Canada set to waste $1 billion worth of COVID-19 vaccines

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Auditor General Karen Hogan said there were steps the government could and should have taken to avoid some of this wastage

Auditor General Karen Hogan released a report on the government’s vaccine program on Tuesday, and found generally the government did a good job procuring and distributing vaccines to provinces and Canadians in a timely way, but it was unsuccessful in avoiding wastage.Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.

“At the end of May 2022, there were 32.5 million doses in inventory, and using unclassified and public documentation, we estimated those doses to be worth about $1 billion,” reads Hogan’s report. Hogan found that out of 169 million doses the government had received, 84.1 million had been given to Canadians, with a further 32.5 million in storage as of May, another 13.6 million doses have already expired, while 15.3 million doses have been donated and another 21.7 million have been offered for donation with no countries identified to take them yet.Article content


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In any professional job if you waist money you get fired, why does Trudeau keep his job for his gross incompetence?

No Brasil, a agência parceira do setor farmacêutico regulado autoriza aplicação de doses vencidas... Acho que os canadenses amantes de experimento deveriam aceitar as picadas de substâncias vencidas

ArturPawlowski1 It's a shame the fringe didn't get vaccinated. Then there'd be no waste.

Good to see that some Canadians are awake to the 12000 side effects released in pfizers documents proving these vaccines are not safe and certainly not effective.

Waste? Is poison. Killing most! Is GENOCIDE!

Trudeau set to waste 1 billion worth of useless vaccines

Offer double doses to liberals for free.

Good, throw all that shit away.


Tell big pharma we the tax payers did not want this junk n we want our money bk

Trust is broken, this isn't waste, it's saving lives

Nothing new!!

Good 👍 it’s killing people with clogged arteries 🤔

Dr Malhotra is all lies:

The dishonest rise of John Campbell

Dr John Campbell spreads misinformation about old Israel mydocrdisis study

Debunking Peter McCullough

Lied suddenly Fact checking

7 reasons we know that ANTI-VAXXER vaccine excess death claims are LIES

Look on the bright side. This is millions of shots that won’t be imposed on people.

Don’t worry we have tons of money and besides we have no needy people to help

madnessnut It seems as if the demand declined with the decline of mandates… how many people would have signed up for them had it not have been for mandates. Things that make you think…


Beyond_Mystic No not wasted! Thank goodness they aren’t in people

You say that like it's a BAD thing 🤦🏻‍♀️

They are poison ,good

Trudeau wastes more than that every day so, no big deal! 😡

Thank God these didn't get to market.just imagine how many more lives have been saved by people waking up to the damage this poison causes

Take itout of the PMs shares in the company

The real reason it was so forcefully “encouraged”

National Post Conservative bias divides Canada. They mostly attack our government while Liberals are in power. They fuel discontent. They rarely comment on the good work the Liberals do.

Got to love the hypocracy of our media. They castigated our government for not having enough vaccines at the onset of COVID. Now they do the same afterwards 4 having too much. It is this extreme opposition to governing that polarizes our society. The media needs to take ownership

Better to have it destroyed than to inject this poison into innocent people so,that they are destroyed!

Throwing out garbage isn’t a bad thing!

Trudeau knew the vaccination rates had significantly dropped off prior to poorly investing another $1 billion. He just wanted to further line his pockets by inflating his stock before he calls a spring election, because he knows his ass is gone. TrudeauNationalDisgrace


Better than in human arms.

Good stuff

I DGAF what they do with that crap, just keep it away from me

Waste of taxpayers cash! Should have gone straight in the trash for the amount of good it did!!



Don't do that dumb stuff 58% of death since August related to COVID in the United States were fully vaccinated people I'm a nurse and about to show you a link.

If you ask Justin Trudeau he’ll tell you it’s not a waste since he’s profiteering off of the vaccination production industry. He will never let us foot off the gas pedal and stop purchasing COVID-19 vaccines with our money as it goes right into his personal investments. Criminal

Waste is the name of the game

They are poison so good thing. Throw them away !

Who the heck ordered this much of these vaccines. Canadians had obviously rejected them.

At one point CONS we’re whining there wasn’t enough fast enough wanted domestic production how their tune has changed hindsight it’s always been 20/20.

How does something that doesn't work to start with...expire

Good. Does more harm than good.

Trudeau is the root


Correction, Trudeau about to waste 1 billion in Covid-19 garbage. Fixed.

Good. No one should take that poison It was never worse than a cold.JustinTrudeau fordnation CBCNews CBCWindsor CTVNews covidhoax hoax

Of interest and happening now in US Senate 👇🏼📺

It’s math, people. If they’re as good as promised, multiply population x 2 doses = ? If they’re not as good, why bother?

Looks like Canadas 'anti vaxxer' population is growing!!!

As far as Im cocerned every single shot was a waste. So how many billions did the government waste not to mention the 30 billion given to unqualified recipients. Should come out of Tuedeaus pocket.

*Canada set to waste $1 billion worth of WORTHLESS COVID-19 'vaccines'

How does this help with climate change?

At $19 or more cost per dose what government in their right mind would OVER order by close to 20 Billion dollars! We all know they expire and there is conservers surrounding the shots. Side note I have taken 4 doses but will and do not fault anyone who dislikes this medication.

They aren’t effective anyway

It's junk. For a hoax

That's because no one wants them. The jig is up

Good. Better in the garbage than in an arm.

I wonder what JustinTrudeau will do now? No one wants the poison he is trying to force on everyone? Just wasted our tax dollars…..again. Doing what that people person does best…..waste money….

That's nothing compared to Justin Trudeau's giving his buddies in the Ukraine over 2.5 billion CDN, as a loan? Lmao.

It’s not a total waste Trudeau went from $10m to $300m from his commissions on these

Be more correct, Canada is a country, the country didn't waste them did it? It was the government wasn't it?

