Neither Bobby Orr – nor any other star athlete – should be leading the political conversation

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It’s probably no mere coincidence that athletes are demanding the pulpit microphone amid America’s turmoil

Hockey Hall of Famer Bobby Orr watches Game One of the Eastern Conference Final at the TD Garden in Boston on May 9, 2019.In his 72 years, Bobby Orr always gave off a vibe of unthreatening Canadiana.

Orr is worth a lot of money. Of course he votes Republican. The super-rich would vote Republican if the candidate were a shovel with a moustache painted onto it. On the other level, it is dumb beyond measure. Not because of their choice , but because two giants of their respective games felt the need to announce it. The United States is tilting sideways for a bunch of reasons. This is one of them.

Until recently, athletes used this power sparingly. Not because they understood they were deeply underqualified to make political pronouncements, but because they couldn’t be bothered.A very few athletes did get involved in political causes, but these rarities tended to be highly motivated and well informed, a la Bill Russell or Muhammad Ali. Often, these forays into the public square had huge personal costs.

What we are seeing now is not a backlash, but a front lash. The players haven’t rebelled at what leagues have done, but instead expanded the model.


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A result of his education cut short and being out of Canada for too long. Someone tweeted that he may have dementia- I hope that isn’t true.

But its ok for the Cdn media go favor Biden, the biggest crook in politics?

Canadian Politicians should stay out of the fray.

Why not . Everyone else is

This you?

Gee , what change your mind?

You say that, because it’s not YOUR politucal view. Every citizen is entitled to a political opinion, it shouldn’t be lambasted because it isn’t yours! Media has become a disease

Huh, this column wasn't written until Bobby Orr endorsed Donald Trump. If Orr had endorsed Biden this column never would have been written. We get the lame game you play, libs.

Yeah. Isn’t that the job of all-knowing Hollywood celebrities ?

Should have stayed out of everything. Now what he has said and done can never be taken back nor can it be forgotten.

Internet remembers all. Ahem....Lebron?

But it’s ok for you to report athletes standing up for political causes like BLM? Hypocritical much?

No problem when celebrities back the leftists. Why the difference at the Globe?

The road to hypocrisy is paved with contradiction.

Your bias is showing

Hypocrite much

Everybody has the right to proclaim their support for any candidate. It is up to us to make up our own minds as opposed to being influenced by those celebrities. I don't think equating those that are supporting/promoting BLM to this specific event is the same

He has a right to speak his mind like the rest of us. We may not agree with his comments but as far as I know we are still hopefully a democratic society that can share their opinions.

I don't recall Globe columnists making this point when LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick were kneeling during the national anthem. Back then, it even got to 'athletes who don't kneel should explain themselves'. The hypocrisy is thick in the air

Free speech applies to everyone not just the loud woke

Union bosses shouldn’t be on government boards that dole out public money to newspapers. But hey it’s free country.

Had he sided with Biden I’m sure all you critics would have been fine with it.

When you denounce the NBA and NFL and every other sports star first I will take your advice u tip then YOU ARE the PROBLEM!! cdnmedia cdnpoli

There has been a serious devaluing of Bobby Orr memorabilia, particularly in Canada. A full page ad endorsing Vlad's puppet ? And it appears Nicklaus has also crossed over the line, endorsing the dictator wannabe as well. We knew he was a Republican... but a Trumplican ?

Orr: “No leader anywhere signed up with the idea that dealing with a worldwide pandemic would be a part of their mandate”. - it happened to Woodrow Wilson in 1918. Whoops - Trump eliminated the Pandemic Office in 2018. Whoops Be more informed next time, Mr. Orr?

Why leave upto the media

Eff off. You didn’t say this about the NBA, the NFL and many others. Such garbage.

Umm, like Obama did for Trudeau last election? Hypocrisy!!!!

LOL, liberals loves celebrity endorsements of left-wing politicians, but freak out if anyone dares to endorse a conservative/Republican.

Yup ... fake news media


This you?

This didn't seem to be a problem. More hypocrisy from Globull showing journalism is biased in Canada.

Celebrities like actors and sports figures should only give political opinion if they’re despising Conservatives. The low IQ left understand and need fake idols to praise.

so it’s ok to support BLM and democrat bias..but when it’s supporting republicans it’s not ok!!🤔interesting!!!

Such a pathetic joke of an article. History will be talking about hypocritical “journalists” like this that ruin journalism.

Ooooh The Canadian mainstream media has got their panties in a bunch over this one. He shoots he scores! Bobby still go it!


Hilarious, but when athletes lead the way in BLM political movements, or actresses/actors and athletes promote SleepyJoe - it’s fine. Such hypocritical BS it’s laughable. I applaud you Bobby. You’re a smart man and a national treasure.

Are you saying all those black athletes should be silenced? How racist of you


The whole article is a piece of garbage, but this paragraph is just stupid “Orr is worth a lot of money. Of course he votes Republican. The super-rich would vote Republican if the candidate were a shovel with a moustache painted onto it”

So it's ok if Lebron or someone is against Trumpbut the second one of these people go against the media's opinion it not good?! Hipocrits!!!!

You people are a joke, in Aug you patted LeBron on the back saying he was a political force ahead of the election because he backs Biden. Now one of the greatest hockey players of all time and an exceptional human , comes out and shows his support for Trump & now its bad.

Says Who. Others, including and along with Brett Farve, would disagree.

What a bunch of two faced ******** are

But this was ok? You just showed your bias, again!

I'm pretty sure that Canada is still a free country where everyone is allowed their own opinions...stick to reporting the news

Or maybe this LPCWeasels

Or this?

You mean like this?

You mean like this (in your opinion pages?)

Does that go for other athletes supporting Biden? How about former wrestlers and actors like 'The Rock' endorsing Biden given you are into censorship?

