Mountie who showed sexual photo to assault victim during investigation got his job back | CBC News

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

A Mountie who was fired after he showed a revealing photo of himself to an assault victim and exchanged sexual texts with her during an investigation fought successfully to get his job back by arguing he was denied a proper hearing.

An adjudicator pointed to flaws in the way the case against Const. Andrew Scott Hedderson played out, reinstated him and awarded him back pay, according to a decision recently made public and posted on the RCMP's website.The case dates back to March of 2017 when police were called to a parking lot in Surrey, B.C. where a man had assaulted his girlfriend — referred to as 'Ms. W' in RCMP documents.

According to the original conduct board decision, Hedderson — who, in his statement to the conduct board, referred to himself as a "a fairly charming dude" — became the lead investigator on the breach file. The decision says Hedderson visited Ms. W at home and that the RCMP officer claimed he tried to build a rapport with her in order to obtain a statement to charge Mr. P. with a breach of his conditions.

In her statement to the board, Ms. W said she was embarrassed and that while Hedderson had told her not to worry about, he said he now felt he had to show her something in return. Hedderson told the board Ms. W was the one pushing for a photo.Hedderson told the board that after he got a statement from Ms. W, they came up with a plan together to deal with any attempts by Mr. P to contact her. He said he was trying to leave Ms.

During the conduct board process, Hedderson called the relationship consensual "despite being horribly inappropriate and unprofessional." Ms. W confirmed those exchanges, telling the board she was "rude and calling him a pig and saying he was disgusting and unprofessional." She said she accused him of using her when she was "vulnerable" and referred to the fact that he could lose his job.Situation led to charge against Mr. P being droppedHedderson, meanwhile, told the board he was concerned for Ms. W's safety. He told investigators that, in retrospect, he should have called 911 or the non-emergency line.

The conduct board issued its final decision recommending that Hedderson be dismissed from the force in December of 2018.


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Another Pillar of the community

What a dork.

That would be hella awkward around the office water cooler.....Who carries around a revealing photo in their wallet?

We have due process for a reason. Everyone is entitled to it even if he is a scumbag

Only in Canada

see why is crap like that allowed - loophole that has nothing to do with the case or that he crossed a line he KNEW he shouldn't

Really should he be on the force

Surrey can’t get rid of these people fast enough.

Rotten right from the top

Typical RCMP. You can’t trust them

Good that this predator resigned. Too bad that he got years of back pay. Doesn’t sound like he learned anything from it.

He should not be able to get a job ANYWHERE

I’m typically pro police but this guy needs to be fired.

Lots of people didn't read the article, but that's not surprising. Unprofessional af but nothing criminal. Likely worthy of job termination as well, only because of the type of job. This happens all the time in retail, restaurants, offices etc

Innocent until 'proven' guilty. Everyone is afforded due process, no matter how obvious the offense is.

Talk about preying on the already vulnerable

Only in Canada🤣

Classy. (Abhorrent) how embarrassing, really just let us know you get zero pussy so you creep some victims. Down baaad. really with the bar of standards so low yet we managed to crawl under it yet again.

If I speak my mind Twitter will suspend me

Over 300 text messages sent. She turns him in when he goes on a date with someone other than her? Don’t mix work with pleasure is the take away here.

Cst Andrew Scott Hedderson resigned and got retroactive pay back to 2018. RCMP look after each other not society. rcmp canada sexualassault

Just further proof how cops get away abusing thier power


Considering this guy is a member of an organized gang of thugs, it makes sense.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a problem?

Well. Isn't that sickening.

So what is so shocking about a power line falling in front of a bus. I was live and on the scene in Surrey BC

Well at least he didn't have to give her any hush money.... unlike a certain Prime Minister


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