Pump them into Trudeau and his cabinet

At least they’ll go where they belong

One question: how do they dispose of these vaccines ?

No wonder they saying get your vaccine now.

Imagine the lives spared from these unused jabs. This is fantastic news! In 20 yrs and after a successful culling of the human herd, we'll look back at how stupid we were to believe injecting nanotoxin poisons could make us healthy. Vax's are the CAUSE of disease... by design!

Every drop of every dose should go in the trash. It's ineffective and killing Thousands.

So this is the government's fault or the fault of the people who refuse to get their vaccinations? If more people had gotten the shot, we would be short of vaccines and that would be your front page story. You can't have it both ways.

L O L Also that's fantastic

All this means is they ordered too many. You can do a report on wasted produce from grocery stores next if you like big numbers so much.

Atta boy Comrade Turd🤬🤬🤬🤬

It’s not a vaccine! Please provide evidence it’s a vaccine!

You can't waste something that doesn't work.

All of them were wasted.

heads should roll.


It costs them millions just to store it in fridges and keep it under security ... such a wasteful Trudeau


Not waste if it's money laundering! This is what the reality is.


They made profits for the bio tech companies. Successful!

Canada is a waste country.


$1B of taxpayers money that could have gone to funding other parts of healthcare, education. cdnpoli

Good. Now kindly compensate every single Canadian who's been vax injured and so blithely tossed aside.

We’ve got children overflowing understaffed emergency wards because all the money went elsewhere.

We all could have told you that when our supply drama teacher bought what, 32 doses per Canadian. No one can waste money like politicians.

It's not a waste it's a part of a depopulation agenda our governments have been compromised by the wef they want to change the DNA of a human they can control via 5G towers the nanoparticles in the vaccine communicate


Staycat23098138 Yesss throw the all out

How many people does Canada need to suicide to make up for the loss?

Please make sure it is wasted and not exported to India via some pharma companies, or govt bodies or profit hungry brokers/businessmen.


They knew that when they bought them. They didn’t care because they just wanted to transfer and launder tax dollars.

Good news. Trash belongs in the trash.

Great job government. Way too over by. Wonder why you did that?

Good! It's poison

That is fantastic news! It's time that Canada wakes up to what is happening worldwide. Shameful it took this long.l

That’s because you and the liberal government are all 🍑🤡’s

Come on. At least give it to a poor nation which can use them

It's less wasteful then poisoning people with them.

Step down Justin Trudeau

Zelensky must be pissed that HE didn't get that money instead...

Couldn’t love this more!


This surprises literally no one.. Why do we work for? Just tax slaves so Trudeau can blow it.

But Trudope got his piece $$$ of the pie out of them. I’m sure he’ll replace it all with OUR money.

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good riddance.

I hope so

Freedom convoy probobly saved us from having those forced into our bodies. Another miss by the government. Wasted money is wasted lives on planet Earth.

Hopefully Trudeau still gets the instalments in Panama.

I want a tax rebate big time. My tax dollars could be better spent or wasted in this instance. Step down please, Turd eau.

Good. They’re worthless anyway.

Maybe they can trade it for some children's Tylenol

gmbutts More evidence that we need to draft Elon musk to run

Send it to countries that need it.

Send it back to the vaccine manufacturer for reimbursement. They’ve made billions and can easily afford it.

Canada is not wasting them the government is when you invite 10 people to a party and you buy for 100 party favors that's not waste but rather poor management. That's all I got to say about that.

Just consider it lives saved. No more clot shots.

That's great news! Finally you are reporting something positive. Good job!

Tax payers on the hook again it would be nice to have unlimited funds to spend without limits !!


There could have been DRUG REHAB centers built in every province 2 or 3! Not harm fn reduction!

Here is another WASTE of $ for Canadians. Could have been new homeless shelters in 3 to 4 cities of each province or territories




Simple math could have prevented this waste. 400 million doses for 35 million Canadians. My 7 year old could have told you that’s too much. Then- after getting 2, 3, 4 and sometimes 5 doses you still get Covid?! 🤔

Some say wasting. I say laundering.

Will people now realize that government is bad at managing our tax money?

yeah, no one in their right mind, wants that crap

Money well spent!

good riddance to bad rubbish... ... poor taxpayer, tho...



Trudeau will still get his cut I’m sure

Better in the trash than causing blood clots and sudden death.

Well, this is strange, The Jensen 1 dose vaccine was not allowed to be given in Canada. Well the Feds were pushing mRNA and you could not get Jensen unless traveled to specific outlets with proper documentation, so why did these vax's not be administered alongside the mRNA?

Should give it to other coutries where the new world order thinks its best to cull the population under the gyse of a 'vacine'

All vaccines should be one time purchase subscription model does not work..

Where do they dispose of it? Nobody asking that?

Somehow that's a good thing

Good. Toss them out!!!!

LOL take your medslop and pour it down the drain. Just make sure you pour it down the drains in the big cities so you don't contaminate our water supply.

No one with any sense of business buys 11 times their anticipated needs at one shot. Simple rule of Supply & Demand, any functional reorder system, rotating inventory, any business practice deems Trudeau's action to be STUPID. Well, there's another colossal FAILURE burning $1BN.

Waste? Failing to see what use they had to begin with.

Not wasted if you own shares in the company


I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with them trying to shove it down everyone's throat.

Sack the govt

Well, good thing nobody is taking the rotten clot shots.

wasted money

CHINA does not want them but certainly do need them.

No wonder they're pushing the jab so hard on their citizens. Total incompetence.

ThomasGBauer Never mind the money, think of the lives saved not taking this poison!

Tax payers will foot the bill, don't worry & they say being a law abiding citizen is something to be proud of, smh! We're fools for being law abiding & paying taxes & stuff

In the garbage where they belong.

