Diane Francis: Separatist movements appear to spell doom for this parliament, but there are ways Trudeau can make it work

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Bottom line: the election allows the country’s two defined regions to be tails that can wag the dog but also to be played off against one another

The election chastened the Liberal party and has left it flanked by two “separatist” movements, one in Quebec and another in Alberta-Saskatchewan.

Here is the roadmap that the prime minister can follow to govern for a while: he must variously adhere to the wishes of the Tories and Bloc. This is possible because no single opposition party can bring down the government which gives him the room to juggle interests and make trade-offs. Besides the political benefit, the consequences of not building that pipeline, and the lines to exploit natural gas in northern B.C., are dire. Lest anyone have any doubts, a western “separatist” project would be more economically viable and more crippling to Canada than the separatists who have support only in the southern third of Quebec.


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This first thing JustinTrudeau needs to do is accept he is to blame for this. He does not respect people with a different view of doing things. 6+3=9. So does 5+4. Calling somebody a bigot for preferring the one you don’t is disrespectful

Justin Trudeau will be recorded in history as the prime minister who shattered Canada in other countries. He will also be recognized as the prime minister who killed liberalism!! Canada is fractured beyond repair

Cannabis!Tax! Poor! Lazy! Slow! The whole world is working hard for the development of own country. What has Canada done? There is no passion in this country!Canada has no future!

Separation threat, from who, the western provinces or the Bloc?

I remember your radio slots in the 60s&70s , what's with the right wing Shrill? Doom? and Gloom? You are so much better than this!

Do you realize what you just said? “Trudeau could make it work” really? Once Alberta cuts off Quebec’s welfare cheques, he’ll have both ends of the country wanting to leave.

National🇺🇸Post continues its 🇺🇸 influence campaign

Don’t mind my saying this. Trudeau is clueless on how to interact with people in Saskatchewan & Alberta, to find any solution to the wexit problem. He couldn’t unite his own Liberals. With his ethics already in question, this is an Everest for him to climb.

It's his job to figure out how.

Huh. Last time I checked his dad was dealing with a Quebec referendum and managed that and contentions with American Air Force advancements into Canada to denuclearize. Amongst all that, he still had a successful term.

For someone ANYONE to make this work they’d NEED to be a FULL FLEDGED GROWN ASS adult. Not sure the PM fills that description

1 day in and parliament is 'doomed'. Go away Postmedia.

I guess I don’t have a problem with separatist Provincial Gov, I mean if that’s what folks want where they are. But how is it our federal law allows for any group to try to overtake parliament?

Sending more money

Seems like a mess the next PM will be stuck fixing

Hope not

How about working together instead of this divisive crap. Carbon neutral solutions should be driven out of west to help transition job skills and diversify and stabilize. Oil is short term and we need to look longer term. Oil won’t go away but less demand will happen.

shaking Gerald Butts would help him. Butts was 'Minister of Divisiveness' in the last cabinet. Start anew. Sacrifice him

ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD! All Trudeau needs to do: - electoral reform - invest in Albertan oil - open inquiry into equalization - respect Alberta

Separatist everywhere in the world are complete idiots, it is a distraction.

“spell doom”? You’re creating and ramping up the separatist narrative!

The big IF is Trudeau himself.Can he put his enormous ego to the side ,lead and govern , or will he continue his one man rule of Canada

His transcript is zero and no one believes him in Alberta and Saskatchewan,never believe a lier

Separatist movements is welcomed for many Canadian tired of the Trudeaunos and all the liberals mob

is this the way it is going to be for the next 4 years National🇺🇸Post? rather than play to them and up the movement why not share the realities of the movement. Currency, Military, Treaties with Tribes, International Borders, Debt Repayment, Citizenship, Passports etc.

The scary thing is now we have people in 5 provinces that want to separate. This is what trudeau has done to the country

There is no separatist threat. Check your facts. Bloc rode a nationalist wave in Quebec on Bill 21. 32% of the vote in Quebec hardly represents a threat.

and Albertans too..

They want to separate... LET THEM!

You must skills to lead which JustinTrudeau does not. I am going love watching Trudeau fail as he will get the karma that he truly deserves when it comes to destroying Canada

I would bet he is too self absorbed, arrogant and committed to the globalist agenda to try very hard to make anything work. He’s worked really hard for 4 years tearing Canada apart and dividing Canadians. I doubt he will stop now.

Nope Albertans want a referendum within 30 days not 2 yrs,if Kenny cant do this he can find another job,no more political stalling or words action is needed

The option that is increasingly clear to those living outside of the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto triangle is that this is not a real country & we are running out of ways to pretend that it is. thewestwantsout

Keep the pressure on this Narcissist it will bring him down .

Is there really a separatist movement? Kenney and Moe arent interested. It seems like it is born from a bunch of Conservative voters who are mad that things didnt go the way they wanted them to.

Nope it won't work he has driven an all out attack on the energy industry . He bought a pipeline only because he drove investment out of the country and he had no other options . There is no trust.

What are odds.that JT handling of AB/SK will spark Quebec?

Trudeau wants a poor, beat down Alberta. Then he can come swooping in with his tax payer funded hand outs and Socialism and feel like a hero. Trudeau is mentally unstable.

Justin no longer controls Government Committees, think of the possibilities.

hes too much of a narcassist to give a shit

The sooner his government falls, the better for Canada.

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