'Mask slackers' existed during the 1918 flu pandemic, too

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Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

'Lots of people grumbled about wearing masks, or even refused to,' during the great influenza pandemic a century ago, historians say

Still, there are important differences between the opposition to masks in 1918 and what we are seeing during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in America, according to historians CNN spoke with.The "Anti-Mask League" protest in San Francisco "was an orderly protest compared to people fighting in Walmarts today," said Dr. Howard Markel, a medical historian and a physician who leads the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan.

While some people had ideological reasons for not wanting to wear masks, and others saw masks as an infringement on their freedoms, these arguments didn't fit as neatly as they do today in the larger partisan divide. Most masks worn by regular people were made of a cheesecloth-like gauze or various types of fabric. Newspapers would publish guides on how to sew your own mask, andWith the country at war, wearing masks was seen as patriotic, and "mask slackers" were often"The wartime flavor of this is huge.

That expectation changed after the Great Depression and the New Deal, ushering an era when government intervention in times of national crisis was more widely accepted.According to Markel, the opposition to wearing masks was "a very minor aspect" of the 1918 pandemic, all things considered. These sentiments were stronger in cities that instituted mask mandates, both Markel and Navarro told CNN.

"The thinking was that they should be enforcing the anti-spitting laws that were already on the books after the tuberculosis epidemic, rather than introduce something new," Tomes explained. As cases spiked again in the winter, a second mask order in San Francisco was issued in January 1919. That's when the "Anti-Mask League" formed and held their protest, pushing back against the need for the new restrictions.

Tomes also suggested that the specific culture in California could have had an impact on their decision to insist on mask use, as a no-tolerance policy against "unhealthy behaviors of any sort."POLITICIZING A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS But what he finds "particularly frightening" about the coronavirus pandemic in America is how "something that ought to be science-based and non-partisan and objective, in the 21st century, has become political," he said.


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Masks don't work. Sweden is almost covid free. They never masked up or destroyed the economy like sock boy did to Canada. Wake UP!!!!

As left leaning CTV again parrots a CNN story, we all recall that neither CTV or CNN expressed any concern about protestors and rioters not wearing masks.

I also believe is a true threat and the only reason weve seen less fatalities and cases is simply our hot and humid summer. I maybe wrong but do you want to take that chance? I rather be stupid and safe than dumb and dead. However I respect freedom of choice.

Maybe my friends on Conservative side which I vote for. Wont like it, but I support mask wearing. Heres my reasoning. If you have bad breathe put a mask your face you will eventually smell your own bad breathe. If it can hold a smell instead or outside? Its has to be doing someth

It’s not even elegant propaganda, it’s lazy, and thus doubly disrespectful. Please stop using our taxes to manipulate us!

Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda

When did people become so fragile... your 70s in high school science class dont make you an expert, wear a mask!!

One man's mask slacker is another man's mask skeptic.

I don't know if it's just me ..this picture looks like a bunch of rednecks lol.

Ctv is propaganda

Good grief! it must be terrible to be so stupid you don’t know your stupid. What don’t they get about KEEPING yourself and others SAFE. Tisk tisk more than just sick with a virus, dah! Oh I get it they live in a free country it’s their right to be stupid. Yah that’s it

Why are you pushing cnn lies? Oh wait right...you’re the Canadian version I forgot.

How come we didn’t wear masks during SARS?

And we never learn

You can tell a Liberal from a mile away. If someones economic views are devalue your currency to mooch off the States for business rather than building a strong economy. Than there a Liberal! Lots of fakes BEWARE

If that same crowd was holding BLM signs CTV would call it 'heroic'

These are Liberals trying pose as Conservatives. There is tons of phony posers on here trying to make conservatives look bad. Ask them about economics. If they give type response. Like requiring to lower our dollar to have any business is shit ran into one yesterday.

Ask anyone close to JustinTrudeau he has a new mask and that’s why Sophie is separated from him....⬇️

The Govn also mandated it to see who the non compliers are. The critical thinkers who arent easily controlled. They want good obiedant workers! You don’t need a mask. You need to wash your hands and don’t touch your face!! People are so sheepish these days! Remember sars? Mask?

I find it funny people think the virus is airborne because theyre told to wear masks by mainstream media. masks stop spit and sneeze droplets from Landing on surfaces where you touch them and catch it. WASH UR HANDS! It’s 100% not airborne. Virus is airborne is misinformation

Masks slackers? 🤣

Babs cant find $ billions

Give me a break. Someone is actually getting paid to post this bs.

Seriously you have more news articles on no masks then you do with reuniting families Im sorry but family is more important Familysponsorshipmatters prioritizefamilysponsorship CitImmCanada JustinTrudeau marcomendicino fordnation CanadianPM liberal_party theJagmeetSingh

if we knew about masks 100 years ago, why did our countries top medical authority say this: 'Putting a mask on an asymptomatic person is not beneficial, obviously' - Canada's Chief Public Health Officer (March 30th)

The phrase you're looking for is Rat Licker

Headline infers mask slackers, a small few Most know there's NO science 2 spprt. Its said AbLeg Edm only 1/3 was for masks, but law was forced anyway.. Tyrants VS Ldrs who serve & protect the PPL? Democracy=Power flows from PPL =Marx Dictators voted out


Go home you are drunk

Again. CTV with all sorts of Yankee flags flying!! Do we not have a Canadian perspective on the 'no masks' situation. I fail to find CTV of much use to Canadians.