Provincial leaders in Canada responsible for vaccine waste. There, fixed it.

MorigeauJanine wow - look at these comments !! Your fellow country folk are so unaware of the harm these jabs have done to so many of your people. Conditioning in evidence. Sad very sad

Good! Dump the lot.

ArturPawlowski1 👏👏👏👏👏👏

Send them to Trudeau and his lackies, mandate they take a booster every 8 weeks because that's the only way you can keep your antibody levels up.

The Cabal/Illuminati created this monetary system...Elon proved that it is of no value to him by buying Twitter. It is just a pity that the Bankers still control this mighty MONETARY CONTROL of the Cabal/Illuminati Control System... The Vankers are truly powerful...

Wasting money is what the Trudeau Government does best.

No one asked our government to buy them that was their fault. But the tax payers will once again pick up the bill for these children that have the country's credit card.


This is why it's so very important to do market research before taking the product to market🤷🏽‍♂️

Mehhh... what's another billion under this government. The budget will balance itself ..remember?

Why 🤪

Cobra venom has a short shelf life, synthesized or natty.

After showing proofs of a hard concrete evidence about how dangerous these jabs are, as undeniably shown in DIED SUDDENLY documentary film by StewPeters dot com, why do these jab rollouts still continue?

JT doesn't care he laundered the billion and now he's worth 400million

Doesn't matter, part of the mission was accomplished, the transfer of wealth part.

There are still.many who stopped at two shots. It's better to have more than not enouģh

They could have cured world hunger or something like what they say elonmusk should do

Instead of donating $billions of cash overseas to unknown people, maybe Trudeau could have sent this to Africa etc.

Why were these quantities bought in the first place. Enough to inject the entire population of Canada 10 times over…..ludicrous

Why is the caption set up in a way that it sounds positive? 😂

Thank God

I wonder who made this order?..not the guy that has stakes in the mrna tech...couldn't be...

I think Canada could have solved the entire drinking water issue on First Nations Reserves with $1 billion dollars...instead of blowing it on a scam.

It accomplished it's true purpose. Making Turdeau and company more rich.

Government priorities...

Best news I’ve heard all day! CovidVaccineScam

can't waste what doesn't work

Asleep at the switch as usual could of easily been donated to Europe for UKR refugees

Good. Too many deaths

Waste? It wasn't a waste. It was very profitable for some.

They don't need to use em to kill their own people anymore, they've fast tracked the process.

and still ordering more than we need

First, Canadians couldnt get enough covid vaccines and now we’re going to waste $1billion worth of vaccines. Unbelievable failure from start to finish.

The Liberals are criminals

Better wasted than have those toxic experimental drugs injected to people!

Burn it all.

All politicians should take the extra shot or two instead of wasting them. If u don’t want to Jab it, drink it instead. Only for politicians!!!

If they weren't kept refrigerated, there is an expiration date on each one. Japan dumped a load of them in the ocean

Not surprised, but Thank goodness they aren’t injecting the poison into people !

Why ? because nobody it taking it.😐

This has been the worst zombie apocalypse ever


Yeah, no worries the budget will balance itself.

You mean Billions......

All of you commenting that it’s such a waste blah blah blah are in for one hell of a rude awakening!

I’m shocked at the amount of sheep still commenting? What will it take to WAKE YOU ALL UP I guess when MSM tells you it was all a scam and you fell for it.

How much did Turduea personally profit on these shots?

Its ok, trudeau had his cut already.

This is how the politicians and the elite launder our tax dollars back to themselves. This was all part of the plan. The largest wealth transfer in human history happened in the last 2.5 years. We got much poorer and their wealth skyrocketed

Whole thing has been a waste of time it's turning out

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good! Folks, Protect your DNA 💯

francois_pta Beautiful day 👌

Good for health, not good for the fcked citizens. Tax money is wasting capital. Soon everyone will understand.

Great work trudeau

JustinTrudeau doesn’t care if we use it only if he gets his Phizer cheque. That’s why he ordered 6x what we needed.

Yeah not like Canadian healthcare could of used that money. Would of just went to Ukraine anyways.

Waste hey or is there a lot more smart people than originally anticipated. Who in their right mind trusts bill gates or the company started opium epidemic for the greater good

It wasn’t a waste for some. $$$

Send it to .. China

What a blessing the si many didn’t take those shots

Boo trust ..public is awake

How is it a waste? The banks got their $1 billion, which was the goal all along.

I think justinflation should be paying for that. JustinTrudeau what a waste off poison ☠️ and what a waste of skin

We needed that cash..

Best 27 bucks I'll ever spend!

I’m almost proud of Canada..

Just give them to all politicians

Very little people would take it if they where told the truth from the beginning.

The NP certainly contributed to this with their nonsense disinformation.

“But we need more boosters” 🤡🌏

Because people don’t want genetic altering poison

Can’t get children’s Tylenol, but sure.

Add that to the Liberal tab of the ever increasing taxpayers money wasted away


Enough people have smartened up and don't want to be Poisined, They shouldn't have been purchased in the first place.Altho I recomend not to waste them, give a double shot to everyone that pushed them onto the public!

MorigeauJanine No need to waste any, pop it all into the globalists gitmo soup.

well the money did goes somewhere or someone pocket i'll bet

Donate it to a less fortunate country! Just kidding they don't want our trash LOL


As far as I am concerned I don't care. They were stupid to buy them- a lot of Canadians are refusing to get jabbed again. All of the Canada Health officials including Tam need to be fired for their mishandling of the so-called pandemic

It's not a 'waste.' The gov't paid big pharma for the jabs. That was the only step every required to launder money back to themselves and their campaigns. The scheme worked exactly as intended. No waste!

Translation: Lies spread by New Right media and politicians deceives so many Canadians into refusing a safe and effective vaccine that those deceived Canadians are set to waste $1 billion worth of it.