It’s called a free society Globe and Mail. Please come down from your hypocritical perch on mount Olympus.

Joe's policies: selling out middle class worker to China no borders no police higher taxes destroy energy sector communist healthcare program open to all illegal immigrants.

Now do colinkappernick

Do you really support that traitor Donald J. Trump, Bobby Orr? That would be a shame, I have never had a bad vibe coming from you, but if you do this!

Go on... 🤔

I am shocked and disgusted. A once-revered Canadian icon now destroys his legacy by supporting a hateful, racist and misogynistic Trump administration. My 4 Bruins jersey will be burned. Shame on Bobby Orr. BobbyOrrNoMore

I’m burning my Bobby pic on Wednesday....It’s already been replaced...

I don't agree with Bobby's opinion, but I think he has a right to say it. By Cathal's own logic, he should shut up about politics.

Said who?

Let’s see how well this ages? how many Hollywood stars and sports icons have been lauded for their support of liberals/Democrats. What a joke, you should be embarrassed by this article and headline. Sometimes you look wiser saying nothing.

So why do you give brainless celebrities a pass? I have never, not once, heard you question the right of Hollywood's socialist horde from advocating for their favourite candidate. Pick a f*cking lane G&M!

Such hypocrisy. Shame.

Suddenly it's a problem for G & M after years of celebrities defaming Pres Trump

I don’t know who or what Booby Orr endorsed since you want me to pay to read your opinion, but considering Globe spoke in favour of Colin Kapernick taking a knee and Raptors supporting BLM, I smell a hypocrite

How about this: No FakeNewsMedia like should be leading a conversation about freedom of speech since it spins a political narrative under the guise of objective reporting. That’s called propaganda you shills.


This is just about 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

Hope you'll print the same headline when a NBA or NFL star pushes the Dem's agenda.


Bobby Orr used Alan Eagleson as his agent... We all know how that turned out for Bobby. Why would he think that Trump who has the same scruples as his former agent be any different let alone a great 'team' member for him?

So, just to be clear, is this shit-for-brains writer trying to silence KingJames and all of the other multi-millionaire athletes and celebrities or is this just about Bobby Orr choosing not to sing from the “progressive” songbook? cdnmedia

Very disappointing to see him endorse this man

So Globe how much has the libturds paid you off with our tax dollars?!

Old white men showing who they are.

But yet these privileged millionaires can speak during games and commercials. The irony is thick here. Laughable.

Unless they are leftists...then it's encouraged.

When LeBron James SHUTS Up, OK.

What? So there should be restrictions on who can say what in your country?

Interesting that you didn’t write this article during the NBA finals.

Tuesday is going to be an epically shitty day for all these liberals and I’m looking forward to it 😂

And yet it’s the media pushing the sports personalities and celebrities “endorsements” - everyone has a right to vote the way they want to, despite what the media seems to say

Sorry Globe but it has been many decades since Bobby was a star athlete.

Crickets from you when Lebron James went off on Trump. Hypocrites.

Gtfo... when they endorse the marxists its ok? Add Globe and Mail to the defund list.

What is instructive is the hubris of Cathal Kelly who arrogates to himself the holy task of damning Donald Trump, while legendary Bobby Orr, with his large life lived in and beyond hockey, should just cower like the rest of us Deplorables. The Hell with that.

So, media puts sports stars and actors on the news every night pimping Biden, and suddenly after Nicklaus, Orr, Lil Wayne, Favre etc all come out for Trump and now it’s bad? Lol. I agree but odd timing. MAGA2020



Tell all those dumb actors and actresses to quit using their idiotic award shows to grandstand their pet political peeves! Reasons I stopped watching years ago! All started with ultimate showboater Marlon Brando!

Neither should journalists

If Barrack Obama can do it, why can’t he? Obama is like a stale fart in a nursing home now.

The is a junk rag.

Yet you have no issue with black NBA stars saying things. Hypocrite

No mention of Wayne Gretzky promoting Harper?

Not should the media...but that fell on deaf media ears

Hypocrite I am so glad I canceled my Globe subscription. Lebrun, Kap, and others were praised for speaking out, but if you support the wrong person, shit up athlete. 😐🙄

Really? Or is it only white athletes you criticise ?

Even better is that none of us should care when they do. Why do these idiots get the air time. You’re an athlete so play sports and shut it

The Natural: Roy Hobbs vs. Max Mercy 2020: Bobby Orr vs. Cathal Kelly

Ummmm, is this also your stance when it comes to the likes of Colin kaepernick, LeBron James, etc.?

Of course unless it is all the celebrities that think we care that they endorse Biden.

Well.... athletes, ex athletes, actors started first with BS...but you happily published that garbage.... give people a chance and don’t be one’s not about Trump it’s the way liberal media with lies and garbage. Wonder what you gonna do next 4 years.

Oh really Does the same stupid comment apply to Lebron Kapernick et al?

You have to understand that most of us are asking who is this guy that wrote this article? And then we lose interest and scroll down.

Cmon now.. everyone gets a voice... even if they support complete trash like trump

Why not? He's free to express himself and had cleary proven himself to be a racist, bigot sympathizer when he stood by Cherry. Anyone who publicly chooses to support Trump deserves to pay the price. His legacy is tainted & ruined...everyone who Trump touches dies. RIH Bobby Orr.

MSM hypocrisy. If an athlete supports leftist crap it's fine, but Orr supports Trump and its suddenly time to silence the celebrities.

Or the media.

Really? Half wit Lebron James has been spouting off about politics for months and he’s barely literate. Media seemed ok with it.

But it's ok for Hollywood to speak their minds on Politics? Or is it not ok for a celebrity to back a politician whose views differ from yours? That's what happened during the McCarthy era.

So sad that so many should lose respect for a once great man.

But LeBron is it...

And you should be? Sit this one out.

