National security officials planning for 2023 'Freedom Convoy' reboot: adviser to PM

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

The national security adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that senior officials are planning ahead for the possibility of another 'Freedom Convoy' protest in early 2023.

The national security adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that senior officials are planning ahead for the possibility of another "Freedom Convoy" protest in early 2023.

Bauder posted on Facebook that he wants supporters to mark their calendars for a four-day "olive branch edition" of the convoy from Feb. 18 to 21, with plans to be "wheels up" and returning home from Ottawa on Feb. 22. "We are absolutely learning from what has occurred and trying to ensure that we have incorporated where we saw deficiencies as we go forward," said Thomas.

"A lot of the lessons and some of the ideas were put into the governance and decision structures there," he said.


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Order some magic truffles online and see how lucid your dreams can become.

Lol are you guys running out of real news to report on or just so lazy you've stopped looking for stories and now you're just making things up lol

Let’s invite all th gun owners who JustinTrudeau and his fascist cabinet hate so much

Trudeau can't stop what is coming.

FreedomConvoy2022 FreedomConvoy2023 Crypto donations can be made here, and the government will not be able to freeze any of it. Bitcoin: bc1qs0cvrf2va8kyuxj4xm88u0apwga2gwnme76amq Etherium/BNB etc: 0x194e061DfdF153c8aE93c74C327e570800912577

Remember Covid protestors in Canada are nothing but extremists and Marshal Law must be enacted!!!! However, Covid Protestors in China must be fully supported.

Ottawa Stampede!


Let the people protest

A great Canadian annual event! Nice to see!

Here comes the EA again.....

They’d have better luck in China. Justin will unleash the tanks again

Time to exercise our fundamental rights again and again and again

All the cops there makes it look like China. Sad.

Oh it's coming baby. Be ready

Sounds like some of you are upset you had to get rid of Disney+ this is CTV news ladies & gentlemen and the other 445 genders ,90% and what they post is lies The other 10% is about weather and they’re wrong

Yes time to protest everything wrong with the current government.

The Freedom Convoy posed no threat to national security. But please, keep pushing that lie

This time we will bring the tank 😜👍

Freedom convoy needs to be a yearly weekend celebration in Ottawa!

Oh no,Canadian's will simply ask for Justin Trudeau's Resignation.

You better give Klaus Schwab a call get him to send his UN goons again. Trudeau! Time for you to get covid! Just a goon.Just like the goons in the picture.Plaster their faces for future generations to see how they neglected to keep their oath and trampled on Canadians freedoms

Time to remove my cash from the bank again... My politics don't condone safe banking.

Three tanks this time? Better safe than sorry.

Good, best of luck to them, beware of JTs goons.

Freedom is the worst.

Jackboots on the ground ?

Honk Honk fuck Trudeau

Chinada residents are sick of the evil dictatorship

James Bauder was not the Freedom Convoy organizer he just attached his organization, Canada Unity, to the Convoy like many other organizations. There is a very good book out that every Canadian should read. It answers many questions about the Convoy.

Next on Trudeau's list

Apparently, Trudeau was triggered by his new nickname. ‘Scumbag’.

Gee, if we show up with hula hoops and skipping ropes,will they take us seriously this time?

I’ll start stock piling eggs then.


let me guess........cattle prods this in black disappearing jackbooted thugs are real transparent eh

Liberal voters: 'We don't agree with or know what they are protesting, so hopefully the government crushes them because it's illegal.'

That's right. Maybe this time you'll actually have a shred of ethics and report on factual information, you pathetic sellout scumbags

I wonder if they'll preemptively freeze accounts for any wrongthinkers that Might get involved. You know, for their safety.

This will only happen if they bring back mandates don’t bring back mandates

Ctv, go recheck your infos and stop the fear mongering.there will be NO trucks entering ottawa;its a 4 day reunion, outside ottawa at private location. a kind of ''je me souviens'' Now calm down! and ps:Journalists have the duty to be impartial and neutral. You can to better

Once the commisioner delivers the conclusions he received last February the EA will be invoked if more than 2 trucks honk.

Ctv you are garbage news prove us wrong

Just get rid of Trudeau and there won’t be an issue.

Which goon squads are they hiring, how many snipers These traitors have to go

What have they got to cry about his time?🤣🤣🤣

I can't wait. And bringing cash for this one.

With protests in China going on and being supported by Trudy, this is the perfect time to protest back home and watch him expose himself further via meltdowns and attacks on human rights of Canadians he’ll conduct

I hope they spray water on the crowds to disperse them.