MEWH Just add it to all the other Liberal waste and theft.

Down the toilet it goes.

Should have wasted thier money sue for repayment on the vaccine

MorigeauJanine use it on the people who purchased it

Shouldn't write cheques your butt can't cash son.

Incinerate them all and send The Bill to the men and women who ordered them. The signatures should be on the contracts.

$1 billion?! Were they holding food?! Pharmaceutical industry must be proud.

MorigeauJanine Good. We. Don't. Want. Them.


1. They are not vaccines. 2. Their worth is zero, so nothing is wasted except our tax dollars used to purchase this crap.

Set? That money was wasted the moment it was spent on these vaccines.

Thanks Conservative Premiers!

Did the math and the government could have gave the 150000 homeless people $6666.67 each. They could have gotten out of the cold this winter. But Trudeau invested our money in an unproven liquid that they dare call a vaccine to Liberal sheep. Is this a crime against humanity?

Someone's commission is already paid. They will not care about the waste.

To every government that did this. Thanks for looking out for all of us Even those that took disinformation shots instead

MorigeauJanine Good, they are poisonous.

Disgraceful, there are countries that would have happily taken them, if someone had offered before expiration.

Better thrown away than injected into humans! Procurement fraud?

Great news!


Accounting. Transparency and Audit. part of the process and part of the law

Everyone said this would happen when Trudeau was buying billions of vaccines that Canadians couldn't possibly use. All that without getting a concrete delivery date for the vaccines. TrudeauMustGo

That’s nothing, wait for that Moderna plant to open up!

Bahahaha. Good. Cause that position shit is biohazard waste.

are you surprised

All Conservative supporters are happy with fordnation underfunding of ON healthcare and enjoying long wait time and chaos at hospitals to seek healthcare for their own or their kids. Enjoy your sickness!!!

Anyone surprised with the Liberal/NDP coalition in power? What could that money have done if invested in front line workers 🤷🏻‍♂️…?

Better that than injuring or killing people 🙏

Waste? If they are being tossed out it’s not a waste.

Hopefully on themselves.

Can we take that from the profit Trudeau made off the Jan..

save countless lives by throwing away the dangerous experimental jabs

That makes me so incredibly happy…and totally pissed right off at the same time 🤔

You can throw them all out no matter what the waste of money is in my opinion. Better in the garbage than in our bodies

And save many lives by doing so. God is good

Trudeau funnelling more billions to drug dealers.. he is a criminal Canada.

It’s all been a waste not just the last billion.

Good. Because no one should be having this in their bodies.

Canada has been making the news all day today.


Take it back through Yrudeaus paycheque

Good, glad to know more Canadians are refusing that poison!

Is Trudope going to pay for them.

'Waste' is JustinTrudeau '$ middle name.

And yet Indian reservations still do not have clean water!JustinTrudeau

The vaccine nobody farking wants! Piss off Turdo!

All of this should be injected into the rear end of the Castro Turd.

Blame the antivaxxers not the government

I want full prof of this on camera when it happens and in detail fully, This to me sounds like BS posting click bait as usual, until then I'm not convinced!


Disposing of covid vaccines is never a waste. Every time a covid vaccine isn't used, human health is benefitted.


Into the bin!

First you screamed demands for the vaccines before they were manufactured & blamed Trudeau for that. Then you screamed blame for slow provincial vaccinations on Trudeau. Then you decided that vaccines, masks were not necessary at all and screamed blame at Trudeau. Pattern?

Maybe becuse nobody wants them aside from the small percentage of brainwashed leftists that still haven’t woken up and realized that the freedom convoy and conspiracy people were right all along.

Give them to the Trudope and all his followers. Or they can pay back the fleeced tax payers

No kidding next hoax climate change!

Makes sense why they kept on pushing this crap with mandates and discrimination against those who didn’t take it

More of our money wasted

Lol waste? You must be an mrna booster posting on behalf of national post cause you're killin me...🤣🤣🤣

Canada wasted all the money it spent on Covid-19 vaccines; like the rest of the world.

Poison 💉🔧⚖️🔬🏴‍☠️

Sounds about right In Trudeau’s Canada🙄

Money laundering for the billionaires

Our money go to big pharma instead to help us with lower gas &food ,just look how many charities organization are crying for help and the government lead by a corrupt alliances liberal NDP are wasting billions for nothing what proof one more their incompetence

Toxic product mixtures don't expire.

What a colossal waste of taxpayers money! Biggest fraud in the history of the world. Total scamdemic. wakeuppeople

Nothing surprises me when it comes co the Canadian government!!

Maybe they'll get the point now. No one wants it.

Every vax that went into an arm was a waste as well. I’d rather see them all incinerated…along with Trudeau!

No problem we’ll just print some more money and buy new ones to throw out when they too expire

I lost my federal job for not taking that jab. I guess I know what my salary is going towards now. TrudeauNationalDisgrace

US or CND $?

Greediest govt ever!

They need to analyze multi samples see if some are different than others

How much is each dose valued at?

I asked before and I'll ask again.... how do they get rid of these toxic vaccines? Dump them into landfill to leach into waterways?

Zero respect for Canadians. Being dominated by JustinTrudeau 😂 world wide joke

You don't remember you wankers crying about not getting the vaccine soon enough? I remember Erin sobbing about Israel getting vaccines but none for Canada...

They’re not being wasted, it’s where they belong. The money is where they planned it to be, mostly in big pharma pockets and some for the politicians who made it all happen.

Whatever 👍👍

Administer them all to WEF collusionists TheDarkReset

Best news I have heard all year!!!!