Haha...hilarious....Canadian media triggered again😂

But the G&M seems all too eager to post the face of some foreign high school drop out and make her out to be some prophet & leads the political conversation.

What made you change your mind?

Indeed. Shut up and dribble right? Everyone knows its Hollywood Celebrities and Autistic Teenagers who should be leading the political discourse.

What about all the athletes in the NFL and NBA? hypocrites

But Hollywood and musicians can

But a bunch of left wing movie stars and sports figures should really be who the people idolize....I'd listen to Bobby Orr before I would take one bit of advice from hack liberal news outlets

He’s old, white, rich and lacking a college education. This isn’t a surprise.

I wonder what the Mop and Pail thinks said Bobby Or never.

And they should stop playing the anthem at all sporting events . Players want to protest they should sit in the stands with those that pay to watch .... Done

100% ...

Hilariously they only bring this up when they start coming out for Trump.

I couldn’t believe it when I read it. Always thought he was a man of honour-so disappointing. Bobby Orr will never be seen the same way again.

.....In effect the Globe published her Biden infomercial, presenting it as a serious OpEd and vividly demonstrating the neurotic militant bias the press religiously presents in its American election coverage.

Canadian MSM should not be pushing their agenda in Americans election! Yet everyday, all day long it's what they do. When we spent the winter in Florida, we could not find Any Canadian News on TV. Now we are home and the news is all American!

You mean only when it’s a conservative, hypocrites! WhereIsTheMoneyCatherine cdnpoli LiberalCorruption PPC Trump2020 Defundcbc Scamdemic2020 TheJagmeetSingh Trudeaucorruption FireTrudeau

You’re getting massacred in the replies and rightly so.

Since when is he not allowed to endorse whoever the hell he wants?

Nor should the media, but you do.

I liked Mel in this campaign much better than that whingeing mulatto fellow

Oh now you feel the need to write about it after someone endorses Trump.

Oh really? But yet this was fine?

No problem when all athletes condemned Trump. Your TDS is showing lol

Athletes should 100% be leading political conversations. They just shouldn’t be supporting fascist presidents. That’s a pretty simple differentiation.

Someone doesn’t agree with your papers political opinion so you belittle the supporter. Didn’t see you post an article when Kevin Hart falsely accused trump of supporting white supremacy.

Celebrities endorse Biden, no problem...but when they endorse Trump all hell breaks loose. He should be able to support who ever he wants without fear of doing so. The world has gone fucking mad!!!

Fantastic article!

Oh, no athlete should be leading a political conversation? Especially when they disagree with conventional beliefs.


The great athletes deserve just as much attention as hollywood. Ricky Gervais sums it perfectly in this abbreviated Golden Globes clip.

So exactly what part of the law does it says that because they are athletes they are not entitled to partake in political activism?. Point it out to me... because it seems the Globe conveniently forgot the time they ran the story about Gretzky endorsing Harper in 2015 election

Ya ok you clowns fawn over any athlete/celebrity that goes for Biden

Lol but it’s ok if a Hollywood celebrity does it. As long as they agree with your propaganda.

It’s called FreedomOfSpeech. Last I heard it hasn’t been outlawed. Ironic that your opinion is expressed via FreePress don’t you think?

I'm sorry but Hollywood celebrities are celebrated in the media for pushing socialist candidates; surely the Globe isn't suggesting that dumb jocks should be quiet and listen to the pretty people are they? Its frankly insulting! Bobby Orr is a good man and a great Canadian!

So how does this argument differ from Hollywood and many celebrity ‘artists’ coming out against GOP. People take sides. The world is polarizing.

Does that include Kaepernick, Lebron et al? Probably not.

Too bad all you assholes want to listen to celebrities! What’s wrong with a professional athlete in that sense? Don’t tell me who to listen to! eatadick

Oh Quiet. This is a Free Country. Stop Telling people what they Can and Cannot Say....Shove it .

This is comical

Or actors or liberal journalists like yourself

Why there were no articles condemning NBA players for supporting terrorist organization BLM?

Bobby Orr, always a Hero!

Hilarious, usual hypocrisy.

Liberal hypocrisy, what else is new? 🤷🏻‍♂️

And that is written where?

Nor should actors, musicians, journalists....

What in the Black Lives Matter funds Democratic Candidates and is endorsed by celebrities do we have going on over here?

They are entitled to their opinion, just like other people who use their standing in the entertainment industry to do the same. Movie stars, singers, songwriters, tv personalities, etc. Freedom of speech.

Funny how these articles only come out when someone supports Trump, but not a peep when the hundreds of others come out as Biden supporters. Psssttt....your bias is showing.

Then the movie industry should lay off also. Especially the Tv program “the view”.

H. Y. P. O. C. R. I. T. E - thy name is

Get lost.

Dear .... see attached

Nonsense! Hollywood stars, Talk Show Hosts, left wing reporters all never miss an opportunity to spread propaganda for Dem Party. Glad to see the great Bobby Orr supporting the terrific work of President Trump.

Unless it's Lebron James and Liberal etc.. - of course.

Seems to be ok by you news folks when liberal / Democrat celebs voice their opinions .

This is one of those rare tweets which has more comments than likes.


When a star athlete like Orr decides to do this he isn't taking it lightly. The man is giving it thought bc he knows there will be a lot push back from the MSM that hates Trump. Good for Bobby Orr making such an intelligent decision to back the only hope the free world has.

So Bobby Orr can’t have an opinion?

But an unknown media typist can? Pfft

But celebrities can? The logic here - well, there is no logic.

Here ya go, and this is a couple years old. Where was this opinion then?

Unless they endorse someone you like. Then its totally different i suppose?

Amazing how it’s ok when someone famous endorses Biden. The media can stay out of imit

your biased journalism anti conservatives views better? Sick.

So movie stars Can? Reporters? What are the rules

What? You mean he can’t have a voice in this conversation? You normally censor people you don’t agree with. a you have no credibility.

