ICU doctor runs 35 kilometres wearing face mask to disprove false claims

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Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

An ICU doctor in the United Kingdom decided to prove that it’s possible to do most activities while wearing a face mask, even going on a 35-kilometre run during a humid summer day.

Tom Lawton from Bradford, U.K. said he wanted to disprove false information he had read online that incorrectly suggested wearing a mask somehow hinders a person’s oxygen levels.

“So I thought how can I demonstrate it? How can I reassure people who would like to do their bit and wear a mask but are scared?”Lawton decided to run to work with a face mask while carrying a pulse oximeter, which would measure his oxygen levels throughout the run.


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meredithcaplan Aaaand he’s a fool for doing so. Breathing is one of the ways the body regulates internal temperature. Keep breathing in your own heated breath during arduous exercise in hot and humid weather and one risks heat stroke.

Now do it without and check the times

Did he do a pre run blood samples for the various oxygen levels etc and then do post run tests or just run ? I can hold running chainsaw and say it's not dangerous .

I don’t care. How do I know he is a real “doctor”. I can think for myself. My toddle cross the street and was not run over. Other people won’t tell me what I should do (I can decide what WhatsApp meme I believe). The CO2 in his brain is over the top. No, just no /s

What a dork

Really? Wow. I’m going to eat 2 cups of peanut butter to prove it’s safe for everyone.

Thanks for the fcking useless anecdote

You sure are after the hero complex today. You'll have to do better than this egotistical goof. Mask are bad and unnecessary, period. I walked down the stairs with a coffee and didn't spill any. Send over your reporter. LiberalShill

True story. I’ve been around lots of people with COVID. Never social distanced. Never worn a mask. Heck, I’ve hugged most COVID postive people I’ve met. By logic, I’ve just proven COVID isn’t dangerous Dumb asses

Good for him. Congratulations. Face masks should be voluntary!

Did you know that OSHA makes sure that there are higher air flow levels and additional oxygen through HVAC in hospitals to make up for that fact that doctors have to wear masks? It’s ok if you don’t because most doctors don’t. 👀 28:09 left:

You are trying desperately to convince the masses of a hoax , the lie , the deception . FAKE NEWS . Propaganda. 1984 is real . The enemy is the propaganda from the mainstream globalist “ news “ organizations.


The sad thing is that I believed him this entire time

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

Schvanky You’d think the fact that surgeons aren’t falling onto patients and severing their arteries from wearing masks for 10 hours straight would be sufficient to show that masks are safe. It you are having issues, maybe stop buying 5 layer heavy weave Etsy masks.

He should try this next time...

Good for Him.

This doctor should be charged with spreading information that could harm some people with respiratory issues!

Awesome, he is an inspiration

That settles it then one guys little self test is scientific proof that masks are fine

It's not about wearing them, its about their effectiveness stopping viruses. Nice try though!

libertybk Wearing a mask is just an inconvenience, getting or giving COVID-19 is criminal. So, use common sense.

Well he is a stupid idiot 👎🏻👎🏻🤣🤣


I hope there's a disclaimer. Actually, I'd rather see lawsuits.

Not again..... these things just prove this individual has remarkable lungs! 🤦‍♀️

Did anyone see him not remove or play with it for the entire run? And concerns are more about what accumulates on the inside of mask that can be re-inhaled.

Didnt happen

He proved that air can easily go through and around a mask. How does that prove that masks protect against virus particles, even if they are captured within a larger water/moisture particle?

Maybe it takes 2 weeks for symptoms to show.

More propaganda from Bell Canada's corporate media, indoctrinating extremist mask ideology using so-called experts. Thanks CTV for accurately showing Canadians what Nazi propaganda looked like in the late 1930's. Bell

How does that prove anything? That 'doctor' should not be conducting amateur experiments and then publisizing them as science. Some might conclude that is professional negligence. Others might say he should lose his licence for breach of trust. coronavirus

Masks don’t work.

Ok a bandana is not exactly a mask. Besides, we won't know the extent of the damage to his lungs and other organs due to lack of oxygen right away. He will start getting sick and visiting the hospital soon.