Which false flags will there be this time?

In the Netherlands, the gov't is looking at taking away farmers' land all in the name of some fake climate action. Trudeau will be no different. It's just a matter of time. These people are in bed with the WEF.

Not a second time you high rider big black pickup truck confederate flag folks! Cda is done with you.

TrudeauLiedUnderOath TrudeauIsACoward TrudeauCorruption TrudeauMustGo

Will cops from OPS still be leaking information on operations considering no one was fired for doing that in February?

Can't wait to be there! The fight for freedom never ends. We will also never forget how we were treated in February 2022.

What ever happened to those cops making jokes while eating lunch in the expensive hotel? And really CTV? Now do TrudeauNationalDisgrace lying under oath. Oh, and if TrudeauForTreason steps down prior to feb 23, then its a celebration gathering. 🍾

Why does Trudope plan on more violations of the Charter next year?

I think the convoy people should put tweets out every month, saying they are coming. LOL!!!

This will not end well for Trudeau and his mob. Especially on the heels of the protests in China he so enthusiastically approves of.

Lmao just the thought of convoy2.0 has trigger not only every fascist liberal in the country but also the Ottawa police JustinTrudeau and every news org we have. This is beautiful. Honk honk

So we won't have signs directing the big rigs where to park downtown? No red carpet this time? SMH

Plan all you want. Protest all you want, just leave the trucks at home, or parked in an actual parking lot. The problem wasn't the protest, it was the illegally parked trucks that should have been towed on day 1 for by-law infractions. I would be towed if I tired it...

They should hold it China so Trudeau will praise them.

If they hold up white pieces of paper 📄 then it is ok. BlackfaceHitler said so. china

So they're hiding under desks clutching phones asking each other if they can call the army in? bwahaha clowns.

Please use water canons next time

Trudeau never locked down cities, unlike china locking down cities to make them literal ghost towns, Trudeau never welded anyone's door shut, nor did he force infected ppl into field hospitals (prison) for 2 weeks, no did he stick a swap up your nose everyday. grow up freedumbers

There are no mandate’s to protest🤔

No point to do it again. Most Canadians love their chains. They love doing covid stuff and will happily do more of it. The minority who are fed up with the nonsense will just get a boot to the neck. Freedom failed. Canada neither deserves it nor wants it.

It's a world wide movement against Klausy and this Green New Deal. We will not comply. When it's all done, you're getting it pals. Media has betrayed us. You have FA. You will FO.

Told ya before. I want my personal apology. We can make this annual 🤷🏼‍♂️

Reunion 💪🏼

Buy this from Amazon to protect yourselves from Trudeau's dangerous, armed government.

Shut that 💩down before it even gets started! 🤬 CdnPoli OnPoli FreeDumbConvoy OttawaOccupation TrudeauWasRight

Start the tanks....! Start the tanks! I can hear JustinTrudeau now MaizeingPete shawn_d_mcrae KeithWells6 mchardykk Matthew77720569

Tanks are ready this time.

Shouldn't the convoy be heading to Alberta since that's where the attack on democracy is taking place. convoy

CTV 'news' Canadian state-controlled media

There are people hiring everywhere, get a job, bunch of toddlers.

Well it's not funny how the f*** do you know that. Remember people CTV News and the rest of them are paid by Justin Trudeau so they're watching every move you make via the media they're listening to everything you do via the media public knowledge everybody can listen

In other words, if you protest govt, we will treat you like terrorists. Great fkn job allowing this country to turn into a dictatorship canadians. You win a prize!

How many gun? They assaut citizens for this reason right?

Do the right things writers. LIFE IN prison as we will never forget. Do the right things. I did once upon a time for less.

I hope they keep doing it till that fascist resigns


LOL Jody Thomas and the other librarians on the Privy Council are frantically reading mean tweets.

Cant wait! HonkHonk

Such a paranoid government. You would think they are Communists. Will trudeau's people have tanks on the streets, spray demonstrators with bio-weapons & live gun fire this time? Will they cut communications, water, electricity, food & lock down the borders this time? Big Bro NWO

Why are national security officials planning something that does not relate to national security as proven in the POEC?

There are LITERALLY NOT ENOUGH KINGS HORSES or MEN. Start there. And get on the right side. Jail waits and we are not letting this go kids.


If people want to gather, they have every right. You don't get to pick and choose your protesters.

Honk honk!