Is that what you said about kaepernick? Kane? Dumba?

Why because he didn’t endorse Biden?

Kaepernick is your hero you vile bastards

The person who wrote this deserves to be fired.

I'd listen to what Bobby Orr has to say any day vs the Liberal BS you spew out daily.

But Lebron or Kaepernick speak and praise falls from the sky...

I missed your column on celebrities.

You didn’t speak up against the basketball stars when LeBron Janes decided to get political!

MSM every day supports athletes taking the knee in favour of a fascist organization(BLM) and say nothing because they are afraid of being called racist and are afraid of being the object of the cancel culture mob. Bobby isn’t afraid, he has no boss. Good for him

well he has more class than all of you

Now do hollywood. Then musicians.

Did you say that when LeBron James was promoting Marxist Black Lives Matter?

I love how this article only gets written after canada’s favourite son comes out in support of realDonaldTrump Nothing in the years before that with all kinds of athletes endorsing candidates. What a joke.

But you’re ok with Hollywood celebs coming out vocally in favour of Dems/Liberals. Got it 👍 $6MilGetsFavourableMediaCoverage

Unless they kneel or call their fans out as racist 🙄

Good grief. No one is allowed an opinion.

Does that include those who support The Dems?

Globe and Mail has had no problem with Hollywood and Musicians shilling for the Democrats for decades. Just change your newspaper's logo to the Democrat Party.

Like Colin Kaepernick or LeBron ? Sure when 4 is for 45 The left hates sports star endorsements

🙄 None of the media ever whined when “so called” left wing celebs constantly beak off against Republican politicians 😐

🤔🤔How dare they have an opinion and express it? Cancel them and hound them. How dare they? RUSSIA, RUSSIA!! RACIST.

Really? But your Nazi Propaganda is ok?

What a moronic tweet from Trudeau Fake News CBC wanna be.

Now do LeBron!!


Where were you with LeBron & co on BLM? Oh right that wasn't about politics.....

That's funny.

When did he become an American?

Bobby is smart for endorsing Trump. Trump wins and Covid disappears on Nov4!!!

PissOff, he has more integrity than 85% of your entire organization.

Let’s hear u say that about James of the Lakers but no u won’t will u got to be politically correct when it comes who’s saying what

I knew he must have endorsed Donald Trump even before I read the article. How do you folks feel about Lebron James’ political opinions?

I bet you would not say that if they endorsed Biden!

Sure, now condemn Kapernick

Bias much.

I’ll take his opinion over you smegma chuggers any day of the week....

How about LeBron James?!

You need to add to your headline ... political conversation unless we agree with it... hypocrisy

* except if they have the “right” opinion 🤣

Did you also say that about LeBron James or Colin Kaepernick?

Neither The Globe and Mail – nor any other fake news media (enemy of the people) – should be leading the political conversation

Get stuffed .. Hypocrites ..

I like 4 Bobby Orr a hellava lot more than you folks. PissOff


Now do Kapernick,Lebron,Steve Kerr...... hypocrites

stick to Canadian news why don't you

G&M: Athletes who don't agree with everything we do should shut up!

As a 6x day a week subscriber.. what a pile of 💩

But a teenage puppet from Europe who can’t answer a question that isn’t scripted should be leading the world’s environmental conversation and attempting to influence elections in other countries?

Those days... You can have an opinion... But only if it’s the MSM one.

And yet here you are! Leading with 'The Great Bobby Orr'!🤓🤭

He's been retired for 40 years. Do you take the same as above with the NFL or NBA? Or did you?

Neither should the Globe and Mail.

Too much head trauma.

Dont be dissing Bobby! Not ever!

Entitled rich white guy supports other entitled rich white guy. Shocking that the old boys club sticks together. Vote Trump out.

Did you publish the picture of Jennifer Aniston voting whole also recommending who she thinks other people should vote for?

So where were you when Greta was getting involved last year? That’s what I thought, MSM is becoming more irrelevant with every passing day

Except the entire NBA.

Exactly. Brand killer.

Ill the Globe this, they are consistently hypocritical.

Not hypocritical at all that a newspaper would run a literal opinion piece criticizing someone for using a newspaper to express an opinion.

Bobby Orr is our Canadian hero breaks my heart he thinks trump is worthy of support- heartbroken

Hey G and M....yes you...pick a lane and stay in it.

Bobby Orr needs to be quite

Didn’t you guys report on Bruce Springsteen moving to Australia if Trump won? How about all the stories you’ve done on”kneelin’ Colin”? But when Nicklaus and Orr support Trump you lose your mind? LOL! Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Bobby triggers the intellectually feeble yet pretty much crickets over kneeling during national anthems and the NBA being high jacked by BLM

Thoughts on LeBron James?


Gee the MSM have been celebrating athletes pushing politics down people's throats for months now What's changed? 🤔🤔🤔

Everyone is entitled to free speech. Just because it doesn’t fit your narrative too frigging bad!!! Suck it up Globe!! More Canadians like Trump than JT!!! Trump at least loves his country!!!

You know what the media should be leading the political conversation but they are failing miserably by suppressing legitimate news stories...glad to see that good old Bobby Orr sees it for what it is...the media is a disgrace and complicit in election interference

It’s the 400k tax! Me, myself and I! Never meet your heroes, you might not like who you find!

Right. He’s an old, white privileged man with one too many concussions. This is not big news. But it’s information, for sure. Let’s not allow Bobby Orr to direct traffic. He was in a position of power & could have influenced things for the good. Shame on him for abusing it.

Wait, so now its an issue? Greasy hypocrites.

He is clueless to the over -reach of the executive powers that has taken place....just is afraid of paying tax.

Using his voice for the wrong thing.

The G&M now dislikes anyone with an opinion different than their's. Welcome to North Korea. Good on Orr not supporting pedo Joe.