Cool story bro.

I CALL MAJOR BS on this one. Also, he isn't exactly the poster child for someone of good health! CTV=FAKE, PROPAGANDA NEWS!! Whatever they say, just know that the exact opposite is TRUE!

You can't paint everyone with the same brush... In the age of ultra tolerance wearing a mask has become a political symbol of obedience & submission & failing to do so for whatever reason gets you vilified be the conformists.

For those against masks... not that you will accept any evidence at all. How Well Do Masks Work? (Schlieren Imaging In Slow Motion!)

Hmm 🤨 a doctor does a research and has no video to show us how he came to this conclusion 🤔 True researchers routinely film their experiments and present the footage to journal editors, reviewers and colleagues alongside their data and analyses. Nice try .

False claims like this, from the University of Minnesota, doing an analysis on a 27 page paper presented by the National Institute of science?

Who cares?

Rather than the test he done surely it’s actually better to measure ones peak flow 🤔

Yeah... a marathon funner with excellent lung capacity. PFO

State propaganda

Maybe I should get stung by a bee to prove no one is allergic...

Hmmmm, not everyone can run 35 km wearing a mask or wear a mask for hours during an operation. Kudo’s for being fit and healthy, but everyone isnt.

What a joke. He can wear a mask if he wants. I've already seen demonstrations with Oxygen meters and mask wearing. He's full of it!

Do we have the video, or proof of this?

😂🤣😂🤣 Just because we can doesn't mean we should.

Ctv fake news

That's all fine & well if you don't live with a lung condition such as asthma! Like to see him do that with any number of lung conditions out there!

Come on down to the southern United States with heat index of 110 degrees and let me know how it goes for you.

Nice try, this channel is trying to lie to us again. Nice one Ctvnews

If he really wanted to test his hypothesis why not put the Oxigen Monitor on at home for three-four hours without a mask, then wear a mask for three hours, then test. He already knows this and came up with that workaround because the resting o2 test proved our assertions.

I would definitely not let him be my doctor!

he was running which causes you to exhale very hard forcing the breath through the mask. but if you are in a relaxed state the air is not as circulated through the pores and gets stagnant causing the lowering of oxygen. Any Respiratory therapist could tell you this. He knows.

Should be fired!

So then all these athletes of the NBA, MLB, NFL, Olympians etc. can play & compete uninhibited with a mask on because this Quack did it, supposedly? No more delay of games & competition. MaskUp & play already people. That will be fun to watch


Masks are unnecessary. According to my results of not wearing one and not getting covid.

Funny how you provide zero proof of said claim. I would love to see him do this. Because he did not.

I've been a smoker for 20 years. Never got cancer. I just proved smoking is safe.

Did you record it - every step?

So you found a dumbass doctor. Not very hard to do in Canada. Both my brother and I have been overdosed by doctors in hospital. They f up all the time. They are only human not gods

Heres what the pdf file gates has to say

If it's so easy why aren't pros wearing masks? I'll tell you its because they RESTRICT YOUR BREATHING that's why

Absolute rubbish! A mask which is not valved, changes the blood gas equation, and it leads to a special phenomena called PEEP (Positive End-Expiratory Pressure). This PEEP may lead to pneumothorax(punctured lung). Dr. Ravi Shekhar-Jha.

That's great news but I'll think for myself thanks.

Doctor is stupid AF.

Just a little bit of quick math. An N95 MASK is 95% effective down to 0.3 microns. An oxygen molecule is 0.0005 microns. I'll admit I'm not a scientist but I think oxygen can get through just fine. WEAR A DAMN MASK

JustMyOwnOpnion By the look of the comments following this tweet the guy wasted his time and energy!!! But I for one thank and respect him for trying to dispel the myth on Masks!!!

My daughter had a breathing test in a respiratory clinic. 97 without mask . 93 with mask. Imagine that with exercise. It definitely has an effect.