Wasting the Vaccines is a better use than Seriously Injuring and Killing people--- READ-* The Vaccine Death Report (incl. mind control) - OR-* The Cult of the Branch Covidian and the Banality of Evil (follow the 'science' is a euphemism for 'Be Quiet and Do as You are Told'

Health Anxiety is a helluva drug

Flush it all

Sad... they could have used that billion to provide real help....

Just send the bill to the Trudeau Foundation!? They have $trillions, of our money..!!

Maybe this has something to do with it?

1 billion could have put how many meals on Canadian’s tables? To “save” grandma which now they’ve created MAIDS if she can’t afford to pay rent or is depressed or too sick from the 4 she took that crushed her body’s immune system.

So we were told it would be 2 shots. Why did we order over 160 million? That's how I read it. Based on all the numbers in that article, what was donated and what's at waste suggests less than 20% of Canada is 'fully' Vaxxed 4+shots. What fringe minority JustinTrudeau

They still got their royalties for the sale.

Just add it to the long list of Trudeau wasting our tax $. He is bankrupting our country while he lives the life of royalty again with our tax$. Wake up Canada!☮️🙏🇨🇦

This is a 'sin' and will have repercussions to the country, just as it would if it was an individual's 'personal sin'. We all pay and that is how the Universe balances itself to remain viable.

Trudeau can go stick them up his ass

So who is responsible and of course the Tax payer paid for this.


That’s almost as bad as them wasting “several” billion on giving people ……..the jab!!! At least these vials will be thrown out not pumped into my fellow 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦’s Those 🐑ple that really want one………”belly up to the bar” and have a double 🤭 Actually please don’ I ❤️all !!!!!!

💉☠️💉☠️ good riddance so glad people are wising up to the depop 💉

Take it out of the MP's pension for life fund.

Who's fault is that?

Since when is a mRNA an actual vaccine.

20% of Canadians are not vaccinated. Get vaccinated. Problem solved.

Tax money burnt. You have a great shit minister 🥰🥰🥰

WHY aren’t the donated to countries that need them before they expired?

This might sound crazy but we didn't want or ask for those ones.

It’s because they were told they are fully vaccinated with 2 they don’t understand the need for boosters if 2 are only needed to be classed as fully vaccinated. Mine is scheduled for Dec 20th. My flu shot is tomorrow

No one wants them

I don’t see it as wasting vaccines, I see it as wasting $$$$$$$$$$


An international money laundering scam. At your expense..... Now put your mask on, pay your increasing taxes and don't ask anymore questions.

Don't worry. It's only money, that the people pay for, not the politicians.

Best place for them is in the garbage. No more side effects for me!

People either refused or didn't bother to be vaccinated. Had the government not been prepared there'd have been hell to pay on that. Damned if they do damned if they don't.

Canada wasted $1 billion as soon as it purchased the vaccines.

When Government breaks all the Laws it's time to put HOUSE Arrest on the Table. Freeland was warned not to use banks as “political weapon”

I guess they overestimated the amount of sheep they had

Give them to Turdeau and Fraudland.

Does some of this loss come from trudeau's stock options or are Canadian taxpayers expected to take the entire hit themselves?

If you do the math on how many people are in Canada and how many doses were purchased they knew that it didn't work before it even started rolling out

What!! There must be thousands of politicians, virolagists and Dr's willing to use those up. All those that forced it upon others should be forced to take another shot. Line up hypocrites.

👋👋👋 Bye bye, yet more taxpayer dollars!!! Big pharma must be pleased with their arrangement

All of them were wasted

Canada is not throwing them out. The antivaxxers are wasting them. Thanks Alberta and ABDanielleSmith.

Perfect they belong in the trash, now have Turdeau and his family pay that debt off for the rest of their lives.

Trudeau was a shopaholic with our taxes and finally is having to deal with the consequences of that. jk. wishful thinking.. i'm sure he'll face no consequences.

Toxic waste. Charge the trudeau foundation. He's the goof that's pushing that poison

Thank God these have expired and are to be discarded. Imagine the additional amount of harm these could have caused if injected on top of those already injected.

It’s not waisted. It’s going exactly where they wanted it to go. Lol.

It's not a waste, they belong in the trash anyway.

Government once again just throwing money instead of sitting down and thinking it out

Yeas covid vaccines are probably something that the government should have been cheap about

Make no mistake.

National Post, do the right thing and unite against this Nazi psychopath Turdeau

Its not been wasted! The covid scam was designed to enrich the pharma cabal and their co conspirators. It's worked a treat.

Just administer expired doses, the government did that before and people still lined up for it

What do they care, the Feds can just tax Canadians more for their miscalculations and continually prove their lack of financial acumen. No excuses - we rely on them to actually think and do what is right for Canadians - not pee away money while they increase the tax burden.

They all quickly got their noses in the trough to make money for cronies,relatives and the old back pocket. Just like the UK ,USA AND everywhere ,they're corrupt and vile.

There's no need for these anymore. We aren't unleashing rampant discrimination anymore.

Sending the poison jab to the trash bin is good. Saving people from the harm it causes is Priceless.

That’s what happens when you oversell a promise and under deliver the results

Beyond_Mystic Sickos!!

What happened to all those ventilators? Weird.

A lot of taxpayer's money was wasted by our government, but who care?

government mismanagement of public funds never ceases to amaze me.

They all were a waste

Send these to China


That's one way to transfer $1B from Canadians' wallets to the pharmaceutical companies and in turn to the world leaders who are deeply invested in them... No mistake here at all.

Every single dollar spent on that crap was a waste.

Lol. Communism at its finest.

All due to AnitaAnandMP

It was a shit buy anyway well thank god all those people won’t be dying suddenly now the globalist must be pissed

Well why is he ordering that much

Politicians could take them since they like it so much.

why it isn’t mandated on the daily basis yet? this could be a good solution to avoid waste


Wave if you believed otherwise

That’s nothing compared to the massive panty waste that Trudeau is

At least they're not being injected into people

Think globally and you’ll feel better.