Always my hero....NO LONGER!!

The irrelevant, behind paywall 'sports writer' giving his political opinion that sports guys shouldn't give political opinions. LMAO!! Cathal Kelly...LMAO!!

Wow is agreeing with Fox News Laura Ingraham!! Who said LeBron James should shut up and dribble! The Globe and Mail is saying Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown should not have been leading their political conversations. Unless their just hypocrites suffering from TDS.

He can say whatever he wants like anybody else. Cranky old white guy say what?

A supposed journalist and i ise that term loosely suffers from TDS

Nor should bias media

Unless they kneel for the national anthem, that’s heroic.

I don’t care what Bobby Orr thinks. He left Canada long ago. All these older white guys past their glory days, so out of touch, that they don’t care anymore. They don’t care what Trump is. They only care about their money. Thought BrettFavre was a bit different. 😐

While I am disappointed that he supports Donald Trump he has the right to endorse whom ever he sees fit, just like the celebrities that endorse Biden

Unless they’re lefties then they’re heroic, and wise.

Celebs are entitled to their opinions - but they should stick to their own patch. Why is a Canadian pimping for a US politician? What would the reaction be if Tiger Woods promoted Trudeau or O'Toole? No winners here.

Haha, didn't have context for this headline. Imagine my surprise finding out this piece follows one star athlete's endorsement of Trump.

..... unless it’s Lebron

Unless you have the correct politics, of course.

But it’s okay when star musicians do the same thing, right? Especially when they encourage others to vote Democrat? Hypocrisy

Perfectly ok if he endorses Biden though.

But fuck when the football players take a knee and bash trump media has unlimited time to let them cry with their SJW bullshit

But other celebrities can I dont get it

And the opinion on Barack Obama visiting Canada to support Justin Trudeau during the election campaign?

The only ones who shouldn’t be leading the political debate is the media there bias is unreal

We see Cathal’s agenda....

The Globe is such a rag

🙄🙄 Kaepernick.

They don't. But if Wayne Gretzky endorsed Joe Biden it would be ok, wouldn't it?

Wow the negative attacks in Orr, who is simply expressing his political opinion, is VERY disturbing. It rings of FASCISM which has as one of its foundations “silencing” the opposition...the vitriol of the Extreme Left Wing is frightening....

And why not? They have a right to their opinion. You wouldn’t even have commented had he endorsed Biden

He's not leading anyting. Trust me.

Neither should bought and paid for rags that call themselves media. JustinJournos Only journalists are allowed to lead the political conversations. Ok Spanky. cdnmedia are idjits

Bobby is a gentleman. The opposite of you and your organization.

....unless you’re for Biden.

Tell that to Lebron. Get of your bias and start reporting facts

Bobby Who ? Ya and Wayne Gretsky supported Patrick Brown. Yep if Trump wasn't such a jerk we might actually pay attention to his policies, but he is a jerk and unfit to hold office.

I will remember this next time Lebron or Kapernick open their yap and you report it.

😄 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Use your own brain. Everyone has an opinion and should be allowed that. You don’t have to share their opinion. Quit whining 🤬

Hahaha. Hypocrite

I'm old enough to remember when Obama endorsed Trudeau during our last election... Thank you for playing Unhinged Hypocrite

Muhammad Ali would have been an all-time great boxer just for his skills in the ring. It was what he did outside the ring, standing up to the US government and refusing “to kill other poor people in Vietnam” that made him a global phenomenon and a 20th century legend.

Bobby Orr supports this IDIOT because he had a big tax break !! Rich guys don’t like paying taxes.


To you, I guess it means that it all depends on who you are promoting and if that is who you would support. Didn’t hear any Liberals complain when Obama endorsed Trudeau and in my books, that’s much more inappropriate. That’s foreign interference!

Right, let's see how many athletes endorse the 'right' candidates and how the G&M, now an officially supported government handmaiden, writes about that

Really? And the idiot celebrities that think we care what they think?! What about them? Give me a break with this garbage.

Worked well for NBA, TV ratings ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

I don’t give a crap what any athlete has to say!

Doesn’t make sense, why shouldn’t they?

Just because he’s smart enough not to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, someone has his feelings hurt!


JamieRossTO Remember how bright the local high school hockey was, & what kind of person they were? Just because they turn pro & get older doesn't make them any less of a dick

Old hasbeen athletes trying to be relevant but failing miserably.

Says the globe and mail

Tell that to Kolin Kapernick

So you are saying celebrities should just keep their mouths shut? Or just celebrities who support the wrong people? wink wink

you were dead quiet about lebron james i noticed,,,,thats different however

I think it's unfortunate that Bobby played when helmets were not mandatory but nevertheless I support his right to talk political crap.

Orr didn't 'take the lead'. He stated a position and said that he was supporting a candidate. The left leaning media took the lead in going into histrionics about it.

How'd I know the author was gonna look like this?

Hahaha. What a fraud. The internet is forever captain snowflake

Nobody gives a rats ass what Toronto’s National newspaper says. Especially not this westerner.


Yet, it's front page News when a celebrity talks about climate change

maureentaylor31 Bobby Orr lived a life of great privilege. That he supports a racist POTUS doesn't surprise me. Sadly he's disappointed many of his fans. He's chosen to be hockey's Ty Cobb.

How did this whole article not mention the NBA? And Kaepernick? Athletes have a right to be political same as anyone else.

You forgot to say, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Well hundreds of actors and athletes are voicing their political opinion, leave the great Bobby Orr alone.

Bobby Orr has just proven himself to be the over rated asshole I hoped he wasn't. But he is. So has Jack Nicklaus. These men feed off the folks who have money. They want some of it for themselves. They lack compassion for others.