Stop with this b.s. narrative. This is not your choice to make. People have a right to manage their lives. We live in a free society. People with anxiety may not be able to wear a mask. Perception. Is reality. If you're used to wearing one all day no big deal. For some it is.

So why aren't we believing the doctors who have came out and said HCQ is a very effective treatment for Covid19. Or is it that we're only supposed to believe the doctors the news tells us to believe.

The concept of individuality is completely lost on medical professionals that worship the religion of science. I don’t want to wear a mask, I like breathing uninhibited. I will also not be getting a vaccine. I don’t care how many other people do. It’s called medical autonomy.

FakeNews, where is the video evidence?

This cat ran 35km to prove masks don’t affect the O2 levels in your body. What about the other 99.9999% of the world that aren’t able to run 35km at a time?


Why not cover this CTV

This doesn't prove masks are effective in preventing the spread of this virus and studies have proven otherwise, also where is the video? If he can run 35 km his VO2 max is excellent so not a suitable sample for the masses, other reasons exist also so no he didn't prove anything

Fake news


one-time deal does not prove anything

So no video of him running for 35 Kilometers. Just have to take his word for it I guess.

Sure hope he wore a condom. Safety, you know.....

soak your mask, and then try to breathe. In hot humid conditions, and if you are panting, your mask will get soak in 10 - 15mins, which will greatly deter oxygen intake

That is completely moronic .

He proved that air was escaping his mask and that they're useless then? Where's the proof he actually did this, propagandists?

CTV is a heartless group of psycopaths.

Surgeons have been wearing masks for years performing operations for hours. Did not hear people complaining about hypoxic surgeons. Just another bunch of ill informed people trying to soundlike they have 2 clues on a topic above their pay grade

No proof at all that he ran. I guess we’ll just have to believe him 🤷‍♂️


Do it again. Video evidence. Unbiased real doctors examine the patient before and after. Oxygen blood levels etc. Test the mask for bacteria, etc. And wear the same mask 7 days in a row, like everyone does without cleaning it. Then compare to running without a mask, same tests.

The mask thing depends on your health my father has 50% lung capacity and feels like he’s smothering!

All he proved is he is the stupidest dr around 😂😂😂😂

Who are anyone to tell ppl if they can breath or not. Starting to sound like a cop dont you think.

So where is your proof of the run with the mask?

That will only prove that you can while wearing a n95 mask. What about all the homemade ones also the mask the regular people buy at the store are not all the same

This is dangerous. I hope no one tries to copy this.

Mask are safe apart from people with breathing difficulties, young children who's breathing hasn't developed and people in gyms because they need to breath properly. Why exclude them if masks dont effect breathing?

So this guy casually runs an almost full marathon with a mask on and his oxygen levels stay at 98-99%....straight up lies

You know.... when you report this kind of stuff without reporting the “false-claims” is alleges to challenge (there seemingly hasn’t been any reported at all), it comes off as propaganda... just an FYI.

What kind of mask was it ....covid 19 is as big as a micron

This is what he chose to use his fifteen minutes of fame on, and you found it news worthy? Hilarical

My husband says ‘he can’t breathe’ but it’s not a depletion of oxygen it’s his PTSD being triggered. Due to circumstances a mask causes him great anxiety and trauma. It’s not a one size fits all mandate!

Why was he running, running away from his responsibilities, problems, personal issues, ,..😜😂😂

LOL. He may now be neck and neck with Tam for Canada's 'top doctor' haha. You're trash CTV.

Pushing a narrative that this is 'normal' and 'healthy' is dangerous. One doctor did a stupid thing, we're supposed to applaud him? When all the 'medical experts' the MSM loves so much say not to exercise in a mask. Cull the herd I suppose.

Oh yeah well I ran 50kms without a mask and I didn't get covid. fakenews

Apparently, If I go out and prove that I can travel at very high speeds, perform wheelies, stunts, and weave through traffic on a Sportbike without causing any harm, we should just get rid of speed limits and rules of the road entirely.

Good for him, try that with a lung at 42 percent!!!!!

