocrisy.

ctvqp Maybe other liberals will realize what a fool this guy is and replace him asap

Yeah Liberals are idiots- If Justin being a terrible PM on every front prior to this wasn't going to change their mind, the sobering reality that he is a serial racist isn't going to change them. The one nice thing is that Liberals and their virtue signalling has come to an end.

Lol... we will see... TrudeauBlackface TrudeauMustGo


This means Canadians are even more racist than originally thought! At least the ones that support LP anyway.

Wow it’s almost like is never happened 🤔

I'm sorry but if JT doesn't step down then the next 'far right' figure to have a 'racist scandal' doesn't even have to apologize since the 'moral compass' clearly gets a pass to do whatever he wants

Preferred PM: Trudeau 32, Scheer 29, Unsure 16, Singh 9, May 9, Bernier 3, Blanchet 2 why is it when I looked up nanos it says this then

A week ago they had a 2% lead. There has been a drop. But polls are not really accurate.

CTVAtlantic As a country......34.2% of us are idiots!

I don't see any liberals do you?

You mean the poll that was conducted before the scandal actually broke? Nice journalism guys. True colours CTV!!!

They only poll 100 people, my phone did not ring

simple I hold my nose vote for Trudeau . That vote for a social conservative preacher Trump wannabe. If he was old school conservatives . Then I kick Trudeau ass out . But these days are long gone . These conservatives are very much like GOP in the States . That scares me more

TrudeauBlackface TrudeauMustGo


Every time there is a scandal people scream gun control. TrudeauMustGo

I’m not voting for a guy who is supportive of white nationalist behaviour now and repeatedly lies about things that are just unnecessary because I need to punish a guy for doing something stupid 20 yrs ago and had apologized for it. I’m voting for what’s best for my family.

It’s almost like Justin writes these articles 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fakenews FakePoll

Try a little harder Niko

Give it just a little more time.

If there is no drop which I don't believe. Then Canada has a problem with accepting this unethical, lying, groping and racist person being our PM.

How can CTV say 'no drop' with a straight face? It's been quite a while since any poll has had AndrewScheer ahead by 3.2%. What does that tell us about CTV?

It's fake news, weren't expecting a drop.

Real story should be about the hypocrisy of the Liberal supporter. This guy has proven worse then what the media has portrayed trump as being.

CTVAtlantic Tracking dates don't really cover the 'bombshell', the next polls should have a better reflection.

Support may even have increased due to the continued slanderous approach of the Cons. party and Scheer. They are not interested in other than their offensive dialogue, creating media bias and TV commercials against our current PM. How much do these commercials cost of donor $'s?

CTVAtlantic how the green party is getting any support in this country is both troubling and baffling all at the same time. People can't be that foolish... can they?

I'm embarrassed as a Canadian at this... Be better Canada east

Yeah, right. And killary will win and Doug Ford will lose. Heard it all before.

Show me three full days post black face please.

17th and 18th data are pre-blackface.

Media covering up for him? Polls paid for by the Liberals.

🤣🤣🤣 liar!!! have to do anything possible to justify those 600 millions that TrudeauBlackface gave away to the media? cdnpoli elxn43

Maybe that’s a clue for you to move on or take the same hit other news agencies have in record number followers leaving news agencies that can’t find anything NEW to report

It's the same one you posted 5 hours ago - why do you re-tweet your own tweets?

You were expecting sanity to not prevail?

This shows that the political correctness in Canada is only on the surface, only a pretence.

Those numbers are enough to shift votes from the Greens and NDP to LPC by Election Day. They may hate Trudeau now but they loathe the CPC.

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