How about professional entertainers, can they weigh in? I mean a TV star like President Trump of course

I’m saving this tweet for the next time pushes the political opinions of a liberal athlete

Really. It worked wonders for the NBA players this summer.

oooooh only when they go Dem or LIBERAL

Bobby Orr has as much credibility as any reporter at the Globe and Mail! At least he isn’t paid by our government to only report what they are told to.

The Shit stream media is sooo blatantly hypocritical to make an attempt to manipulate people in changing. their political opinions.

Why are you the authority on anyone's opinion? Typical media view to try and 'cancel' someones point of view that they don't agree with. Do better!

Nor should any media outlet that sacrificed the primary tenet of journalism: OBJECTIVITY. Take a seat, Globe and Mail

Hmmm..what’s changed since August?

Oh unless they of course are liberal and then it is all good 🙄

Who should be 'leading' the conversation? The Glob of Mail? Maybe Bobby could lead if Bobby did what you preferred he do? Maybe I could lead? Perhaps the old guy down the lane could lead? Would that be ok?

As a Canadian publication, you should probably sit this one out.

Unless said celebrity is gushing over Biden or Trudeau, right? Celebrities are citizens and have every right to express their opinions. Given the spectacular failure of MSM to approach anything even close to journalistic integrity in recent years, you shouldn't criticise.

When LeBron was told to shut up and dribble the media rightly stated that he speak up and use his position....But if another athlete speaks out in support of Trump then it isn’t?

Nor should the G&M.

Last I checked we lived in a free society?

Your kidding right? What about all of the Hollywood Elites and left leaning sports figures who have been doing the same?

Waiting for The Globe to call out the Hollywood left for the same damn thing...

BLM endorses by the NHL, NBA, and your TO raptors....hypocrites

I guess you haven't noticed all leagues have?

Um....what? The hypocrisy is strong here. The double standard boggles the mind.

If he had endorsed Biden candidate you would be slobbering all over him. As much as I disagree with his politics your faux indignation is worse.

And yet you have Bill Gates leading the Covid discussion and you never quit reporting of Hollywood types and how they hate Trump. Hypocrites

It is his right to reveal his support as he wishes. It is my right not to support him or what he represents. It is sad, however, like Wayne before him I glad to know who he is. I now can withdraw my support.

Unless of course they endorse Biden? Am I not right Globe and mail.

Now do KingJames

Unless they endorse Democrats

Bullshit - this is only your position dare someone oppose your Liberal Mafia 🖕 I say

It doesn’t matter Liberal or Conservative. Celebs or athletes have no business endorsing anyone. What makes them think their endorsement carries any weight? Their sense of self importance? Ego? Fuck Them!

Just the selfish ones. Celebrities have tremendous influence in the 21st Century. We just need to identify the piggies.

Shut up he had earned the right to have his say regardless he was one of the best to lace em up

What about WAP hoes and Black Athletes? You fully support their conversations right? The truth is your business is communistic in nature and think you have the right to dictate who gets to say what.

If you base your vote on how some celebrity or athlete is telling you to, then you're probably not very smart.

This is what desperation looks like from the Trump hating media. The must surely be well aware how spectacularly hypocritical their comment is, but they don't care at this point.

Trump for the win!

Globe_Sports The fact that you felt compelled to write this ... today (instead of ... earlier this year) confirms that we all know already: Legacy news media has failed to hold those in power to account. They are more concerned with $$$ and being politically active.

LOL tell that to all the radical Hollywood lefties..LOLOL

Ok so what about LeBronJames and his BLMTerroristThugs

Celeb and athlete opinions were well worth reporting on when they had the right opinions, but the moment they start to speak of their support for the wrong side... Time to cut bait and let them all sink.

If this was a Canadian athlete or celebrity supporting Biden you would have it on the front page!

Maybe he’ll kneel during the anthem for you next time to make you happy

Nor should the biased bought and paid for Canadian media........

Now do all the athletes and media darlings promoting Biden.......f**king hypocrites.

Pro trump people are free to state their positions even though they are misguided in their support for corrupt trump.

Like Canadian media has never reported a Hollywood celebrity bashing trump? Fake and biased news, Canadians are not getting the information they need to make informed decisions in our democracy because the medias message is controlled by the government and global interests.

Maybe we need to add “political orientation” to the list of protections in our constitution? Cdnpoli BobbyOrr trump

Except when it's the same political position I hold.

What a Rag ! But celebrities can

You were quite silent when LeMoron James went full throttle on politics.

I prefer them over you. fakenews propaganda.

Winner of hypocritical tweet of the year.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Have you ever heard of Black Lives Matter?


How about the NBA?

Say that to LeBron

So, 'Shut up and skate'? How tolerant of you

But it’s ok for celebrities to? How hypocritical.

Who TF is Bobby Orr I’ve never heard of him or her

Why because they’re too honest

Tell that to all the black athletes who think it’s their place to get up on their soapbox and protest against the flag and support black criminals who think police commands don’t apply to them!

NBA Players have to figure out how use their power

Go away

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The only sad part is if you base your decision on someone else’s endorsement instead of making your own evaluation.

Athletes have to continue the fight against social injustice

His opinion is a lot better than your shit newspapers is.

So if Bobby supported Joe Biden then this exact same article would come out? Lulz

How about actors and musicians?

And yet, when Hollywood celebrities en masse endorse TheDemocrats, not a peep. Just more of the same double standard.

But Hollywood types are perfectly ok?

Somebody better inform KingJames

Lol that is what HollyWood is all about. Trashing and bashing Trump and tell people how to vote. If they don’t get their way they are moving etc etc...


Just when it is in favor of a conservative / republican candidate. When they join the fake news like your organization and endorse a liberal/ democrat you welcome them with open arms. How does that work exactly?

Agreed. They’re disgraceful.

Canadians need to stop watching and reading all of the Liberal regimes media.

What they are telling you is : dont have an opinion. Get in line.

