No difference between racism in Canada and the U.S., activists say

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Some of Canada's leaders have said that systemic racism does not exist in the country the way it does in the U.S. However, Canadian activists say the racism black people face in each country is no different.

that racial tensions do not stop at the border.

"We keep insisting that there's no other way, but obviously somebody who's trained in de-escalation, somebody who's trained to talk to people, someone who doesn't have a weapon, someone who can offer services and support, that person is obviously a better person to come and respond," Cole said. "When you look at our health outcomes, when you look at our justice system and the overpopulation of our prisons with black and indigenous people, you have to really think about whether or not systemic racism does not actually exist in this country because I think it's our lived reality every day," Caesar-Chavannes said.

Caesar-Chavannes explained that women, black women, Indigenous people, religious minorities and people with disabilities, among others, need to be part of the conversation to create change.


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We all no thats not true. Under ground rail road. Many other obvious things. But im sure u'll say it again tommor or next week till ppl stop commenting like this

that's a very stupid comment. There is a big difference, the racists here are ethnic pple who come here to escape hell holes and then act like being from said hell holes makes them better than other pple!

Six months ago, we allowed an infectious disease to walk into Canada in order to avoid appearing racist. These 'activists' need to shut up now.

Not activists stop reporting like so, call them what they are antifa globalist with destruction of civilization on then brain while they rape children,

I'd say there is at least some difference

There’s a huge difference. Ours primarily affects the native community when it comes to policing.

If Canada is so racist, please someone point me to a country that is less racist than Canada. If you can't, then you need to consider where the goalposts have been placed.

This is the problem. They see racism everywhere and CTV just laps it up. You are disgusting

There is no defference between racism any where in the world. Hate is hate. Is a nation willing to change? How a country answers this is an indicator of where that nation is heading. I think Canada has a better chance move in the right direction. stopracism StrongerTogether


You don’t give a shit about racism, you just want to fan the flames with your headlines!


I always get my information from activists. Here is some info from a PHD instead.

You already ran this story. Stirring the pot up more eh?

Looks like CTV news is trying to beat out global news as the most unreliable news source

Follow CJ Pearson.

That’s BS big difference

You would have to be a hugely ignorant fool (like those who work at CTV) to believe what these “activists say”. Canadians, stand up for yourselves, we arnt a racist society, don’t let the radical leftists call us such.

I've gotten to the point that I feel that activists are just people that don't do anything, but demand other people do.

I'm old enough to remember when Canada was all about being self-righteously smug toward their backward neighbours to the south.

What else would activists say?

Literally what this article is worth

Keep pushing the narrative CTV. Good job.

Wouldn’t be very good activists if they said otherwise

Terrible Children's Day of Washington, D.C.

it's hard to keep up with the anti anti racism message being pushed by the media, and emotively carried by a misinformed public Identity politics is being weaponized by subversive forces.Canadians are being indoctrinated onto a plane of illusory facts, and emotive reactions.

Tbe activists are morons! Unless they are referring to this guy...

In Canada it’s more discreet and calculated.


There is a difference.

It's NOT true!! Canada isn't US. Canada doesn't equil to US. Canada is much better than US about 'racism'. All countries are not the same.

That’s bullshit... I’m a visible minority and I know that for a fact.. racism in canada isn’t anything to compare to the US

Canada and the US are both consisted of individuals, some are racist some are not. Canada has a population much less than the US but probably has an average similar to the US in per capita individual ideology. However both countries are representative of being progressive.

Activists? As in the self righteous brats you interviewed on the street?

Activist? Yes like the outraged pitchfork wielding mob is some kind of authority.

Activists says ...

limolnar What is the solution you want? End racism? What does that look like; what needs to happen? Is it okay for me to ask what happens to me in all this? What am I expected to give up?

Canada has racism for sure but nothing compared to USA. Just ask our prime minister who wears black face to parties.

So a left or right wing government makes no difference to removing racism in Canada and the US. Both countries have had a mix of both over the last 10+ years federally, but the lives of black people have not improved. In fact, they are exactly the same. thingsthatmakeyougohmm

It doesn't matter which white person has their boot on your neck it's still racism.

Let's hope goes bankrupt.