Out of touch liberal government keeps buying vaccine doses so they can get their commission cheques.

Roll them up to my house, I'll repave my driveway with them. Then, bar b q bacon.

It's only tax payer worries. LMAO

Excellent move, saved lives.

It’s not a waste of you’re on the payroll

there goes our pensions, thanks

The unvaxxed are surely to blame through Trudeau logic

You gave a platform to anti-vaxxers CPC gave a platform to anti-vaxxers Cdnmedia gave a platform to anti-vaxxers CON provinces gave a platform to anti-vaxxers Don't start with the b.s. that Canada has to dispose of vaccines for ANY other reason than those above involved

Still better than sticking that shit in my body.

That’s absolutely criminal , give them away

Does this suprise anyone?

From poisoning people to poisoning the landfills.

Wow - Canada can't even give this vax away to poor countries! '21.7 million have been offered for donation with no countries identified to take them.'

Do you think Trudeau cares 🤔

So what you're really saying is that no other country in this whole world would take free vaccines. We'll doesn't that tell a story.

Awesome! Pity we couldn't just burn the lot and then arrest Trudeau for throwing away all that coin.

Toxic waste! Clot, mame and kill shots! You could have fed, clothed and sheltered so many peoole with that. Shame on you corrupt government slime!

So clearly people don’t want this garbage. If a vaccine cannot prevent spread, or illness what’s the point? You cannot even say it makes it impact you less when they symptoms range from nothing to death. People need to be fired over this crap

It was all a waste anyway, but all part of the plan.

clayton7g7g Well what did y'all really expect when the Primary Series wasn't as advertised! LMAO By 'wasted' you mean these companies reimbursed Canada, or they (Canada) quietly shipped them abroad?

Awesome! Where’s the disposal party 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Trudeau is getting kick backs He is making money at Canadians expense What is his net worth now? Trudeau is WEF


Perhaps if they actually worked people would use them. Also if they were not killing people they might use them. Let them expire!


It isn’t a VACCINE

Good, safer in the trash

How are they going to dispose of them? Landfill? Water? What?

Good. It’s all trash.

Sounds about right

Love to see it!

Money laundering

So all of a sudden we care about wasteful government spending?

Nothing to see here though. Keep on keeping on.

This is why that CLOWN is on television telling people to go get their shots, because the expiry date looms. Nah, let em expire, then toss em out!

Told you so

It’s better than Injecting them in to children.

convert to cash send to ukraine ?

JustinTrudeau thank you for wasting our money. Incompetent PM and government

JustinTrudeau is one of the best prime ministers in history at spending money where it counts 🤡

Only a billion? Wow. Thats good management. NOT

Crimes on top of crimes

And counting ….. tick tock

Look at all all the lives saved by this 'loss'

*Trudeau wasted $1 billion on COVID vaccines he couldn't badger Canadians to take.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, how much did we waste distributing and injecting that experimental and ineffective crap into the arms of Canadians. Sad story.

Can we have a refund please ,take it out of Trudeau’s personal account please for all us true Canadian’s



Sad waste of tax player's money.

Well that's what you do with deadly poisons.

Good ! No one needs a product that does not prevent disease or transmition.

That means people are catching on to the fraud.

But but the vaccines have zero efficacy... Trudeau says the vaccines are our only fight to stop extra long COVID.


I would like to know if Trudy own shares in phizer and or Moderna and when those shares were purchased. Just curious.

It is hardly a waste since it gave Justy the leverage to print more monopoly money. JustinTrudeau is justinotherqWEFer!

Awesome or maybe see if Nazi China wants them. No one seems to care

If the goal was to use covid as a pretext for working people to be robbed by private pharmaceutical interests, etc, with impunity, then this program was an astounding success

Good. Should never have purchased them in the first place. Secret purchase orders are a huge red flag 🚩. The closed door actions; poor/lack of testing; failure to assess harms means it was/is a travesty.

I’m I the only one confused how a vaccine has an expiration date, but when it goes in your body, it doesn’t. I wanna see some scientific answers

That’s where they belong anyways.. never did what was promised.

That will save lives!

That is a pittance for Trudeau, he's not paying the bill, that will be our grandchildren's problem. The national debt keeps rising at the same rate as the Trudeau Foundation's valuation. I wonder if there is a connection...

ArturPawlowski1 Not waste they are useless at best and dangerous at worst.

Even with their mandated forced vaccinations? Wow

Good. Throw it all in the fucking garbage.

Better than putting it in the bodies of the citizens!!!

YAY! That's where they belong. In the garbage.

They were all a waste,every last cent!

Could’ve used that to give a vetran a wheelchair ramp instead of encouraging her to prefer death

It'll all be donated to the green scheme.

inky_mark What method will be used for the disposal?

Outside of the efficacy and safety is this not blatant money laundering with tax monies?

I guess The National Post should do more advertising for vaccines. Just saying

Another big waste by Justin Trudeau. All that money could be of good use to the Canada crumbling health care system

ryck_nancy Just let all the Covid freaks and lefties start taking the shot once a week. I’m sure they would line up for it. Problem solved.

If people would stop worrying about whether or not this therapy will harm them, and just take their doses like good citizens, then this waste wouldn’t happen. 😒

When you buy so many that you need to mandate it and still cant get rid of them, you know you screwed up

'Vaccines' lol. They are experimental gene therapies that don't work

It would have been nice if they had invested in children's Advil ,Tylenol and antibiotics Instead. Kid's are getting RSV and the Flu and the flu came early. It's strange how we can't keep up on basic medicine when other countries can.


Should probably quit ordering them then 🤷‍♂️

Don't blame Canada. This is on Trudeau.

1 billion in the health systeme would have been nice !