“People with bouncy castles are still a threat to our democracy”

this time they won't be able to take over ottawa, they where lucky last time, alberta doesn't want to be part of canada they forget that both ontario and quebec has given them money for over 100 years now they don't want to help, sorry for that

Do you have a link for donation ?

The terrorists said they were coming back 'To finish what they started.'; and CTV puts the cart before the horse to send them off. Your outlet seems very offended that Liberals pay attention to conservative terrorism. Why? Don't you like your neighbours?

lol start the great campaign well ahead to set the stage for over reaction. The campaign of the protesters has already won.

Freedom convoy was never a threat to national security. It has been proven during emergency act inquiry. Either national security is too dumb or reporters are sucks like always no doubt. Even I know better than you clowns. Yes , it’s threat to Trudeau’s divisive politics

who is who in truth Canada

Make a law that commercial or business vehicles can be seized if they are used in protests and rallies. There's nothing you can do about public gatherings aside from deliver good information and don't glorify the criminals.

Pointless and only out for the attention. They can protest at government facilities in cities closest to them and it’d have the same effect.

It should become a yearly celebration in my opinion. And then eventually a holiday :p I would make it a holiday just to trigger authoritarians.

'Free to be Dumb' Convoy

Pssst - OPS - here's a starter for you to work on - you have three months - it's long enough - no?

Convoy of Green Vested Truckers to Wake up Canada, Our rights have been violated and stolen by province and by federal government and continues to be especially in Ontario where people on fixed incomes are being slaughtered it’s genocide being poor

Yessss! LawAndOrder 😁

If these bored, spoiled no-goods want another FreedomConvoy, maybe come to Ontario and help peacefully protest against REAL tyranny: Ford govt's corrupt opening of our Greenbelt for a handful of rich developer cronies, and engineering a transfer of wealth from us to his cronies


Trudeau's probably got the tanks ready.

Let’s gooooooo!

feed your horses there be canucks to pummel

It won't go like last time. The citizens of Ottawa know they cannot rely on police so some will act on their own, and the police need to save face to keep the Protect and serve grift going. There will be resistance this time. JMO

Probably because Trudeau is corrupt and the people of canada are upset

Poilievre leads march of convoy protesters beside man with far-right extremist ties June 30, 2022 NeverVoteConservative

Organized pop up mayhem to kneecap Fascist Dictator Minority Government and NDP sellout opportunists. Targeting Liberal sources of income may also play into it He may not survive politically to have a Spring Election let alone Buy it with 5 times Spending of any other party

Why can't America show the same level of care and awareness for the crisis at the US border? Biden hasn't been yet, because somehow it's documented legally as a humanitarian aid, not an attack on security and US public resources

They will be ready for the western rednecks the next time.

Honk honk!

So how does this work? Does CTV publish the intelligence and CSIS and the rcmpgrcpolice use it? Or does someone from Mendocino’a staff shorthand the article? And when does Brian Fox make an appearance? Before or after Trudeau runs away and Lametti orders in the tanks from Anita?

They are in support of the protesters in China so that makes them good right? Or are they still a bunch of names they were never called?

Honk Honk 😅

It's a celebration not a protest ya mooks


brianmcarsales The police already have a plan 😅😅

Ha, they don't have chance in hell again, they'll get shut down pretty fast after last year's fiasco.

because of the 'mandates', right?

Freedom Deux: Granny's Revenge

They’ll probably say bomb them this time with the airforce but “joke” about it of course

Love this but how many times can Trudeau get covid and hide. 🤣

Fuck Around And Find!


How to prepare? Tell them the same thing will happen only this time it’ll happen immediately. Impound all illegally parked trucks.

Absolutely, we'll see you there!

Trudeau taking notes from Xi Jinping

The radically lefties are steaming…. Love it

There should be , this federal government is so corrupt they pay media outlets like to spew Justin Trudeau’s lies

I can't wait to come back. I need louder horns this time

There is nothing you can do to prepare. You would have to kill christianity itself. Canadian Gov, this will destroy you. Go with grace.

Bet your asses.

God why now !! This people need help !!

I am not sure what the media and Liberal/NDP hate about freedom so much. Oh yea I do.

I hope their is a plan in place to deal with these hooligans: - Give them a small area to protest (legally) - Have 1000 armed cops on the ground, ready and able to go - Set up make shift jails for anyone who is arrested - Block off all roads leading into the downtown area.

Sweet! Honk Honk!


You mean lying Jody Thomas!

HonkHonk FreedomConvoy

Hold it in Papineau.

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