Activists say? You're just giving them a voice to stir the pot.

What? Stupid stats. Population wise education housing guns etc. Can't compare. . Nothing about Hong Kong, Wuhan virus, WHO 'not transmissible..'? hhhmmm hhmmm wonder why. Prayers for Canada from forces of evil🙏🇨🇦

Of course not, both countries are ruled by white liberal elites and corrupt liberal media corporations


As a Ginger I can attest to the fact that Gingers are openly discriminated against in Canada and there is no laws to protect us. Canada has failed Gingerkind.

While racism exists in both countries saying they are identical means you’ve never lived in both... trust me the US is worse...

Posting this again? Who ever is posting this please quit. There is alot better jobs for you out there.

So when we are burning down Toronto?

The difference is Canadians 'act' nice. They are very subtle but we have seen beyond that and laugh and say 'they are fooling themselves.'

What other quote would you expect from activists. Duhhhhhhhh

Some people simply hate Canada and will always perceive the worst.

You mean no difference in Canadian and US leftist pro-antifa media like you ... You call it protesting when it's rioting and senseless killings. Soon, your journalists and talking heads wont be able to walk the streets either. 😉realDonaldTrump


Ya think maybe, just maybe, they have a agenda in saying that?

Lol. Activists trying to stay relevant in a country that is so forgiving and the least racist of all. We are so chill that we kept a black faced PM in power and there were no protests or riots about that😂

Ctv and their nwo funded agenda , ramming this racism baiting bs, non stop .

What’s difference

It’s cool to call your country racist now.

Justin has thrown out the courts, judges and the law. From now on, everyone will be charged and convicted via SOCIAL MEDIA. Justin has already CONVICTED the cop with NO EVIDENCE NO TRIAL AND NO CONVICTION. Justin’s new norm 'SOCIAL MEDIA CONVICTIONS'

Barking up the wrong tree in Canada. Overzealous antifa in USA. Too much else going on. Pandemic united everyone. Thanks soros and your good friends Pelosi and Schumer.

Complete garbage yet again from ...getting as bad as crappy CBCNews

Canada is no paradise but god dam we are nothing like the states. Give me a fricken break.

Why propel this racist garbage in Canada?! In everyday REAL life racism is NOT and issue! I’m sick and tired of being told to be outraged about some new crisis. I’m not racist, the vast majority are not either. Stop trying to convince people they’re assholes!

Well since Canadians are so racist I guess we can close Roxham road since nobody will be coming to a racist country like Canada. Liberals are not Canadians.

Then WHY do many flock to Canada illegally Please let me know what those batshit 'activists' reply...

Racism has been redefined by the media and left to suit a virtue signaling narrative.

It is contagious, for sure

Lots to be done but generation after generation its getting better. Racism is a learned thing so dont pass it on to your kids, worked in my family. Born and raised in Dartmouth, went to integrated schools, never had a problem with any person of color or the other way around.

The global elite are desperately trying to deflect attention from themselves and what is essentially a class war and turn it into a race war. They want us to fight each other and not them.

Don't hate me because I am white. I am just a important as brown people. No one has the right to say I am bad because I am white. White people matter too. AllLivesMatter

Michaelle Jean was Canada’s GG aka Canada’s Commander in Chief. So, there’s that. Adrienne Clarkson also GG. Can anyone explain, why, after decades of progressive policies we’re going backwards? Are Liberals, in reality, dividing us?

CTVNews EnemyOfThePeople

Horrible pandering of the CTV to Trudeau and his election strategy Canada is one of the most accepting countries in the world and that's why we have the highest immigration per capita in the world I hope media stops this ridiculous race baiting BNeustaeter rexglacer

well that's a numbnut comment if there was one, there are many differences but the only racists i meet here in Canada are ETHNIC!

Put the word out. Dont migrate to Canada. We’re all racist. Stay where you are.

Gaslighting...that's all your doing.

Well it because racism is racism no matter where you live? 🤦‍♂️

Activist are idiots so this means nothing.


BS we are not America.

I guess this issue is a gold mine to the fake news.

Oh ok, guess it’s true then. Thanks activists

I was in south Carolina, and you can feel it.

