Canadian couples still follow traditional roles when it comes to chores, StatCan says

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Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

StatCan data shows that in opposite-sex couples, men are more likely to do outdoor chores while women are more likely to handle cooking and laundry

, which was released on Tuesday and based on data from the 2017 General Social Survey, Canadian women are more likely to do the majority of the laundry and cooking, while men were more likely to do the outdoor work and repairs.

The data also suggests couples share the duties of doing the dishes, grocery shopping and organizing the household's social life equally. Additionally, 38 per cent of couples reported sharing the cooking duties if both partners have a job, while just 28 per cent share the cooking when the man is the sole earner in the family.Related Links


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Well yeah...wait, this is actual news?

You needed a survey for that? I thought you guys were smart. That's like a survey that shows it's darker and colder in the night than day.

So your telling me we have a chance! Despite all the BS msm is pushing Canadians are not buying it

So what? We both share whatever needs to be done, right now my wife us in Florida for a month while I work full time & lead home repairs & do pretty much everything, I'm the only one here, so what?

This is not news

Maybe that's what they both like to do, as free individuals

Gee wow. How much did you pay for that? 😂

ppl are stuck in the “old” ways I let my wife shovel the snow , clean the cars , rake the leaves , cut the grass carry the groceries and do the Reno’s. I’m ok with popping the Highliner fish fillets in the oven along with the cravendish fries...pffff some ppl are so old fashion

Very normal behaviour.

StatsCan clearly not hiring the best.

Thats reality

um nope not in this household.

No-shit news articles for 500, Alex

The men force us to. It’s tradition.

I wasn’t asked, but that’s the ways it has been in my 37 year marriage.

That’s government money well spent.

And what did it cost taxpayers to find out the obvious?

And waters wet.

Wonder how much money was wasted on this

Was this the same group of statscan researchers that determined smoking in car with windows up was harmful to kids?

Makes sense to me.

I don't need a stupid to know common sense.

not me, I haven't cooked a meal since 2002!!

I do laundry and all the outside work...cant com worth a shit😆

Not all mine the woman does all🙁

Why are we wasting money on studies like this? Who really cares? How about putting the money towards housing for veterans and homeless instead of creating 6 figure jobs for academics?

I need to show my wife this stat and hopefully she will make dinner one of these nights!

Fake news

Oh, wow, what a revelation. Nobody knew that before. Thank you ctv news

Women report doing 55% of the cooking. How close to equal do you want? While men report doing 75% of the outdoor work.... women do 75% of the laundry. So this study shows it's the laundry / outdoor work that really separates us.

Reallly ? What a shock !!!! Im glad CTV brought this to our attention, cause i was really worried about this obvious fact

WOW I thought this was a CBC story

If there is anyone out there that was not aware of this, you would have to be just about the stupidest person on the planet, and/or, a Liberal voter!

Every so often this tripe gets dragged out...why?

The Liberals will now start a $1 billion government program to study this further and correct this inequality.

42 Wallaby way, Sydney

What would we do without StatCan?

klyne_donald weren’t we just talking about this 😂

Someone has to spend money on a study for that

I do ALL of those things.

Yup. And? So? Is this fuel for the next barrage of victimhood of some sort? Who actually gives a damn, CTV news? How about some actual investigative reporting on who is TRULY behind the rail blockades in CANADA, which are damaging CANADA. You hacks.

I'd be more interested in what people who transition do for chores.... ....this is only surprising to single feminist...who's surprise is related to their singleness.

Wonder what it cost to come up with this nugget 🙄

How much did this cost?

No shit Sherlock! The majority of women/men want it this way. It’s the way humans are preprogrammed and it’s been like this since the beginning.

Nothing wrong with that. Personal choices and circumstances. Leave people and their private lives alone.

Someone's gonna see this and trip out LMFAO. Someone's gonna be all butthurt. But it's truth. And yeah a commenter said 'dude this banana is yellow' until this tweet I had no idea either...... Haha :)

And why not? It has been that way forever and works quite well! PS- opposite sex marriages do have the large majority!

I call bullshit, stats can never sent any surveys to me or any one I know, numbers are easy guesstimates

Not us, in fact he does most of the cooking and he is very good at it👍❤️

Stop the presses.

This breakthrough revelation is going to trigger some folks.

Boom - u got me!

No kidding how much do we pay for these surveys

Don’t tell liberals

StatCan aka Canada employment center

of course they are, this developed over thousands of years as sympatico natural interests, even with the modern tavistock/rockefeller brain washing/social engineering/mind control these 'traditional' roles will always be reverted as they are 'natural' interests for men and women

Is that good or bad

I approve of this photo.

So what!! You really haven’t been on many ranches or farms, have you!!

Clearly.written by a new young likely gay or trans or BQT? To z New intern..first post .

Hard nope. Married to a cop who does shift work so the Mama does what’s needed when he’s not here and then he does it all when I’m at work. Not gender related tasks, it’s just who’s home to get stuff dine👍

Are you for Fuc**g real..

I do both . But mostly outside. Lawn mower snow removal. Garbage. Laundry. Cooking. Dishes.

This is relevant for Liberal Train Debacles. De Fun Da Mundo

Because it’s natural, it works and it makes both happy.

She looks hot cooking!


Really? This is news? Corrupt trugrope views ctv. You lie constantly and only interview fake news outlets,CNN, wapo etc. What a joke . Bell should close your doors and get back to communications.


Since the Flintstones were around.

Its a choice.

Maybe there’s something to the old school ways.

Speaking of StatsCan, what happened with their plan to collect Canadians' personal banking info behind their backs?

Stats Can, another waste of our tax dollars.

Nothing wrong with that.

I hope you didn’t pay for that.

😳....taxpayer money well spent...🙄

It depends. The last 2 years my wife has shoveled our driveway more than me because I work 8-10hrs 7 days a week. Other than that I guess you can say the many other years of our marriage has been mostly 'typical'. We both do yard work like leaf raking together though

Is this why we need the long-form census?

In response to you ridiculous data, what do same sex couples do? On one side, does no outside work get done, and on the other side housework doesn't get done? You can choose which is which.

Holy jeebus how is that possible! This is mind blowing

My husband does 75% of the cooking and all the yardwork. He also runs errands and shops for the groceries 90% of the time. He paints, he washes walls, windows and helps if I ask him. I do whatever else needs doing, laundry, ironing, vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing floors/toilets!

So 🙄 aren’t men more efficient in hardcore and outdoor work - anything in the name of Stats

That is still and always has been the norm . Now there are more role changes , where both do equal chores inside and outside of the home . I do both cook and clean and outdoor stuff . My wife does the same

Wow, I see a Pulitzer coming for CTV

Geez...I wonder how long this has been going on?

I’ll do the laundry. She can put the snow tires on the SUV. K?

Woah weird

water is wet!

The real shocker is that StatCan didn't already know this

Overall it is the most efficient division of labour.

My wife cook 🤣

Dammit...I just convinced my wife to bring in the recycling bins the other day. Hope she doesn't read this. 😏

what a shocker!!!!

Makes sense . Men are more likely to be mechanically incline

Whatever works for you. There is no right or wrong way. It’s nobody else’s business. People shouldn’t try to shame others for how they manage their lives.

All that means is they aren't letting idiots dictate how the live their lives

Water is wet and the sky is blue.

CTV Canada's most unwatched television 💩

Not really


It's almost as if men and women are instrinsically different

What did this nonsense cost?

Single dads do it all!

Fuck me sideways!!!

Colour me shocked.

Pointless surveys and news.

Wow...thanks for the info 😂😂

Leave people alone already.

In other news. Water is wet

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