This wouldn't be a story if he'd endorsed Sleepy Joe and you know it.

Since when should the Globe and Mail dictate what we should and shouldn't do ?

Then why did you run the story

He, like all athletes have a right to his opinion....and I have a right to think he's a douche based on that opinion! ....extremely disappointing!

Really? No one gives a shit what Mr. Orr believes but they should when Lebron does. The hypocrisy of the mainstream media.

I disagree. Athletes are also citizens, and as such they have the inalienable right to publicly express their opinion. And fans have a right to burn whatever memorabilia they have of them.

You turds are consistently inconsistent. What was it you all said about celebs and athletes supporting the democrats? Nothing but praise.

Pretty silent when LeBron James what beating his lips. I guess you can say whatever you want, as long as it supports the left

How dare you Bobby!! Trump2020

I'm all for letting people have and voice their opinions. That being said, it doesn't prevent me from thinking he's a POS.

I agree, athletes should play sport. My problem is when I hear that from left media, they support all the left ideology in sport but when someone dares to differ, right away they criticize him

Ha! FakeNews MSM doesn’t like it when they endorse Trump!! DeFundFakeNews

This is essentially shut up and dribble

Also...two months ago we just commended athletes for making political statements...just saying...we can’t have it both ways here

I’ll remember this when I hear an article of some actor or actress supporting an opposing side...btw the headline is correct, they shouldn’t, but that goal post seems to move with the side of the argument it’s on

Bobby Orr can do whatever he of the greatest defenceman in the NHL plus a wonderfully kind man.

Well he did and that's that

Every MSM has been giving a platform to celebs for their political views. Bobby Orr does it for Trump and NOW you got a problem with it? 🤮 How many times did G&M write about Kaepernick and his political views over the years?

But it’s ok if irrelevant movie stars do? Hypocritical much?

What a disappointment. He just dropped 💯 in my esteem.

Why were you quiet when Lebron spoke?

Don’t forget about the geniuses in Hollywood either.

I guess it’s only allowed if left wingers are promoting , right?🙄

Or any other actor/actress, musician, etc etc.

LOL supported the wrong guy?

The greatest danger to a democratic society is a biased media. Deal with yourselves first before yapping about others.

He can have an opinion . Nobody would care if supportes biden.

Say that to Lebron.

I am more concerned with the 'bought and paid for' Globe and Mail involvement. Your garbage exists only because canadians are being forced to pay for it.

But it's ok for colin kapernick to sound off.

Why have you just concluded that now? No mention of it in preceding months. star athletes, but we should all listen to everything Hollywood movie stars have to say?.....alrighty then.

Athletes and celebrities constantly give their political opinion. Now that it is not in line with the MSM, it is suddenly not ok. And your right that they shouldn't lead the political conversation, but it should have been critiqued a long time ago.

Tell that to the NBA. You are just pissed that someone came out to support the Trump Train.

Wow. Globe and Mail leads cancel the right culture. There are literally thousands of high profile entertainers and athletes endorsing Biden. And Trudeau. Not a peep from you. Sickening.

But it was ok for Obama to endorse Trudeau? Hypocrite!

Did I miss the memo where people aren’t allowed to have an opinion? Do you guys feel the same way about actors, musicians etc?

Globe and Mail knows most Star athletes are black. They are using Bobby Orr as a wedge to disenfranchise and silence black people. Not a coincidence they ran this story the day Weezy endorsed realDonaldTrump

If Bobby Orr endorsed Biden, everything would be grand!! No, Orr knows Trump is a winner and always will be- tell that to the Democrats!!

Boo Hoo - because he didn't come out in favour of Biden. Really, I doubt you would have written this had that been the case. Orange Man Bad!

Pretty sure this is called free speech. not liking his message doesn’t change he’s entitled to voice his opinion in whatever way he chooses

are the 'stop racism' signs political conversation?

Certainly not your shitty paper.

‘Stick’ to hockey and keep it in the ice where your expertise is unmatched.

And especially not globe and mail !! 🤡

But its okay for Obama to endorse Trudeau, Pretty sure every left leaning media org in Canada covered that one. 🙄

Why not. They seem to have good instincts.

Kelly is pretty out to lunch thinking the super rich are supporting the republicans. Two richest Americans Bezos and Gates.

From now on I will only listen to elite media controlled by billionaires. Thanks for setting me straight.

Ahhhh. The Mop and Pail. Bobby Orr would have more readership if he had a column than your entire “journalistic” team.

Cathal would have said nothing if it was a Biden endorsement. Guaranteed.

Shit, now the value of his Rookie Card will go down. Sell, Sell, Sell. BobbyOrr4HOF BobbyOrr

Wow hypocrisy at its finest. You mean to say no conservative athletes or public figures should speak up.

Melkorka12 Taking advice from Athletes who rarely have postsecondary education and made their money playing a game might not be a good idea - especially if they are successful and want to protect their wealth. TaxTheRich

Arguably, politicians shouldn’t be leading the political conversation either.

But Hollywood celebs are ok

Odd. I've never seen a similar story/stance when it's a celebrity/sports figure suggesting that people should vote for a candidate on the left side of the spectrum. 🤔 Your bias is dripping all over the floor...

It is one hero endorsing another hero.... his choice, his voice. Suck it!

Especially if its for the Republicans, meh democrats we'll consider

What’s that song...”There goes my hero...” ? Not really but a childhood scoring icon gone mad.

Funny how you've been silent until now 🤔🤔

🤣 we will leave “opinions” to the professional press as that is all we get. Hey, how’s that “WE” scandals tho g coming

He is smarter than most.

Except when it’s LeBron James and BLM, right?

It's incredible how the left is painting our very own national hockey hero. He's no villain, he's Bobby Orr! Unbelievable And this opinion article, adds The G&M to the libtardnewsnetwork that has been hypocritical in its publications when partisan narratives aren't followed.