Enough with your fear mongering! FAKE NEWS!

When has everyone agreed on anything? 0 times.


Here you go anti-freedom advocates, CTV has written some confirmation bias for you.

But did they social distance and more importantly, wash their hands back then? Probably not. More garbage from

Assholes. WearAMask

so it is comparable to influenza...


This is what Bill_Morneau says to masks 🤣🤣🤣

Mask slackers? What about mask fascists? One sided, bullshit agenda-driven reporting

Dr Fauci..

Masks don’t work!

we need strong enforcement and priority education on this topic... perhaps a 3d visual of how the virus spreads on billboards will help... can bell or rogers lead it? virus and telecomunication have a lot in common ..(air)..


More propaganda! FakeNewsMedia

These people... Vaccines: Fuck herd immunity, I'm free! Global warming: Fuck efforts, I'm free! Masks: Fuck the vulnerable, I'm free! Is anyone today think about others once in a while or it's just a bunch of narcissistic assholes caring only for themselves?

And you would think people would learn

Centuries ago the people were not aware of science . Today we atleast know that we can stop the spread by using masks . What is the problem I hear people say Govt is controlling! They are already controlling!! But we have to save our seniors !! So why not There should not

There is no science that masks work.👎

Masks are not necassary

Masks are nothing but a placebo...shame on you state funded media for terrorising people

Spanish flu not 1918 influenza

Those are American flags CTV, this is Canada🇨🇦

Well let's hope round two wipes out these plague rats this time. If the economy is gonna shut down again and everything is going to go to shit, I hope we get to see some karma

Went out to a restaurant for breakfast yesterday. Was told I could only take my mask off when I was 'actively' eating and drinking. Where is the science behind this, lol? Probably the last time I go out somewhere to eat...Not enjoyable at all.

You use a picture of a group of trump supportera? Haha how about posting a picture of the thousands of rioters and BLM protesters GFY

Childish tantrum

AnnePet90513683 Comply or be shamed by the media and anti social media. Baaaaaa good little sheep.

Didn't learn a thing in 100 years. That's awesome.

Rules of life. 1- People Die 2- Nothing can stop rule number 1. 3- The media comparisons between 2 things are always way over exaggerated!

Stop CTV, you are hurting the feelings of all the Connies out there...tsk tsk.

'Masks for the PUBLIC are not recommended' 'If you think about it you will increase touching of your face spreading infection more' 'Even in a hosptial setting most transmission comes from touching ppe' Theresa Tam 2020

So they knew masking the general public was effective in stopping the spread of respiratory viruses even in 1918? Why were we told back in March that there was no evidence that healthy people should wear masks?

AnnePet90513683 REALLY ! Go virtue signal somewhere else!

It’s all about control, PERIOD


So these were the ancestors of Trump supporters

Interdasting that ya didn't mention this fact. Probably why you're considered FakeNewsMedia & the enemy of the people. Masks didn't work against viruses then & they don't work against viruses now! COVID19

Funny how humans are still around 100 years later after that great influenza pandamic!


Yes, well they were probably ahead of their time. Lots of people probably 'grumbled' about them too.

We know the protesters are on the right track when mainstream media attempt to shame them. Brave soldiers went to war, fought and died for our freedoms. We're not giving them away. MyBodyMyChoice NoMandantoryMasks

Propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda propaganda

Politicians in democratic societies should know better than to use brute force in the form of punitive laws and penalties with something that should never have gone outside the realm of personal choice. Including the choice of private enterprise to set their own mask policies.

Sweden: no masks, no lockdown, no problem.

repeatedly told us that wearing masks not helpful...

And the masks didn’t work then either.

Msm has lost the narrative. No one trusts you anymore.

Cotton masks offer ZERO protection against any virus. Why don’t nurses/doctors use cotton masks when dealing with patients with contagious infections? Hmmm? 🤔

Mask “deniers”?

The masks did not work then either & they were not mandated by government in order to buy necessities of life, access services & live a normal social life. Making face coverings mandatory when less than 1% test positive & over 90% of positive recover is not about health & safety

It was known as the Spanish Flu. Are we not allowed to call it that anymore

Comparing the Spanish flu to Covid is hardly valid. Medical advances and the fact that Covid 19 is a COLD virus, not even comparable.

All mainstream media outlets: 'SHUT UP AND COMPLY, OR BE SHAMED.'

Sad! ... And They wonder why Our Border remains closed!! Check The Stats from John Hopkins..

Read this recent article. It proves that the lock down approach was completely wrong and unnecessary. Bad scientists and bad politicians hurt a lot of people with the pandemic panic. They need to be held accountable. We did not need to shut down!!

Why did Fauci say in March that masks don't work, and they give people a false sense of security?

Was it also an election year?

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