RaceBaiting MSM is the True Virus TrudeauGate JusticeIsComing

Although its not their talking points they could be right. There is not much more racism in the US than Canada, what there is is a poverty problem with the vast majority of the poor being blacks who get into crime & violence. Many dont understand which is why the problem festers

Why are you trying to incite racism?

They don’t speak for me

When was the last time CTV has posted anything truthful, 1990 maybe or 1985?

It seems like it would be easier for me to keep being racist, no one believes anyone will change. Oh, and apparently only white people are racist. How did the minority population of white come to control most of the world? 🤔🤔🤔 Its just jealousy, white is better.

Oh, there's racism alright. And it's ugly, systemic, and wrong. But its a disservice to black Americans to say that they are experiencing Canada level racism when what they are in fact facing in America on a daily basis is on a scale unimaginable and shocking to many Canadians.


Canada is the most racist county in the world. The voters have spoken!

Having lived in both countries I can say there’s a big difference. Stupid to say otherwise

What activists? Racism, bigotry and intolerance is a human trait that exists in very country, race and culture.

Liberal's racism is bad. Look how they defend PMJT's right to repeatedly wear Blackface

You misspelled “race baiter”

Of course that’s what they say they’re friggin activists!

Wow, you're really trying hard aren't you? Why? 300,000 people escape to Canada every year to get away from all kinds of injustices and yet they immigrate to a country full of racists? No one ever leaves Canada after arriving because Canada is NOT FULL OF RACISTS! STOP LYING!

Here’s a story idea. Find a country where racism doesn’t exist so we could all move there.

Antifa & BLM are using the brutal murder of George Floyd to create societal chaos in order to openly hurt & kill more people, & loot, burn, & destroy businesses. It's not about justice for George any longer for them. It's about anarchy. His death was their opportunity to act.

Activists say:' the media need us to say that. The topic could make us from nobody to some body.' ' Excuse me, I can't breathe, someone just fart.'

Absolutely not true. We are snowbirds and have a home in florida. We are there from November until April most years. The racism in the US - especially in the south is CONSIDERABLY WORSE. We have many neighbours who are openly racist and proud of it in the US. Not even close!

Difference is the media and politicians lie about it.

Where is the world does racism not exist?

Yeah , antifa activists........ ctv is fakenews

It def exists here, but to say there is no difference? Doubt that... not aaying we dont have out problems

Oh but there is.

Absolute crock of shit. When you do not understand that racism works along linguistic and religious line lines in Canada you are just thinking as a colonized American Dream carrier.... which thirves on slavery sins and the North-South divide.

All the businesses in Vancouver are boarding up their windows again. There’s planned protests coming with paid “activists” that will loot stores and break windows. Again, all planned. I’m sure the police will be told to stand down. This is what our country has become.

That’s absolutely correct! So, when we hear Doug Ford saying there’s no racism in Ontario we know he’s incompetent. Systemic racism abounds. At the moment, blatant racism toward our Chinese Canadians during the pandemic has been horrific.

Well that might do it for the CTV twitter account. I'm just one person but if many follow and there's no one to listen to this garbage perhaps CTV will start making changes to the way they report. It's clear the reaction they were hoping to get.

*looks at the multicultural government Canadians elected*

Bringing race war into Canada will only weaken the country further. It's a political card used by rulers to divide and rule the people. Nobody will benefit from bringing 'race' into Canada but China.

So you tell us every single day in lockstep with the message from Canada's two left parties. It is as if you all have an agenda 🤔

But what do the magat nazi racists say ?

I call BULLSHIT!!! Activists say...✋🏻 please...

The narrative media and BLM, extremist groups have been promoting doesn’t match the data.

Yet millions of people want to live here that aren’t white.

Ask these 'activists' which one of their family members left work and never made it home bc they were hung by the Klan, killed by their neighbour under the stand-your-ground law, falsely imprisoned for decades for fitting a vague description or killed by police in Canada?

Well that's absolutely bull shit!!!!

C'mon, the leftists are really trying to ruin all Western countries and bring all of us under the Communist. These news stations should be ashamed of themselves of being tools of Communists.

CTV, you are garbage for printing this garbage.

No difference between apples and oranges, activist say

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