Is COVID-19 spreading because we didn’t heed the lessons of previous viral outbreaks?

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Experts say lessons learned from past viral outbreaks could have lessened the impact of COVID-19

SHARESince the SARS outbreak, scientists have been wary of the advent of a new virus, spreading sickness, death and social chaos. Now that COVID-19 has arrived, they’re saying it’s a tragedy that might have been prevented.

World health authorities have long urged an end to live markets, which were the source of SARS and the H5N1 bird flu. Health officials believe they are a breeding ground for new disease, due to viruses jumping from animals to humans.“It’s the risky activity that’s the issue, and that’s what we need to think about as a way to reduce this,” said Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance.

But with the spread of the disease being so vast, it could still prove more deadly than previous viruses if it infects a much greater number of people. A Chinese doctor who tried to blow the whistle on COVID-19 was silenced and punished by the government while they were still trying to downplay the dangers of the virus. Li Wenliang then contracted the disease himself -- and soon died, spurring a public outcry.


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I don't care what measures r taken I take my own precautions against the Wuhan Flu

Could have...

The same media that was telling us not to worry about it because more people die from heart disease and that avoiding areas of infection is racist? Lol

Yes, for once mainstream media gets it *partly* right thanks to the WHO's talking points. What they don't get right is not paying attention to what's happening in our own back yard. Politicians are lying, we can't even contain the common flu 👇

Point the finger at Asian governments (mainly China) for not educating its people not to eat hideous forms of animal flesh and to have civilized government approved hygiene in all slaughter facilities,wholesalers,retailers etc.

No, the lessons being ignored. NOW, WORLD is Screwed.

I want to know and probably many others as well ... Is the situation much worst than the media and medical institutions are conveying to the public, both local and around the world? It's a feeling that I have ...

BREAKING: Many leading Chinese scientists are starting to speak out and say COVID-19 (coronavirus) originated at a government bioweapons research facility in Wuhan, rather than the widely-held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets.

Not likely

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