Problem is COVID-19 is 5-7 nanometers in size. Even an n95 will not filter that out. You need an n99, n100 or closed respiration system to filter it out. Cloth masks? Like throwing sand at a chain link fence.

Weird, not a single pic of him running. I didn’t see the type of mask either. Did I miss it? A cloth mask will definitely deprive your oxygen in times like that. They are thick germ traps.

If it is true the virus can travel with aerosols this mask won't be good enough. I'm not saying don't wear your masks but I wear one that would be good enough for other reasons and running 35 kms would be impossible in it

If one person does something, everyone else can do it!!! That’s real SCIENCE!!! Other news, Ahmed Gabr disproves false claim that people will drown in water by deep diving 1000ft!

they can't read this or won't

One thing i've learned over this whole charade of a 'pandemic' is that many doctors are not all that trustworthy but actually incompetent and incapable of giving sound advice for the betterment of ones health.

That should shut up those bastards

Lol stupid bs. Stop wearing the stupid masks ppl or you’ll never be able to take them off

Data sample = 1, F off Dr Plandemic

We have to get the kids back to school so they can become Doctors and scientists so right wing idiots can ignore them , these idiots think people care what they think compared to Doctors! That is how stupid they are , read on it’s hilarious!

But did he do it with his butt-plug in?

How to inflect brain damage on oneself

Is the doctor going to have this study peer reviewed? Why don’t you find some actual studies to report on? Start with some RCT’s for nurses. 🤦‍♂️

As a Dr he should know know that breathing in your own carbondioxide is bad for your health. the sate are trying to lower our immune system so the bacteria can eneter our bodies more easy.

This doctor believes anecdotal evidence is science? CTV reports it

What a dip$hit...

That doesn't prove anything, breathing your own carbon dioxide is bad, for short term that shouldn't make a difference but masks are not natural and they're unhealthy

CTVNews is garbage. Marxism is for losers. Chinese Communist Party is for losers.

It proved he's stupid

I can drive 250 km/hour on 401 to show that it is perfectly safe speed, instead of posted 100 km/hr maximum. Can we remove speed limit now?


Mr Junior Doc / Actor whatever you are... check this out! Yeah believe it or not smoking used to be trendy! Doctors didn’t tell you to quit! Smoking made lots of people lots of money and it killed a lot of people who were never told the truth dangers. Asbestos, smoking, mask...

Tell him I said he's a maskhole.

Mask would be pretty damn wet wouldn't it comparing 30 minutes in a grocery store that has ac dr of what ....BS

.1 micron

Increased his odds of developing pneumonia to prove what? Lol

I guess we should just take his/your word for it then, right? Yeah OK. I call bullshit. MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

Where does the DR work? Does he realise ,as he should every person is individual, BMI, underlying health issues etc. Where did you pick this guy up from? Check out HighWireTalk scientific experiments.

defundMSM and their TV doctors.

Do you on purpose search for doctors that have no integrity whatsoever?

What awful journalism.

THIS is considered a 'smart' person on the left ...

He's a bullshiter

Yeah, Every time I put on a mask, i immediately feel like I am not getting enough oxygen. Soooooo.... no thanks

Good for him. They still don't help.

Everyone’s respiratory system and health is different. This “doctor” should know that.

Still my choice not to wear one... government does not get to choose what I have to wear.

The fact that he ran 35km should show us that he’s clearly super human

Who, other than jihadists, would live in Bradford, multiculturalists perhaps? Wearing surgical masks to the beach is inconsistent with my cultural identity. Also, I'm not a collectivist; I don't have a herd mentality. Viruses are useful. Most of the human race is execrable.

It actually depends on which mask you wear.Most I tried I had no problems with but their was 1 I felt uncomfortable with and very hard to breathe in hot weather

Healthy man is healthy. Good job CTV.

That only proves its good for some people.

Irrelevant to the people making the claims, only my points can be believed. Find, go over there and die quietly.

Those mask are made for training. There is a resistance that you can remove and breath normally.