Trudeau was very effective at changing peoples mind on the vaccine. Once they seen him get covid being trpl vaxed they knew the vax doesn't work so why risk taking Trumps/bigpharma rushed vax. The money was already wasted. No need to inject yourself that has no long term safety

Ppl didn’t want the vaccine after the mandates dropped so the the vaccine rates. It’s unfortunate it could not have been donated to ppl that wanted it

BambinoJalapeno Canada is a money pit.



You mean Canada set to waste $1 billion of taxpayers money

Oh look! The liberals just raised another billion dollars in election donations!!

WTF Trudeau is a disgraceful wasteful man.

Give them all to the liberals and NDP. They deserve a little extra for all their hard work.

Money well spent.


It’s ok Trudeau got his cut

Only 1 billion 😂😂😂😂 I think they wasted more.

At least we banned single use plastics

Surely they can simply be relabelled for the next plandemic?

Just 'scare' up demand again.

Just once, I would like to see this government held accountable for their egregious behaviour. How will this be twisted? Maybe it's the fault of the racist unvaccinated.

Waste as in make knee down & $hoot in back of head? cause if so, they get a metal! all the top brass get free euthanasia! 🎆🎇🎉🎈✨🎊🎋🧨

New data from CDCgov shows the true effectiveness of the vaccines.

JustinTrudeau should go to jail for this!!!🤬

wow...did not know we were so rich and can afford to waste one billon so easily....

Send them to Australia, plenty of sheep here still wanting them🤣

For Trudeau that's just pocket change 🤷‍♂️

And now you know who is getting rich off of this. Biggest scam ever.

*Liberal Government

So stupid, and we are paying for it.

It’s ok, trudeau made his money off it

If the people do not want vaccines, do not waste tax payer money on them. Perhaps they tried them, and found the pain to benefit ratio wasn’t worth it

Good it's deadly garbage

Good. They should all go in the garbage along with the garbage PM who brought them in.

Just toss it all

Just add it to the ever growing list of squandered money by the liberal government. They’re not vaccines, they have negative efficacy, and they’ve, more than likely, killed more people than they’ve actually saved. So why the hell would people keep taking them?

The entities in charge of the media , gv€rnm€nt , life could easily get people to take this poison again... any thoughts on this new direction of the agenda? Or atleast why the media tells this narrative..?

DiLebouthillier The Liberal Canadian Minister for National Revenue just declared in the House of Commons that the Auditor General Lied in their AG Audit

Justin: “pffft it’s only money. More socks !!!”

better to have had it and people refused it than to not have had it with the people demanding it ... cdnpoli

Why didn't they ask who wanted one first 😂🤣😂 Or go door to door injections Fumb Ducks.

Trudeau should be held personally responsible for that.

Could have told Turdeau to skip my doses after being forced to take the first two and dealing with vaccine injuries now!

Trudipshit has been paid so he doesn’t care.

Give it to me, I'll take it.

Another example of an incompetent and corrupt government

Sounds bad for JustinTrudeau ‘s dark business endeavors

Send them to China

One might say every dollar spent on the jabs was a waste. They didn't prevent transmission, hospitalization or even death from covid. The shots were a complete waste of money.

That's not 'Canada', that's provinces dropping the ball on vaccine delivery and education. (Danielle Smith is currently 'intervening' in medical decisions courts have already ruled on to defend an antivaxxer lunatic. Trudeau got them the vaccines and they squandered them.

That's a lot of zero use plastics. Still not sure why we're forced to suck on soggy paper to drink an iced Capp. Oh yea, and the billion dollars 🤬. trudeaumustgo

It doesn’t work that’s why let people build there own immune system and fight the flu

tsk tsk tsk...$1 bill wasted,tax $ spend plus somebody got very rich getting the %.Only time will judge those.

They should actually save them and give one a day to all those corrupt liberals in Castro Trudeau cabinet and 2 doses for all the NDP members since they backed the liberals in an evil coalition

Is it really a waste, when powerful government officials hold lots of pharmaceutical stocks? 🥰

Ya it's Doug Ford's fault lol

Money well spent! For a vaccine that doesn’t even work! Trudeau got rich though!

I heard he wasn't good at math & didn't concern himself with monetary policy either.

Expensive trash

Liberals 🤢🤮😂

Every nation should throw all these vaccines into the trash.

Oh it's not 'wasted'. The Canadian tax payers are on the hook for the cost. The corrupt politicians get their cut regardless and big pfarma Pfizer gets paid

Too bad we couldn't have spent our grandchildren's money on housing or something useful instead of enriching Big Pharma who pays off politicians and media.


from dailybeatsgettr Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer in an early interview with MPLive said the mRNA was the technology what they had less experience. Only 2 years with BioNTech develop a flu vaccine made them believe that the mRNA technology is mature. Not sure who “they” are?

I knew that when it was purchased. You have to be very feeble minded to think otherwise.


You mean because new sources like yourself amplify messages of misinformation about vaccines?

Disgusting waste on so many levels.

Well we’ve got money to burn and it’s certainly being burned these days - also given away “LIBERALLY'

go ahead and dump them into turdo`s basket, or better still into him!!

Gee whizz who didn't see that coming

It's almost like big pharma told the Feds how much to order.

Correction: “Trudeau wasted 1 billion dollars of Canadian’s hard earned money on garbage”

Canada bought vaccine Shipped to provinces. If Provinces did not encourage many to be vaccinated Some vaccine will expire. So, don't say 'Canada is set to waste' it. It's 'Provinces set to waste' it.

Smart people. They finally started looking at the real science not government 'science'. last Canada are waking up


That’s criminal.

No, Canada isn’t set to waste $1 billion worth of covid-19 vaccines, Justin Trudeau is, he’s the one ok’d it’s delivery.