They are citizens and have the same right to speak their mind as anyone else on politics. You dedicate a whole page to opinions for this very purpose, no?

He just dug himself a whole and probably he will have to find a way out of it. Completely unnecessary gesture in my view unless he wants some excitement in his life.

What about Greta showing up last election? What's the difference?

Good for Bobby ! 😉

But it’s OK for you the media to lead the conversation with your biased liberal or sometimes fascist view. You no longer report the news you opine on it. Good for Bobby Orr!

Trump will lose next week as will Orr’s reputation as an honest humble human being.

Not unless they are pushing for Biden! Then they can write support letters!

And the leftist media should? 😂😂😂😂😂

No more then the Hollywood stars leading the political conversation, or Greta be leading the climate action debate.

The very liberal Globe and Mail would like it if Bobby Orr endorsed Biden. Bobby or has not fallen for the fake news and they hate tTump propaganda.

Funny how you don’t dispute Kaepernick’s right to a widely publicized opinion in favour of BLM and Antifa rioting. Seems a bit inconsistent if you ask me....

Just wait until the Globe finds out black celebrities are also backing him.

Well, since Canada’s (nor the US) newspaper don’t report facts and are hyper partisan against Trump or Conservatism, what do you care if a celebrity endorses Trump? G&M didn’t give a shit when celebrities were endorsing Obama or Biden...

Fuckin disgusting!!!!!!

That’s rich when the entire NHL, NBA and NFL pretty much had too...

Let them say whatever they want but you have to think for yourselves and realize these are rich, rich people trying to hold on to their money and pay as little tax as possible. That is pretty much all there is to it - rich people hate paying taxes more than “regular” people.

Haha that. Is funny. Did not see that kind of headline when the new media was falling all over Lebrun for making political comments. Pretty typical stuff from the “news” networks.

There’s the media, telling people how to think, and who can speak

Why not, because its not the candidate you like?

😂😂😂 whoops!

Tax payers should not be paying to bail out media.

But the Globe should eh?

Canadian MSM is constantly brain washing Canadians with anti Trump news to make us forget about Trudeau's corruption and scandalous behaviour! Bobby doesn't believe a word they print. Orr anything else the MSM says!

How about you GFY. He can endorse anyone he wants.

Too many pucks to the head!

Let’s see how long Orr keeps his job as a GM spokesperson.

You can’t be serious? And your editorial view on Black Lives Matter was

Only celebrities and douche bags?

Could you imagine this headline if Orr supported Biden? Ya, me neither. Fuck off Globule and Muck

Why not? Mayba they have intellectually compelling thoughts? Excellence in sports does mean a poverty of intelligence.

Amazing how it’s only an issue because it’s someone supporting trump. We’ve seen actors and other sports celebrities supporting Biden and even Trudeau where the media drooled over it.

JamieRossTO Now that you disagree with their opinion now it’s bad thing, never change media, never change.

Canadian MSM has been leading a 1sided conversation for months!

How moistly would the GnM be if he supported Trudeau? 🖕

BS. If he endorsed Biden and rest of the communist mob you'd be ok with it.

The media is so butt hurt over Bobby Orr

When can we expect your article condemning Lebron James for this exact thing?

They dont..because you can play hockey doesnt mean you political views are correct...I don't care who he endorses I am capable if thinking for myself...Who cares!

But its ok for you to support trudeau

And yet you have not condemned all of the actors and musicians that offer their genius opinions 🤔

Didn’t see you guys commenting negatively when Lebron James joined Obama to campaign for corrupt Joe Biden. A little hypocritical wouldn’t you say.

No one cares what you think

Maybe you should be whispering this in Lebron James ears? And all the other woke politically correct athletes? Why now?

How about Greta?

This is why MSM has NO credibility. I will not pay for this publication.

I give very little if any attention to celebrities or sports icons political leanings. I just don’t care what they think/support.

And no media outlet should be as biased to Trudeau and the Liberals but we see it all the time in Canada.

As in taking a knee or BLM ? That kind of political conversation?

But Leonardo DiCaprio ranting about how chinook winds in Alberta are destroying the planet is A-OK!

Did you say this when BLM was plastered on every sports arena?

Wow! Didn’t hear you say that when the football and basketball players were demonstrating their anti-Americanism. Of course it was mostly anti-Trump , it was ok. But now it’s pro-Trump so they should not get involve. Not much bias there

Colin Kaepernick makes a political statement. “So brave.” Bobby Orr makes a political statement. “Athletes need to keep their mouths shut about politics.”

Let me guess...the enlightened souls at The Globe and Mail should? We are able to hear any and all opinions, and reach our own conclusions. Now give us something worthy of consideration.

What about actors. That seems to be ok

And neither should the mainstream media!

He has a vote, he has a right to choose who to vote for, and he has a right to state his opinion. As does everyone else in a democracy. When & why did this become a problem? 🤔

Nice hypocrisy

Why is the Globe concerned about this now?

People are free to think for THEMSELVES. Anyone can have any opinion; this isn't China. wasn't a problem when pro athletes freely expressed their political opinions months/weeks ago... or maybe, it suddenly became an issue because support is for a candidate that we don't support? *SMH*

but so called 'celebrities' should

Unless they’re on the left. Then it’s great🙄

You say what needs saying!

BOBBY ORR - how to ruin your legacy in one single step... truly sad day for Canada ...


But its okay as long as they are liberals or movie stars or music or art...

Could Bobby Orr be suffering dementia from brain concussions?

Oh so NOW its an issue... really?!~?!

Now do Hollywood

Feck right off, Globe and Mail. If he was supporting Biden, you'd be fecking all over it.

Where was this indignation when stars spoke out against Trump? Or when Obama interfered in our elections by supporting Trudeau? At least be consistent!

But it’s ok for Obama to endorse JustinTrudeau ?

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