LILLEY: Fire Trudeau's minister Mary Ng for using your money to reward friend

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LILLEY: Fire Trudeau's minister Mary Ng for using your money to reward friend Via brianlilley

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Ng and Alvaro have known each other for years and worked in the McGuinty government at Queen’s Park in Ontario together nearly 20 years ago. They’ve been friends ever since, and presumably spent a lot of time together talking politics – most of it not paid by taxpayers.Article content Not only should this work have been done by either the political staff or the bureaucrats, the bill charged to taxpayers is pricey.Article content


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Wallace34196736 brianlilley Can we stop with the what about the other person nonsense. Should not matter whether or or not it was a conservative or liberal, because they all should face serious consequences for their decisions. Nothing will change if you allow it to happen.

brianlilley They know they are lying. We know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. And they just keep lying.

brianlilley It’s daily. Liberal skim of Canadians. Anyone that supports this party still needs to choose MAID

brianlilley Unethical behaviour is acceptable with this Liberal government. They’ve been caught 6 times now. Canadians get played and they laugh it off.

brianlilley So what's the difference between this situation and what happened between fordnation and developers? Both Mary and Doug have known these people for a long time and their friends benfited from the deal with $. Why not call out all politicians on their corruption? I'll wait...

brianlilley But she said sorry, right after she got caught.

brianlilley pretty rich coming from a guy who is sleeping with yelich_ivana and knows very well that fordnation is rewarding many of his close friends. OntarioPCParty = petulant child. When caught with their hands in the cookie jar they yell - 'but little Susie took a cookie yesterday'

brianlilley This is cute coming Ford Lilley. Oops, I mean Brian Lilley.

brianlilley This is one of the reasons I don't like liberals. We have two liberals here who have no respect for tax payer money. At the very least NG should be fired from cabinet & have to repay the $20K. But Trudeau has no moral or ethics which is another reason I am anti-liberal.

Wallace34196736 brianlilley Conservatives or liberals it shouldn’t matter, each and every politician needs to be held accountable. If it’s your party messing up, you should be the first to point it out, because they need to know they can’t get away with it.

Wallace34196736 brianlilley Can we stop with the what about the other person nonsense. Should not matter whether or or not it was a conservative or liberal, because they all should face serious consequences for their decisions. Nothing will change if you allow it to happen.

brianlilley Fire Doug Ford first

brianlilley How can this be tolerated?

brianlilley Fire Trudeau

brianlilley Fire her and pm for letting this happen

brianlilley What about the Stag and Dough developers party in Ontario. Eh?

brianlilley Fire her and charge her for theft. She's literally stealing from taxpayers.

brianlilley Only, only, only, a Lib could get away with this. I just do not understand this. Canadians just are too complacent!

brianlilley What about Alvero? She was a willing recipient if these contracts..she had to know there was a direct conflict (but may not have known they were sole-sourced😉) They are both disgusting.

brianlilley Seriously How about those Greenbelt guys? Ford’s back room deals. Not one word about that. Hypocrisy

brianlilley If they're baddies they never get fired they get promoted. The Trudeau's Liberals if you’re honest you get fired and arrested for doing an honest job.

brianlilley People have so many reason to want to cleanse the current government that shit like this seems minor now. We are becoming immune to stuff that should spark outrage and protests! Bottom line is NDP needs to be dealt with and allow for election! Soon there will not be a countryleft

brianlilley Fire them all.

brianlilley I guess the big salary, all the perks, and the prestigious title, are too good to give up. No integrity. No accountability, and no class. This is Trudeau's liberal party.

brianlilley If Canadians still have not woken up to the fact that the Liberals do whatever they want; especially in light of them being the most corrupt; most incompetent; most scandal ridden and ethics violated government in history, then there is nothing more to be said.

brianlilley Not happening, she has learned from her leader and our PM that laws are ment to be broken. That there are no consequences for your actions. Just say sorry and cause a new scandle, break a new law. Then do it again.

brianlilley Agree. Most people would be fired for that.

brianlilley Everyone should have to get fired who is violating the rules! Everyone! Doesn’t matter if it’s a MP or PM

brianlilley Be gone. But we know that won't happen, she's another one of Trudeau scammers

brianlilley Where is the same energy for Doug ford lying Lilley? Daddy Doug wouldn’t like that would he?

brianlilley As long the ministers support Justin he won’t fire them for their ethics violations. If they oppose Justin for ethical reasons Justin fires them. Just as Jody Wilson Raybould or Jane Philpott.


brianlilley Lilleys amateur hour.Reports on fluff when a huge bribery scandal by Ford is overwhelming Ontario

brianlilley This happens at all levels of goverment unfortunately, all top level positions, nothing gets done about it, time to hold these fckrs accoutable!!!!

brianlilley Yes she needs to be fired. That smirk on her face is not nice

brianlilley They all need to be f****** audited

brianlilley I'll wait for Lilley's column about Doug Ford accepting cash envelopes from developers.

brianlilley The friend did a job. You are thinking of fordnation gift of over a billion dollars of Covid cash to businesses that did not lose a dime just before an election. They got to keep all of it and given absolution .

brianlilley Absolutely...must be gone immediately

brianlilley AmericanOwnedPostmedia daily news .

brianlilley That would be discriminating against a female from a minority group !!!

brianlilley That interrogation was cringe-worthy. The fact she came out of it saying she was sincerely apologetic while she refused to answer questions with a shit-eating smirk on her face is living proof that we need a new government, ASAP.

brianlilley What? Just another crooked, corrupt Liberal, that’s all. What’s the big deal?

brianlilley Then there’s this bastion of political integrity. NeverVoteConservative

brianlilley Put a Liberal down and the trolls try to deflect from the article by going after someone else who has nothing to do with the article . Nice try ,!

brianlilley I don’t expect much from such a corrupted and criminal government.

brianlilley Fire Doug Ford for accepting Greenbelt bribes from developers.

brianlilley Not a word about this. I guess Ivanna hasn’t given Brian the OK.

brianlilley Lilley: nothing to see here with fordnation stag and dough

brianlilley The whole Trudeau government has to go. They are all corrupted, liars, egotistical and nasty.

brianlilley spots are filling fast...


brianlilley And Doug’s developers?

brianlilley You think new one be better? Better keep old one pase New one, if ever enter, Will much more money waist

brianlilley Put these parasites in jail

brianlilley cbc says it's unbiased. Why haven't they reported on the mary_ng & AnitaAnandMP ethics breaches? cdnpoli

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