Correction: “Trudeau water 1 billion dollars of Canadian’s hard earned money on garbage”

They were wasted when we bought them so… 🤷🏻‍♂️

Don’t know why they’d waste them, probably about as effective expired as they are normally lol.

look at all the disney channels kids could of watched

Throw it in the St. Lawrence river with the rest of the waste they put in there.


It’s just tax payers money, the budget will balance itself.

This is indeed encouraging news (not the wasting of taxpayer's money) It indicates that the majority of Liberal supporters are leary of the vaccines benefit.

That's how scammers make money

Doesn't mean that was the cost to buy them either. That is most likely based on 'list' price...Healthcare rarely if ever sells to the governments (or hospitals) at list price.

quick math: retails for $100 per dose, i think 6 doses of 0.3 mL per vial each so that means $600/vial. $1,000,000,000/$600 = 1,666,666 vials. Conclusion. Pfizer & Moderna love incompetent gov't employees. lol.

Who bought those millions of treatments? Did someone inflated the needed numbers to get a bigger kickback

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder why 🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Perhaps buying 5x the Canadian population was a mistake!

That’s Trudeau

Genius planning Oh, right. That guy again

Who cares they don’t work.

This is not waste….it’s the best use for them.

We told you so.

If the CEO cost a company even a fraction of this they would be fired immediately with just cause,, how anyone can support this colossal clown show LiberalNDP government is beyond me FIREthemAll LiberalsMustGoNeverVoteNDP WEFpuppets

the maid program could use them🫤

justintrudeau and his inept government needs to be held accountable for such MASSIVE FAILURES. Canada deserves better than this incompetent government can give. Time for change.

Time to audit TrudeauFoundation OAG_BVG sunlorrie taxpayerDOTcom

For everyone responding to this article that it’s not the govt fault… they ordered around 10 doses per person. Does that seem reasonable to you by any standard?!? They ordered 400% more than the number of people in this country! Ffs. Of course, it’s their fault.

Pinolero_Geo I was sure Trudeau said Canada was the most vaccinated country in the world .. 1 Billion in over purchase is a big deal that a HUGE F UP

better than putting them in children

We did that

Nice government kick back ❤️🇨🇦

Stop buying em then. We are broke and in a massive housing crisis. When rent is hitting 2300$ for a one bed and the majority of people HAVE to live in cities in order to work for shit wages , vaccines that are barely working are the least of our concerns


Conservative disinformation campaigns result in massive covid vaccine wastage. Fixed your headline.

When half the country refuses to accept the vaccine what do you expect.

How many millions did JustinTrudeau personally make it off of those discarded doses? That should be on the front page.

Waste now, less heart damage later, a net win for Canada.

No wonder JustinTrudeau wants everyone to get an extra booster. He doesn’t want to have to explain wasting another Billion $

The vaccines aren’t wasted. The dollars spent procuring them are

🤨 Apparently, but not entirely

Well to be fair, it's a joint provincial + federal issue. The uptake couldn't really be predicted. However donations to other countries was a missed opportunity for sure.

Not at all. The best use they have is in the garbage

Millions of strokes avoided

Canada wasted $1Billion when they bought the stuff.

They can throw it in the garbage where it belongs...

Blame the Trudeau liberals for this waste.


Thanks Justin


There's no waste in throwing out garbage. Dispose of the sunk cost.


Trudeaus Canada, he even inflates vaccines

Not the governments fault… they were prepared for most people to get boosters… if people choose not to then the vaccines expire. People that get ill can’t complain they weren’t available.


Trudeau doesn’t care about money, he can just increase the taxes on us measly peasants to pay for whatever he wants.

They should give a booster to every politician and govt employee who enacted and enforced the vaccine mandates, and then when they've done that, wait a week, and give them another, and on, and on, and on, until they are all used up.

You can't make this stuff up . . . . . .

You spelled “conservative premiers” wrong.

Oh you mean when Trudeau ordered half a billion vaccines for a country with 35 million people there was going to be waste?

what a waste of money but the lefties will make some excuse over this.

Think they will try to get a refund? Good bye tax $$$$$$$. Well done.

As the AG says about 'over ordering', ' many countries were in the same boat.' Hindsight continues to be 20-20.

Canada 🍁 is nothing but a wasteland of corruption mismanagement and abuse by Trudeau and his clowns And Trudeau just keeps laughing at us TrudeauNationalDisgrace

Lets get this straight! Canada isn’t wasting anything, the liberals are

Love how it's a photo of Janssen rather than Pfizer or Moderna.

Your tax dollars....

Guess govt shouldn't have assumed we'd all jump for joy at being experimented on

Waste would have been much less if Feds hadn’t relied on Conservative Premiers… like Ford

That should read, Provinces set to waste $ 1 billion in COVID-19 vaccines, because they are the ones that are supposed to be handing them out and encouraging people to get them. You knew that right?

Maybe stop ordering them.

Don’t worry, everyone already got paid


- Breaking News - - For the first time government spending benefiting humanity !

Just the big pharma companies laughing all the way to the bank.

DanAlbas What’s another billion to the liberals fuckin chump change.

Finally money well spent What happened to sending these to poor countries, oh ya they don't want them. Get your 5th booster

But big Pharma got paid. That was the real plan, was it not?

People are suprised by this ?

Best way to speak out against vaccine is don't take the jab.

Give every single one to the PM & his cabinet.

This was predicted and Trudeau denied it woud happen. The suckers in Canada believed his lies and voted for him again.

Trudeau did that

It's a good thing we balanced the budget and can afford these costly mistakes by poor quality politicians.Oh wait they didn't.

Trudeau's pals hauled in the profits so it wasn't a total waste.

you're assuming they are worth anything.

JUSTINflation could have put this money to much better use! Agenda2030 NWO StopTheShots NotSafeNotEffective

Canadian are waking up.

On top of 4.3B wasted on false CERB claims

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