You never showed the mask? Neither a video of it. There is mask made for training that have a resistance. You can remove the resistance and breath like you don't have a mask?

Good for him. Not everyone is the same.

So wearing a mask while running for president should not be an issue then ? realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse POTUS CNN MAGADumpTrump

There is no cure for stupid

Yes because this one ICU doctor (if this is even true which I have my doubts in this summer heat) represents the majority who couldn’t even run 35 KM without a mask 🤨

Who cares about him running with a mask. Here is the truth about masks during the first outbreak when SARS was defeated and not political

False claims, you mean like... ...'institutional racism'? BLM

Misuse of a mask and he knows better He must have impressed the snowflakes at CTV then But then again

Second time out gets hit by car. Doctors declare cars a risk and seek their ban.

He's not exactly a picture of health....

Good man

The masks are super annoying to wear but it's better than everyone being dead, so people should quit whining.

Buddy looks pretty rough to me.

Weird flex tbh

So ?

If you think putting a covering over your mouth doesn’t impede your oxygen intact you are right where they want you. mindless welcometothemachine msm EnemyOfThePeople

Did he do this day in, day out plus on top of that wear it all day in non-sterile environments such at work, shopping etc for months to see the effects it can have on your healthy lungsSuch lies.

Another reason I don’t listen to doctors

Isn't it about time we considered masks a human right? Should they not be provided free of charge by the government? Many people in marginalized communities can not afford masks in spite of the CERB.

The false claim is that a cloth mask can prevent spreading or catching a virus.

Gimme a break !!!

I'm never going to argue that masks aren't helpful. I am just recovering from a lung infection caused by wearing masks at work during the humid month of July (I have asthma). I'm stuck in a catch 22 but will continue to wear a mask (and visor now) as much as possible.

Yes, I can eat at Macdonalds for 26 straight days. I can drink 8 cokes a day for Two years. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should . Why hurt your immune system on purpose . Sounds like an idiot. He didn’t prove anything. I won’t wear a mas

Good he’s an idiot!

This is me in emergency sick from wearing a mask practically 24/7 while my daughter was in NICU for 2 months

If surgeons can wear masks for hours and hours to prevent infections, fucking morons can wear one to Walmart when they buy their supersized family bag of doritos for one. Also masks are making Walmart patrons less ugly covering their neglected dental work.

Disprove what? Look at this guy.

He looks 02 deprived to me. Did he pass out after the pic?

is there a video to prove this? Also what kind of mask was he oxygen mask😆The mask I wear has a coating on inside so I'm sure not much oxygen can get thru so it comes from the gaps on sides and top. If my mask was sealed tight to my face I'd be short on oxygen.

You are all phucking sheep 🐑

This proves absolutely nothing...and unless I see video I call bullshit... 35km on a hot and humid day....yeah right. He must have had someone driving behind him with a car full of water because need a lot of water.

'He hopes his experiment proves to others that face masks aren’t harmful and will help further stop the spread of COVID-19.' Can you imagine if science had followed the same logic? FFS...😒

Great! You proved you can wear a mask and run 35km. Try the triathalon next.

Good for him, I can't even run to the washroom where I will need a mask, I only have one fan and it's starting to fail due to the overload

Even doctors can be stupid.

Just like a bunch of kids just wear a mask how hard is it morons

Well goody for him. I’ve heard plenty of doctors say to do what works for YOU. I’ll listen to them. If you can wear a mask & want it right. *Did he change masks every little while when they got wet/dirty?

So fucking what.

Let's see the video of him running 35k with a mask on. And even if he did, what does that prove? CTV is getting more and more comical! I call BS!

Bahahahahahaha more fake news! And this guy is a f'n moron if he did that! Only thing he proved is that he's an absolute idiot! How is this guy a doctor?

Thank you for doing this. I’m asthmatic but wearing a mask in no way compromises my ability to breathe. It gets hot but so do scarves in winter.

Doesn't matter. Stupid people are still going to be stupid.

Covid_19 Well done Doc and simple and effective way to demonstrate facts and disprove false claims👏👏😷

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