Manitoba institutes $298 fine for people not wearing masks in indoor public areas

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

The fine is the latest in a series of enforcement measures announced by the Manitoba government as COVID-19 numbers remain high in the province

This translation has been automatically generated and has not been verified for accuracy.The Manitoba government has instituted a new fine for people who do not wear masks in indoor public places.

The province’s chief public health officer, Dr. Brent Roussin, says people who disobey the public health order can be fined $298. It’s the latest in a series of enforcement measures announced by the province as COVID-19 numbers remain high.Health officials are reporting 399 new cases and 11 additional deaths, and the rate of people testing positive has jumped to 14.2 per cent.

The province is also adding to its enforcement ranks by hiring a private security firm to join police, bylaw and conservation officers already handing out penalties. Manitoba's chief public health officer is eyeing further public restrictions as COVID-19 numbers remain high. Dr. Brent Roussin says he's looking at reducing the number of stores that can remain open and at cutting the five-person limit on gatherings.


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Where did a number like that come from? From marketing, surely. Special price, $299.95, less than $300! Buy now!

Get ready government will soon put people on two meters leashes and assign handlers.

Guess $300 was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much

People should be forced to wear condoms also while going about their day. You do not want to catch dong covid.

We need to get it together man! Our inability to keep COVID-19 down is pathetic. Canadians

Manitoba bureaucrats never miss an opportunity for revenue generation.

I have a question for the people who refuse to wear masks in public spaces because they feel it is against their rights. Do you also refuse to abide by non-smoking bylaws in public indoor areas? In the past 20 years or so I haven't seen or heard of anyone lighting up 1/2

Coercion, fear, financial distress - these are what Government does best. Government is tyranny.

When people not take things seriously and listen to reason, this has to happen. When governments of all stripes become strict and take viruses seriously, how can this be some sort of globalist reset fabrication?

the best way to not get sick is to not wear a mask or put swabs into your nose... no test... no flu-shot... no vaccine... no needles... believe it or not... fighting sickness by injecting it into healthy bodies... is stupid beyond belief... don't do any of it... stay healthy(:~:)

Take the fine to court. It'll be thrown out before you EVER have to pay for it ...

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Canada Latest News, Canada Headlines